Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1999-04-21 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1999). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2824. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2824 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. XAVI.ER UNIVERSITY 84th yf!al; issue 26 week of APRIL 21, 1999 , www.xu.edu/soalnewswire/ . SGA budget approved BY CHAD ENCiELLAND ·Editor-in-Chief & Publisher Diitiding up the student gov~rnment budget · Xavier's English Club requested 320/o 200/o 80/o a budget of $1,950 from the Stu­ Student dubs ($110,000 initial, Programs (Shuttle, lecture Newswire ( to cover dent Government Association $.38,000 in reserve) series, Midnight Madness, etc.) some production costs) (SGA) for the. 1999-00. academic yea~. ·After review fog ·its budget request, SGA .awarded the club $526. In the $466,000 budget Student Senate passed ·March 29 for the. '1999-00 school year, $110;000 is · allotted for the 88 student.clubs on campus. Of the $169,225 that SGA de­ termined clubs needed, SG,A was able to fund 65 percent of each The Year of club~s "rieed" for a total of $110,000. the Woman "There's really no 100 percent fair way· for every club to get .. 250/o AnAtlantic 10 regular· Student Activities Counc.il season crown, an A-10 funded. Until someone comes up (for programming) with a better way, we think this is executive accounts) sports, .RHA. ·Tournament the most effective ·method," said SOURCE: Student Senate Financial Affairs committee etc.) GRAPHIC: Chad Engelland .. Championship, two junior·Andy McDonnell, who berths in NCAA chafred. the Senate's. Financial Af- meeting; honorariums for speakers _ the request and other mistakes. total available to $38,000. Clubs Tournaments and one of fairs_ committee. · and traveling to conferences'. Trip Through this process of scrutiny, can later request these funds for the biggest upsets in · . Clubs submitted budget requests and ~cmference ftmds must be re~ the committee trimmed the initial special projects and trips to confer­ in. mid-February. quested separately from Senate. $300,411 requested down to ences . school history which came• The Financial Affairs. committee. The committee penalized clubs $169,225; .·Of this amount, SGA English club's president, senior up seconds shor_t;. it really then struck from the requests items with a 10 percent reduction f~rtu.m- . could fund 65 percent, or $110,000. Kerry Sharpe, was upset by budget .was the year ofthe Senate will not .fund. Among t.hese · ing · in .the request fate, failing to ·'Senate also increased the resenie cuts ·to academic organizations. woman. .See·page 9 ·are· co-sponsorships (e;g; Styuka), secure the adviser's signaiu;e,'s~b~ . money 'available' for clubs by · Part of th6 ~l~b's funding request alcohol at events, food at every mitting:fewe~ than four copies' of $7,000 over·lastyear;·bringlng the ·· · See etidge~, Page 2 New ·s.quare pos~i,))lt;··~ XU spearheads NorwoodfJlqza inak(?Ovir BY KARA BENKEN president of the university. t.o Vidoi~ Parkway and' to\,~en Managing Editor · Xavier is working with a ~orwood'sMeritor~venuetO.pro- . Xavier has turned its critical eye . Norwood· task force,. initiated by vide·access to and from the center. for renovatio'n and redevelopment mayor ioseph Hochbein, and the ''The idea wou.ld.be that it would toward the Norwood shopping LaSalle partners, a real estate man- ncit only be a place that people frofu plaza, which university offlcials agement and development com- Xavier would want fogo. It would hope to soon term the "University pany, to determirt.e exactly what be an area that people from Square." -. kind of redevelopment is feasiole. Norwood v;o~ld want to go;"said Located off Of. Montgomery· LaSalle partners has already deter- Hochbein at a meetirig of ~oncerned Road and Ivanhoe Averiue, the mined the project is possible, and Norwood residents in December. pla~a is now home to. a rundown . has expressed ari interest in the ac:- . "We wanted to be involved in a pro~ Kroger's store, a Bingo hall, a dry tual construction of the square. ·active way, trying to make this. a cleaners, a bar and a Goodyear tire "The Cintas Center acted as a · win-win k'ind of situation for both store, among others: catalyst ·to help attract developers. Xavier and the city of Norwood," ·Xavier intends to work with This is our first effort to improve he said. · · Norwood officials to rebuild the .that, side of.our campus," said Kucia said the idea behind the area, featuring a new, improved Kucia. "University Square'; would be to Kroger's, a Drug Emporium and Kucia also stressed the impor- · attract people .from outside of other .restaurants and taverns. Of- tance of developing a direct connec- Norwood as well, saying th~ con~ ficials are also. looking at building ti on from Montgomery Road to ference center and basketball games a student health center and ex- camp1;1s. adding that any parking would attract more than ju~t tradi-. panded center for the broader com- spaces .would complement X.avier's tional students. munity as· well as possible addi- need for parking at the Cintas Cert- Work on the square, in the form This year's Spring Break-Away has a record number of eight tional private student hous~ng. ter. at times ...Not.wood residents of planning and "f1ushing," has al­ competitive teams and features events such as mud· • "We· are trying to make this a have expressed concerns about the ready begun; Kucia believes stu- . win-win ·situation for the coinmu- · ·impact of the Cintas Center on lo- dents will be utilizing the "Univer~ .wrestling, kiC:kball, tug-of-War and the face-to-face egg relay (shown above). ·· nity and Xavier and the students," · cal traffic. · Previously, XavieF iri_. sity Square" within the next three . said John Kucia, administrative vice tended to extend Webster Avenue to fi':'e years ... © 1999 ·The Xavier Ne;,,,,swire All rights reserved · NEWS: . OP-ED:' .SPORTS: ·DIVERSIONS: Xavi~r faculty; staff Student criticizes BasebaU's.Witte named Styuka hits campu_s . awarded for efforts network managers Player ofthe Week ... this §..aturday PAGE2 PAGE7 PAGES PAGE 12 2 week of APRIL 21, 1999 ·fHE XAVIER NEWSWIRE BRIEFS Xavier.-- staff. ' ' wins... , .. ·. ·.-. .. a:Watds. ' .. ,.,", ... >-Sarah Kelley, Editor >-News Room: 745-3122 Xavier science : siqer all my students my personal >[email protected] · friends," said Hopkins. - teacher awarded "Dr.' Hopkins has been called . Senior Ball creative, innovative and enthusi­ astic by her students,'.' ·said Max Seniors interested in reserving Dr. Barbara Hopkins, associate Keck, dean of the. College of Arts· rooms at the Hyatt Hotel down- · professor and chair of the chemis­ . try· department, received° .the arid Sci~i;ices. "Her commitmeritt.o towri for the nightofSenior_Ball · . '·:·;'.:, .,;:·· ··. McDonal.i:f Award for Outstanding her stuclents, her colleagues,. her are en:couraged tO call 579~ 1234 . research Xavier Uniy.ersity for reservations. Seniors should Teaching in the Sciences . an~ ·Blltlg~t:: ·. Hopkins' .. award is worth her .an ideal' and very deserv­ identify themselves as Xavier ~ake ing recipient of this award." . students and ask to be given the $10,000 - $5,000 in cash and a $.5.000 budget for the enhancement The. award .w~s. established by ·.sG-1-\ ..funds arranged rate of $100. · This rate D.r. Robert McDonald,.who.gradu­ includes either a double or a four­ of her teaching, research and pro­ ated from Xavier in 1955, in honor· person room. For more foforma- fessional development. .student' Hopkins says she plans. to pur~ of his late wife, Joan. tion, call Jen Korzen at 985-5907: NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY ERIN MOONEY . ' . chase equipment that will enhance "It's a greiit honor. In all three Dr. Barbara Hopkins received a her .research involving chemical departments there are so inany ex­ ·grqµps . scie~ce teaching award. Styrofoam reduced . research eweriments. · cellent ·teachers. The students in· · Nominations from students,fac~ ence departments. · the sciences are all very good and . · ·Con.tinued from page J Today, in honor of Earth Day, ulty and alumni who graduated in ·.' . Hopkins noted her favorite as­ · it's ·an honor to be selected by a $1,000 allotrnent tobdng a the Grill will reduce its use of the last three years were. accepted pect of teaching at Xavier is her them," said Hopkins: . · ..vJa~ Styrofoam. Soup bowls, plates . .• natiohally renowned.· pbetess. to by a-committee from thethree sci~ interaction with students. "I con~ .. -Michelle Manassali · and coffee cups will be paper in­ Xavier; btitthe Financial Affairs stead. Reusable mug!\ will also committee did not' think SGA be introduced and· can be pur- . should fund it. chased by students. Each time At the Learning Assistance Cen- . '.'If Xavier. wants fo'become an . Learning assistant · ter, Kelly works in three areas: pro- · · the reusable mug is used~ a price ·· . academically" .as well as athleti~ recognized ·- · viding ·and coordinating academic reduction will be offered ... Paper assistance· for students with ·learn- • callyrenowned university, [clubs] bags will also be available in­ need more funding," said Sharpe.· _ Sarah Kelly., director of . ing disabili,ties,,peer ad.vising for stead of Styrofoam to-go contain- · t~e · "We 're. trying to create an ac·a-. · Learning Assistance Center, re- .. first year students living in the resi- · er's for students who requ~st .
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