PROCEEDINGS OF THE Society of Hntiquaries of Scotlanb SESSION MCMXLI.-MCMXLII. VOL. LXXVI. SEVENTH SERIES.—VOL. IV . NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES OF SCOTLAND, QUEEN STREET, EDINBURGH. PRINTEE SOCIETTH R NEILY COMPANYYB D FO LAN , LTD. MCMXLII. TABL CONTENTF EO S PAGE Anniversary Meeting, 1941, ............ 1 Annual Repor r 1940-1941fo t , ..........2 . A Mural Painting and a Carved Door at Traquair House, Innerleithen. By G. P. H. WATSON, F.R.I.B.A., F.S.A.Scot. GKAHAMA d an , , F.S.A.Scot., F.S.A., ..5 . The Lake-Dwellin Craunor go Eadarlochn gi , Loch Treig Traditions it : s Constructionit d san . By JAMES RITCHIE, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.S.A.Scot., Professor of Natural History e Universitinth f Edinburghyo , .........8 . A Cinerar fron ymUr Sandmill Farm, Stranraer, Wigtownshire ANDEESON. G . Revy S B . ..R , B.D., F.S.A.Scot., ............. 79 e Associateth Not n o e d Cremated Remains y ProfessoB . r ALEXANDER Low, M.D., F.S.A.Scot., ............. 83 Further Urns and Cremation Burials from Brackmont Mill, near Leuchars, Fife. By Professor . GOBDOV N CHILDE, D.Litt., D.Sc., F.S.A.Scot. d Professoan , r DAVID WATEBSTON, M.D., F.S.A.Scot., .............4 8 . Two Donside Castles. By W. DOUGLAS SIMPSON, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ... 93 Scottish Micro-Burins. By A. D. LACAILLE, F.S.A.Scot., ...... 103 A Roman Oven at Mumrills, Falkirk. By Miss ANNE S. ROBEKTSON, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., . 119 Appendix.—Slag from the Oven. By J. A. SMYTH, Ph.D., D.Sc., ..... 126 Notes:— 1. Two Cists at Lunanhead, Forfar. By JOHN T. EWEN, O.B.E., B.Sc., F.R.S.E., . 128 2. Summary of the Examination of Skeletons from Cists at Lunanhead. By Professor DAVID WATEKSTON, H.D., F.B.C.S.E., F.S.A.Scot., ...... 129 3. Local Manufacture of Neolithic Pottery. By Sir WABKIOK LINDSAY SCOTT, K.B.E., D.S.C., B.A., F.S.A.Scot., .........0 13 . PHEMISTEJ Repor r D y b t Samplen Ro Neolithif so c Pottery from 1 Scottis13 h . Sites, Supplementar . PHEMISTEBJ y r ReporD y b t , ........ 132 Donations to and Purchases for the Museum, 1941-42, ....... 133 Donations to and Purchases for the Library, 1941—42, . ...... 135 . 7 ..13 • . • . Meeting Societye th . f o s , Index ................ 138 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Mural paintin t Traquaiga r House. PisI . Part of basal lattice, north end. PI. XI, 1. and II, .... facing page 6 Key-poin wedgef o t d timbers. 2 , PIXI . Oak door from Amisfield Tower. PI. Ill, 1. Key-point of wedged timbers, from north. Oak door from Terregles House. PL III, 2. PI. XII. 1 , Plan of the Eadarloch, at the north end of Birch posts deflecte pressurey db . PI. XII. ,2 Loch Treig, showing positio f crannono g North end, early stag f o excavatione . in relation to depths, . .11 PI. XIII. 1 , Mound of vegetable debris on which the Remains of ladder for access to island. crannof underlyino s build wa gan t g PI. XIII, 2. morainic gravel, as shown in a section on Wooden dowel-pin XIVpegd L P san . 1 , west side made by torrent from Loch Adze-cut chips and birch-bark rolls. Laggan tunnel (1941), ... .13 PL XIV, 2. Plan of crannog, showing relation of . 2 Dug-ou d an 1 , t vesseXV oakf L o lP . dwelling surface to stone slopes, . 21 Various view f single-pieco s e cano f oakeo . Outline of longitudinal section of crannog, . 21 PL XV, 3-5. f loco Outlinhd immediatelbe f o e e th o yt Dug-out vesse oak,f lo dimensions XVIL P . , . nort.2 h . crannog e ofth 3 . , . 2 d an 1 Outlines of cross-sections, . .23 Sample of brushwood layer. PI. XVI, 3. Uncovered surface at north end, showing Vegetable debris forming mound on which position of raised rim of stones and crannog was built. PL XVI, 4. surface hearths, ..... 26 Metal implement d woodean s n points. Woodwork of upper platform—at north PI. XVII. end and at centre of crannog, . - 31 Leather shoes: woollen fabric XVIIIL P . Side vie Treif wo g Crannog, from westd an ; Reconstructio f lake-dwellino n n i Locg h end view, from south. PI. IV, 1 and 2, Treig XIXL P . facing 2 page3 Reconstruction of upper platform, . 34 Heart . 1 1 PI , . V . hNo Vertical sections of crannog, ... 35 Post-hole. 2 PI, V . Basal timber construction, . .40 Sectio t nortna h end, showing upper plat- Key-poin f crosseo t d wedgean d d timbers form, etc. 1 , PIVI . locf crannogf o t norto 4 ha d 4 od nbe hen . , Framework of upper platform at centre. Vertical section at boundary of crannog on PI. VI, 2. north side, showing devices thoughe b o t Beam frameworf so t centreka . PI. VII. 1 , for withstanding the lateral thrust of the End of cross-beam. PI. VII, 2. mass of the crannog, .... 45 Fallen cross-beam. PI. VII, 3. Club of oak used for driving wooden dowel- Brushwood packing. PI. VIII. 1 , pins into their sockets; three cross- Platform frame, upright wedge-post, inter- section showne sar , ...7 5 . mediate timber, etc. PI. VIII. 2 , Bronze brooch from Eadarloch 2 crannog6 . , Intermediate timbers exposed. 1 , PIIX . Wool fibre f o soms e typical breedf o s Intermediate timber packind an s f eartgo h domestic sheep: (a) from woollen fabric and stones. PI. IX, 2. foun crannogn di fro) (6 m; primitive Soay Basal framework, N.W. corner.. 1 PI, X . breed; (c) from Scottish black-face; (d) Basal timber lattice, S.W. corner. PI. X, 2. from Cheviot, ..... 64 VI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Diagram of the construction of the woollen Towie Castle—continued:— fabric, showin repeato e weavegtw th 5 6 f so , —— View from west, draw Jameby n s Leather shoe, showing leather layers as in Giles, R.8.A., 1841. PI. XXVIII. median longitudinal section, ... 68 The theory of micro-burin technique: Urn, bead and blade, from Sandmill. No , Moun1 . t Carmel, E2 l . GarcelNo ; ; , P...LXX . facing 0 page8 . No.10 Dryburgh, . 3 . 6 . , Battle-axe and whetstones, from Sandmill. ——— ——— (after Lequeux, Siret, Clark, and PI. XXI. Vignard), ...... 107 , froIX m Urn d Brackmon , an I IIIs V , t Micro-burins from Scottish sites:— Mill, Leuchars, outlines, ... 85 Angle-graver (for comparison); micro- outlines, VI d , Urnan ... I sI 7 8 . burins (faulty fractures); notched Urn8 8 s VII. outlines, , IX VII . d Ian , flakes (breaks, miss-hit); flake Photograph . f o UrnsIX s , I , III, V , (apparently divided by micro-burin PI. XXII, .... facing page 88 technique); broken microlith (for com- —— Urns VII, VIII . PIX , . XXIII. paxison); awls (for comparison) . Ill . , ——— Incense cup from VIII, urn VI, MapofthesiteofMumrillsFort, . 120 d beakean , incensI r p fron cu ur em Pla ovenf no , .....1 12 . fragment. PI. XXIV. Pot rims from the oven, . .126 ——— Food vessel. PI. XXV. Roman oven at Mumrills. PL XXIX, 1, The ivory buckle, ..... 89 facing 8 page12 Terpersie Castle: Plans, .... 94 Cist at Lunanhead. PL XXIX, 2. ——— Section and elevations, . 95, 96 The beaker XXXL P .. 1 , ——— Loop-hole from Terpersie Castlew no , Skull from Cis , restoredI t , showing ulcen ri t Knockespoea k House, 97 frontal bone. PL XXX, 2. —— Bas corbellef eo d turret. PI. XXVI, 1 , Right maxillary alveolar margin of jaw facing page 96 from Cis , showintII g recession (pyorrhoea) ——— View from south-east. PL XXVI. 2 , abscesd an s cavitie rootf so firsf so t molar. Towie Castle: Plans, 100 PL XXX. 3 , ——— View from north-west, circa 1885. Three bickers buil f particoloureo t d woods, PL XXVII, 1. presente y Misb d s Maria SteuartL P . —— View from south-east. PL XXVII. ,2 XXXI, .... facing page 133 LAWS OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND. INSTITUTED NOVEMBER 1780 AND INCORPORATEY DB ROYAL CHARTER 6xH MAY 1783. (Revised d adoptedan November , 1901.30 ) 1. The purpose of the Society shall be the promotion of ARCHAEOLOGY, especially as connected with the investigation of the ANTIQUITIES AND HISTOR SCOTLANDP YO . 2. The Society shall consist of Fellows, Honorary Fellows, Correspond- ing Members, and Lady Associates. Candidate3 admissior sfo Fellows na s must sig Fore nth Applicamf o - tion prescribe e Councilth y musd db proposean e , b t Felloa y d db wan seconded by two members of the Council. Admission shall be by ballot. Secretariee 4Th . s shall caus name e Candidatee eth th f stheio f o d r san Proposer insertee b billee o th st tn di callin Meetine gth t whicga h they ballotee Candidatee b th o l t take e al e Ballob d e r ar y fornTh fo s.ma t named in the billet at once; but if three or more black balls appear, the Chairman of the Meeting shall cause the Candidates to be balloted for singly Candidaty An . e receiving less than two-third votee th f sso given shall not be admitted. Honorar5 y Fellows shall consis personf o t s eminen Archaeologyn i t , who mus recommendee b t Councile th same y balloted dth b an en , i r dfo Fellowss a y thed wa feey an y;admissioliablf e an o sb shal r t efo no l r no annual subscriptions numbee Th . Honorarf o r y Fellows shal t exceelno d twenty-five. 6. Corresponding Members mus recommendee b t Councie th y d db an l Fellowss a same ballotey th the d en wa i an ,yliabl r e b dshalfo r t efo no l feey admissiof an o s r annuano l subscriptions.
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