March 6, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 5425 text was devoted to an announcement of the opinion was hostile to the Mansfield sug­ Kremlin's plan for Berlin. or promising to defend any part Of Europe gestion, and it was dropped. But President against anyone. Defending Berlin ls a job for The plan was that West Berlin be declared Kennedy skillfully used the "Berlin crisis" Germans, not Americans. Germans are an a separate political entity (a "free city") and able, industrious people--more soundly pros­ disarm.ed, except for a minimum police force, of 1961 "as a lever" to force congressional which would be used primarily to suppress approval of a long-range foreign-aid bill and perous, in some ways, than we are. Surely, anti-communist activity. All foreign troops other measures claimed to be necessary for a nation which, in two world wars, fought would be withdrawn-which meant British, resisting international communism.a the might combination of allied powers as French, and American, but not Soviet, since What is President Nixon likely to do, if Germany fought, can now defend it.self. Soviet troops are not stationed in West Ber­ anything, about Berlin? With or without the consent of any of our lin. The government of the "free city" of When one realizes that the Berlin situation World War II allies, we should negotiate a Berlin would be under the general super­ was created by a member Of the Council on peace treaty with the government Of West vision of the United Nations; but the com­ Foreign Relations (which has been virtually Germ.any, recognizing it as the lawful gov­ munist government of East Germany would the invisible government of the United ernment of all Germany, and imposing no re­ control all trade and traffic and means of States since the out.set Of World War II'), strictions on Germ.an sovereignty-leaving entry into the city. The Kremlin note said: it is not comforting to know that President the nation unhindered. to rearm for it.s own "If this proposal ls not acceptable to the Nixon's most important appointed adviser defense as it pleases. United States Government, there is no topic left for talks on the Berlin question." (Henry Alfred Kissinger) is a CFR member, We should repudiate the nuclear non­ proliferation treaty, give the Germans area­ Every subsequent Kremlin statement con­ as was the President himself a few years ago. cerning Berlin reaffirms this basic, inflexible What should the U.S. do? sonable time to prepare their own defenses, plan. We no longer have any business defending and then withdraw our military aid and On June 14, 1961, the Kennedy adminis­ presence from all of Germany, exerting what­ tration (through Mike Mansfield, Democrat a "Berlin Propels Foreign Aid Through ever diplomatic pressures available to per­ leader in the Senate) suggested a Berlin Committee in House," article by Robert E. suade France, Great Britain, and the Soviet plan-which, in effect, accepted the Kremlin Baskin, The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 2, Union to do likewise. What the Germans de­ plan but incorporated East Berlin as part 1961, sec. 1, p. 1. cide to do, or can do, about the division of of the proposed "free city." 2 American public ' For history of the Council on Foreign their land and their capital city is not our Relations' manipulation Of American policy, business, as long as they commit no aggres­ 2 "A Third Way On Berlin," speech by U.S. see The Invisible Government, by Don Smoot sion against us. Sen. Mike Mansfield (Mont. Dem.), CONGRES­ (1962), available from The Dan Smoot Re­ Our own diplomatic and m111tary resources SIONAL RECORD, vol. 107, pt. 8, pp. 10328- port, Inc., P.O. Box 9538, Dallas, Texas 75214; should be devoted to the defense of our own 10334. $1.00 pocketbook, $4.00 for clothback edition. country. HOUSE OF REPRESE1NTATIVE.S-Thursday, March 6, 1969 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. MARCH 5, 1969. Mr. Speaker, this week I received cop­ The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, Hon. JOHN W. McCORMACK, ies of resolutions from two important Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, D.D., offered the following prayer: The Capitol, farm groups in North Dakota expressing To this end we toil and strive, because Washington, D .C. concern over this problem and demand­ DEAR MR. SPEAKER: It is with deep regret ing that the Federal Reserve move to we have our hope set on the living God.- bring down interest rates. 1 Timothy 4: 10. that I must take this opportunity to submit to you my resignation as a Member of the Mr. Speaker, I place in the record a o God, our Father, who hast called us United States delegation to the Mexico­ resolution from the North Dakota to walk in Thy way and to live with love United States lniterparllamentary Confer­ Farmers Union adopted on February 25, in our hearts, grant unto us the steady ence for 1969. 1969, and one from the Production Credit assurance that although we for get Thee I appreCliate your understanding and ac­ ceptance of this resignation from the Con­ Association of Grafton, N. Dak., adopted Thou dost not forget us, and that not­ on February 15, 1969: withstanding the fact we let Thee down ference. With deepest regret.s, Sincerely, RESOLUTION OF THE NORTH DAKOTA FARMERS Thou dost never let us down. May Thy JAMES HARVEY, UNION, ADOPTED FEBRUARY 25, 1969 spirit abiding in us through all our Member of Congress. changing moods sustain us in every right We view with alarm the continued draft The SPEAKER. Without objection, to higher interest rates on borrowed money. and good effort. This is one of the biggest increases in costs Bless Thou the young people of our the resignation will be accepted. of production for farmers. land. Let not the undue license of a few There was no objection. · Government policies need to be reviewed limit the due liberty of the majority. and reformed to prevent further rises in in­ Strengthen our youth that they may have APPOINTMENT AS MEMBER OF THE terest rates. We recall that most farm depres­ MEXICO-UNITED STATES INTER­ sions of the pa.st have been signaled by a full regard for the rights of all their tightening of credit, advancing interest fellows. Help them to use their freedom PARLIAMENTARY GROUP rates, and a failure on the part of public to discover themselves at their very best, The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ officials to note these signals of danger to find creative channels for their rest­ visions of section l, Public Law 86-420, promptly. less endeavors, and to live and labor for the Chair appoint.s as a member of the We recognize with appreciation the excel­ justice by all, good will among all and U.S. delegation of the Mexico-United lent service which the district and central liberty for all. banks for cooperatives have provided to States Interparliamentary Group the farmer owned cooperatives. We appreciate In the name of Him who was true to gentleman from Arizona <Mr. STEIGER), that the whole Farm. Credit System and the Himself, to others, and to Thee, we pray. to fill the existing vacancy thereon. Farmers Home Administration have been of Amen. great value in helping fa.rm.ers. The continued rise in interest rates by the FARM GROUPS OPPOSE HIGH Federal Reserve Board has not only increased THE JOURNAL INTEREST RATES the National Debt, but is rapidly moving the <Mr. PATMAN asked and was given money into the hands of money lenders. The Journal of the proceedings of We urge Congress to take immediate action yesterday was read and approved. permission to extend his remarks at this to change the tight money policy of the point in the RECORD and to include ex­ Federal Reserve Board. traneous matter.) RESIGNATION FROM THE MEXICO­ Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, farm and PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION, UNITED STATES INTERPARLIA­ rural groups are deeply concerned about Grafton, N. Dak., February 21, 1969. MENTARY GROUP the rising burden of high interest rates. Congressman WRIGHT PATMAN, Farm people, particularly, depend on Chairman of the House The SPEAKER laid before the House credit to finance their seasonal opera­ Banking Committee, the following resignation from the Mexi­ Washington, D.a. tions and the high interest squeeze is DEAR CONGRESSMAN PATMAN: The follow­ can-United States Parliamentary Con­ creating severe problems in rural areas ing resolution was adopted at the stock­ ference: all over the Nation. holders Annual Meeting of the Production CXV--342-Part 4 5426 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE March 6, 1969 Credit Association of Grafton, North Dakota, were not excluded from the debt as were agency for the supervision of federally on February 15, 1969: the funds in the trust accounts. chartered credit unions. "We view with alarm the continued drift Mr. Speaker, I place in the RECORD a Because I had been working on this to higher interest rates on borrowed money. This is one of the biggest increases in costs copy of an editorial from the Washing­ idea and drafting the legislation prior of production for fe.rmers. ton Post of Monday, March 3, outlining to the start of this Congress and wanted "Government policies need to be reviewed the new Nixon debt concept: to introduce it the first day the Congress and reformed to prevent further rises in THE DEBT-CEILING GAME was in session, it was not possible to interest rates. We recall that most farm de­ President Nixon's new version of the debt­ contact all the Banking and Currency pressions of the past have been signaled by ceiling game does not satisfy those economy­ Committee members, many of whom I a tightening of credit, advancing interest minded legislators who see restraints on bor­ knew would want to cosponsor the legis­ rates, and a failure on the part of public rowing as the key to reduction of Federal lation.
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