Lou Dobbs Headlines 2008 Inside . Hold Their Feet to the Fire Census Bureau Projects Immigration ou Dobbs, who has added a nationally Generated Population syndicated radio show to his role as Explosion Lhost of the highly rated CNN pro- PAGE 2 gram, is among 50 or so talk radio personali- ties participating in the 2008 Hold Their Feet FAIR Organizes to the Fire event. Broadcasting from the Postville Rally Phoenix Park Hotel on Capitol Hill on Sep- Supporting tember 10 and 11, talk radio hosts from all Immigration Explosion PAGE 4 across the United States will devote their pro- grams to the issue of immigration. Hold Their Feet to the Fire has become cept and has worked with FAIR and FCFT to Future of E-Verify an annual event, attracting some of the leading expand it into a major annual event. Rests with One talk radio programs to the nation’s capital to Talk radio has had an undeniable impact Senator raise an important issue that many of the na- on the outcome of the immigration debate. PAGE 5 tion’s leaders would prefer to ignore: immi- This year’s Hold Their Feet to the Fire event is gration reform that places the interests of the designed to provide millions of talk radio lis- FAIR Op-Ed American people first. teners in every state with a high profile forum PAGE 6 The 2008 Hold Their Feet to the Fire to express their views about this vital national event is being organized by the FAIR Con- issue. Congressman gressional Task Force (FCTF), a 501(c)(4) or- Energized by the highly successful Hold Compares ICE to ganization affiliated with FAIR. Hold Their Their Feet to the Fire event which took place Gestapo Feet to the Fire is co-sponsored by Roger in April 2007, talk radio and their listeners PAGE 7 Hedgecock, host of a popular talk radio pro- generated unprecedented public opposition to gram on KOGO in San Diego. Hedgecock the Senate amnesty and guest worker bill that Help FAIR Spread originated the Hold Their Feet to the Fire con- was introduced the following month. The level the Word PAGE 8 CONTINUED on page 3 Visit us on the web at www.fairus.org FAIRIMMIGRATIONREPORT Hold Their Feet to the Fire Adds TV Component CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight to Originate from Site of the Event Hold Their Feet to the Fire was conceived as an event for talk radio. In the past, national television has covered the Hold Their Feet to the Fire as a news event. But, for the first time, Hold Their Feet to the Fire will reach a national television audience as CNN’s Lou Dobbs will originate his highly rated CNN broadcast from the site of the event. CNN viewers, along with millions of talk radio listeners, will have the opportunity to join the national di- alogue about the future of U.S. immigration policy when they tune-in to Lou Dobbs Tonight on Septem- ber 10. Census Bureau Confirms: Massive Government Mandated Population Growth on the Horizon for the U.S. new report from the U.S. Census Bureau Aprojects that the population of the United States will grow to about 439 million The choices being made to maintain record immigration by 2050. That figure represents an increase of levels and allow millions of illegal aliens to remain here, about 135 million people over the next 42 are not supported by the vast majority of Americans. years — or an annual growth rate of about 3 million. What the new Census study released in immigrants, will comprise virtually all of cies and trends. Thus, a soaring U.S. pop- August also reveals is that this massive popula- the projected net increase. ulation is not an inevitability, but rather a tion growth will be mandated by our govern- Most Americans believe that the na- choice. Moreover, the choices being made ment. Nearly all of the growth between now tion’s interests will not served by this sort to maintain record immigration levels and and the middle of the century will be a direct of explosive population growth and would allow millions of illegal aliens to remain consequence of U.S. immigration policies and like to see the U.S. achieve population sta- here, are not supported by the vast major- our failure to enforce laws against illegal im- bility. These beliefs were ratified in the ity of Americans. migration. Immigrants, and children born to 1970s by the Rockefeller Commission Since its inception, preventing massive which studied the impact of large-scale U.S. population increases through immi- population growth and came to the same gration has been one of the driving princi- conclusions. (Since then, U.S. population ples behind FAIR’s educational and has increased by some 100 million people, advocacy efforts. The latest Census projec- mostly due to immigration.) tion underscores the urgency of enacting The important thing to bear in mind is and enforcing meaningful immigration re- that the Census Bureau’s projections are form that results in a reduction in the over- just that: projections based on current poli- all level of immigration to the U.S. PAG E 2 SEPTEMBER 2008 Feet to the Fire 2008 continued Confirmed Hold Their Feet to the Fire Radio Row Attendees Roger Hedgecock KOGO-AM San Diego, CA Lou Dobbs Nationally Syndicated Nationwide and intensity of public opposition to amnesty Les Kinsolving WCBM-AM Baltimore, MD and millions of new guest workers was directly Dan Rivers WKBN-AM Youngstown, OH responsible for the defeat of the bill that had the Marc Bernier WNDB-AM/WFHG-AM Orlando, FL & TN backing of the White House and many con- Martha Zoller WDUN-AM Atlanta, GA gressional leaders. Hold Their Feet to the Fire is Gary Sutton WSBA-AM York, PA designed to ensure that as a new administration Steve Gill WLAC-AM Nashville, TN and a new Congress take office in 2009 they are Joyce Kaufman WFTL-AM Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, FL fully aware of overwhelming public support for Dave Barger WRTA-AM Altoona, PA immigration reform legislation without amnesty Jon David Wells KLIF-AM Dallas, TX or guest worker provisions, and for overall re- Armstrong Williams WGVC-AM & XM Satellite Nationwide ductions in immigration levels. Howie Carr WRKO-AM Boston, MA Arguably no media figure has had a greater Edd Hendee KSEV-AM/KCVE-AM Houston & Dallas, TX impact on the immigration debate than Lou Rick Johnson WCHS-AM Charleston, WV Dobbs. Dobbs’ CNN program carried live feeds Phil Valentine Nationally Syndicated Nationwide Pamela Furr WVNN-FM Huntsville, AL from the 2007 Hold Their Feet to the Fire, and Helen Glover WHJJ-AM Providence, RI his relentless coverage of the clear sell-out of the Jeff Katz WBT-AM Charlotte, NC public interest was instrumental in the defeat of Dave Elswick KARN-AM/FM Little Rock, AR the Senate amnesty bill. Dobbs now has a daily Steve Clark WFBG-AM Altoona, PA radio broadcast as well, syndicated nationally on Doug Guetzloe WAMT-AM Orlando, FL the United Stations Radio Network. The inclu- Thom Hartmann Nationally Syndicated Nationwide sion of Dobbs’ radio program to the 2008 Hold Gary Baumgarten News Talk Online Nationwide On-Line Their Feet to the Fire line-up adds star power to Joe Thomas WCHV-AM Charlottesville, VA an already high profile event. Fred Flannigan WKRS-AM Waukegan, IL Like FAIR, the mission of the FCTF is to Tom Crouse WVNE-AM Worcester, MA educate the American public about the impor- Joe Madison WOL-AM & XM Satellite Nationwide tance of adopting immigration policies that Lincoln Ware WDBZ-AM Cincinnati, OH serve the public interest. The reputation that Greg Knapp Nationally Syndicated Nationwide FAIR and FCTF enjoy with leading media or- Heidi Harris KDWN-AM Las Vegas, NV ganizations makes it possible to communicate Inga Barks KERN-AM/KMJ-AM Bakersfield & Fresno, CA Doug Stephan Nationally Syndicated Nationwide our agenda for true immigration reform into Bill Manders KKOH-AM Reno, NV homes across America. We are honored by the Chris Plante WMAL-AM Washington, DC trust many in the media place in us, as exempli- Darrell Ankarlo KTAR-AM Phoenix, AZ fied by their willingness to participate in Hold Leland Conway WLAP-AM Lexington, KY Their Feet to the Fire 2008. Reid Mullins KTOK-AM Oklahoma City, OK Ted Talbot WLOB AM/FM Portland, ME Sandy Rios WYLL-AM Chicago, IL Mark Reardon KMOX-AM St. Louis, MO Greg Garrison WIBC-AM Indianapolis, IN PAG E 3 FAIRIMMIGRATIONREPORT NOTESFROMTHEFIELD FAIR Organizes Rally in Support of Workplace Enforcement There are few stories that better illustrate the seamier side of America’s illegal im- migration crisis than the June raid of the Agri-Processors meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa. When Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents raided the nation’s largest kosher meat-processing plant, what they discovered was not merely people working illegally in the United States. They uncovered abominable labor conditions, child labor, and identity fraud perpetrated by both the illegal aliens and their employers. And then, of course, there is the impact on communities like Postville and Ameri- cans generally. Over many years, well-paying unionized jobs were turned into low- wage occupations filled increasingly by foreign workers. Local governments were forced to bear the burdens of providing education, health care and other services to low-wage illegal workers and their families. So, when ICE swept through the Agri-Processing plant arresting illegal aliens for document fraud and building a case against an unscrupulous employer, they were doing exactly what the Amer- ican public expects of them.
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