Haryana Vidhan Sabha Debates 5th February, 1969 Vol. I—No. 6 OFFICIAL REPORT CONTENTS Wednesday, the 5th February, 1969 Page Starred Questions and Answers (6)1 Unstarred Questions and Answers (6)15 Point of order (6)15 Questions of Privilege (6)16 Call Attention Notices (6)17 Suspension of Rule 104 in its application to the Motion reg-suspension of certain Members (6)19 Suspension of certain Members for the remainder of the Session (6)22 Adjournment of the House (6)25 Annexture 'A' (i) HARYANA VIDHAN SABHA Wednesday, the 5th February, 1969 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Hall of Haryana Vidan Sabha, Vidhan Bhavan, Chandigarh-I, at 2.00 P.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker (Brig. Ran Singh) in the Chair. STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Starred Question No. 136 Mr. Speaker Hon. Members, the Questions. An extension has been sought for Question No. 136, which has been granted. Shri Daya Krishan : By what date, Sir. Mr. Speaker : For the next 5;6 days. Next Question, please. Reorganisation of Districts in the State *137. Shri Daya Krishan : Will the Chief Minister be pleased to state— (a) whether there is any scheme to reorganise the districts in Haryana ; (b) if so, within what period the scheme would be materialized ; (c) if not, whether the Government propose to make any scheme to reorganise the districts in the State (d) whether the Government has received any representation on behalf of the villages of Rajound Block Samiti- to include Rajound Block in Jind District ; (e) if so, what action the Government has taken in the matter? Shrimati Om Prabha Jain (Finance Minister) : (a) No. (b) Does not arise (c) Not yet. (d) Yes. (e) In view of the above, the question does not arise. Jh n;k ———".k—".k % othj [ktkuk lkfgck us loky ds ikVZ ¼lh ½ ds tokc esa crk;k gS fd not yet rks D;k uh;j fQ;wpj esa fMfLVªDVªl dks vkxsZukbZt djus dh ckr /;ku esa gS\ eU=h % fQygky rks ,slh dksbZ ckr ugha gS A Jh n;k ———".k—".k % D;k mu yksxksa dh rdyhQsa xouZeSaV ds /;ku eSa gS ftu dks fd fMfLVªDV gSMDokVZj nwj iM+rs gS^ A Mr. Speaker : This question is hardly necessary. We now go to the next Question. Small Savings Scheme *186. Major Amir Singh Chaudhry: Will the Chief Minister be pleased to state - (a) districtwise and yearwise amount of prizes won by various district units functioning in the Haryana State up to 31st December, 1968, in connection with Small Savings Scheme since such units were established in the State ; (b) whether there are any rules governing the utilisation of such amounts, mentioned in (a) above, at district level ; and (c) if so, a copy of the same may be laid on the Table of the House ; if not, the manner in which the various amounts secured by respective districts have been utilised ? Shrimati Om Prabha Jain (Finance Minister) : (a) The requisite information is given as under :— Seri Name of the District Amount of prize al Year No. won (Rs in Lacs) I 1966-67 Ambala 1.5 Mohindergarh 3.00 Gurgaon 3.00 1967-68 2 Mohindergarh 2.00 Ambala 2.00 3 1968-69 Mohindergarh 2.00 Ambala 2.00 Jind 2.00 (b) Yes. (c) The amount of prize is to be utilised at the district level in consultation with the Chairman, Zila Parishad, on developmental activities, keeping in view the contributions made by respective areas in the Small Savings Securities for the year in question. A comprehensive scheme for the utilisation of the amount has to be sent by each District to Government for approval before utilising the amount of award. A proper account of the expenditure incurred is to be maintained by the Deputy Commissioner which is also subject to audit. estj vehj flag pkS/kjh % 1967&68 esa egsUæx<+ dks 6 yk[k ds buke fn, x, vkSj vEckyk dks Hkh nkS yk[k ds fn, x, A fQj 1968& 69 esa egsUæx<+ dks nks yk[k vEckyk vkSj than dks Hkh nkS rk[k ds bukekr fn, x, A ;g bukekr dh jde j[kus dk ØkbZ,fj;k D;k gS vkSj fdl rjg fn, tkrs gSa\ Minister : It is already given in the reply. Major Amir Singh Chaudhry : Sir, I asked for a copy of the Rules governing the utilization of these funds, which has not been supplied. May I know whether it will be laid on the Table of the House ? Minister : A copy of the said Rules has not been laid on the Table of the House. It has, however, been explained in the written reply that these amounts will be utilized by the Deputy Commissioner in consultation with the Chairman, Zila Parishad, and he will get the approval of the Government before utilizing the amount of the award. estj vehj flag pkS/kjh % eSaus iwNk Fkk fd D;k dksbZ ,sls :Yt gSa fd ugha] vki us tokc fn;k Fkk fd gS A rks esa iwNuk pkgrk gwa fd og :Yt fjVuZ gS ;k tokuh gSa A eU=h %%% esa irk dj lqxh vxj fyf[kr [i esa gksaxs rks mu dh dkih eSa vki dks ns æwaxh A estj vehj flag pkS/kjh % D;k othj [ktkuk lkfgck crk,axh fd tks ;wfuV ftruk #i;k ns mu dks bukekr ds vanj ml ds eqrkfcd fgLlk feyuk t:jh gS fd ugha A eU=h % bl pht dk Hkh vky fd;k tkrk gS A estj vehj flag pkS/kjh % ftu vknfe;ksa us ftruk daVªhC;w'ku fn;k gks mu dks ml çksiks'ku ds fglkc ls vxj fgLlk u feys rks ml dk vk;nk Leky lsfoax esa daVªhC¸#'ku djus ij cqjk bQSDV ugha gksxk A eU=h % vxj dgha dksbZ ,slk dsl gqvk gks rks vki esjs uksfVl esa yk, ge ns[k ysaxs A Police Control of Dadri Sub-Division (Civil) *185. Major Amir Singh Chaudhry : Will the Chief Min ister be pleased to state — (a) whether it is a fact that in Mahendergarh District, part of Dadri Sub-Division (Civil) is controlled for Crime by Satnali Police Station of Mahendergarh Sub-Division (Civil) ; (b) if so, reason for bifurcating a Revenue Unit, for po lice control and putting the people to uncalled for inconveni ence (c) whether similar example of dual control exists in some other district of the State ; and (d) if not, whether Government proposes to reconsider to bring Dadri Sub-Division under single control and redress the legitimate public grievance arising therefrom ? Jh calh yky % ¼d ½ th gka A ¼ [k ½ ;g nknjh rglhy ds mi e.My cukus ij ç'kklfud lqfo/kk ds fy, fd;k x;k gS A ¼x ½ th gka A ¼?k ½ th g‚ A estj vehj flag pkS/kjh % Lihdj lkfgc] eSaus ikVZ ¼ ch ½ esa tks loky iwNk Fkk ml esa 'kk;n fgUnh esa rjtqesa dh otg ls dksbZ xyrh gks xbZ gksxh A eSa vaxzsth okys dks i<+rk gS&& (a) Whether it is a fact that in Mahendergarh District part of Dadri Sub-Division (Civil) is control led for Crime by Satnali Police Station of Mahendergarh Sub- Division(Civil) (b) if so, reason for bifurcating a Revenue Unit, for police control and Putting the people to uncalled for inconvenience. bldk phQ fefuLVj lkfgc us tokc ;g fn;k gS fd bl otg ls iqfyl LVs'ku dks ckbZQjdsV fd;k x;k gS fd nknjh flfoy lc&fMohtu dks bl ls QSflfyVh gksxh A eSa iwNuk pkgrk gwa fd ,d flfoy lc&fMohtu ds ,fj;k dk vxj nks txg daVªksy dj fn;k tk, rks ml ls ifCyd dks duohfu;sUl dSls gksxh A eq[; ea=h % esjk tokc nsus dk eryc ;g gS fd nknjh iqfyl LVs'ku vkSj lrukyh iqfyl LVs'ku ck<Mk esa 'kkfey Fks vc ge us ck<Mk feyk dj lrukyh dj fn;k gS A Cremation of Dead Body of Shri Ujagar Singh at village Siwan, district Karnal *219. Shri Mangal Sein: Will the Chief Minister be pleased to state— (a) the name of the person who cremated the dead body of one Shri Ujagar Singh who died as a result of recent Police firing at village Siwan, district Karnal, together with the name of the place where the said cremation was done ; (b) whether it is a fact that the dead body of Shri Ujagar Singh was not handed over to his heirs, if so, the reasons therefor ? Shri Bansi Lal : (a) The dead body of Shri Ujagar Singh was cremated at the cremation ground Kunjpura Road, Karnal, in the presence of his wife and mother with the assistance of local Sewa Samiti. (b) The dead body was offered to his wife and mother but they said that they had no objection if it was cremated at Karnal. Their statements to this effect were recorded by the Magistrate 1st Class, Karnal. Jh eaxy lSu % Lihdj lkfgc tks LVsVeaV eSftLVªsV lkfgc us fjdkMZ fd;k gS D;k eq[; eU=h lkfgc ml dh dkih gkml ds Vscy ij j[kus dh esgjckuh djsaxs\ eq[; eU=h % th ugha A Jh eaxy lSu % ftl oä Jh mtkxj flag dk nkg laLdkj fd;k x;k ml oä ljdkjh deZpkjh lkFk dkSu dkSu Fks\ eq[; eU=h % bl ds ckjs esa dy vki dk dky vVsa'ku uksfVl uEcj 9 vk;k Fkk mlds tokc esa ftruh bUQeZs'ku nh tk ldrh Fkh og eSaus ns nh Fkh] ml ls vkxs eSa dqN ugha crk ldrk D;ksafd dsl lctqfMl gS A Malik Mukhtiar Singh: May I ask the Chief Minister whether ii is a fact that the thumb impressions of the wife and mother of Ujagar Singh were taken forcibly by the Police and that the details of the statement made by them were not explained to them? eq[; eU=h % Lihdj lkfgc] tcnZLrh rks fdlh dk LVsVeSVa dHkh ugha fy;k tkrk dsl lctqfMl gksusa ds ckotwn eSa ftruh bUQeZs'ku ns ldrk Fkk og eSa tokc esa ns pqdk gwa A efyd eqf[r;kj flag % Lihdj lkfgc] eSaus FkEc bEçS'ku dh ckcr iwNk Fkk fd ml dk vaxqBk yxokus ls igys ml dks crk;k x;k Fkk fd ml eSa D;k fy[kk gqvk gS A bl dk tokc phQ fefuLVj lkfgc us ugh fn;k A eq[; eU=h % Lihdj lkfgc] tks LVsVeSV ds dkxt gSa og pht vnkyr esa dkl&,XtSfeu gksuh gS A blfy;s eSa mlds ckjs esa dSls dqN dg ldrk gwa A Jh eaxy lSu % D;k eq[; eU=h lkfgc crk,axs fd tks dsl iqfyl dh vksj ls ntZ fd;k x;k fd ge us lS lsYQ fMQSla esa xksyh pykbZ tSls fd iqfyl vke rkSj ij fd;k djrh gS ;g lctqfMl gS ;k fd nkg laLdkj lctqfMl gS A eq[; eU=h % lHkh pht lctqfMl gS th A Jh eaxy lSu% Lihdj lkfgc] eSa vkidk :fyx pkgrk gwa fd D;k ljdkj tokc nsus ls bUdkj dj ldrh gS tks ekeyk lctqfMl dh twfjlfMD'ku esa u vkrk gks\ Jh v/;{k% bl esa Dos'pu ;g gS fd dsl D;k jftLVj gqvk ns\ dsl fdl pht dk ga\ Jh eaxy lSu % D;k eq[; eU=h th ,Q- vkbZ- vkj- i<+ dj lquk,axs fd dsl D;k ntZ gqvk gS\ eq[; eU=h % ,Q- vkbZ- vkj- ds ckjs esa tks crk;k tk
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