' ~ 1 L - 8ATURDAT. NOVEMBER tl. 1941 iOittirbrBtfr Stm iino H m tO '’s ./ ATcrsff* Dfifly dreahtloii Th* Wwthcr For toe Month ef Oetoher, 1343 Fosecost ef 0. 8. Vfentoer Rarian A patriotic program will ba ed to report for service he noted given in Pulaald haU tomorrow down two or three numbers on the Benefit Show see. I About Town afternoon a t three o’clock, honor­ Heard Along Main Street 7,696 Warmer tonight, into begtantog.. U-i ' __ ing the great o f thla country and One day he was unpacking am­ munition In El Paso, Texas, and Time for the Annual Event— Blember ef toe Andtt ' IwuFmun JtPraUI after asUtalght. M M M b M b* NOi as, X. O. Poland, namely Waahington and b' Adds to Fund stiange aa it may seem he came o f Ob. iintiens U u tta TCfolu^ >n«*t- Pllaudski. Lincoln, Pulaaki and And on Some of Manche$ter*» Side StreeUt Too Itoiiian tM M T ta*n MPM*r amnliig other*. Appropriate songa and acroes one o f the very cases he had Support a ^orthy Cause! Manchester—-A CUy of Village Charm racltatlona wiU be preaented. The packed back in the munitions plant at hia home town! oration wUl be by Rev. Paul Koa- Mobile Tank to Receive Ike”- la a genial chap. Hd* muat1t>Negroes from Hartford. They were T ^ be to-belong to the Manchester ! not trained, however, and the local PRICE THREE CENTB^ ■MMCltar on J«w - lowaki of New Britain. Another Goodly Sum from High (ClasaUled A dvaitM ag oa P ag* U ) MANCHESTER, CONNn MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) a p ^ er will be Rev. Louie Kaco- Fire department and fo r some laundry had to teach them what Now that there’s femininity In VOL. L X n , NO. 46 BT, AMonwy Irv- police headquarters a "No Admit­ Hospital Auxiliary Dance rowaki of Waterbury, a former time now, be haa felt that he “ b e-! to do. Then after they had obtain- WOI b* a t the Tem< School Performance. tance" sign haa gone up on the (Semi-Formal) porior of St. John’s church, which longs" to the gang at the fire- ed their experience here they went BiMI t M o m Sunday Novein- __ _______________________________ door leading to this room where ia aponsorlng the service. A social house. But it’s a peculiar breed, i after jobs in laundries in Hartford as t* ft** • laetura tm tb* A second performance by Sock north of the tracks. It takes more ' time will follow and light refresh- near their homes. They got th^ ‘V** youbR lady works. No longer and Buskin of Allan Martin’a “ •" - do the court officials and police ____ ^ manU will ba served by the wom­ than five years to get really close! jobs in Hartford, too, leaving the HOTEL BOND BALLROOM "Smilin' Through,’* this one a bene­ officers gather In that room and en of the church. A ll Polish peo­ to them. {local tnan holding the bag aa far (H artford) Oio*B MA 4 fl( 111* Itomorial fit for the Mobile Canteen Fund, apin yama. r | b —S $ Womaa’a A «dU aty. Mra. ple of the pommimlty will be wel­ Just to prove that statement, | as their usefulnesa to him was was given at the High school audi­ here is what happened the oth er, concerned. ^ W n a a KBottld*, lMuI«r, wlU come. torium last evening before a large ’The office bachelor was out with vaaiat Monday afternoon at the night. When the department held j ------ ainst and appreciative audience. new blonde bimmer the other FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 'i H l i l t n M a n S m o f Group > wUl its anniversary aometlme ago they 1 Local units of the Cbast Artil- Private Stanley J. Klrka. son of *rhe four principals, Joan Todd, had a number of printed tickets | lery give the men 24-hour passes night and he was telling her that JolB Siam.X Mrs. Sarah Kirlca, of 118 Oak Douglas Phelps, James Britton and that carried some svwell prizes. | quite frequently and therein Ilea he’d go thi-ough anything fo r her. ’nCKETTS 82.50 PER COUPLE street, has r«e n tly arrived at Basil Nodden,--played their roles Now the department ia holding an- a problem that some Manchester ■’O. K.,’’ ahe said, "let’s start on Available from Auxiliary members, or with your table LIOB OOrRAM Camp CYoft, South Carolina, an with a sympathetic understanding other raffle, and by coincidence, people might help solve. The sol­ your bank roll.” Little did she reservation by dialing 4348 or 3390. i ______ « Aa Qaeea ASea) infantry replacement center. He and a degree of finesse that would the tickets are the same color and diers stationed here are often­ know that he was figuring right gpotrrcAL MJEDron has been assigned to C Company, have done credit to older and more size aa those used on,the anniver­ times at loss to know what to do then on touching the bartender No Cover Charge for Ballroom Tables. ~ Deeglrter e l a Seieatb Sen S7th Battalion, to receive his ba­ seasoned actors. Phelps and Brit­ sary event. One of the members on the 24 hours leave. ’They go to fo r a little space on the cuff. Ian Wtttia Vaa sic training. ton were excellent in the parts of showed "Ike” the present day Hartford to see a show or go to a Not Necessary To Be Present At Dance To Participate Thousands of Nazis Are Put to Routl . OaSy, taebadlBg Sunday, the two old men. whose amiable ticket and announced that he was USO jriance, but when it comes And, Beezy, the column’s little In Drawing of lA .ILtaSP.il. OrByAppoli^ quarrellinR is one of the high­ going to buy the whole book. time to steep they have to coine Jitterbug, says " I f most of the r ---------------------- ------- M a t h tSe Santa* af the Paa> lights of the play. Nodden made Would "Ik e " write in hie name? right back here to their army boys could read a girl’s mind the TWO $’25.00 W'AR BOND PRIZES! H*i as Paan. YMCA Schedule O f course be would. bunks. They would enjoy nothing consumption of. gasoline would I Steeel, B aitloi* Ceea. an ideal young lover, and was con­ vincing, too, as the Jealous suitor Picking up the latest edition be better than a good night’s sleep In drop off 60 per cent!” So to aid In Army Arrives at Guadalcanal Monday who had brought tragedy into the excused himself, and changed to good bed—far from the noises the war—why not every wolf a 13:18— Kiwanla Limcheon. early scenea of the story. the old book. "Ik e " had the twelve of changing shlfta of soldier* So mind-reader! British, with Yankee ticketa most done when he glanc­ loc^ folks who have a spare bed­ Reds’ Counter-Drive 8:30-4:80- Grade School Bas­ P*K Portrayfid Perfectly ed down at the list of prises. room could do something for the This column and its author "A . ketball League. Joan Todd was perfectly fitted "Omlgosh," said “ Ike,” "how REAL ESTATE 8:15-6 :80—Business Men’s Gym for her dual role of Kathleen Dun­ .soldiers by inviting them to eom* Non.” have been called all sorts can you give away theiM prizes? of things, and also received a few Class. gannon and Moonyeen Clare. She to their homes for a night’s rest. Look," he said, "here’s 50 pounds compliments, but it remained for P a rch aM 6:30-7:30—Boys (12-16> Gym. was sensitive to all the many shad­ of sugar, 50 gallons of fuel or the book notes column in the New 6:30-7:30—Boys (7-12V Wood­ ings of humor and pathos, and A week or so ago The Herald BUY WAR BONDS AND^AM PS And French Support, That Home From range oil, five gallons o f gas and a carried a picture of a young lad York Times to give the real low- Forces Foe to Flee; work. managed the alight Irish accent change of oil. Where are you get­ who had been op in Maine on down on "anon” : Here’s what it 7:30-8:80 — Junior Basketball in a delightful way. "The support­ ARTHUR A. ting the coupons to do all this?" hunting expedition. A deer and a said: "That long-lasting author Ve Have Over-the-Cimnter Stamp practice, Eagles. ing cast, previously spoken o f in ” 0. K. sucker,” said the regular bear were pictured draped over anon.” holds up well in a chang­ 8:80-9:30 — Senior Basketball the Herald, all acted with poise and Service at All Times north ender, “ look at the date on the front o f the car. The young ing literary scene. 'The latest ■<! ^ knofla practice, Tlgera. excellent interpretation. the tickets!" 6:30—Bowling alleys. aD taken man had picked o ff the two while proof o f his popularity is contain­ Hit Units in Tunisia! Nancy Anderson at the piano, SISI Sure enough, they were for a on the trip. ed In Ralph L. Woods’s anthology, Encirclement Faced by Pratt A Whitney Lnague. June Mildner and Amerigo Gentil- p>re-ration era. The day after the photo appear­ " A Treasury o f the Familiar," core. vocal soloists, and Richard ed In The Herald .
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