Volume II Monday, Number 4 Official Publication of me United States Co ess'federation October 20, 1947 Chess Player Sets Example! B. CZAIKOWSKI ADAMS REGAINS BEGIN · FINALS I "Not What We Give COMPILES RECORD NEW ENGLAND OF 49th C.C.L.A. IN VETERAN CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 'NORTH AMERICAN' But What We Share" With tireless zeal Bruno Czalkow. In the Labor Day weekend New After eliminating over one hun· ERIOUS is the plight which has befallen many of our European ski of Chicago has let a notable England Championship Tournament dred or their fellow League-mem· record In the "Chess for Veterans" at the Boston City Club, Weaver bers, preliminary round section S chess friends, Readers of CHESS LIFE who have enjoyed play­ program and holds one of the cov· W. Adams regained his crown as winners In the seven classes Into ing over the games df these men may wish to send CARE packages eted Red Cross A wards conferred the New England Champion -a which members of the Co rrespond· to relieve their distress. ror devollng over 1000 actual bours title that Adams lost last year by ence Chess League or America are In work with the wounded veterans. journeying to Russia on the U. S. divided, are now compeUng In the Following are the names and addresses of deservif!g chess mas­ This month saw the completion Team during the time the 1946 Finals or the 49th annual North ters. Other names will be submitted by the F.I.D.E, delegates of of one year of constant attendance New England Tournament was Amerlclln Class Championships, ac· Europe and published in l at~r issues:- at the Hines V. A. Hospital where held. cording to CCLA Tournament DI· every Sunday BroDO C~lkowsld ar­ Adams WOIl seven and a halt rector, J. W . .Jenkins, Newark, Nelt" Hans Mueller Ernst Gruenfeld ril'ell llrompUy at 2:00 p.m, to play games out of a possible eight tn York. Koep~I",-eg 9 Schottenfeldgasse 86 cbess and checkers with the vet­ the ('Ight·roulld Swles meeting and Winners of the various prellmln. Vienna XIV, Austria Vienna VII, Austria eranl In the various wards, ending obtained permanent possession ot ary round sections are as follows: each evening with a simultaneous the big sliver rook trophy, since Clan "AA" Joseph Lokvenz Kurt Richter exhibition In the auditorium where this was his third v1ctory: the oth­ 1. C. F'. T .... "., Dl.na., Tt.... (ftl·t) 2. Dr. II. O. Em_, Chico. Ol iU. ('-0) he meets as many patients as wish ers were In 1942 and 1946. R. Theodo~ An""l, F.lmhunot, N. Y. (5-1) Bei H rellriegl Donhoffstrasse 29 to play agalost him. Twenty·tour players competed In ,. W. If. P . lf ltch~lI., Brookline, Y ... (51· Burgs asse 30 Berlin Karlshor st 1I! In addition to his visit to Hines the tourney which, though not as Cia .. "A" Vienna VII, Austria Germany every week, Cz;alkowskl has de­ large as previous years, was just 1. J_ph Frlp;on, Klrklond, WMh. (01·1) voted each Friday fo r over three 2. Samuel Llwren"", Brooklyn, N. V. (e&,~ \ IlS strong In caltber ot players. S. A. O. 1'........ 11. Chula Vim, o.llf. ( 5-4» · Hans Keller yearij to the V. A. Downey Hospit­ Robert Byrne. defending 1946 cham. ,. ». ». Wil.ega"'.... , So, PuoiIeno. o.ltf. al; t!lld previous to Its closing tor (e.o) Braungasse 22 pion. finished second with 6i·n . CI ... "8" three years or moro was a "regu­ and S. Rublnow th ird with 61·21. I . W. II. r.. e~:r, Jr., Detroit. Mich. (1·0 ·· Vienna XVII, Austria lar" at the Gardiner General Hos· 2. W. II. Lae<:y, J r. o.trolt, lIie!>. ($.0) •• Five ulayers tied wjth 6·S, but un­ Cb .. "C~ pitnl, Dilring the war he also der the Sonneborn·l)orgor systom I. Jr, W". n ••nty, 1_ Arurell!fo. 010111. «1.11) rative fo r American Remittances to Europe, lllC,) Illl1y od ut the Chicago Service 2. W. A. n ""l(h. """k.v lilli, nonn. (~I ' l) Mott was Ilwarded fourth pIneo, I . I,. S. lIriltt,.m, )(ontl>"lier, VI. (1)·1) offers a nOIl"proftt service of delivering- at $ 1().oo each-packages Me n'8 Center during the five yoars Mitchell nUb, Nagy sixth, Bubert CIIt. "D" of lUI existence. seventh Ilnd Bolton eighth. I . T. 8. Wot k h ... K....... 011)" It•• (8-0)·· of food or bl'lnkt'l~ from stockpiles maintained in Europe. .Delivery, Clu. "E" l Gruno ezalkows'ki III belter One of the highlights of the meet I. J I ..k R.m. ,, ~. SIn Frln~l le " . c.m. is guaranteed or money is refunded, Order fo rms and description known In Chicago cliess circles, ('.0 ) " • was the first round victory of Mas· Clan "P' of package contents ay be obtaint!d from CARE, So Broad Street, since he Is modest, as founder and sachusetts State Junior Champion 1. '1,. K ~"".II . S. Oelmmpaugh, n . c. Lffln· III'esldcnt lor many years of the John Hubert over Milton Kagan. 11'11. .1111 1'1."' ..... New York City. ( ' J With nne ~me:ret to eomple1~. Chicago City Chess League and as The upset so jolled Kagan that he ( • • ) Aut_.tie CIa. OIIlmplon. T he need is great. LeI's extend a helping hand. troasurer of the Chicago Chess and lost tour more games and finished PAUL G. GIERS, Checker Club. near the bottom ot the lIsL N.w En\ll.nd Cllllmjllonild p STUDENT CHESS Executive Vice·President, ----- 'da~ ___' • . t ~ __, "" MONTREAL GIRDS eyr ne, R. ___4.·1l Uand _~._ 4 · ' OPENS SEASON The United States Chess Federaljofl. R.ubln_ __51·2t Daly __...81·41 lIott ___5 ·' unl. ___s"'. AT UNIV. OF OKLA. FOR FALL CHESS :!!:"I~:::=:: :: ~o.t;n-===l~ t CLEVELAND HOST BUFFALO CHESS COMPETITION UlJbert ~·3 .' lts. ___n-tt With twenty·flve ptembers signed D.oI tau ---li·S Kapn ___-' .f> TO TRI-STATE HAS MOVING DAY him ____'& ·8.1 tNen _____Q .I>.I liP, tho Student Chess Club of the The Montreal Chess League In l'TItIlhl rd __'I·St Vlttum ___2·4 Un lvorslty ot Oklahoma began Its IIl.lTie _____, ., Teodo...on • __. 1 ·7 CHAMPIONSHIP TO DOWNTOWN Y its reorganization meeting laid fall chess sea~on with 1\ bang. Wyoowotl _ .. u_' ·f Pl tter.nn _ .... u.. ,·n plans for a CUll round of cheu The tournament wall- directed by Reed Payne was elect ed president, The secoud Tn·State Champion­ The Buffalo (N. Y.) Cheils Club events Including a city champion· Waldo L. Waters, Boston chess Lee Hendl'lx v1ce·presldent. and ship Tournament ror the I'anklng staged a moving day and trans· ship, a speed tournament, rsdlo Dill Pitts scretary·treasurer. Fac· co ]u m~"~i':':. ________ players of Pentlsyl vanla, Ohio and ferred quarters from the Hotel La,. Rnd telephone matches, and Intel'­ ulty sponsor Is Dr. Kosler Svend­ West Virginia will be held at fayette to the Dowtown YMCA In club competition. E. BrilJebols was son, secretary·treasurer ot the Ok· MANHATTAN VS. Cleveland 0 11 NovemOOI' 8·10. Six Buffalo. Election ot omcers reo elected president, M. Guze vice­ lahoma Chess Association and players, victor and runner·up In suited In Norman C. Wilder presl· president, f. Brunet secretary, and BUENOS AIRES USCF Director. Tlie club plans the rocent State Championships, dent. Richard S. Maisel vlce·prosl· D. M. LeDain and P. Brunet pub­ BY RADIO-PHONE matches with chess cluba In Okla. will com pete In: this triangular dent, Daniel }'. Reehlln treasurer, IicHy directors. homa City, LawtOIl, Tulu and else· event which was held last year at Robert J. Shea secretary, and Phil The J947 Montreal Open Cbam­ ]n a mlltc~~adlo--tolophone where. PlttsiJurgh wi th Milton Q. ElIenby J . Mary assistant secretary. plonllhlp tournament resulted In a scheduled for Novomber 2, the At the second meellnJ;" Dr, Svend· of Ohio as victor and Dr. Slegtled Always active. the Buffalo Club tie between five playors tor first Manhattan Chess will challenge Ion demonstrated the Knl~ht's WC I·thll mmer of West Virginia as has recently defeated the Gambit plnct) with scoree ot 5i·1l each. In Tour blindfolded and played one the famous Jockey Club ot Bueno8 ruoner·u p. Chess Club (Toronto) 10·6 ~n Duf· all lorly·slx players contested In bllndrolded game. Tbereatter he Alrtls according to an announce­ This year'S big Ilx will be Tom· falo, dTllw lng a return match In ~he seven round Swiss tourney. ment by President Maurice Wer­ pla.yed nine simultaneous games, my F:\IIlIon (Cleveland) and Law· Toronto 6·6, bested Rochester 7,2 Tbe live tied winners are: P. Bru· theJm. Members of the Manhattall permitting consultations. and rence Jackson, J r. (Toledo) for In Buffalo and lost tbe return mateh net, E. Davis, M, Guze, Dr. J. Raucb team, which will play In the Man· scored six wins. one draw and two Ohio : Attilio DiCamillo (Philadel­ in Rochester 61·a. A match with and W, Tannenbaum . These will havan Club quarters, have not yet adjournments. phia) and Mike Ylttron (Reading) the strong Erie Cheu Club Is complote a final round robin tour­ been announced but Sidney F. Ken· for PennsylVAnia: H, Landis Marks scheduled In Buffalo for October nament at the En PaS8&nt Cbees ton, tournament director, will serve PHILA. LEAGUE and Dr. Siegfried Werthammer 19. I Club to determine the champion. as team captain.
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