Five Service Clubs Vie In Spring Sing Tonite Five Fullerton Junior College service clubs will be vieing for top awards at the annual Spring Sing being held in the high school auditorium tonight at 8 p.m. 7ge Ofecial Peticatoc af fet uaeJ nr Cee This year the Hornet Knights, Olympias, Professional Nurses, Vets and Kappa Lambda Sigma service clubs will Vol XXXVIII Fullerton, California, Friday, April 1, 1960 No. 21 be participating in this annual event. The sing is composed of a series of nine minute skits to Chamber Music be performed by members of the individual clubs. Club skits will be judged on their audience Concert Slated appeal, originality, team work, effort, enthusiasm, musical tal- For Sunday ent, and good taste. Judges which An evening of chamber music have been selected are people will be presented by the members from outside Fullerton JC. of the music department at the Trophies will be awarded for Chamber Music Concert being pre- first and second place winners. sented Sunday, April 3, in the Stu- "Competition for the trophies dent Center at 8 p.m. promises to be much greater this Participating in this free even- year than in past years because ing of music will be the 15 mem- all of the clubs have worked very ber Madrigal Singers, the string hard," stated Miss Marguerite ensemble, clarinet ensemble and a Waters, Dean of Women and co- piano solo. ordinator of the event. The Madrigal Singers will per- Each of the five participating form a series of 17th century clubs will put on a nine minute madrigals and contemporary mad- skit which will involve at least rigals, and "Mass in G" by Schu- seven club members. In each bert. The String Ensemble will act there may be two non club perform "Brandenburg Cone e r t o member participants. These two for Strings" by Bach. On the are usually the director and piano, Frances Hopkins will play the accompanist," states M i s s "Suite Opus 14" by Bartok. Waters, "however, all the singers must be club members." Most of the clubs have acquired 257 Named some outside assistance in plan- ning their musical arrangements. To Honor List although none of the groups have A total of 257 Fullerton Junior ge'ined any help from the college SOME PEOPLE KNOW WHAT THE SCORE IS. This is the case with members of the Olympia ser- College students this week were music department, she continues. vice club, Jim White, Buzz Potter, Jim Kohl, and Treat Beaty as they rehearse in preparation for the ann- named to the Dean's Honor List Tickets for the "sing" can be ual Spring Sing being presented tonight at 8 p.m. in the high school auditorium. for superior scholarship. obtained from members of the The list, representing about 8 service clubs taking part, in the deans's office, or at the TRYOUTS percent of the entire student body, door. SET is composed of students who main- There are no reserved seats. FJC Students To Attend Tryouts for the Associated tain a B or better grade average The Vets Club won last years Women Students and Associated over a full load of college courses. competition with a medley of Men Students Fashion show, tena- Graduates of 14 high schools are three folk songs. Mock Political Convention tively scheduled for May 10, will represented on the list. Nine stu- Kappa Lambda Sigma came in take place next Tuesday and dents from outside the U.S.A. are second with a medley of "Dental" Fullerton Junior College will be representing the states Wednesday, April 5 and 6 at 12 also included. songs and commercials. of Georgia, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, and Ken- p.m. in the Student Center. tucky, at the Mock Democratic National Nomination Con- Tryouts are for both men and vention to be held Saturday, April 23, at Los Angeles State women stated AWS President College. Karen Lindstrom. Models, to wear Any and all students interested in attending as a dele- the clothes of local merchants, gate to the convention from one of these states may sign will be selected by a group of up now either in front of room 122 or in office 624. judges. Those trying out will be Deadline for signing up will be Monday, April 18. judged on personality, posture, Students need not be taking social science courses to apply. Re- figure, and poise. publican and Democrats as well are urged to participate in a conven- It is suggested by Miss Lind- tion similar to the actual event. strom that the women wear heels As of this date of publication, 146 students have signed up, this when trying out. making FJC the largest delega- tion from any school, reports Mr G. C. W. Husbfaw, group advisor. Gimme N Faculty advisors for the group Na I Officer; are Dr. John Vloyantes, Mr. C. I W. Hushaw, Mr. Frank Tyson, Four Students and Mr. Dwayne Copp. receive Awards It is important to sign up now Jim Gemmill, member of the Fullerton Junior College I, so that proper arrangements may Phi Beta Lambda chapter, was elected State Treasurer be made. and four other members received competetive. awards at A meeting for all signed up the recent state convention of the FBLA held last week- so far will be held this Tuesday at end at the Lafayette Hotel 12 p.m. in the Little Theater. Sub- in Long Beach. awards to the winners at the sequent meetings of the delega. Stephanie Alexander received final banquet. tions may will be held to map out first place in vocabulary com- Other members attending this strategy. petition, Kathy Young received a two day convention were Mary . Stearns, Florance Cooper, Larry third place spelling award, Lois McDonald, retiring state presi- Wenholz captured ACT Required second place dent, Arlene Garcia, Pat Hol- inessay writing, and Carol Wilt. comb, and Marilyn Robinson; re- sic received first place in essay tiring state corresponding sec- By All Transfers writing. Another award received retary. Students who plan on attending by the chapter was a Gold Star Don Robertson, president of Chapter Award certificate Long Beach State College, or oth- for the FJC chapter, participated in Project and Activity Reports, er nearby state colleges this fall, e a college section panel and dis. gular reports must file applications for the Am- turned into the cussion group entitled "Problems state office of erican College Test examinat io ii club activities and of the Campus Club." dues. before April 1 in the FJC Coun- due. Highlighting the Friday even. Mr. Raymond seling Center. Polentz, club ad- ing banquet was Dr. Nelson Nor- visor The ACT examination, required was chosen State President man, FJC social science instruc- of the sponsors of all transfer students, is to be association and tor, speaking on Russia. "It was given cn Saturday morning, April Mr. John Collins was given an a very excellent and entertaining 23; but students who plan on tak- honorary 1ifetime membership speech," commented President award. ing the test must file an applica- Don Robertson, "and was enjoyed tion in the center before April Chuck Cross, past president of by all." PROUDLY SHOWING THE AWARDS that they received at the 1. When application is made, full the FJC Chapter, acted as chair- "The entire convention was a State Phi Beta Lambda Convention held in Long Beach this past week- information as to where the test man of the competative contests very educational, informative en- end are: back row, Lois Wenholz, Stephanie Alexander, Kathy is to be given and what further carried on during the state con- joyable, and interesting one," re- Young, and Carol Wiltsie; and , front, Jim Gemmill, newly elected steps are required will be given. vention. He also presented the ports. State Treasurer, and Don Robgrtson, Chapter President. Page 2 THE HORNET Friday, April 1, 1960 Love! Love! Love? EDITORIAL 7e iac C(4Crtain.. Next week will ring down the final curtain on one of the most dramatic performances ever presented at Ful- CENSORED lerton Junior College. This production, one that occurs without fail every semester, is one of the happiest and, yet, in some cases, the most tragic ever presented. Next week will be the end of "The First Quarter." For some Hornets the final curtain will be a relatively happy one. These are the people who have discovered the not-so-magic formula for combining studies with FJC's excellent activities program. For others, who are really "just getting started" and, "how can the quarter be over already?", things will not be so cheery. These are the people who decided to coast "MY DARLING, I LOVE YOU!" whispers hfusky.voiced actress and F.JC alumna Dusty Panz for the first few weeks and then couldn't get off the hill. into the eager ,ear of her film co-star Torn DIwne .in a torrid scene from their new movie, "Love, Or perhaps they are the ones who feel that college is "all Love, "Love," soon to be released. The tawney-haired actress will appear this evening in a student for fun" with studies sandwiched in when there is time. body fund-raising show in the auditorium. For still others, the first quarter will really be the end. These are the people who, having failed to make satisfac- tory scholastic showings the first semester, have been FJC's Most Famous Graduate, given until now to make up their grades and have failed. Shortly, they will join the.fortunately small group of those who "didn't want to go to college anyway." Eventually, Famed Actress Returns Tonight however, these people usually end up saying "Work is okay, but why did I ever drop college?" that she gives credit for her In its long list of illust- I1..Miss ...Panz.
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