1923. - OONG"RESSIONAL' RECORD-· SENATE. 1977 PRIVATE BILLS "AND RESOLUTIONS. 6913: By l\fr. FULLNR: Resolutions of the Illinois State Federation of Labor, favoring the recognition by the United Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private biUs and resolutions States of the soviet government of Russia ; to the Committee on were introduced and severally referred as follows: Foreign Affairs. By Mr. BLACK: A bill (H. R. 13909) granting a pension to Willie A . Mankin; to the Committee on Pensions. 6~14. Also, petition of the National Council of Farmers'. By l\ir. CABLE: A bill (H. R. 13910) to remove the charge Cooperative Marketing Associations, concerning credits and in­ of desertion from the record of George T. Silvers; to the Com­ crease of maximum loans by farm-land banks from $10,000 to mittee on Military Affairs. $25,000'; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. COLE of Iowa: A bill (H. R. 13911) granting a pen­ 6915. By Mr. KELLEY of Michigan: Petition of Oleo E. , sion to Lusania V. Center; to the Committee on Invalid Baker and 21 other residents of Lansing, Mich., favoring repeal of the tax on small arms and ammunition ; to the Committee on Pensions. Ways and Means. By Mr. DOWELL: A bill (H. R. 13912) granting a pension to Lillian Ensminger; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 6916-. Also, petition of the Han & Downie Hardware Co. and By Mr. HENRY: A bill (H. R. 13913) providing for the pur­ 20 other residents of Flint, Mich., favoring repeal of the tax on small arms and ammunition; to the Commlttee on Ways and chase of a suitable site for the erection of a post office for the Means. 1 village of Canisteo, N. Y. ; to the Committee on Public Build- 1 ings and Grounds. - • 6917. By Mr. KINDRED : Petition of Port of New York . By Mr. JOHNSON of Kentucky: A bill (H. R. 13914) grant- Authority, -E. H. Outerbridge, chairman, <>pposing any reduction ing a pension to Eliza Forbes ; to- the Committee on Invalid of appropriations for rivers and harbors maintenance and im­ ! Pensions. provement as recommended by the Ohief of Engineers for the By Mr. KENNEDY: A bill (H. R. 13915) for the relief of port of New York; to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. · Daniel A. Spaight; to the Committee on Claims. 6918. By Mr. KISSEL: Petition of United States Customs Also, a bill (H. R. 13916) for the relief of Elizabeth Tabele; Service, San Francisco, Calif., fa v-0ring better pay for customs laborers in the United States; to the Committee on Ways and to the Committee on Claims. Means. · By Mr. KOPP: A bill (H. R. 13917) granting an increase of pension to Elizabeth E. Lanam; to the Committee on Invalid 6919. By Mr. MAcGREGOR : Petition of sundry citizens of I Pensions. Buffalo, N. Y., favoring aid to Germany and Austria· to the By l\.:1r. LANGLEY: A bill (II. R. 13918) granting a pension Committee on Foreign Affairs. ' to Wallis Bailey ; to the Committee on Pensions. 6920. Also, petition of H. H. Koehler and five other citizens Also, a bill (H. R. 13919) g1·anting a pension to Henry ID. of Buffalo, N. Y., favoring help for Germany .and Austria in Booth ; to the Committee on Pensions. regard to food which is to be bought from the United States· Also, a bill (H. R. 13920) granting a pension to Robert to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ' I McQueen ; to the Committee o..n Pensions. 6921. By Mr. MORIN: Petition of Bavarian National A.sso­ By Mr. McDUFFIE: A bill (H. R. 13921) authorizing the ciat.ion of North America, Sec~ion No. 41, Pittsbur~ Pa., President to appoint George 0. Scherer to the position and rank urgmg the passage of House Jomt Resolution 412, purporting I of captain in the Quartermaster 'oorps of the United States to extend aid to the people of the German and Austrian Repub­ Ar!DY; to the Committee on Military Affn.irs. lics; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. :By l\Ir. NELSON of Maine: A bill (H. R. 13922) granting a 6922. By l\fr. PERKINS : Petition signed by Theo. H. Mulch, pens~on to William L. Ross; to the Committee on Invalid Westwood, N. J., and others, in support of legislation extending Pensions. immediate aid to the people of the German and Austrian Re­ By l\Ir. PURNELL: A bill (H. R. 13923) granting an inc~ease publics~ to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. of pension to Essie Pur el; to the Committee on Invalid 6923. Also, petition signed by Max Ruma.in Hasbrouck 1 Pensions. · Heights, N. J., and others in surrounding towns, in support of By Mr. ROACII: A bill (H. R. 13924) granting a pension to legislation. extending immediate aid to the people of the Ger­ man and Austrian Republics ; to the Committee on Foreign 1 Elizabeth M. Griffith; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By l\Ir. TREADWAY: A bill (H. R. 13025) granting an in- Affairs. · crease of pension to Jennie E. Moore; to the Committee on 6924. Also, petition signed by H. J. Schubert, Hackensack, JnYalid Pensions. N. J., in support of legislation extending immediate aid to the people of the German and Austrian Republics ; to the Com- mittee on Foreign Affairs. · ' PETITIONS, ETC. 6925. By Mr. RIORDAN: Petition of 25 citizens of New Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid York, to extend aid to the people of the German and Austrian on the Clerk's desk and referred a.s follows: Republics; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. · 6907. By Mr. BACHARACH: Petition of sundry citizens of ~926. B_y l\Ir. ';l'HOMPSON: P~tition of 15 citizens of Convoy, Atlan,tic City, N. J., protesting against the pa sage of the com­ Ohio, urglllg action on House Jomt Resolution 412, for the relief pulsory Sunday observance bill; to the Committee on the Dis­ of famine conditions in Germany and Austria; to the Com­ tiict of Columbia. mittee on Foreign Affairs. 6908. By .Mr. BULWINKLE: Petition of Father Felix, 0. S. B., 6927. By 1\Ir. YOUNG: Petition of Olaus Johnson and others Belmont Abbey, Belmont, N. C., and others, praying that the of Bergen, N. pak., protesting against House bill 13195 and Congre s of the United States extend aid to the. famine-stricken Senate bill 4130; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign people of Europe; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Commerce. 6909. By Mr. BURTNESS: Petition of sundry citizens of Fargo, Cogswell, Hatton, Sarles, Finley, Hankinson, Hunter, Mayville, Chnrchs Ferry, Lidgerwood, Walhalla, Milton, En­ SENATE. delin, Sheldon, Bisbee, Hoople, Fairmont, Page, Hannah, Forest River, Hamilton, Forman, St. Thomas, Inkster, Park River, Mil- FRIDAY, January 19, 19~3. ' nor, Lakota, Northwood, Bathgate, Cavalier, Lisbon, Hillsboro Pembina, Larimore, To~ JJ 1 City, Casselton, and Grand Forks: (Legislative day of Tuesday, January 16, 19~S.) an in the .State of North Dakota, favoring the passage of the The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridi.a'n; on the expir.ation of ' IT'owner-Sferling bill; to ·the Committee on Education. · the recess. 6910. Also, petition of sundry citizens of Forman, N. Dak~, ' Hunter, N. Dak., and Grand Forks, N. Dak., favoring the aboli­ SPEECH OF MR. BOYDEN BEFORE REPARATION COMMISSION. tion of discriminatory ta.x on small-arms ammunition and Mr. LODGE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to firearms; to the Committee on Ways and :Means. present from the Committee on Foreign Relaticms, in reply to 6911. By l\.ir. CULLEN : Resolution adopted by the American the resolution submitted blt the Senator from Utah [Mr. Kl.Na}, Leo-ion in national convention assembled, calling upon Congress the authentic text of the· remarks of Mr. Boyden on January 9, to take up and act upon measures pending in Congress regard­ 1923, together with a memorandum showing the differences ing the dispositio-p. of Muscle Shoals·; to the Committee on Mili­ between that text and the version contained in the New York tary AffaiJ.·s. Timesy which was printed in the RECORD. I ask that the text 6912. Also, petition of a mass meeting of citizens of New I .present may be printed ·in the RECORD in the usual RECORD York City, favorina a first-class Army and Navy at all times; type, and the ma.tter indicated in parallel columns. to the Committee on Military Affairs. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, it is so ordered. 1978 CONGRESSIONAL· RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY 19,· The errata and the text are as follows: BOYDEN-Continued. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--Contd. BOYDEN. 0oNGRESSIONAL RECORD. the percentage of dernand ter and had attained a very which Germany had not sup- large measure of success. Page 1, paragraph 2, line 7 : plied small, and this must And though in fact not a was Who though in fact not a be recognized as proving that judge expressed his own per­ judge to express his own per­ Germany had made a very con- sonal view. sonal view. siderable effort in a very dif- Page 2, paragraph 2, line 5: ficult matter and had attained That the action or the fail­ That action or failure to act a very large measure of suc- ure this act might reasonably might reasonably have * • •. cess. have * * *. Page 7, last paragraph, line 5: Page 2, paragraph 3, line 9 : * * * of the failure of * * * of the failure of And do not realize at the And d·id not realize at the Germany in the execution of Germany in executing her time. time. her obligations.
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