Today: Our special fall fashions section The Daily Register VOL. 99 NO.56 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 15 CENTS Electrification still hinges on federal grant By BEN VAN VLIET table as outlined by Mr. Sagner can be met providing the fed- to release the |2M million needed to finance the improve- fident that the UMTA funds will be released for the two New eral funds are released. ments on both the New York 4 Long Branch, and the Ene- Jersey projects TRENTON - A spokesman for the state Department of "It's certainly true that we are depending upon the (fed- Lackawanna Of the tMS million needed for the Kne Lackawinna. the Transportation confirmed yesterday that construction of the eral) funds" he said, "and if we don't get them the project "It is wrong in my opinion," Sen. Case told Mr Coleman. senator's office said. 111! million will come from UMTA long-awaited electrification of the New York 4 Long Branch will be in grave danger." "to withhold money from two worthwhile New Jersey proj- funds Railroad to the Red Bank Area hinges on the release of fllO At stake is the W per cent share of the construction cost, ects because of the continuing controversy over a third " Of this amount, all but |M million has been allocated million in federal funds. which is supposed to come from the Federal Urban Mass The controversy Sen Case referred to involves the failure The electrification of the New York 4 Long Branch Is ea- The impression was given last week by Alan Sagner, state Transportation Administration (UMTA) of the state to provide for service beyond Plainfield. and the umau-d to coal 1117 milbon. of which 1110 million (representing commissioner of transportation, that work on the elec- The UMTA has been asked to provide a total of |7M mil- failure to provide for a link tying Newark Airport into the pro- M per cent of the cost) is to come from the UMTA trification would begin in about a year, and that electrified lion for improvement projects on the New York k Long posed PATH'extension So far none of these federal funds have been released to service as far south as Matawan would be in operation during Branch Railroad (now a part of ConRail); the Erie-Lack- the project The remainder of the cost is to come from funds the calendar year 1(77. awanna Railroad, and the PATH extension to Plainfield Sen. Case noted that although the PATH project lacks set aside from the 1M state transportation bond issue He made those comments at a ceremony at the Mon- The release of the UMTA funds is being held up, appar- "wholehearted local support," the other two projects both The spokesman for the state said Mr Sagner is confident mouth Hall at which he signed a (5 3 million contract for the ently because of a controversy over the PATH extension have "strong endorsement from both state and local author- the federal monies will be released in time for the state to design and engineering work on the electrification. U.S. Sen. Clifford P. Case, R-N.J., said yesterday he has MM." start the construction on time A spokesman for Mr. Sagner said yesterday that the time- asked William T. Coleman, U.S. Secretary of Transportation. A spokesman for Sen Case said the senator feels con- srr KlectrtfiraUM. page 1 Legislator suit attacks Byrne housing order TRENTON (AP) - A Re- and road building from com- publican legislator sees a sim- munities (hat fail to comply ilarity In the Byrne adminis- Dorsey and Marker! said tration's method of seeking Byrne had no legal authority more suburban housing for to threaten or to enforce the GAMBLI the poor and the Niton ad- withholding of state and fed- ministration's withholding of eral aid federal funds several years They contend that such ac- ago. tion would be "a usurpation" Assemblyman John Mark- of the legislative powers as- er!, R Bergen, sued Byrne signed in the slate con- yesterday in Morris County stitution, noting that the con- Superior Court, contending stitution expressly delegates the governor exceeded his zoning power to the legisla- powers by Issuing an execu- ture, which In turn has shared tive order last April 2 aimed it with municipalities at forcing municipalities to The executive order gave LOOKING FOR THE 'NO'S' — Standing In front of Anne Mortindell, a long-time opponant of casino expand low Income housing within their boundaries. the planning division II their klckoff poster are left to right, Paul Stagg, gambling. Their campaign and posters were sim- months/ to provide the fair Markert's attorney is As- secretary of the N.J. Council of Churches; Rabbi ilar and successful In stopping a gambling drive share housing plan Richard semblyman John Dorsey, K David Panltz; Dr. Samuel A. Jeanes, co-chairman last year. Ginman, the division director, Morris of committee to stop gambling; and State Sen. said he foresees no difficulty The executive order di- meeting the Feb 2 deadline greeted the Division of State and Regional Planning to The order was Issued in re- draw up a program for the sponse to a historic ruling by "fair share" allocation of low the New Jersey Supreme Coalition opens drive and moderate income housing Court In II7J in a case In- FILE SUIT AGAINST GOVERNOR - Assem- in each of the 21 counties and volving Mount Laurel Town- blymen John Dorsey, R Morris, left, and John 567 municipalities In New Jer- ship in Burlington County Morkert, R-Bergen go over papers ot news confer- sey. ence at the State House In Trenton yesterday. The It said the fair share plan Besides Marker!. IS other two claim that the governor has Illegally exceeded would be enforced by with- Republican assemblymen his powers and have gone to court today to stop an to beat gambling move holding financial aid for such joined the suit against Byrne, executive order aimed ot forcing municipalities to services as. open space pre- including Minority Leader expand low Income housing within their bound- TRENTON (AP) - An anti- day before election day, to question on the ballot within and, as such, should have servation, sewer construction Thomas Kean. R Essex aries. casino gambling coalition give anti-casino sermons three years after a similar been given a mandatory pub- here says it won't be able to throughout the state. proposal was defeated. lic hearing preceded by ade- raise anywhere near the $1 A similar message from the This year's amendment re- quate advertising of such an million pro-casino forces say pulpit in 1(74 was considered stricting) casinos to Atlantic event. they'll have available to con- effective in the defeat of a City was not different enough Stagg said the council op- vince voters to allow gam- constitutional amendment from the 1174 proposal, he posed casino gambling be- MCAP plans to take over bling In Atlantic City. that would have allowed ca- said. cause it would not, as But members of the coali- sinos anywhere in the state. Atlantic County Superior claimed, revitalize Atlantic tion, organized by the. New Former Bergen County Sen. Court Judge Philip Gurccio City, but would instead ben- Jersey Council of Churches, Alfred W Kiefer, an attorney ruled earlier this year that efit gambling interests and said yesterday they'll use "a for the council, told a news this year's casino amendment provide only a limited num- and reopen nursing home people's network" to urge de- conference yesterday he differed sufficiently from the ber of new menial service By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN patient care at Bay View II visit led to the closing or- feat of the casino gambling would file suit today in Supe- 1(74 attempt, but Kiefer said jobs that would not make a der question on the November rior Court, seeking to have he thought the case could be dent on longterm employment Nursing Home It's 34 ballot ' the casino question removed re-argued successfully. problems LONG BRANCH - Mon- patients were ordered relo- They were to return by from the ballot. He also said he would go to He asserted casinos would mouth Community Action cated Monday to make sure all beds The Rev. Paul Stagg, gen- Program (MCAP) is planning The Department of Health in the unsafe nursing home eral secretary of the church He said the suit would ar- the Appellate Division of Su- divert attention from better to take over operation of Bay has repeatedly, since 1972. had been emptied council, said the coalition gue, in part, that the referen- perior Court to argue the ref- solutions to economic prob- View Nursing home in Mid- told Bay View to correct "We want to provide a would call on churchmen to dum violated a constitutional erendum amounts to special lems, would not aid the handi- dletown — which was clotod needed service." Mr Russell set aside Oct. II, the last Sun- ban against putting the same legislation for Atlantic City capped and senior citizens structual and safety viola- by the state last Friday for W tions Automatic sprinklers said "There should be a con- Department of Health viola- for fire protection were never trast to running it for a profit tions. installed, the fire alarm had We're not profit-motivated " . Wilbert C Russell. MCAP apparently hot been tested Mr Russell expects the executive director, was au- and sharp-edged metal lease negotiations to be com- Asbury Park coaches quit thorized at last night's meet- doorways had not been re pleted in the next few days, ing to negotiate a lease for moved By ANN BRENOFF Rather than.return to their resignation to the Board of The board and APEA how- and the nursing home to be the facility This is the first Most of the 10 deficiencies coaching positions and not Education.
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