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I ascr # 10 HO ascr # 3 OH HO asc : # 7 OH I FIG . 7 OH ***** ( CHahn HO n = 6 , ascr# 16 7, ascr # 18 n = 8 , ascr # 20 n = 11 , ascri26 FIG . 8 U.S. Patent Jun . 1 , 2021 Sheet 5 of 25 US 11,019,776 B2 OH ascr # 8 COH icas # 9 HN . HOW ? ?????OH Ho?????? OH OH mbas # 3 HO . ascr # 9 OH OH FIG . 9 2 LesionSize(cm2) 1 FIG . 10A FIG . 10B U.S. Patent Jun . 1 , 2021 Sheet 6 of 25 US 11,019,776 B2 FIG.11B . RioGrande ) cm ( Size lesion FIG.110 M82 mi/ number Sporangia FIG.11A TSIN U.S. Patent Jun . 1 , 2021 Sheet 7 of 25 US 11,019,776 B2 /cm2CFU106 11 0 $ 0 FIG . 12A 1 FIG . 12B CFUx10$/cm2 ili FIG . 12C U.S. Patent Jun . 1 , 2021 Sheet 8 of 25 US 11,019,776 B2 7 Ennammanna CFUx10"/crna 2 ascr18 FIG . 13A changedExpressionfold 10 T AtFRK1 FIG . 13B ajewanetaqunujueja/ FIG . 13C U.S. Patent Jun . 1 , 2021 Sheet 9 of 25 US 11,019,776 B2 CFUx10$/cm ? FIG . 13D Bufferonly SAonly 0.01AM0.01 uM+EO SA WTI 0.3 MM+ SA Asc3 PR1 PDF1.2 Tub FIG . 13E U.S. Patent Jun . 1 , 2021 Sheet 10 of 25 US 11,019,776 B2 BufferonlySAonly TO'O WT0.01 UM# SA 0.3 UM+ SA Asc 9 PR1 PDF1.2 Tub FIG . 13F CFUX106/cm2 1$ FIG . 136 U.S. Patent Jun . 1 , 2021 Sheet 11 of 25 US 11,019,776 B2 BufferonlySAonly 0.01 PM PR1 PDF1.2 Tub FIG . 13H BufferonlySAonly 0.01UM PR1 PDF1.2 Tub FIG . 131 U.S. Patent Jun . 1 9, 2021 Sheet 12 of 25 US 11,019,776 B2 14Mascr18 0.3 Time after treatment ( minutes ) FIG . 14A Snowwwwwwwwww Lesionsize(cm) 1 FIG . 14B Water SCF18 casus FIG . 14C U.S. Patent Jun . 1 , 2021 Sheet 13 of 25 US 11,019,776 B2 Lesionsize(cm) T ascr18 easc18 FIG . 14D Sporangoia/ml T FIG . 14E U.S. Patent Jun . 1 , 2021 Sheet 14 of 25 US 11,019,776 B2 0.25 ascr 9 ( 1 ) Oscr 9 ( 2 ) ascr 10 ( 3 ) ascr 4 ( 4 ) 0.1 basal FIG .
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