97th ANNUAL CONVOCATION P.G. GOLD MEDAL LIST LIST OF ENDOWMENTS IN doctor of philosophy NAME OF THE CANDIDATE WITH ADDRESS AND SL NO. NAME OF THE ENDOWMENT OTHER DETAILS 1. (394) DR K KRISHNAMURTHY GOLD MEDAL GL3/448/95-96 dated 17-01-1997 1. The Gold Medal should be awarded to the candidate, who has been awarded Ph.D. degree in Sanskrit subject preferably in Alankara Shastra. 2. In the event of there being more than one candidate eligible for the above award, the prize shall be distributed equally in terms of Cash only. 3. If the award is not made in any year for any reason, the interest shall be added to the corpus of the Fund. 4. The University Syndicate shall have power to make suitable change in the original NIL conditions of the award without determent to the object of the Donor. 1 2.(226) DR A N UPADHYA GOLD MEDAL 1. The interest on the amount shall be used for awarding the Gold Medal which shall be RAJANNA M called “Dr.A.N.Upadhya Gold Medal”. 2. The Gold Medal shall be awarded every year at the Annual Convocation to one who has taken doctorate (D.Litt or Ph.D the former be considered as superior to the latter) in the DOS IN JAINOLOGY & order of preference. PRAKRIT MGM a) in a subject connected with Jainism, its literature (in any language), Philosophy, History, Art, Architecture or its Socio religious organization. OR b) in a subject remotely connected with Jainology and Prakrit; OR c) in a subject connected with cultural history of medieval Karnataka or South India from any of the Post-graduate Departments of the University. 3. If the awards get accumulated two or more of them can be given in the same year. 4. It shall be competent to the University Syndicate, in consultation with the Professor and Head of the Department of Jainology and Prakrit and the Director, Institute of Kannada Studies, University of Mysore, to take any action in connection with the awarding these medals in case of any doubts and problems. 2 LIST OF ENDOWMENTS IN ANCIENT HISTORY & ARCHAEOLOGY (M.A) NAME OF THE CANDIDATE WITH ADDRESS AND SL NO. NAME OF THE ENDOWMENT OTHER DETAILS 1. (326) PROFESSOR A V NARASIMHA MRUTHY GOLD MEDAL--* GL3/64/90-91 dated 2-12-1991 SADANAND Conditions of Award:- FGPA:7.7630 1. The interest accrued on the Endowment shall be utilised for award of one Gold Medal called Professor A.V. Narasimhamruthy Gold Medal at the University Annual Convocation every year. REG. NO. AA114010 2. The Gold Medal should be awarded to the candidate who has passed M.A. Examination in Ancient History and Archaeology subject in First Attempt and securing highest marks D.O.S IN ANCIENT (for whatever years/ semesters the marks of which are taken for declaration of class). HISTORY & ARCHAEOLOGY MGM 3. In the event of there being more than one candidate securing equal marks, Gold Medal shall be distributed equally, in terms of cash only. 4. If the award is not made in any year for any reasons, the interest shall be added to the corpus of the fund. 5. The University Syndicate shall have the power to make suitable changes in the original conditions of the award without detriment to the objectives of the DONOR. 3 LIST OF ENDOWMENTS IN ANTHROPOLOGY (m.A) NAME OF THE CANDIDATE WITH ADDRESS AND OTHER SL NO. NAME OF THE ENDOWMENT DETAILS 1. (438) MURTHY’S MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE GOLD MEDAL The Gold Medal/Cash Prize should be awarded to the candidate who has passed M.A ANAGHA MARIA JOSE Anthropology examination in first attempt and securing highest marks (for whatever FGPA:8.4740 years/semesters the marks of which are taken for declaration of class). In the event of there being more than one candidate securing equal marks the prize shall be distributed equally, in REG. NO. AT114001 terms of Cash only. D.O.S IN ANTHROPOLOGY MGM 4 LIST OF ENDOWMENTS IN CHRISTIANITY (M.A) NAME OF THE CANDIDATE WITH ADDRESS AND OTHER Sl No. Name of the endowment DETAILS 1. (294) ANJALI ASHRAM ACHARYA AMALORANANDA GOLD MEDAL--* G3/534/84-85 dated 6th May 1986 ANITHA AROGYA MARY S Conditions of Award of the Gold Medal:- FGPA:8.5070 1. The interest accrued on the endowment shall be utilised for award of one Gold Medal called REG. NO. CR114001 ANJALI ASHRAM ACHARYA GURUSWAMI AMALORANANDA GOLD MEDAL at the University Annual Convocation every year. DOS IN CHRISTIANITY 2. The “Gold Medal “ should be awarded to the best candidate who has passed the M.A. final examination in Christianity in the first attempt, accruing highest mumber of marks. 3. In the event of there being more than one candidate securing equal top marks the Gold Medal shall be awarded at the discretion of the University Syndicate. 4. If the award is not made in any year for any reason, the interest shall be added to the corpus of the fund. 5. The University Syndicate shall have the the power to make suitable changes in the original conditions of the award without detriment to the object of the Founder. (Accepted by the Endowment Committee at its meeting held on 17-1-1985, the Syndicate at its meeting held on 6-7-1985 and approved by the Academic Council and the senate at their meetings held on 21-11-1985 and 14/15th March 1986 respectively). 5 LIST OF ENDOWMENTS IN COMMUNICATION & JOURNALISM (M.A) NAME OF THE CANDIDATE WITH ADDRESS AND SL NO. NAME OF THE ENDOWMENT OTHER DETAILS 1. (159) THE JANMABHOOMI PRESS TRUST GOLD MEDAL--* G3-493/71-72 dated 4-4-1972 Conditions of Award:- 1. The interest on the Endowment shall be utilized for the institution of Lectureship for delivering Lectures by eminent Journalists on Journalism and the Publication of the Lectures in Book Form. 2. The Lecture shall be arranged annually and shall consist of a course of two Lectures. 3. The Lecturer shall be appointed by the University Syndicate. 4. The remuneration shall be fixed by the Syndicate. 5. The Lectures shall be delivered at such times and such places as the University Syndicate may direct and shall be open not only to students and graduates of the University but also to the general public. 6. The University shall print and publish the Lectures. 7. If in any year a suitable Lecturer is not available and the Lectures are not delivered, the interest shall be added to the corpus of the fund. 8. The University Syndicate shall have power to invest the amount in the most suitable manner in its opinion and to make such changes in the above terms of award as may be found necessary, but without infringing the main object of the foundation. 6 2. (297) DR MASTI VENKATESHA IYENGAR GOURAVARTHA GOLD MEDAL--* G3/326/85-86 dated 17-11-86 SHIVENDRA G URS µÀgÀvÀÄÛUÀ¼ÀÄ: FGPA:8.4470 1. qÁ. ªÀiÁ¹Û ªÉAPÀmÉñÀ CAiÀÄåAUÁgï UËgÀªÁxÀð a£ÀßzÀ ¥ÀzÀPÀ JA§ ºÉ¸Àj£À°è ¥Àæw ªÁ¶ðPÀ REG. NO. CO114039 WÀnPÉÆÃvÀìªÀ ¸ÀªÀiÁgÀA¨sÀzÀ°è ¸ÁßvÀPÉÆÃvÀÛgÀ ¥ÀzÀ« «zÁåyðUÀ½UÁV MAzÀÄ a£ÀßzÀ ¥ÀzÀPÀªÀ£ÀÄß DOS IN COMMUNICATION & ¤ÃqÀ®Ä ªÀÄÆ® zsÀ£ÀzÀ §rØAiÀÄ£ÀÄß §¼À¸ÀvÀPÀÌzÀÄÝ. JOURNALISM MGM 2. µÀgÀvÀÄÛ (1)gÀ°è w½¹gÀĪÀAvÉ a£ÀßzÀ ¥ÀzÀPÀªÀ£ÀÄß ¸ÁßvÀPÉÆÃvÀÛgÀ ¥ÀzÀ« ²PÀët ¥ÀvÀæPÉÆÃzÀåªÀÄ «µÀAiÀÄzÀ°è ¥ÀæxÀªÀÄ ¥ÀæAiÀÄvÀßzÀ°è Cw ºÉaÑ£À CAPÀ UÀ½¹ GwÛÃtðgÁzÀ «zÁåyðUÉ ¤ÃqÀvÀPÀÌzÀÄÝ. 3. ¥ÀzÀPÀPÁÌV E§âgÀÄ CxÀªÁ ºÉaÑUÉ C¨sÀåyðUÀ¼ÀÄ ¸Àé¢üð¹zÁUÀ D ªÀµÀðzÀ°è ªÀiÁvÀæ a£ÀßzÀ ¥ÀzÀPÀªÀ£ÀÄß £ÀUÀzÀÄ §ºÀĪÀiÁ£ÀªÁV ¥ÀjªÀwð¹ CzÀ£ÀÄß CAvÀºÀ C¨sÀåyðUÀ½UÉ ¸ÀªÀÄ£ÁV ºÀAZÀvÀPÀÌzÀÄÝ. 4. 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(217) SMT CHINNAMMA RAMAKRISHNAPPA GOLD MEDAL--* G3-434/75-76 dated 8th March 1976 SHIVENDRA G URS Conditions of Award:- 82/100 1. The Interest on this Endowment shall be utilised for the award of a Gold Medal called “ K. REG. NO. CO114039 Chinnamma Ramakrishnappa Gold Medal”. DOS IN COMMUNICATION & 2. This Gold Medal shall be awarded to a best student of this University who passes the M.A. JOURNALISM MGM Degree Examination in Journalism Scoring highest marks in the subject of advertising in M.A. (Previous) Examination after getting a minimum of a second class. 3. In the event of there being more than one candidate become eligible for this award, the award shall be made at the discretion of the University syndicate. 4. In the event of there being no candidate eligible for this award the amount of interest accrued in that year shall be added to the corpus of the fund.
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