SEE STORY BEM>W Rain FINAL Rain, continuing into tomor- row morning, possibly heavy Red Bank, Freehold at tymes. Cloudy tomorrow af- Long Branch EDITION ternoon. Sunday, partly ninny andcooL 28 PAGES Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL 94 NO. 197 RED BANK, NJ. FRIDAY, IJIARCH 31,1972 TENCEITOS Suit Seeks to Voici Fort Lease Award By JANE FODERARO planned in New Shrewsbury, gally" to Dworman Building administrator, Roderick F. N.J. Co., New York, the only other Kreger; the Dworman firm; WASHINGTON, D.C.-Tin- Tinton, the unsuccessful bidder on the lease, in a civil and the Chase Manhattan ton Healty Co., New York bidder on the contract, suit filed in U.S. District Bank, New York, which re- City, seeks to invalidate a charges that the General Ser- Court here. portedly has given contingent government contract awarded vices Administration (GSA) Defendants named in the financing to the Dworman. (or a $57 million lease on a awarded, the contract "capr- civil action are five GSA exec- firm in connection with the military office building iciously, arbitrarily and ille- utives, including the acting lease. Contract terms call for con- struction of a $25 million of- fice building, to serve the Electronics Command, Ft. Monmouth, at Tinton Ave.. Motive in Slaying and Wayside Road, New Shrewsbury. The Tinton firm, that had proposed construction of the government building in neigh- Of Couple Sought boring Eatontown, alleges that the GSA failed to make, HOLMDEL — Five county "I am saying this because "We have questioned em- the lease award on the most detectives have been assigned the medical examiner (Dr. ployes at the diner and a favorable terms to the gov- to Nassau County, N.Y., in at- stari«y BeckCT) indicates that waitress remembers a red- ernment. Tinton contends that tempt to piece together a mo- Fraser probably was still haired girl being there about 3 its final offer, covering a 40- live for the slaying of an ex alive when he was dumped o'clock Sunday morning," year period, was $8,265,750 BURNING BRUSH — Tree*cleared from the site of the Rt. 18 freeway construction in Colts Neck are convict and his girlfriend into the ditch," Chief Chief McCormick stated. less than Dworman's. burned five days a week under "favorable wind conditions." Although the open burning is termed legal whose bodies were found in a McCormick explained. "She said the girl was in a The suit also charges that by township officials, a spokesman for the state Department of Environmental Protection said it will drainage ditch here Monday 'Gangland Hit' party of five or six but she GSA failed to inform the order a halt to the action Monday. afternoon. He said his department couldn't positively identify plaintiff of the basis on which The couple were identified hasn't ruled out "a gangland her." the final award would be yesterday morning as Robert hit" as the motive behind the Dr. Becker has placed the made. Tinton submitted a fi- H. Fraser,'23, ol 2376 Ocean- double homicide. time of death of this couple as nal price covering a 40-year side Road, and Kathleen . "There are several areas between 1:30 and 3:30 a.m. rental period, allegedly in Miley, 19, of 66 Evans St., where we are looking," the Sunday. keeping with original GSA |t|te S?ys It Will Halt chief continued. "A gangland terms; but the award went to both Oceanside. Chief McCormick went on Albert V. McCormiofc, conn* slaying is one. Robbery anoth- to say that both victims were Dworman for a price spann- ty chief of detectives, said er. shot at close range "but not ing a 20-year period. yesterday that the couple, A matchbook from the close enough to show powder Moreover, Tinton main- both shot twice in the head, "Country Squire Diner" Rt. burns on the body." tains that the federal agency BuSriiingtio Golts Neck might have been slain in the 35, Wall Township was found "Everybody's been over the fatted to "avoid the opportu- in Fraser's pocket along with area with a fine-tooth comb »rSHERRY FJGDORE until Dec. 31. area of the ditch in which nity for favoritism and undue p the whole burning operation is they were found. a key and |1 cents. See Seek, Page 3 See Snit, Page 2 But Thomas M.Q'Neill, ad- "strictly legal as far as we're "Then, as far as I'm con- COLTS NECK - Five days ministrative assistant to De- concerned." cerned, its finished at the end a week, I! the winds are partment of Environmental Chief Baggitt said the open of the year," Chief Baggitt "right for burning," clouds of Protection Commissioner fire permit issued in late Ja- said. smoke rise from piles of blaz- ..Richard J. Sullivan, said yes- nuary to PT&L is basically no The contracting firm, he ing brush and tree trunks terday the open burning viol- different than the 85 or 90 oth- said, has a permit issued by Frantic Parents Ask Help along a stretch of Rt. 537 just ates the state air pollution er permits he's issued this the state. east of Walling Road. code and will be halted Mon- year, most of them requested Chief Baggitt said the con- Heavy equipment of PT&L day. by farmers and orcbardists struction site has been Construction Co. of Paramus Informed of the burning at seeking to bum winter dam- checked out by the county fire is clearing the tract for this the construction site, Mr. aged wood or fence rows. marshal, is inspected twice a In Missing Couple Search township's segment of the O'Neill said, "This is a viola- According to the fire chief week by a state official (de- newRt. 18 freeway. tion and we will enforce the and Township Administrator partment unknown) and daily By AL HORAY The girl's father said his wife Miss Mussara, who works vestigation. The township and the con- law." John P. Rice, the burning of by an on-site inspector for the continues under sedation. She for the Red Star Trucking "I'm afraid something tractor claim the burning is Robert M. Baggitt, chief of vegetation other than leaves state transportation Depart- NORTH BERGEN - "We has been in shock, he said, Co., here, planned to work serious has happened," he legal, approved and super- the Colts Neck Fire Depart- is legal until the end of this ment. are frantic," said Alfred Mus- since their daughter was re- two or three more years to said last night. He said the vised by the state, and will ment, said last night he had year. Chief Baggitt said he issued sara last night. "We love our ported missing. save money and to buy a new girl's lunch and radio were continue until the site clearing issued a township permit, and The PT&L permit is good the township permit to PT&L daughter and we want her Mr. Mussara, emotionally car before getting married, found in the boat, along with with several specific restric- back." shaken, told The Daily Regis- her father said. her purse, a knife and fishing tions. Mr. Mussara is the father of ter last night he is certain his Detective Louis Tcrranova, tackle. "The fire must never be left 19-year-old Esther Mussara, •daughter did not elope or here, said last night that the Seen at 1 p.m. unattended," he said, and "the last seen in a boat in the Na- abandon the boat in a ru- Marine Police head the search He said the couple were Enemy Intensifies site forman must call the vesink River Saturday. The naway attempt. for the couple. No formal seen by Marine Police at Naval Ammunition Depot, girl and her companion, Await Job alert has been requested by about 1 p.m. Saturday. Their Earle, every day. If the wind George Cole, 23, also of this '•'She refused to-marry the local department, he said. boat was tied to a river buoy, is wrong, they won't burn." city, are being sought by N.J. George," he said, "until he Mr. Mussara said he will he said. They were told it was The edge of the vast ammu- Marine Police as missing per- gets a job and keeps it for at ask city police here to request a navigational violation and to Assault From DMZ nition depot lies only about a sons. • least a vear." State Police aid in the in- move. mile from the construction Patrolman Joseph Mocik of SAIGON (AP) - Heavy inside North Vietnam' Thursday night over the Ho site and the fire official there the Monmouth Beach Marine fighting broke out for the sec- Thursday after a nearly two- Chi Minh trail supply network makes certain the prevailing Police station, said a coun- ond day today in the northern week lull, and one antiaircraft in southern Laos, but all 15 winds won't carry sparks. tywide missing persons alarm quarter of South Vietnam and artillery radar site was de- crewmen were rescued this The chief said the construc- 3 Chains Act to Stem was issued for the pair at the U.S. air war heated up' stroyed. The command said morning by an Air Force ar- tion firm fires the piles with about midnight Saturday. again with two more major the strikes were made to pro- mada of 20 aircraft that en- kerosene, blown onto the Mr. Mussara last night aircraft losses in Laos and tect American planes oper-' countered no resistance. None felled trees in a fine spray, called for "all possible help" fresh raids in North Vietnam.
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