URBAN LANDSCAPE STUDIES EUPHORIGENIC LANDSCAPES Euphorigenic Landscapes — issue 1.0 Sören Schöbel, Daniel Czechowski (Ed.) (Schriftenreihe - LAREG, Bd. 12/ Monograph Series - Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space, Vol. 12) © 2013 Fachgebiet für Landschaftsarchitektur regionaler Freiräume Technische Universität München All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright. No part of this book may be printed without permis- sion of the editors. LAREG HONGKONG 22°18′N, 114°10′E SIZE 1,104 KM2 POPULATION 7,061,200 DENSITY 6,480/KM2 ELEVATION 50 M TIME ZONE HKT (UTC+8) URBAN LANDSCAPE STUDIES ISSUE 1.0 EUPHORIGENIC LANDSCAPES PAGE 18 THE LANDSCAPE OF by Shenzhen River. Since Palaeolithic, HONGKONG there have been people like Hakka set- Yi-Fong Kuo tled and lived here. Hong Kong used to be a traditional agricultural region with only 2000 population in 1842; but it FLOATING CITY grew into an service-based internation- “Many, many years ago, on a fine, clear al economic centre with 7 million pop- day, the floating city appeared in the air ulation and average PPP about $4,4000 in full public gaze, hanging like a hy- in 2010. It’s 3500 times of its popu- drogen balloon....”1 lation in about 150 years ago. Hong Kong’s modern development focused Why does one choose XiXi’s “the Float- on interest-oriented, easy managed and ing City” as the introduction of this es- one-step development, mainly based on say? Is Hong Kong really a non-rooted, the power of modern governance and rich and alienated city as described in market economy, Lefèbvre’s global and XiXi’s novel or Wong Kar-wai’s Chun- institutional level, to transform land re- gking Express? “The Floating City” de- source to capitals and to working and scribes a modern international harbour living spaces for 7 million people. It’s city that was developed by overcoming power to transform the regional land- natural power and merging cultural scape is very different from the urban differences in a short time by the use areas grew from European medieval of institutional, economic, technologi- towns and Chinese ancient cities while cal and global labour power. Yes, Hong in these urban areas, the power of Mor- Kong is most recognised as a city in- phology, the power of global and insti- stead of a region for that it is isolated tutional level and the power of habitat from its ground; and it is merely about has hundreds of years to converse and the urban centre besides the Victoria intersect. The Landscape of Hong Kong Harbour and different functional–pro- is created with predominated traces of ductive, recreational and dwelling–sites quantitative plans and orders by indus- connected by rapid transport modes. In trial logic. fact, Hong Kong as a region is a moun- tainous peninsula (Kowloon Peninsu- THE LAYER OF MORPHOLOGY AND la) with 263 islands (the one opposite LAND RESOURCES Kowloon Peninsulas called Hong Kong Hong Kong, located at the intersection Island) and is divided from Shenzhen of Global market economy and Chinese URBAN LANDSCAPE STUDIES ISSUE 1.0 EUPHORIGENIC LANDSCAPES PAGE 19 social economy, has naturally the op- In the south, due to the mountain portunity to become an open market. forms and the regional climate, the The morphological beginnings of Hong surroundings of Victoria Bay and Port Kong as an international finance centre Shelter developed different livings. The are the Victoria Bay and its mountain- surroundings of Victoria Bay (known ous terrain. The Vitoria Bay–located as Hong Kong and Kowloon District), at the mouth of Pearl River Delta, the has more than the natural harbour. Its most developed area in China after 18 mountainous landform provides a shel- century, and with natural 15-meter’s ter for consistently settlement against deep water–and the 1180 km coastline typhoons ravaged the South East Asia from the islands, provides the foun- every summer. If one took the Central- dation for Hong Kong to grow up to Mid-Levels Escalator and Walkway the top-ranked container throughput System from the central business dis- among international harbours. In addi- trict at the coast to the top Victoria tion, the distribution of its mountains, Peak (known as the Peak), one would island, plains and bays is the most im- experience the Hong Kong miniature portant character to decide its urban while passing by the working/public region’s distribution: First, the form spaces, semi-private/mix-used high- of the Kowloon mountains that run rise districts and private villas. The sky- from north-east to south-west, has di- line, of glitter skyscrapers sitting on the vided Hong Kong into 4 areas: at the winding coastline with clusters of set- south-west is the Victoria Bay and its tlements at different times background surroundings; at the north is the Yuen by the hidden hills around the Victoria Long alluvial plain; at the north-east is Harbour, not only symbolized the glory the Sha Tin Hoi (also called Tide Core) of modern and industrialized Hong and its surroundings; in addition to Kong, but also the economic centre of Port Shelter at the south-east. Second, the market world and the winner of the alluvial fans that located at every river highest priced rental units. On the con- mouths, together with bays suitable trary, although the Port Shelter area is for harbours and ports development, full of hills and bays; there is no shel- found the core of urban development. ter against typhoon. The coastal basalt Furthermore, the distance to the coast- landscape is preserved and the fishing line and the landform of mountains village, Sai Kung, is the classical scene forms hierarchal the transition from for countryside shots against urban artificial to natural landscapes. area in Hong Kong movies. URBAN LANDSCAPE STUDIES ISSUE 1.0 EUPHORIGENIC LANDSCAPES PAGE 20 In the north, there are major differences Yet the mountainous terrain also leads the alluvial plain and the alluvial fans. Hong Kong the competition of land re- The alluvial plains of Yuen Long and sources and the difficulties in connect- Fanling area, is equipped with good soil, ing developed areas. This can be easily great flat area and wide intertidal zone discovered through the proportion and that found the foundation of agricultural distribution between developed lands settlements. Before Hong Kong’s urban and urban greens. The various hill- development, there were plenty of fish tops of basalt bases were designated as farming, shrimp ponds and rice fields. ecological and environmental sensitive Moreover, before the idea of “develop- areas such as country parks. This fact ing with Shenzhen” came, the alluvial leads directly that 67% of Hong Kong plain was the granary of Hong Kong that total land is green and that the devel- from the Deep Bay to the Tai Mo Shan oped areas are limited to 20% flat area scattered mangroves, gei wei (基圍; the at the hill foots. water area closed by embankments; also used for fish farming), shrimp ponds, To house as more people as possible in fields, and waitsuen 圍村( ; walled vil- limited land is always the key to mod- lages). However, due to the develop- ern Hong Kong development. Espe- ment pressure from Shenzhen, these cially in those harbour and river mouth agricultural landscapes are transform- areas, the high-rise buildings are so ing. Compared to the alluvial plain, the densely sited that serous urban heat ef- alluvial fan along the ShingMun River fects arise. Yet, under the philosophy of by Sha Tin Hoi was also settled by sev- “human over nature”, and the support of eral walled villages of fishermen. How- modern technology and local construc- ever, since the Sha Tin Hoi was one of tion materials, these limitations in mor- the biggest bays among Hong Kong; and phology do not stop the pace of Hong the construction cost to built channels Kong development; in turn, they inspire to connect Kowloon (surroundings of Hong Konger’s creativity to form the ba- Victoria Bay) and Sha Tin through Lion sis of 3-D urban area. Such an attempt to Rock was affordable; the alluvial fans control and overpass nature is the global by Sha Tin Hoi were the first area to be institutional level–the combination of chosen for new towns (mainly with har- urban governance and market economy. bours, industrial sites and housing areas) to support continuous growth of the sur- roundings of Victoria Bay in 70’s. URBAN LANDSCAPE STUDIES ISSUE 1.0 EUPHORIGENIC LANDSCAPES PAGE 21 THE LAYER OF GOVERNANCE AND control over natural resources. In addi- LANDSCAPE STRUCTURE tion, its efforts on infrastructures, such The available landscape element of the as transportation, water and food sup- layer of governance could be traced ply and housing, provide the basic liv- back to the military commanding sta- ing conditions of rapid life style and of tions from Ming and Qing dynasties, Hong Kong as an urban habitat. which were set up to guard the coast- line and to look after the inner land. To describe the layer of governance in For instance, the Kowloon walled city Hong Kong, one can’t miss these three was located by the coastline of Kow- fundamental linear spaces: The first one loon Peninsula and opposite the British is the Boundary Street, which divided colony on Hong Kong Island by Victo- the New Territories, and the Hong ria Bay. Nevertheless, when Hong Kong Kong and Kowloon District. In the grew into a modern harbour city, these south of the Boundary Street, the Hong military commanding stations, like Kong and Kowloon District is the cen- their fellow along the Chinese coast, tre of Hong Kong and a luxury shop- lost their original functions and were ping, catering and economic district.
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