California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Hispanic News Special Collections & Archives 4-26-1989 April 26th 1989 Hispanic News Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews Recommended Citation Hispanic News, "April 26th 1989" (1989). Hispanic News. Paper 28. http://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews/28 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hispanic News by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. S.B. Mayoral Run-Off: Tuesday, May 2 A Publication of the Hispanic Communication & Development Corporation XX INLAND EMPIRE ^ T Wednesday 250 April 26,1989 HISPANIC NEWS Volume 2, No. 13 INLAND EMPIRE HTSPANIC CHAMBER OF ROMMFURF. Best ever "Cinco de Mayo Fiesta" set for May 5-7 The Inland Empire Hispanic Chamber the Copa Cabana Talent Productions. of Commerce announced its plans for The highlights of the entire festivities the annual Cinco de Mayo festivities will be the Coronation of the Queen, Cinco de Mayo Parade Grand Marshals during it executive meeting. "This will with Miss USA and Miss Mexico as be one of the outstanding events that the guests. Chamber has had for a very long time Other performers include Antonio and wc have worked very diligently to Guerrero - actor and interpreter of bring the best entertainment to our Mexican songs. Los Policias Group, community during our celebration," Saul Reynosa, Rebecca Armenia and stated Mr. Manuel Morales, general many other musical and dance groups. program chairperson, during a recent Johnny Rodriquez, a local and popular interview. A schedule of the activities singer will be part of the program. and dates are on page 6. The major highlight will be the presen­ This will be the 33rd anniversary of the tation of Miguel Angel Rodriques, a establishment of the Chamber which major star of television and movies was founded by Mr. Salvador Ro­ direct from Mexico City. driguez, the original owner of Mitla's KDIF and KCAL will have remote Restaurant. The 16th of September and control broadcasts at various times. the 5tl) of May feslivities were origi- One of the major events will be the ' naied in 1966 \^hcn Alfredo Ehci.so w-as parade oh Saturday,"May 6i'^arting St the Chamber president. Another 12:00 P.M. from Lytle Creek Park and Lupita Beltran Lalo Guerrero founder was Mrs. Isabel Valencia, who going north on Mt. Vernon to 7th has held many positions, including the Street. Approximately 120 entries are first woman president. She will be one anticipated to participate in this year's of the many speakers on Friday, May parade according to Jerry Esparza, pa­ CITY ATTORNEY .lAMRS PENMAN 5th. rade chairperson. There wiU be a variety of entertain­ Lalo Guerrero and Lupita Beltran, Warning on Absentee Voting ment throughout the three days of ac­ long-time popular artist are Co-Grand tivities which start on Friday, May 5 Marshals. Air Force ROTC, several City Attomey, James F. Penman an­ voters in the City of San Bcmardino to: and end on Sunday, May 7. Alfred drill teams. Orange Show Sam, Army/ nounced today that City Attorney In­ 1. Not vote absentee unless necessary. Gonzalez, well-known radio personal­ Navy driU teams, Spuds McKenzie, vestigators have received evidence 2. Use the application in the voter's ity and manager of KCAL, will be the SBPD Dare Bear and others are sched­ which indicates that certain attempts to pamphlet rather tlian one provided by a Master of Ceremonies. Mr. Gonzales is uled to participate. misuse the absent voter procedure in campaign worker, if absent voting is currently on his second term as presi­ Individuals in the parade are Senator the upcoming Mayoral election are necessary. dent of the Chamber. and Mrs. Ruben'Ayala, Johnny Rodri­ being made. Specifically illegal forms 3. Not let anyone assist in completing The Mariachi Lucero De Lupe Soria quez, Monica Bemiz, the G.I. Queen have been prepared to authorize a third the ballot unless the voter is handi­ will be performing throughout the three and Cal-State Queen, Joe Baca and party to assist the voter to complete his capped. days, as well as other groups. Two other political leaders. or her ballot. In addition other actions 4. Not sign any election materials with­ ballet folkoricos will be performing; Mr. Morales stated that aU the citizens are apparently contemplated which, out reading. Ballet Folkorico Mixcoalli and Ballet in the Inland Empire are invited to though perhaps technically legal, are Folkorico Tonatiuh. Various modem come and bring their children and en­ contrary to the intent of the absent voter Questions may be directed to the office music groups will also perform, includ- joy the carnival rides, all kinds of food process. of the City clerk at 384-5128 or the City rfng Los G)^sies, Grupo Explosion and and the best of entertainment. The City Attomey therefore wams Attomey's Office at 384-5355 Inside Holcomb Endorsement Editorial page 2 GENTS / LPOA Installation page 3 Personal Profile: "Ernie" Gomez pages Cinco de Mayo Fiesta Program page 6 Editorial Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday,April 26, 1989 L. A. MAYOR ITisnanic News Editorial: Bradley Endorses Holcomb Holcomb Endorsed Again the afternoon at the New City Cafe, Vanir Tower, Second Flixir, 290 Nonh On May 2, the citizens of San Bemar­ projects were indicative of a result- D Street, San Bernardino. Some 200 to dino go to the polls again to elect either oriented management style of leader­ 300 people are expected to attend. The Mayor Evlyn Wilcox, former Mayor ship. event will also feature numerous digni­ Bob Holcomb or former Mayor A1 Most importantly to the Hispanic citi­ taries. Cost of the reception is $50 a Ballard. zens, his appointment of seven His­ person or $99 per couple. For further During his tenure as mayor of San panic department heads, thirty middle information phone 889-8873. Bemardino, Mr. Ballard was instru­ management positions and his efforts Culminating Bradley's visit to San mental in accomplishing various proj­ to redirect the 1-215 off-ramps toward Bernardino will be a popular-based ects which are certainly visible todate, the Wcstside. rally featuring Mayor Bradley, Bob mainly, the two malls, parking garages, Mayor Wilcox, as previously sta Holcomb, Congressman George built and refurbished 13 little league has a leadership style of delegation of Brown and a host of other dignitaries. fields, the Boys Club and other city- auihority and a strong reliance on The rally is scheduled for that same wide projects. He was also able to get committees. Community projects that afternoon from 4 to 6 at Seccombe Lake the police dcparmient to respond to she has implemented have had a posi­ Park located at the comer of Sierra Way calls within a 3 minute notice. During tive impact on the city, such as the L. A. Mayor Tom Bradley and 5th Street. The aftemoon program his tenure, however, there was consid­ strong drug program, a Ncightorhood wiU feature a "Rainbow" of enterain- erable conflict and at times, strained Watch program and More Attractive Bob Holcomb, candidate for Mayor of ment, e.g., spiritual, country. Latino, relationships with city council mem­ Community Foundation. She is cur­ San Bernardino, announced at his etc. There will be an admission of $10 bers, which, as we are aware, goes with rently co-chairperson, with Supervisor weekly Saturday morning campaign per person and children are free. Ad­ the job. Bob Hammock, on the Norton Eco­ meetinf the endorsement of Los Ange­ mission ticket provides for free hot Mr. Ballard's decision to run for mayor nomic Development Committee. les Mayor Tom Bradley. Holcomb dogs and beverages. as a write-in is untimely, in that, the The Inland Empire and the City of San added "I feel proud and honored to have Holcomb concluded, "both the recep­ political climate is, and has been, con­ Bemardino are on a fast track which is received Mayor Tom Bradley's en­ tion and rally are designed to add tentious, to say the least, although he because of, strictly speaking, the eco­ dorsement. In my eyes, he is an out­ momentum to our grass roots cam­ has the legal right to take this action. nomics of our time and beyond the standing political leader who has con­ paign." More importantly, if he, or any citizen, control of local government, to a cer­ tributed substantially to the progress "On behalf of Penny and I, it is witli is striving for the top job in the city, thi s tain extent. We have witnessed a tre­ and development of Los Angeles." great satisfaction to know that Mayor process begins in the primary, where mendous influx of residential building Holcomb announced that Mayor Bra­ Bradley has endorsed my candidacy sufficient time is allowed and is essen­ and the growth of commercial and dley would be attending two functions for the mayorship of San Bemardino. tial to clearly discuss the issues that are industrial development. The an­ in San Bernardino on Saturday, April Furthermore, I want to extend a cordial- critical to our citizens. nouncement that Congress voted to 29. A private reception sponsored by invitation to all the people of San Ber­ We had previously endorsed Mr. close Norton Air Force Base and Friends of Bob and Penny Holcomb nardino to join us in welcoming Mayor Holcomb in the primary election, stat­ George Air Force Base increases^;sj^ will be held from three to fouro'clock in Bradley to our beautiful city." ing that his experiences in the Metro­ responsibility to put forth greater2iW politan Water District fight, his suc­ forts by our political leaders, their re­ CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL cessful effort in establishing the Cal- spective staffs and community leaders State San Bemardino campus, devel­ to revitalize our area.
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