Worcestershire Councillors Divisional Fund 2013/14 Councillor Organisation Detail Actual Date Paid Amount Cllr Adams A Evesham Sea Cadets Galley equipment and boat shed health and safety £350.00 14.11.13 PPE kit Cllr Adams A Bretforton Sports Club Contribution towards news sheds for storing sports £500.00 24.01.14 equipment Cllr Adams A 1st Littleton Scout Group Replacement of 2 sets of doors that need urgent £650.00 11.12.13 attention Cllr Adams A Cleeve Prior Heritage Trust Contribution towards resurfacing of the car park to £500.00 21.11.13 Field Barn and improve parking spaces Cllr Adams A South Littleton Playground Action Group (SPLAG) Contribution towards the cost of a zip wire trolley £640.00 18.12.13 and see-saw Cllr Adams A Pebworth-in-Bloom Contribution towards the regeneration and £500.00 22.01.14 remodelling of the Town Pool Car Park, Cllr Adams A Offenham Cricket Club New bowling mat £734.09 05.06.14 Cllr Adams A Offenham Wake Painting of Maypole £252.37 21.05.14 Cllr Adams A Honeybourne Scout Troop New tent/marquee £1,704.00 16.04.14 Cllr Adams A Pebworth Village Hall Management Committee Projector and screen £2,292.71 04.04.14 Cllr Adams R Norton Community Games Promotes Olympic legacy. Attended by families £1,000.00 24.6.13 throughout Worcestershire in addition to Norton residents. Cllr Adams R Three Parishes Hall Contribution to the refurbishment of the hall £1,000.00 15.08.13 Cllr Adams R Crowle Players PA system for village hall to be available to all hall £1,000.00 16.09.13 users Cllr Adams R Worcestershire County Council Contributuion towards surcace and draining £2,500.00 09.10.13 improvements on unclassified road U43004 known as Edwards Lane in the Parish of White Ladies Aston Cllr Adams R Double Vision Video Ltd 400 copies of We Did Our Bit remembrance film £299.00 11.12.13 Cllr Adams R Norton Community Games Contribution towards the computer project being £1,000.00 07.03.14 established in Norton Youth Club. Cllr Adams R Crowle Parish Council Contribution towards the purchase of a defibrillator £500.00 07.03.14 to be located at Crowle Parish Hall Cllr Adams R Upton Snodsbury Parish Council Contribution towards purchase of new vehicle £1,250.00 07.03.14 activated sign. Cllr Adams R Pershore Riverside Youth Centre Purchase of 3 computers which will be used by £1,000.00 04.04.14 many user groups at the centre Cllr Agar Worcester Roots Foundation Project to visit a number of community centres and £970.00 03.12.13 groups to hold stalls teaching on how to construct animal houses and the importance of caring for wildlife. Cllr Agar New Hope, Worcester Promote social inclusion and well being for 20 £768.00 18.12.13 children and young people with disabilites and special needs and their families Cllr Agar St Matthew's Church Promote social and economic inclusion through £1,500.00 08.01.14 youth and community sessions and support for vulnerable elderly residents Cllr Agar Worcester Volunteer Centre Contribution towards Ronkswood Intergenerational £1,500.00 03.01.14 Arts Project to support the social well being of the community and enhance collaboration between the generations Cllr Agar Worcester Communty Trust Promote social cohesion and inclusion by providing £1,950.00 03.02.14 youth and community work. Cllr Agar Parminder Bola Provide a 1-stop-shop to promote social and £2,212.00 13.02.14 economic well being addressing issues such as forced marriage, domestic violence, honour based abuse and female genital mutilation Cllr Agar Worcester Chinese Association Promote social inclusion and cohesion through £600.00 27.02.14 support for Chinese showcase event for Chinese New Year Cllr Agar Worcester Leg Club Help to enable members who have severe mobility £500.00 14.02.14 problems join in activities. Cllr Amos Worcestershire County Council Provision of a zebra crossing on Windermere Drive, £9,500.00 29.08.13 opposite Sainsburys. Cllr Amos Worcester Community Trust Support costs associated with Christmas Bizarre in £100.00 03.12.13 Tolladine Cllr Amos Worcester Community Trust Christmas lunch for Recycled Teens Group at £100.00 18.12.13 Warndon Community Centre Cllr Amos Worcester Community Trust A contribution towards WCT-Kidzline social event £150.00 24.01.14 for disadvantaged children. The event provided an opportunity for children from the Division to socialise and be given a healthy lunchbox on the day. Cllr Askin Worcester Rowing Club To contribute towards the cost of a new double £500.00 20.08.13 sculling boat which will go towards meeting the demand caused by the success of the club, enabling more young people to take part, train and compete at a higher level. Cllr Askin Worcestershire County Council Vehicle Activated Sign for use as required in Division £2,625.00 29.08.13 - initially Ombersley Road. Cllr Askin 5th Worcester Sea Scouts Bushcraft training camp for 2 scouts £860.00 03.10.13 Cllr Askin Riversides School Desperately needed reading scheme for year 4 to 8 £750.00 08.01.14 pupils and assist in restocking the library Cllr Askin Perdiswell Young People's Leisure Club Replacement of existing lamps at the Skate Park £1,000.00 21.11.13 Youth Lodge with LED. Cllr Askin Friends of Gheluvelt Park Funding an additional marquee at the annual Flower £1,500.00 24.01.14 Show Cllr Askin Worcestershire Council for Voluntary Youth Services To raise awareness of the Tryangle Youth Award £300.00 24.01.14 event in Claines Divisions Cllr Askin Worcester Volunteer Centre Short programme of specific outreach activity to £750.00 24.01.14 promote volunteering to the residents of Claines Division and to support individuals into suitable volunteering placements Cllr Askin Worcestershire County Council Contribution towards cost of dropped kerb and £600.00 20.02.14 associated driveway for a resident with a severely disabled daughter Cllr Askin Make Time Friendship Group Provide activities for those attending the social club £200.00 27.02.14 to encourage people in Worcester and surrounding areas to become involved. Cllr Askin Worcestershire Early Music support of Music Festival including Pride and £200.00 27.02.14 Prejudice Ball. Cllr Askin Worcestershire County Council Repair of footways and investigation into the £1,500.00 28.03.14 viability of pedestrian crossinigs/central refuges in two localities in the Division Cllr Baker J The WIG Group Running costs of the social group £1,000.00 31.7.13 Cllr Baker J Matchborough Youth Forum Christmas concert; Christmas tree and community £1,000.00 31.07.13 Christmas luncheon Cllr Baker J Christ Church Community Project Promoting well being of elderly and vulnerable £1,000.00 15.08.13 members of community Cllr Baker J Sure Start Children's Centres Financial assistance towards a trip to Weston-Super- £500.00 03.10.13 Mare, for families who are receiving targeted family support, who rely on this family trip as their "holiday", a chance to get away from the stress of daily life. Cllr Baker J Redditch Heart Safe Funds towards a defibrillator in Redditch Arrow £500.00 17.10.13 Valley East . Cllr Baker J Oasis Christian Centre (Acts of Kindness) Children's activities and parces for Christmas events; £500.00 06.11.13 help to run drop in services within centre and Christmas packages to local residents in Division Cllr Baker J Redditch Mental Health Action Group Financial support to put on a series of events in the £500.00 21.05.14 Division. Cllr Baker J Redditch Borough Council Contribution to carol concert in Winyates £500.00 06.01.14 Cllr Baker J Abbeywood First School Year 4 to Malvern Outdoor Education Centre £1,000.00 19.11.13 Cllr Baker J Nigel Bennett Contribution towards community Christmas tree £260.00 03.01.14 and associated costs Cllr Baker J Ann Hunt Old people's forum group to enable the residents of £500.00 12.02.14 Winyates Green to socialise and meet up once a week. Cllr Baker J Redditch Nightstop Contribution to support provision in the Redditch £2,000.00 13.01.14 area. Emergency accommodation for 16-25 years. Cllr Baker J Redditch Heart Safe Fund a bench for use by the local community in £500.00 21.01.14 Redditch to be located in Matchborough Park. Cllr Banks Evesham High School Contribution to new outside seating area. £750.00 17.10.13 Cllr Banks Evesham Bell Tower Appeal Contribution towards restoration £666.00 22.10.13 Cllr Banks Worcestershire Early Music Contribution towards the 750th anniversay of the £300.00 17.01.14 Battle of Evesham Cllr Banks Wychavon District Council Litter bin for busy local thoroughfare running £282.00 17.01.14 between Elizabeth Road and Mayfair, Evesham. Cllr Banks Evesham Volunteer Centre Pilot project for a new service to support older £1,000.00 14.02.14 people by offering short breaks to their carers. Cllr Banks Evesham Rugby Club Assistance towards repairing venue after floods £250.00 05.03.14 Cllr Banks Edward Higson Support for the training towards a place in the £500.00 14.02.14 Olympic Sailing Team. Cllr Banks St Richard's Hospice Support for Hospice at Home Service £1,000.00 14.02.14 Cllr Banks Welcome to our Future Contribution to advice and guidance £250.00 14.02.14 Cllr Banks Footsteps Assistance for bereaved children in Evesham South £500.00 14.02.14 Division Cllr Banks Hawthorns Nursing Home Contribution to a £10,000 special fundraising for £500.00 12.03.14 the purchase of hydrotilt chairs Cllr Banks Ourside Youth Centre To assist with the cost of a new eco friendly energy £500.00 27.02.14 efficient heating system at the premises on Broadway Road, Evesham Cllr Banks Prince Henrys High School Funding for arts theatre required to help with the £1,000.00 31.03.14 cost of renewing and enhancing lighting system and replacement of main stage drapes and modernising the winding system.
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