SPORTS Townsend survives opening match B1 THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 2018 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents Sumter sees low primary turnout Officials say no McMaster, Warren to problems with machines, lines have runoff debate BY KAYLA ROBINS BY MEG KINNARD McMaster was the top [email protected] The Associated Press vote getter in the Tuesday GOP primary but failed to Most of the primary races COLUMBIA — South Car- get the majority needed to that were on ballots in Sum- olina’s gubernatorial field is avoid a runoff. He secured ter, Clarendon and Lee coun- nearly set, with one debate 42 percent of votes cast, ties on Tuesday were decided remaining before voters de- while Warren won about 28 until November, though two cide if Gov. Henry McMas- percent. statewide nominations will be ter or Greenville business- Entering the race in Feb- re-voted on in two weeks. MICAH GREEN / THE SUMTER ITEM man John Warren will be ruary as a virtual political Sumter election results will Oressie McFadden and Gretchen Munroe check out one of the voting the Republican nominee in unknown, Warren’s popu- be certified at a public meet- machines at the Burns Down voting precinct on Tuesday. November. larity surged in recent ing on the second floor of the The Post and Courier of weeks, as he knocked Cath- old courthouse at 10 a.m., ac- to send to the state to certify turnout was “a little lower” Charleston is again partner- erine Templeton out of the cording to Pat Jefferson, di- all results. than normal for a primary ing with South Carolina Ed- No. 2 Republican slot. In the rector of Sumter County “We have five provisional election in Sumter but that ucational Television and the race for more than a year, Voter Registration and Elec- ballots that will be presented she understands why people state Republican Party for a the former public health tions. All local boards must at the hearing,” Jefferson said. debate, set for June 20 at certify their results by 10 a.m. She said the 17.1 percent SEE PRIMARY, PAGE A6 Newberry Opera House. SEE GOVERNOR, PAGE A6 ‘Attitude is contagious’ 3-day professional development conference focuses on teachers BY BRUCE MILLS [email protected] bout 500 attendees have descended A upon Lakewood High School and down- town Sumter this week for Sumter School District’s first-ever professional de- velopment conference. That total consists of about 420 district teachers and ad- ministrators for whom the con- ference was designed, numer- ous outside presenters who came to share their wisdom and some selected guests from neighboring school districts. On Wednesday morning and afternoon, professional devel- opment sessions for teachers and staff were held at Lake- wood before a downtown block party was hosted for them PHOTOS BY MICAH GREEN / THE SUMTER ITEM Keynote speaker Sam Glenn is seen during one of his sessions on Wednesday. Glenn is an Wednesday night at La Piazza author, motivational speaker and artist and spoke to Sumter teachers about their atti- and on Main Street. tudes and working together. Wednesday’s sessions cov- ered myriad topics — from teacher leadership to personal Teachers encourage each attitude and classroom tech- other during Elma Strong’s nology and about everything session on using green else in between — according screens in the classroom. to attendees. See more photos from the A total of 86 presenters — event on page A3. some internal to the district and many from the outside — are leading the various devel- opment sessions at the three- day event, which concludes today. The kickoff for Wednesday’s activities for all attendees was Teachers in Sumter are a presentation in the high spending three days at var- school’s fine arts center from ious workshops during keynote speaker Sam Glenn, their professional develop- an author, motivational speaker ment conference at Lake- wood High School. SEE TEACHERS, PAGE A3 VISIT US ONLINE AT CONTACT US DEATHS, B3 WEATHER, A8 INSIDE Information: 774-1200 Sadie P. Cissom MAYBE SOME STORMS 2 SECTIONS, 14 PAGES the .com Advertising: 774-1246 Philis Gibson-Gerald VOL. 123, NO. 169 Classifieds: 774-1200 Times of sun and Rovena Brunson Watson clouds; a storm in some Classifieds B6 Sports B1 Delivery: 774-1258 John Herbert Calhoun spots early tonight Comics B4 Television B5 News and Sports: 774-1226 Essie Mae Ceasar Wheeler Rollerson HIGH 90, LOW 71 Opinion A7 James Green A2 | THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 2018 THE SUMTER ITEM Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail: [email protected] Council OKs county budget without mill increase BY ADRIENNE SARVIS the county department heads A request to appropriate multiple purchases and proj- “I want to thank BD for con- [email protected] who he said reduced their re- $1.5 million of the county’s re- ects to include: renovations to tinuing to grow here in Sum- spective budgets and nar- serve funds for one-time capi- the air-conditioning system at ter, bringing additional oppor- Sumter County Council ap- rowed down the necessary tal spending is also included Patriot Hall; renovations to tunity and jobs to the commu- proved third and final reading items for their operations. in the ordinance, he said. the Sumter-Lee Regional De- nity,” McCain said. “You’ve of its balanced budget, with The 2018-19 budget includes Approximately $700,000 of tention Center roof; vehicles been a long-standing force both operating expenditures a 3 percent cost of living in- those funds will be used to for Sumter County Sheriff’s here in Sumter as far as creat- and revenues totaling crease for employees, a sched- convert the former Sumter Office, Sumter Fire Depart- ing jobs.” $52,752,483, on Tuesday, three uled increase for employer Fire Department headquar- ment, Sumter County Public In other news, county coun- weeks before the budget goes share of retirement as well as ters on Hampton Avenue into Works and Sumter County cil approved proclamations into effect on July 1. an increase in group health the new EMS building; Recreation Department; and naming June 15 Elder Abuse This is the first time in insurance, County Adminis- $300,000 will be used to demol- video storage for the sheriff’s Awareness Day and June 16 quite a while that county staff trator Gary Mixon said. ish the old jail behind the office, according to Mixon. Double Dutch Day in Sumter presented council with a bal- The budget ordinance states Sumter County Sheriff’s Of- County and approved first anced budget before first the county currently has 682 fice building on North Main BD TO EXPAND FACILITY reading, in title only, of the reading of the budget ordi- employees. Street; and $500,000 will be Along with approving a fee revised Sumter-Lee Regional nance, County Council Chair- Mixon said the ordinance used to construct a parking in lieu of tax and incentive Detention Center contract. man Jim McCain said, and also includes an amendment lot in place of the old jail. agreement with Becton, Dick- Councilwoman Vivian this is the second year in a to the Sumter County Person- inson and Co. in exchange for Fleming-McGhaney did not row that council has given nel Handbook, which states BOND APPROVED the company investing $150 vote on the detention center three readings of the budget employees are not to bring TO PURCHASE NEW million in its Sumter facility, contract issue because her without a millage increase, he their children to work at any COUNTY VEHICLES county council also voted to husband is an employee at the said. given time or day, and depart- Council also approved final amend the Sumter-Lee Indus- jail. Details about the revised “We’re very proud of that,” ment managers are not autho- reading of an ordinance au- trial Park master agreement detention center contract will he said. rized to allow employees to thorizing a $2.5 million gener- to include 15 acres of property be provided during council’s McCain also gave credit to bring children to work. al obligation bond to fund owned and operated by BD. next meeting. Sheriff’s advisory board tours jail BY ADRIENNE SARVIS [email protected] The Sumter County Sheriff’s Office Community Re- lations Citizens’ Advisory Board took a tour of Sum- ter-Lee Regional Detention Center on Monday to un- derstand how the facility operates during its make-up meeting. Capt. Ron Gaillard led the board members on a tour of the jail so they could see the courtroom where first appearance hearings are held, the housing pods where the inmates are detained, inmate recreation areas and the classroom where GED and WorkKeys PHOTOS PROVIDED instructions are held. Sandhill Soul Crooners will pay tribute to several R&B groups in Saturday’s Kings & Queen of Motown Tribute Since Sheriff Anthony Dennis assumed control of Tour at Patriot Hall on Saturday. the jail in September, with the approval of Sumter County Council, the detention center has undergone multiple renovations and upgrades and now offers Motown tribute, face-off comes to Sumter more opportunities for inmates to gain a trade. The renovations have increased morale among the correctional officers, Dennis said. BY IVY MOORE Fairley said. He added that their with special lighting.” As for the educational and trade classes, Dennis Special to The Sumter Item tributes will also be choreo- He said actor and blues gui- said many inmates have taken advantage of the learn- graphed as the two R&B groups tarist Jamell Richardson will ing opportunities such as the carpentry class, which The Kings & Queen of Mo- were, with their signature close the show.
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