This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. https://books.google.com THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS ISAAC FOOT COLLECTION THE CHURCH HYMNARY Oxforb 'HORACE'IIART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY I THE C H LT RCH HYM NA RY AUTHORIZE!) FOR USE IN PUBLIC WORSHIP BY THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND THE FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND THE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'l‘I-IE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN IRELAND HENRY FROWDE EDINBURGH, GLASGOW, BELFAST LONDON & NEW YORK ‘ 1898 Pim- T .TYXRAR Y T'I'I . 1.1 \ I; ~. ()1: CALIFORNIA DAVIS \ PREFACE THIS collection of hymns, authorized for use in public worship by the Church of Scotland, the Free Church of Scotland, the United Presbyterian Church, and the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, has been prepared by a Committee appointed in equal numbers by those Churches. It is catholic, as including hymns by authors belonging to almost every branch of the Church from the second century to the present day, and comprehen sive, as intended for the use of various Churches and congregations. < . Particular attention has been devoted to verifying the text of the hymns; and, as far as possible, the Words of the author have been preserved. Variations from the original or authorized text will be found recorded in the Notes appended to the hymns in this edition. The music for the hymns has been selected by another Committee similarly appointed. The duties of Musical Editor were entrusted to Sir John Stainer, to whom grateful acknowledgment is due for the cordial and painstaking interest he has shown in the Work. At the request of the Committee he has procured for THE CHURCH HYMNARY a number of new tunes by composers of known ability, and has himself written and arranged several expressly for it. While seeking from all avail able sources the music best adapted to each hymn, the Committee felt it necessary in some instances, especially V PREFACE in the section for the young, to adhere to tunes recom mended only by long association with the hymns to which they are set. In the case of a few tunes also, they judged it advisable to retain the form which, though a departure from the original, is that in general use. Both Committees entrusted with the preparation of THE CHURCH HYMNARY have to return sincere thanks for the courtesy of authors and proprietors of copyright. to whom they applied for permission to use their hymns and tunes. They trust that they will be pardoned any unintentional infringement of copyright, as well as the omission of special acknowledgment Where they have been unable to trace the authors or proprietors of words or of music. THE CHURCH HYMNARY is issued with the fervent prayer that its use in the praises of the sanctuary may be to the glory of God and the edification of His people. April, 1898. Permission to use copyright hymns has been granted as stated below. A blank in the second column indicates that the author is also the owner of the copyright, or that permission was granted in the lifetime of authors now dead. An asterisk denotes that permission has been obtained on payment of a fee. Av'mon OWNER or Corrmcu'r Evans 1 ALDERSON, Mrs. .. Rev. H. E. Alderson .... .. 65. Alexander‘ Mrs' !‘ Messrs.Archbishop Macmillan Alexander & 00. }4°‘ “7’ ' 577' *Alexander, Mrs. ....... .. Messrs. J. Masters & Co. 85, 97, 140, 238, 521, 524‘ 5331 5391 540’ Alexander, Mrs. Rev. G. 0. White, for the ' l Proprietors of ‘Hymns 2 Ancient and Modern ’ l 59, 63. Alford, Dean ............. .. Rev. H. E. T. Cruse .... .. 241, 341, 494. Astley, Rev. G. T. t . .. I 250. “A. N. .4 . .. 390. vi PREF A CE AUTHOR Owxrm OF COPYRIGHT Hnlss BAKER, Rev. Sir H. W. i Rev. G. C. White, for thel 64. 153, 219, 166, 33°. Proprietors of ' Hymns 3731 4“: 413a 473, \ Ancient and Modern‘ 50!, 514, 6|4. Baring - Gould, Rev. l Sabine ................... .. ................................ .. 271. 459, 599. Baynes, Canon .......... .. Rev. A. H. Baynes.... .. ‘ 4H Bickersteth, Bishop . - . - . - _ . 4. 208) 226] 4‘9' Bliss, P. P. ............. .. Blomfield, Miss .. .. Blunt, Rev. A. G. W. Bode, Rev. J. E. ...... .1. ; Mr. J. E. Bode 405. Bonar, Rev. Horatius, 1 Messrs. James Nisbet 8:} 10, 112, 126, 172, 173, 13.1). | Co. ‘ 1901 I94, 2061 2251 254. =85. 305. 395. 401. 415. 410. 508. Borthwiek, Miss ....... .. 103. =53. 191. 196, 347. 486. - Bourne, Rev. W. St. Hill Bridges, Matthew .. ‘ Miss Bridges Bright, Canon .......... .. Brooks, Bishop Phillips Messrs. E. P. Dutton &[ Co. ‘ Bruce,Brownlie, Rev. Rev. William, John ' 'I‘iié' 'nQiil‘Qkii'irliis't'éés'Qi | D.D. the United Presby- \ teriam Church .. .. i 154. Bryant, Rev. William... ................................. .. 1 502. Burleigh, W. H. .. Mr. -Le Moyne Burleigh ‘ 298. Burns, Rev. J. D. ....... .. f Messrs. Thomas Nelson 8: \ Sons ...................... .. J 188, 35". 433» 606 CAMPBELL, Miss La Contessa Matilde della ' Gerda-Campbell ....... .. ‘ 498. Carney, Mrs. .......... .. .......................... .. .. i 564. Caswall, Rev. Edward .. Rev. W. P. Neville 122. 3x2, 561 Chadwick, Rev. J. W. .. ‘ ................................. .. , 496. Charteris, Rev. A. H., . D.D ....................... .. ................................ .. 259. Clarke, Rev. S. Childs .. ................................. .. ‘ 57. Clephane,Codner, Mrs. Miss ............. E. C. .. ‘ Miss Clephane and Mrs} Cochrane ................ .. ; 168 Coghill,Collier, Rev. Mrs. E. A., D.D Collins, Rev. H. A. .... .. Conder, Rev. E. 11., DD. Cousin, Mrs. ............. .. Cox, Miss ................ .. Rev. Edmund McClure, for the S.P.C.K., the ' Proprietors of Miss Cox’s ‘ Hymns from the German’ ................ .. Coxe, Bishop . .. Professor F. P. Nash .. .. Crewdson. Mrs ........ .. Miss Crewdson Cashing, Rev. W. O. Dunn, Rev. E. A. Mr. F. S. Dayman .. vii PREFA CE AUTHOR OWNER or COPYRIGHT Hunts , De Chenez, Mrs. ....... .. Rev. G. R. Wynne, D. D. 160. Deck, Mrs. 555 *Dix,*Dobree, W. Mrs. C. .......... .. 351 931 1581495 Mrs. Carey Brock, for the Proprietors of the ‘ Chil dren’s Hymn Book ’ 324. Doudney, Miss .......... .. l ................................. .. 320. Downton, Rev. Henry ‘ Rev. H. M. Downton .... .. 445, 4.79. Did-field, Rev. George, D.D. ................... .. Mrs. Goodwin ............. .. 267. Dunsterville, Mrs. .... .. General Dunsterville . 603. Ennis, E. W. ......... .. ................................. .. 96. Ellerton, Rev. John . Rev. F. G. Ellerton .... .. 6:, 311, 525, 368, 370, 3711 3861 451! 469’ +71. 511. 598. 604. 617. Elliott,*E. J. ............. Miss E. E... S. -- 535. 584 . 506. Fumes,Ferguson,Findlater, Dean Rev. Mrs. .... A. .. F. 529 I77. "4-. 475 Freer, Miss 588. GILL,Goadby, '1‘. H.Rev. F. W. 460, +89 Mr. P. H. Stevenson, for the Proprietors of the ‘Baptist Hymnal ’ .... .. 410 HAMILTON, Rev. James TheMr. J.John A. G. Church Hamilton Go. 98. Hanby, B. R. 541' Hankey, Miss 170. Hasloch,Hutch, _ MissRev. ......... Edwin, Rev. J. Hasloch Potter 258. D.D. ................... .. 5 Miss Hatch ................ .. 146. Havergal, Miss .......... .. Mr. Giles Shaw .......... .. "3, 143, 2471 25!, 2551 256, 257a 2691 4831 54.3, 610, 6:1. Hawkins, Mrs. .......... .. 476 Heath, Miss . .. ratifies """"" " 8:. Hensley,Hernmnan, Rev. Mrs. Lewis ...... .. no. 4.87. Hodges, Rev. G. S. Rev. G. G. White, for the Proprietors of ‘Hymns Ancient and Modern’ 537 s..'.';-;.s'.;;;gi;'.;;..'; M"'1mm" ' i "" 260. & Co. ...................... .. 485. How, Bishop ............. .. 34! 451 731 '57! 161, 539a 4251 426‘ 4531 4901 4931 50‘), 5'51 516. 541. 615. How, Bishop ............. .. Mr. F. D. How ............. .. 550. JACQUE, Rev. George \The Hymnal Trustees of the United Presbyterian Church :28. Jenner, Henry 457~ \ PREF A CE Ar'ruon Owxm: or Cowman-r Bums Kl-IBLE, Rev. John .... .. 1 Messrs. Parker &, Go. 472, 491. Kingsley, Rev. Charles Messrs. Macmillan 8: Co. 424. lioxsrlinmw, Rev. ‘ Samuel ................ ._ Miss Longfellow . .. 383, 49:. I.o\n-y,Rev.Robert,D.D. ‘ ................... .. 594. Luke, Mrs. .................................... .. 534 “L. F. .................... .. Mrs. Carey Brock, for. the Proprietors of the ! ‘ Children's Hymn , Book ’ ................... .. 1 562 MACDUFF, Rev. J. R, ,' D.D. .................. ., v Miss Mucdufl' ............. .. 1°5 MzwGill, Rev. H. M., ' I D.D. ................... .. 1 Mrs. MacGill ............. .. 1563 Maclagan, Archbishop ................................. .. l337 Maelagan, Archbishop Rev. G. C. White, for the | ‘ Proprietors of ‘ Hymns P Ancient and Modern’ ‘ 60. Macleod, Rev. Norman, 5 DD. Mrs. Manleod ............. .. 275. March, Rev. Daniel, | 11D. .. 453 Martin, Rev. H. A. ‘ .. 8 Massie, Richard Admiral Massie .......... .. ‘ 13+ *Matheson, Miss ....... .. Messrs. Rivington, Per-j cival 8: Co. ............. .. 1 573 Mathesun, Rev. George, 1 D1). .. ; . - . .. i 207 .. ' 4°3 Midlane, Albert ....... .. ‘ .. 586 Miller, Mrs. Huntington . ‘ 545 Monod, Rev. Theodore .. U . .. 24* Monsell, Rev. J. s. B., Mrs. Monsell ............ v. 9. H9, 185, 209. 249. LL.D. 379, 452. Morris, Mrs. ............. .. Mr. John Grainger .... .. , 383 Murray, Rev. Robert .. ................................. .. +111 518 NBALE, Rev. J. M., D.D. Mr. John Grant . .. 331 159‘ 9951 My 364, from ‘Hymns ofthe Eastern Church.‘ Newman, Rev. J. H., .D. Rev. W. P. Neville .... .. 25 , Mr. F. M. Miller .......... .. ‘ 609 1 . _ 56!. - ' '39» 1871 ‘97! '99: 205 Plumptre, Dea Rev. E. C. S. Gibson, D.D. 45. Pollock, Rev. T. B. ................................. .. i 149,
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