The Angelus Monthly Publication of the Church of Our Saviour JanuaryJuly 2019 FRIDAY, JULY 12 | 6–9 PM July Patio Party Please plan on joining your fellow parishioners and neighborhood residents for an evening of laughter and fellowship. The parish supplies the drinks and refreshments, along with the games, so all that’s needed is you! It’s happening on Friday, July 12, from 6 to 9 pm on the upper courtyard! Don’t forget: Our final Summer Patio Party will be on Friday, August 9, same time, same place. Events and Feast Days Events and Feast Days Summer First Sunday Lunches July Patio Party Friday, July 12, 2019 This year, for the months of June, July, 436-4522 or [email protected]. We’re in need of readers, actors, costume/set designers, and August we will not be having our usual First Join us for our second summer patio party Sunday Lunches. choristers, instrumentalists, snack chefs, and gen- oneral the assistants, second Friday so there of July,’s definitely July 12, something 2019 from for 6:00everyone! – 9:00 pm.We’ Well have will one have rehearsal snacks, immediatelydrinks, and gamesprior onto thethe service,upper courtyard. at 4:00 pm These (snacks events included). will Independence Day be family friendly and all members are invited to Thursday, July 4, 2019 come, participate, and get to know one another a bit better. We also want to give the neighborhood A Prayer For Our Country an opportunity to learn more about us and we Almighty God, who hast given us this good hope that making ourselves more visible outside land for our heritage: We humbly beseech thee our usual services might be just the ticket. Please that we may always prove ourselves a people see the front page for more details and mark your mindful of thy favorThe and Feast glad to doof thy will. calendars to come out and enjoy yourself! Bless ourThe land withHoly honorable Name industry, Feast of the Epiphany sound learning,of Our and Lord pure manners. Jesus Save Christ us from Sunday, January 6, 2019 violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and Saint Mary Magdalene arrogance,Tuesday, and from everyJanuary evil way. 1, Defend 2019 our The FeastJuly of the 22, Epiphany 2019 will be celebrat- liberties, and fashion into one united people the The Feast of the Holy Name of Our Lord will ed with a Choral High Mass at 11:00 am. multitudesbe celebrated brought on January hither out 1, 2019,of many at 10:00kindreds am. AlmightyThe Epiphany God, whose is one blessedof the seven Son restoredprinciple and tongues. Maryfeasts Magdalene observed into thehealth Episcopal of body Church. and mind, As we Endue with the spirit of wisdom those to andcelebrated called her Christmas to be a witness our focus of hiswas resurrection: on taking in whom in thyEpiphany Name we entrust Pageant, the authority of Mercifullythe wondrous grant mystery that by ofthy the grace incarnation we may— beGod government, that there may be justice and peace in human form—as we adored the helpless infant Burning of the Greens and healed of all our infirmities and know thee in the at home, and that, through obedience to thy law, powerLord ofin histhe endlessmanger. life; During who Epiphany, with thee andwe comethe we mayThree show forth Kings thy praise’ Dance among theParty nations Holyto see Spirit Jesus liveth as the and “light reigneth, of the one world, God,” shiftingnow of the earth. January 5, 2019 andour for focus ever. towards Amen. what His incarnation means In the time of prosperity, fill our hearts with for us and for the whole world. During the thankfulness, On Saturday, and in theJanuary day of 5, trouble, at 5:30 sufferpm, there not Epiphany season, as we “get to know” Jesus, we ourwill trust be ina specialthee to servicefail; all towhich celebrate we ask the through Feast of are also asked to respond to Him. Like the shep- Jesusthe Epiphany.Christ our TheLord. service Amen. will follow a lessons herdsSaint who ran James to the manger, the theApostle Magi who trav- and carols format, includingFrom the a pageant1979 BCP, in whichp. 820 elled great distancesJuly 25, to bring 2019 Him gifts, and the parishioners (children and adults) will depict the disciples who heeded His call, we too can wor- scenes described in our scripture readings, and shipO and gracious follow God, Him wetoday. remember before will conclude with a candlelight procession out- thee thisThe day name thy servant “Epiphany and ”apostle is derived James, from first side andSummer burning of Coffeethe greens. HoursA Three Kings’ amonga Greek the word Twelve meaning to suffer “manifestation, martyrdom for” or the Dance Party, with festive supper, will follow the Name“appearing. of Jesus” AnglicanChrist; and prayer we pray books that interpret thou the serviceWe areat 6:30 now pm. having Bring one along coffee a small hours branch for wiltword pour with out an upon alternative the leaders title, of “ Thethy ChurchManifestation that thefrom summer your byChristmas switching tree to to a singleinclude “lemonade in our spiritof Christ of self-denying to the Gentiles. service” The by whichlast title, alone of andEpiphany cookie” fire.event between the services (9:45- theycourse, may ishave a reference true authority to the amongstory of thy the people; Wise 10:45 am),If you hosted or your in the child(ren) upper courtyard.—or any child Plan throughMen from the samethe East. Jesus A ChristChristian our observanceLord, who on on(ren) staying in your after life the— earlyare interested service or in coming participating livethJanuary and 6reigneth is found with as early thee asand the the end Holy of theSpirit, a fewin the minutes pageant, early please so you contact can visitAmy with Wells you at 404- onesecond God, centurynow and in for Egypt. ever. The Amen. feast combined fellow parishioner. PagePage 2 2 THE ANGELUS JanuaryJuly 2019 2019 Events andAnniversary Feast Days 436-4522 or [email protected]. We’re in Celebrationneed of readers, actors, costume/set designers, 95th choristers, instrumentalists, snack chefs, and gen- On Sunday, July 28, at 10:00 am, during a combinederal assistants, Mass so therewe will’s definitely commemorate something for and celebrate 95 years of proclaiming the Gospeleveryone! of JesusWe’ll have Christ one inrehearsal the Virginia- immediately Highland neighborhood. Afterwards we will continueprior to the the service, festivities at 4:00 pmwith (snacks a picnic included). lunch complete with grilled hamburgers and hot dogs (being provided by the Vestry). Once we have finished eating we will take our group photo before we all leave. As we often mention, we like to tie the celebration of the parish in with a celebration ofThe what Feast nature ofprovides us in abundance this time of year. Think of all those lovelyThe fruits Holy and vegetables Name that burst forth fromFeast our of gardens, the Epiphany along with our localof Ourproduce Lord stands Jesus and farmers’Christ markets. It Sunday,is requested January that those 6, with 2019 last namesTuesday, beginning January in A-H bring 1, drinks 2019 (tea, lemonade, soft drinks, wine or beer), The Feast of the Epiphany will be celebrat- I-R vegetable or side dishes, and S-Z desserts. The Feast of the Holy Name of Our Lord will ed with a Choral High Mass at 11:00 am. be celebrated on January 1, 2019, at 10:00 am. The Epiphany is one of the seven principle Remember that will be the last day of ourfeasts Food observed & Fund in the Drive Episcopal (see Church.page 7). As we And wear your Church of Our Saviourcelebrated t-shirt* Christmas that our day!focus was on taking in Epiphany Pageant, the wondrous mystery of the incarnation—God * Contact Mary Sommers if you don’t have a t-shirt and wantin one. human form—as we adored the helpless infant Burning of the Greens and Lord in the manger. During Epiphany, we come Three Kings’ Dance Party to see Jesus as the “light of the world,” shifting January 5, 2019 our focus towards what His incarnation means Newfor us andThurible for the whole world. During the On Saturday, January 5, at 5:30 pm, there Epiphany season, as we “get to know” Jesus, we will be a special service to celebrateTake a the good Feast look of at the arebeautiful also asked new tothurible respond which to Him. we areLike using the shep-at the Epiphany. The servicethe will 11:00am follow service. a lessons This thuribleherds waswho donated ran to the by manger, our wonderful the Magi thurifer, who trav- and carols format, includingLeonard a pageant O’Brien. in which elled great distances to bring Him gifts, and the parishioners (children and adults)Leonard will depicthas been the servingdisciples at the altarwho ofheeded various His churches, call, we tooboth can here wor- in scenes described in our scripturethe states readings, and in his and home countryship and of St. follow Kitts, Him since today. he was 6 years old. He will conclude with a candlelightbegan his procession service as out- a boat boy, whichThe isname the person“Epiphany who” assistsis derived the thuriferfrom side and burning of the greens.and carries A Three the boatKings which’ holdsa Greek the incense. word meaning At Our “Saviour,manifestation, we don’t” or have Dance Party, with festivesomeone supper, willwho follow separately the handles“appearing. this duty,” Anglican so Leonard prayer fulfills books the interpretroles of the service at 6:30 pm. Bringboth along thurifer a small and branch boat bearer atword our withservices. an alternative title, “The Manifestation from your Christmas tree to includeIn Leonard’s in our 77 years ofof serving Christ toon the the Gentiles.
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