S16202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 9, 2003 statements relating to the bill be the MLS Cup more than once, beating Whereas San Jose Earthquakes forward printed in the RECORD. the Chicago Fire 4–2 in a well-fought Landon Donovan, who has been named The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without match. United States National Team Player of the objection, it is so ordered. In the championship game against Year twice, scored 2 goals on 2 shots in the championship match, earning the Honda The resolution (S. Res. 258) was Chicago, San Jose delighted a capacity Major League Soccer Cup Most Valuable agreed to. crowd in Carson, CA by scoring four Player Award; The preamble was agreed to. goals and saving one penalty kick. The Whereas by winning the 2003 Major League The resolution, with its preamble, game matched the excitement of the Soccer Cup, the San Jose Earthquakes join reads as follows: Western Conference final game, in DC United to become the second team in S. RES. 258 which Landon Donovan—the two-time Major League Soccer history to win the Major League Soccer Cup more than once; Whereas the Russian Federation is now a recipient of the U.S. National Team Whereas the San Jose Earthquakes have member of the family of democratic coun- Player of the Year award—secured the brought great pride to the City of San Jose tries; Earthquakes’ place in the Champion- and to the State of California; Whereas the United States supports the de- ship by netting a dramatic golden goal Whereas Major League Soccer has become velopment of democracy, free markets, and in the 117th minute. extremely popular in only 8 seasons; and civil society in the Russian Federation and Californians should take great pride Whereas the success of Major League Soc- in other states of the former Soviet Union; cer has contributed to the growing popu- Whereas the rule of law, the impartial ap- in this impressive accomplishment by larity of soccer in the United States in re- plication of the law, and equal justice for all the San Jose Earthquakes. The Earth- cent years: Now, therefore, be it in courts of law are pillars of all democratic quakes’ success on the field was earned Resolved, That the Senate— societies; through the hard work of their out- (1) congratulates the San Jose Earth- Whereas investment, both foreign and do- standing athletes and coaches, and the quakes for winning the 2003 Major League mestic, in the economy of Russia is nec- encouragement of their fans. I con- Soccer Cup; essary for the growth of the economy and gratulate them on their win and their (2) recognizes the achievement of the play- raising the standard of living of the citizens second MLS Cup. ers, coaches, staff, and supporters of the San of the Russian Federation; Jose Earthquakes in bringing the 2003 Major Whereas property rights are a bulwark of Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask League Soccer Cup to San Jose; civil society against encroachment by the unanimous consent that the resolution (3) commends the San Jose community for state, and a fundamental building block of and preamble be agreed to, en bloc; its enthusiastic support of the San Jose democracy; and that the motion to reconsider be laid Earthquakes; and Whereas reports of the arrest of Mikhail B. upon the table; and that any state- (4) expresses the hope that Major League Khodorkovsky and the freezing of shares of ments relating to the resolution be Soccer will continue to inspire fans and the oil conglomerate YUKOS have raised printed in the RECORD. young players in the United States and questions about the possible selective appli- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without around the world by producing teams of the cation of the law in the Russian Federation high caliber of the San Jose Earthquakes. and may have compromised investor con- objection, it is so ordered. fidence in business conditions there: Now, The resolution (S. Res. 280) was f agreed to. therefore, be it PREVENT ALL CIGARETTE Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate The preamble was agreed to. TRAFFICKING ACT that— The resolution, with its preamble, (1) the law enforcement and judicial au- reads as follows: Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask thorities of the Russian Federation should S. RES. 280 unanimous consent that the Senate ensure that Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky is ac- Whereas on November 23, 2003, the San proceed to the immediate consider- corded the full measure of his rights under ation of Calendar No. 241, S. 1177. the Russian Constitution to defend himself Jose Earthquakes defeated the Chicago Fire against any and all charges that may be to win the 2003 Major League Soccer Cup; The PRESIDING OFFICER. The brought against him, in a fair and trans- Whereas the San Jose Earthquakes clerk will report the bill by title. parent process, so that individual justice achieved a 14–7–9 regular season record to The legislative clerk read as follows: may be done, but also so that the efforts the finish first in the Major League Soccer West- A bill (S. 1177) to ensure the collection of Russian Federation has been making to re- ern Conference; all cigarette taxes, and for other purposes. Whereas the San Jose Earthquakes fin- form its system of justice may be seen to be There being no objection, the Senate moving forward; and ished an extraordinary season by overcoming (2) such authorities of the Russian Federa- injuries, adversity, and multiple-goal defi- proceeded to consider the bill which tion should make every effort to dispel grow- cits to reach the Major League Soccer Cup had been reported from the Committee ing international concerns that— championship match; on the Judiciary with an amendment (A) the cases against Mikhail B. Whereas in the championship match, the and an amendment to the title, as fol- Khodorkovsky and other business leaders are San Jose Earthquakes and the Chicago Fire lows: politically motivated; and scored 6 goals combined, breaking the Major [Strike the part in black brackets League Soccer Cup championship match (B) the potential remains for misuse of the and insert the part printed in italic.] justice system in the Russian Federation. scoring record; Whereas head coach Frank Yallop led the S. 1177 f San Jose Earthquakes to victory; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of CONGRATULATING THE SAN JOSE Whereas the San Jose Earthquakes is a Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, EARTHQUAKES team of world-class players, including Jeff Agoos, Arturo Alvarez, Brian Ching, Jon øSECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask Conway, Ramiro Corrales, Troy Dayak, øThis Act may be cited as the ‘‘Prevent unanimous consent that the Senate Dwayne De Rosario, Landon Donovan, Todd All Cigarette Trafficking Act’’ or ‘‘PACT proceed to the immediate consider- Dunivant, Ronnie Ekelund, Rodrigo Faria, Act’’. ation of S. Res. 280, submitted earlier Manny Lagos, Roger Levesque, Brain øSEC. 2. COLLECTION OF STATE CIGARETTE today by Senators BOXER and FEIN- Mullan, Richard Mulrooney, Pat Onstad, TAXES. ø STEIN. Eddie Robinson, Chris Roner, Ian Russell, (a) DEFINITIONS.—Section 1 of the Act of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Josh Saunders, Craig Waibel, and Jamil October 19, 1949 (15 U.S.C. 375; commonly re- Walker, all of whom contributed extraor- ferred to as the ‘‘Jenkins Act’’), is amend- clerk will report the resolution by dinary performances throughout the regular ed— title. season, playoffs and Major League Soccer ø(1) in paragraph (1), by inserting ‘‘and The legislative clerk read as follows: Cup; other legal entities’’ after ‘‘individuals’’; A resolution (S. Res. 280) congratulating Whereas San Jose Earthquakes midfielder ø(2) by striking paragraph (3); the San Jose Earthquakes for winning the Ronnie Ekelund scored in the fifth minute of ø(3) by redesignating paragraphs (4) 2003 Major League Soccer Cup. play, tying Eduardo Hurtado for the fastest through (7) as paragraphs (3) through (6), re- There being no objection, the Senate goal scored in a Major League Soccer Cup spectively; and ø proceeded to consider the resolution. championship match; (4) by adding at the end the following Whereas with the victory, San Jose Earth- new paragraphs: Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, on No- quakes captain Jeff Agoos won his second ø‘‘(7) The term ‘delivery sale’ means any vember 23, the San Jose Earthquakes Major League Soccer Cup for the San Jose sale of cigarettes to a consumer if— became only the second team in Major Earthquakes and his fifth Major League Soc- ø‘‘(A) the consumer submits the order for League Soccer, MLS, history to win cer Cup overall; such sale by means of a telephone or other VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:40 May 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00122 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2003-SENATE-REC-FILES\S09DE3.REC S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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