T II W T.I .00. U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, October 1. Last 24 hours rainfall, SUOAE. 96 Degree Test Centrifugals, S.95c; Per Ton, 79.00. - 88 Analysis Temperature. Max. 82; Mia. 73. Weather, fair. V. I.- -- .L.. Beets, 9s. 6;d.; Per Ton, $80.00. VOL. XLVI., NO 7847. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY, OC TOBER 2, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 1 PRESIDENT JOSEPH SMITH M HAS BEEI nil.!:, 1 sop OF REORGANIZED I; D. S. mm mm FOR DEAN OF FACULTY CHURCH COMING HERE BROKE FAITH AND WILL (Associated Press. Cablegram.) KANSAS CITY, October 1. Joseph Smith has left here en OF TERRITORIAL COLLEGE route to Honolulu ,,to dedicate a church there. 1W BE PROSECUTED 1 Mr. Roadhouse Comes Highly Recommended Indictments Against Two Returned Yesterday-Abduc- tors by Prof. Hilgard College to Start Next , of Editor Older Are Spring Plan of Courses. Likewise Indicted. en- highly recom J. E. Eoadhouse, B. S., has been United States. He is It (Associated Press Cablegrams.) gaged as Dean of Faculty for the Ha- mended by Prof. Hilgard and has for Techno- College Agriculture and two years been Dean of the SAN waiian of logical Institute at San Luis Obispo, FRANCISCO, October 2 Wilson and Coffey, two of the Mechanic Arts. Hi3 engagement .was 1 California. His appointment to this boodling closed through a cablegram sent yes- position followed his taking a post- members of the old Board of Supervisors, whose resigna- terday by President Cooper graduate course with. Prof. Bailey of - afternoon ' k tions were forced from them after incriminating evidence against of. the Board of Regents, following a Cornell. He resigned this deanship. year to a. position "" a last take in the them had been who in view promised .meeting of that body to consider State Irrigation Office at Berkeley. secured and had agreed of of cablegram from Professor Hilgard The, offer of the position here appeal- 1 - ? ,. T . , immunity from prosecution to testify freely in the of all who the University of, California announ- ed to Mr. Roadhouse as opening to him trials cing his selection of Mr. Eoadhouse a wider field for the future, all the might be arrested in connection with graft in San Francisco, were ' always more as his chief ' the position. Interest has "Jt'"' .'.,'- T' for , indictdi fbT their share in the graft by the grand jury, the indict- been upon educational lines. He Is "A. It will be remembered that when the twenty-eig- ht V. years of age, married, of ments having been brought down yesterday. fol- Board of Regents was constituted for agreeable manners and dignified pres- The indictments business it applied to Dr. Hilgard, who ence- A leader and a good speaker at low a breach of the agreement made with them through District At- college $s professor of agriculture in the gatherings, since his graduation Mr. Roadhouse has had much experi- torney Langdon,: both having failed to satisfy the officials that they : University of California and director ence in addressing colleges and farm- were telling all they knew when on the witness stand. of the State Experiment Station, for ers' institutes. Pr&f. Hilgard character- direction in the choice of a president izes him withal and high-spirite- d, for , the Hawaiian college, making a also indefatigable In whatever strong representation nothing he undertakes to do. ASHE INDICTED that Dean Roadhouse Is willing to come P0RJER would please the regents more than to Honolulu as soon as he completes to have Dr. Hilgard himself accept the his report of work for the last cam- A position. Owing to his advanced age, paign, which should !e before Congress AS KIDNAPER push Prof, Hilgard having been seventyr at the impending session. It will jf him to complete this by December 1 four last January, he could not enter- and of course he is not willing, to leave SAN R. Ashe tain the idea of making a change. He, without fulfilling his engagement with FRANCISCO, October 2. Attorney Porter and however, cordially undertook the quest the. Irrigation service. Brown have been indicted by the grand jury for the kidnaping of of a suitable man and shortly after- "The Board Is going to estaonsn a preparatory Fremont Older, editor of the San Francisco Bulletin. ward recommended Prof. Searle, an class for the spring term PRESIDENT JOSEPH SMITH OF. THE REORGANIZED CinjRCII of 1908," Judge Cooper said yesterday. 1 Eastern man with mueh experience un- "from which we expect to secure our OF JESUS CHRIST OF tATTER DAY SAINTS. der the United States Government both freshman class for the fall term of . ,xThe Bulletin took an active part ia bringing about the graft disclosures in Cuba." some cor- 1908- - will! be augmented by in San Francisco, Editor Older leading in tbe campaign against the grafters at home and After This class Josph Smith, ficst president of -- tlfe legal successor to the office formerly respondence by mail and cable, Prof. graduates from the Honolulu High Reorganized by martyred and" bribe-give- rs before Detective 3Jurjka tok up the ease. On Saturday la College. Church of Jesus Christ of held his forbear.'. This Searle declined to come for the sal-- School and Oahu La.tter Day Saints, and its prophet, office het came forward to claim in 1860 he was arrested lor libel in connection with the trial of Halsey, of the United "Mr. Roadhouse will be asked to send d, Am-bo- y, ary of $3000 offered. As the funds seer and revelator, was born in Kirt-lan- at a church conference held at Eailroads, and the approaching trial of President Calhoun. He was virtually immediately the curriculum for the Ohio, 1832. on April 6 year, a higher In He Is the oldest Illinois, of that kidnaped and rushed south, being released on bail following a writ of habeas available would not permit of preparatory work and suggestions for son of Joseph Smith, of and was duly chosen prdained on - engage the founder and was served on arresting officers at Santa Barbara. salary, seeing that a large outlay . was the freshman course." He is to the church, and the hereditary and (Continued on Page Four.) corpus, which the necessary for equipment, the regents three instructors and bring them here Ashe, who has been indicted for the kidnaping, is a prominent attorney with him. of San Francisco, having been retained as speeial-- prosecutor by the United decided to look for. a Dean of Faculty to "The policy of the Board is offer officials unions during who should organize a. staff and make secondary and special courses, includ Railroads at the time they were prosecuting the of the ' BONINE STRAUS IN LOVE the best start possible of the eollege. ing short practical courses and exten- the strike of the car men. , . This plan was accordingly communicat- sion work among the schools and so ed to Prof. Hilgard the selection of cieties of the Territory, - so as to ac- complish the greatest good for the in- Y AT LAST --WITH HAWAII a dean being placed in his hands. The dustrial population of the islands. De- 1 TAYLOR NOMINATED has been already , mentioned- - grees will not be conferred by the col- Judge Cooper yesterday afternoon lege however, except upon the com- pletion of a full course of collegiate BY THE , gave an Advertiser reporter, from the Edison's Expert Will Arrive on Intends to Return When Free DEMOCRATS grade." correspondence, some bits of biography At the meeting were the three re- Siberia With His Views From Office Hawaiian of the Dean-elec- t, together with he gents now in town H. K. Cooper, general scheme adopted by the regents president; Marston Campbell and A. of Hawaii. Official Reports. SAN FRANCISCO, October 2.-T- he Democrats in convention Gartley Walter G. Smith being absent for inaugurating the college. Dean yesterday nominated Langdon as their candidate for District At- Eoadhouse is expected to arrive here on the mainland ard Ralph S. Hosmer on the Island of Hawaii. R. K. Bonine, who visited here some (Mail Special to the Advertiser.) torney and named Dr. Taylor, the present Mayor, as a candidate to about January 1. In this issue will be noticed a call 19 nomination be- MrV Roadhouse is a Bachelor of Scl-- j for tenders for "the removal of the time ago .as the representative of the WASHINGTON, D. C, September succeed himself- - Mayor Taylor was a candidate for nce of the , University of California Maertens building, which is to be the Edison Company, manufacturing Secretary of Commerce and Labor fore the Republican convention also recently, but was defeated for group,, the and a postgraduate of Cornell Un- nucleus of the college from its Daniel A. Ryan, Langdon is now on both the present location to the property of .the firm presided over by Thomas Edison j Straus is keeping in mind the Hawai the 'nomination by iversity, the latter having, the reputa-tlo- n Board of Regent3 on Young street, to- In person, and who toured the islands ian matters that he discussed on his Democratic and Republican tickets. of being the leading . University gether with the remodeling of the ' moving-pictu- re summer's to Territory. making. an extensive series of last visit the for higher technical education In the structure. ..- films, is p:i his way back to He has had a talk with the Commis ROOSEVELT ON THE MISSISSIPPI.. of age, 5 feet 9 inches in height, 180 Honolulu to exhibit his pictures and sioner of Navigation, Mr. Chamber WANTED POLICE TO pounds in weight, walking lame with a to take more.
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