INDEX The following abbreviations are used in the index: BERH Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors NPP Portland, Oreg., District CDC California Debris Commission NPS Seattle, Wash., District CERC Coastal Engineering Research Center NPW Walla Walla, Wash., District LMK Vicksburg, Miss., District ORD Ohio River Division LMM Memphis, Tenn., District ORH Huntington, W. Va., District LMN New Orleans, La., District ORL Louisville, Ky., District LMS St. Louis, Mo., District ORN Nashville, Tenn., District MR&T Mississippi River and Tributaries Project ORP Pittsburgh, Pa., District MRK Kansas City, Mo., District POD Pacific Ocean Division MRO Omaha, Nebr., District SAJ Jacksonville, Fla., District NAB Baltimore, Md., District SAM Mobile, Ala., District NAN New York, N.Y., District SAN Charleston, S.C., District NAO Norfolk, Va., District SAS Savannah, Ga., District NAP Philadelphia, Pa., District SAW Wilmington, N.C., District NCB Buffalo, N.Y., District SPK Sacramento, Calif., District NCC Chicago, Ill., District SPL Los Angeles, Calif., District NCE Detroit, Mich., District SPN San Francisco, Calif., District NCL U.S. Lake Survey SWA Albuquerque, N. Mex., District NCR Rock Island, Ill., District SWG Galveston, Tex., District NCS St. Paul, Minn., District SWL Little Rock, Ark., District NED New England Division SWT Tulsa, Okla., District NPA Alaska District A Algoma Harbor, Wis. (NCC) 908 Alhambra Creek, Calif. (SPN) 1057 Abbapoola Creek, S.C. (SAN) 287 Alhambra Wash, Calif. (SPL) 1038, 1040 Aberdeen Creek, Va. (NAO) 237 Aliso Creek Reservoir, Calif. (SPL) 1042, 1043 Aberdeen, Ohio (ORH) 772, 774, 776 Allatoona Reservoir, Coosa River Basin, Ga. (SAM) 364, 377 Abilene Channel Improvement, Tex. (SWF) 516, .533 Allegany, N.Y., unit I (Allegheny River) (ORP) 809, 811 Abilene, Kan. (MRK) 653 Allegany, N.Y., unit II (Five Mile Creek Area) (ORP) 809, 811 Abilene, Smoky Hill River, Kansas (MRK) 651 Allegheny River, Pa. (ORP) 780, 802, 805, 806, 808, 810 Abiquiu Reservoir, Rio Chama, N. Mex. (SWA) 551, 557, 558 Allentown, Lehigh River, Pa. (NAP) 166 Absecon Creek, N.J. (NAP) 139, 157 Alloway Creek, N. J. (NAP) 165 Absecon Inlet, N.J. (NAP) 140, 157, 160, 163 Alma Harbor, Wis. (NCD) 861 Accotink Creek, Va. (NAB) 203 Almond Reservoir, N. Y. (NAB) 184, 188, 205, 206 Adams Creek, S. C. (SAN) 287 Aloha-Rigolette Area, Grant and Rapides Parishes, La. (LMN) Adams levee, Indiana (Wabash River) (ORL) 742 438, 439 Adams, Mass., Hoosic River (NAN) 135, 136 Alpena Harbor, Mich. (NCE) 914, 945, 952 Altamaha, Oconee Addison, N. Y. (NAB) 185, 205, 206 and Ocmulgee Rivers, Ga. (SAS) 289 Alton, Ill. (LMS) Adena, Ohio (ORP) 809, 811 473 Alton, Ohio Adkins Branch, N. C. (SAW) 273 River Basin, Ind. (ORL) 742 Wai Small Boat Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii (POD) 1126 Altus Dam and Reservoir, Okla. (SWT) 618 ,Ala Alum Creek Alabama-Coosa Rivers, Ala., and Ga. (SAM) 363, 377, 382 Reservoir, Ohio (ORH) 767 Alvin R. Alabama River at Montgomery, Ala. (SAM) 381 Bush Reservoir, Pa. (NAB) 235 Amazon Alameda Creek, Calif. (SPL) 1056, 1066 .Creek, Oreg. (NPP) 1182 Alamo Reservoir, Bill Williams River, Ariz. (SPL) 1018, 1032 American Falls International Board 1321 Alamogordo diversion channel, Tularosa Basin, N. Mex. (SWA) American Lake, Vicinity of Fort Lewis, Wash. (NPS) 1210 599 American River, Calif. (SPK) 1114 Albany, Oregon (NPP) 1182 Ames Reservoir, Skunk River, Iowa (NCR) 841, 849 Albeni Falls Dam and Reservoir, Pend Oreille River, Idaho Amite River and Bayou Manchac, La. (LMN) 435 (NPS) 1198, 1202 Amite River and tributaries, La. (LMN) 439 Albuquerque diversion channels project, New Mexico (SWA) Amite River, La. (MR&T) 1265 543, 557 Amsterdam, Ohio (ORP) 811 1325 REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U.S. ARMY 1969 Anacortes Harbor, Wash. (NPS) 1209 Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio (NCB) 966, 991 Anacostia River and Flats (NAB) 203 Asotin Dam, Snake River, Idaho and Wash. (NPW) 1232 Anacostia River and Tributaries, flood protection and navigation Atchafalaya Basin, La. (MR&T) 1258, 1264, 1272, 1280 improvements, D. C. and Md. (NAB) 208 Atchafalaya River, Morgan City to Gulf of Mexico, La. (LMN) Anaheim Bay Harbor, Orange County, Calif. (SPL) 1037 386, 421, 426 Anahuac Channel, Tex. (SWG) 484 Atchison, White Clay Creek, Kans. (MRK) 623, 642 Anchorage Harbor, Alaska (NPA) 1233, 1242 Athalia, Ohio (ORH) 772, 776 Anclote River, Fla. (SAJ) 335 A/hens, Ohio (ORH) 752, 767, 776 Andalusia Harbor, Ill. (NCD) 861 Atlantic Beach Channels, N. C. (SAW) 270 Andover Reservoir, Conn. (NED) 80, 82 Atlantic City, N. J. (NAP) 151, 159 Andrews River, Mass. (NED) 2, 57 Atlantic Coast of N. J., Sandy Hook to Barnegat Inlet (NAN) Angleton, Texas (SWG) 511 135 Annapolis Harbor, Md. (NAB) 203, Atlantic Gulf Ship Canal, Fla. (SAJ) 335 Ansonia-Derby, Conn. (NED) 42, 63, 79 Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway between Norfolk, Va., and St. Anthony Shoals, Ga. (SAS) 299 Johns River, Fla. (Jacksonville District) (SAJ) 302, 329 Apalachicola Bay, Fla. (SAM) 346, 374 Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway between Norfolk Va., and St. Apalachicola, Chattahoochee, and Flint Rivers, Ala., Ga., and Johns River, Fla. (Wilmington District) (SAW) 240, 263, 267 Fla. (SAM) 366, 377, 382, 383 Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway between Norfolk, Va., and St. Apoon Mouth of Yukon River, Alaska (NPA) 1246 Johns River, Fla. (Savannah District) (SAS) 290, 297, 298 Applegate Reservoir, Rogue River Basin, Oreg. (NPP) 1147, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway between Norfolk, Va., and St. 1166 Johns River, Fla. (Charleston District) (SAN) 276, 285 Appomattox River, Va. (NAO) 211, 228, 231, 233 Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway between Norfolk, Va., and St. Apponaug Cove, R. I. (NED) 73 Johns River, Fla. (Norfolk District) (NAO) 212, 228, 231, .Appoquinimink River, Del. (NAP) 165 233, 234 Aquashicola Reservoir, Pa. (NAP) 166 Auburn, N. Y., Owasco Outlet (NCB) 996 Aquatic Plant Control (Buffalo District) (NCB) 965, 991 Augusta, Kans. (SWT) 618 Aquatic Plant Control, Charleston District (SAN) 275, 285, 287 Augusta, Ky. (ORH) 772, 774, 776 Aquatic Plant Control, Galveston District (SWG) 475, 491, 510 Augusta, Savannah River, Ga. (SAS) 299 Aquatic Plant Control, Jacksonville District (SAJ) 302, 316, 329, Aurora, Ohio River Basin, Ind. (ORL) 742, 747 331, 334, 335 AuSable Harbor at AuSable River (Oscoda), Mich. (NCE) 915, Aquatic Plant Control, Mobile District (SAM) 346, 359, 374, 945 376, 380 Avoca, N. Y. (NAB) 185, 188, 205, 206 Aquatic Plant Control, New Orleans District (LMN) 394, 409, Avon Harbor, N. C. (SAW) 242, 263 422, 423, 427, 429 Aycock Swamp Reservoir, N. C. (SAW) 272 Aquatic Plant Control, New York District (NAN) 86, 120 Aquatic Plant Control, Norfolk District (NAO) 213, 228 B Aquatic Plant Control, Phila. District (NAP) 140, 157 Aquatic Plant Control, (Sacramento District) (SPK) 1114 B. A. Steinhagen Lake, Tex. (SWF) 514, 533 Aquatic Plant Control, Savannah District (SAS) 290, 297, 299 Bachelor Island, Wash. (NPP) 1178, 1182 Aquatic Plant Control, Wilmington District (SAW) 240, 263 Back Creek, Md. (NAB) 203 Aquia Creek, Va. (NAB) 203 Bagaduce River, Maine (NED) 73 Aquilla Resevoir, Aquilla Creek, Texas (SWF) 541 Baker Brook, (NED) 46, 64, 80 Arcadia, Mich. (NCE) 962 Bakers Haulover Inlet, Fla. (SAJ) 335 Arcadia Wash system, Calif. (SPL) 1039, 1041 Bakers Mill Reservoir, N. C. (SAW) 272 Arecibo Harbor, Puerto Rico (SAJ) 302, 329 Baldwin and Hannon Sloughs, Montgomery, Ala. (SAM) 381 Ark-Red Chloride Control, Part I, Tex. (SWT) 589, 608, 615 Ball Mountain Reservoir, Vt. (NED) 32, 62, 78 Ark-Red Chloride Control, Supplemental Studies, Okla. (SWT) Ballona Creek channel and jetties, Calif. (SPL) 1038, 1040 588, 608 Ballona Creek channel, Calif. (SPL) 1039, 1041 Arkabutla Reservoir (MR&T) 1261, 1267, 1269 Ballston Spa, N.Y., Kayaderosseras and Gordon Creeks (NAN) Arkansas-Red River Chloride Control, Texas, Oklahoma, and 135 Kans. (SWT) 588, 614 Baltimore Harbor and Channels, Md. (NAB) 169, 196, 199, 201 Arkansas River and Tributaries, Ark. and Okla. (SWT) 586, 618 Baltimore Harbor and Channels (Norfolk District) (NAO) 214, Arkansas River Basin, Ark., Okla., and Kans. (SWT) 561, 572, 228 574, 577, 579, 613 Baltimore Harbor, Md., Collection and Removal of Drift Arkansas River Levees (MR&T) 1260, 1281 - (NAB) 171, 196 Arkport Reservoir, N. Y. (NAB) 184, 188, 205 Bank stabilization and channel rectification, Ark. (SWL) 562, Arlington, Alkali Canyon, Ore. (NPW) 1231 572 Arlington Reservoir, Gasconade River, Mo. (MRK) 651, 653 Bank Stabilization and Channel Rectification, Arkansas River, Armuchee Creek, Ga. (SAM) 381 Fort Smith, Ark., to Robert S. Kerr lock and dam, Okla. Ash Creek, Willamette River, Oreg. (NPP) 1192 (SWT) 586, 608 Ash Swale, Salt Creek, Oreg. (NPP) 1182 Bank Stabilization, Red River, Ark. (SWT) 617, 618 Ashland Harbor, Wis. (NCS) 834 Banner Special Drainage and Levee District, Illinois River, Ill. Ashland, Ky. (ORH) 772, 776 (NCC) 910 Ashley River, S. C. (SAN) 287 Banning Levee-San Gorgonio River, Calif. (SPL) 1043 See page 1325 for District abbreviations. 1326 INDEX Bar Harbor, Maine (NED) 73 Beals Harbor, Maine (NED) 73 Barataria Bay Waterway, La. (LMN) 387, 421 Bear Creek at Hannibal, Mo. (NCR) 853 Barbers Point Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii (POD) 1117, 1124 Bear Creek Dam and Reservoir, Colo. (MRO) 657 Barbourville, Ky. (ORN) 711 Bear Creek, Evergreen, Colo. (MRO) 682 Barcelona Harbor, N. Y. (NCB) 995 Bear Creek, Kendrick Idaho, (NPW) 1213, 1228 Bardwell Reservoir, Tex. (SWF) 517, 533, 537 Bear Creek, Long Tom River, Oreg. (NPP) 1182 Barkley Dam and Lake Barkley, Ky. and Tenn. (ORN) 711 Bear Creek, Miss. (NPW) 1213 Barnegat Inlet, N. J. (NAP) 141, 157, 160 Beards Brook Reservoir, N. H. (NED) 82 Barnegat Light, N. J. (NAP) 166 Beatrice, Big Blue River, Nebr. (MRK) 651 Barnett Creek, Ky. (Rough River Basin) (ORL) 742 Beaufort Harbor, N. C. (SAW) 242, 263, 268 Barre Falls Reservoir, Mass. (NED) 32, 62, 78 Beaver and Mahoning Rivers, Pa. and Ohio (ORP) 808 Barren River Reservoir, Ky. (ORL) 715, 735, 745 Beaver Bay Harbor, Minn.
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