DISTRICT STATISTICAL HAND BOOK FOR MON DISTRICT 1990 - 5 4 1 4 5 3 NIEPA DC 3 ) 0 D08453 DIRECTORATE Of^tUUmTmfuo o^ii-iflSTICS GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND KOHIMA DISTRICT STATISTICAL HAND BOOK FOR MON DISTRICT 1990 DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS Sl STATISTICS GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND K O H I M A \'0 - Lib'^A :v ^ : V . s--.- ' ,- C 1 t . f r - ’-t,. aj| ,'] , id -'.dti)iii..-i:. fiOn. 17'. , < Aufubjiido Matg, N ... , ’i,.110016 I C.; .... PREFACE This is the First Annual Publication of the District Statistical Hand Book pertaining to Mon District. Efforts have been made to present the Statistical data collected from official records of different Govt. Departments, and other Agencies, on various sectors of Economy as precise and accurate as possible. However, if any mistake is detected/found it may be brought to the notice of the Depart­ ment for taking corrective measures in future publication. It Is hoped that the publication wouid be helpful to students. Administrators and planners interested to study Socio-Economic condition of the District. The continued co-operation given by various Govern­ ment Departments and agencies, in making available the required data for this book is gratefully acknowledged. Suggestions for further improvement of the Statistical Hand Book are welcome. (LALHUMA) Dated Kohima, Director of Ecoriomics arid Statistics. the 3rd April, 1992 Nagaland : Kohima. CONTENTS Table No. Page No. 1. GENERAL 1.1 Mon District at a Glance................................................1 2. AREA AND POPULATION STATISTICS 2.1 Area, Population and Density 1981 & 1991...............3 2.2 Distribution of Population by Sex and Sex-Ratio Popuiatlon, 1991.......................................... 4 2.3 Decennial Growth of Population 1971, 1981 and 1991..................................................... 5 2.4 Literate Population by Sex, 1981 and 1991 Census..................................................6 2.5 Distribution of Population by Religion,1981 .............. 8 2.6 Circle-Wise Distribution of Population by Scheduled Tribe 1981............................................ 12 2.7 Distribution of Working Population by Agricultural and other Workers and Non-Workers by Sex and by Rural/ Urban 1981.....................................................................13 2.8 Percentage Distribution of Working Population by Agricultural and other Workers, by Rural/Urban, 1971 and 1981............................................................... 16 2.9 Circle-Wise Distribution of number of Viiiages and Population as per 1981 Census..................................................................17 2.10 Circle/Village wise number of Househoid and Population of 1981 Census under Mon District.........................................................18 3. AGRICULTURE STATISTICS 3.1 Area under Principal Crops In Mon District during 1985-86 to 1989-90 ........................................ 23 3.2 Production of Principal Crops in Mon District During 1985-86 to 1989-90 .......................... 25 3.3 Total Irrigated Area & Irrigated Area under Crops In Mon District.......................................28 3.4 Consumption of Fertilizers and Pesticides in Mon District.............................................................. 29 3.5 Area under different Land uses In Mon District.............................................................. 30 4. BANKING STATISTICS 4.1 Distribution of Deposits and Credits of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Mon District as on 30.6.1989......................................31 4.2 Occupation-Wise Classification of Outstanding Credits of Scfieduled Commercial Banks in Mon District as on 30.6.1989 ........................................................... 32 4.3 Occupation>Wise Classification of Outstanding Credits of Scheduled Commercial Banks In Mon District as on 30.6.1989............................................................. 33 5. FISHERY STATISTICS 5.1 Achievement of Fishery Department In Mon District............................................................... 35 6. CO-OPERATION STATISTICS 6.1 Working of Copperative Societies in Mon District 1989-90................................................ 36 7. EDUCATION STATISTICS 7.1 Number of Literate Population and Percentage by Sex in Mon District as per 1981 and 1991 Census.................................37 7.2 Number of Educational institutions during 1985-86 to 1989-90 in Mon District.......................... 38 7.3 Number of Students in Educational institutions during 1985-86 to 1989-90 In Mon District.............................................................40 7.4 Number of Teacher in Educational Institutions during 1985-86 to 1989-90 in Mon District............................................................ 42 14.2 Number of Motor Vehicles Registered in Mon District...............................................................68 14.3 Number of Motor Vehicies Taxed in Mon District...............................................................69 14.4 Number of Motor Vehicles on Road in Mon District............................................................... 70 14.5 Number of Post Offices and Letter Boxes................71 14.6 Number of Telephone Connections in Mon District............................................................... 72 15. VETERINARY STATISTICS 15.1 Number of LK/estocl< and Poultry as per 1982 & 1987 Live Stock Census................................................................. 73 15.2 Number of Veterinary Farms Hospitals, Dispensaries etc. in Mon District............................... 75 15.3 Performance of Veterinary Hospitals & Dispensaries in Mon District................................... 76 15.4 Number of Eggs etc. produced in Poultry Farms In Mon District..................................77 Table 1.1 MON DISTRICT AT A GLANCE SI. ttems Unit Particular 1. Area Sq. Km 1,786.00 2. Town 1981 Census -No- 1 3. Villages 1961 Census -No- 82 4. i) Total Population 1981 Census -No- 78,938 ii) Total Population 1991 Census (Provisional) -No- 1,50,065 5. Males 1981 Census -No- 42,219 6. Females 1981 Census -No- 36,719 7. Schedule Tribe Population 1981 Census -No- 70,536 8. Urban Population 1981 Census -No- 6,898 9. Rural Population 1981 Census -No- 72,040 10. i) Density of Population per Sq. Km. 1981 Census -No- 44 II) Density of Population per Sq. Km, 1991 Census (Provisional) -No- 84 Area under Cereals 1^8-89 Hect 16,245 12. Production of Cereals, 1988-89 -MT- 13,464 13. Co-operative Societies, 1989*90 -No- 20 14. Educational Institution -No- 161 15. College for General Edn. 1989 -No- 1 16. No. of State Govt. Employees, 1989 -No- 4,221 17. Area under Forest, 1989-90 Hect 70,027 18, Hospitals, 1989 -No- 2 19. Dispensaries -No- 1 20. Primary Health Centre -No- 5 Table—1.1 (Contd.) St. ttems Unit Particular 21. Doctors -No- 17 22. Compounders -No- 51 23. Nurses -No- 59 24. industries, 1989-90 -No- 9 25. Police Station, 1990 -No- 5 26. Police Out-post, 1990 -No- 4 Z7. No. of Electricity Consumers 1989-90 -No- 4,288 28. Viiiage Electrified, 1989^ -No- 82 29. P. W. D. Road Kms 866 30. Motor Vehicles Registered, 1989-90 -No- 1,704 31. Motor Vehicles Taxed, 1989-90 -No- 2.193 32. No. of Telephone connections, 19RQ-90 -No- 113 33. Veterinary Dispensaries, 1989-90 -No- 2 34. Veterinary Outpost, 1989-90 -No- 5 35. Stockmen Centre, 1988-89 -No- 6 Table-2.1 AREA. POPULATION AND DENSITY 1981 & 1991 Area in Population Densifyper State/Dis^ct Sq. Km. Sq. Km. 1 2 3 4 NAGALAND-1981 16.579.W 7,74930 47 Mon, 1981 1786.00 78,938 44 Nagaland, 1991 - 12,15,573 73 Mon, 1991 - 1,50,065 84 N. B. : Area and Population Shown as per year o f Census. Source : Population Census, 1961 -do- 1991 (Prowsional) Table-2.2 DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY SEX AND SEX-RATIO POPULATION. 1991 State Total Males Females Sex-ratio (Females District Persons per 1000 males) 1981 1991 1 2 3 4 5 6 NAGALAND 12,15,573 6,43,273 5,72,300 663 890 MON 1,50065 80,101 69,964 874 873 N. B. : Population shown as per dimarcated area of 1991 Census. Source : Census, 1991, Provisional T able-2.3 DECENNIAL GROWTH OF POPULATION 1971, 1981 AND 1991 State Total Population Decennial Total Decennial District Growth rates Popu­ Growth rates (Percentage) lation (Percentage) Population Population 1961-71 1971*81 1991 1981-91 in 1971 in 1981 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NAGALAND 5,16,449 7,74,930 39.88 50.05 12,15,573 56.86 MON 64,140 94,160 26.32 20.47 1,50,065 59.37 N. B .: Census Population 1981 have been shown as per demarcated area of 1991 Census. Souce ; Population Census, 1961 -do- 1991 (Provisional) Table-2 .4 LITERATE POPULATION BY SEX, 1981 AND 1991 CENSUS State/District Total Population Literate Population Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NAGALAND 1981 7,74,930 4,15,910 3,59,020 3,29878 2,08,195 1,21,683 1991 12,15,573 6,43,273 5,72,300 6,21,048 3,60,526 2,60,522 MON 1981 78,938 42,219 36,719 15,703 11,169 4,534 1991 1,50,065 80,101 69,964 44.652 28,247 16,605 Table-2 .4 (Contd.) State/District Percentage of literate to total Population Persons Males Females 1 8 9 10 NAGALAND 1991 42.57 50.06 33.89 1991 51.09 56.05 45.52 Mon 1981 19.89 26.45 12.33 1991 29.89 35.26 23,73 Source: Population Census, 1981) -d o - 1991 (provisional) 8 Table-2.5 DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY REUGION, 1981 State Total All Religions Hindus D istrict Rural Persons Mates Females Persons Males Females Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NAGALAND Total 7,74,930 4,15,910 3,59,020 1,11,266 72,081 39,185 Rural 6,54,696 3,44,699 3,09,997 66,959 43,193 23,766 Urban 1,20,234 71,211 49,023 44,307 28,888 15,419
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