SEPTEMBER, 1931 25 Cents BETTY ROSS. W2XCR Television IS HERE FALSE TEETH ARE A GREAT INVENTION BUT KEEP YOUR OWN AS LONG AS YOU CAN PYORRHEA has no respect for you lip'' y PYORRHEA, dread disease of the diagnosis. Modern dentistry can work chance. Decide now not to gamble any gums, comes to four people out of wonders and save you untold trouble longer. five past the age of forty. It is an in- in your mouth if you rely on it in time. Visit your dentist regularly and brush sidious foe that may infect the mouth Between visits to your dentist your your teeth with Forhan's twice a day. of youth and lurk in the gums for years teeth are your own responsibility. There- You can make no finer investment in before beginning its real work of havoc. fore choose your dentifrice with utmost the health of your mouth and the safety It starts with tender gums that bleed care. of your teeth. easily it Inc., when brushed. As progresses Forhan's is the discovery of R. J. Fothan Company, New York; it spreads dangerous poisons through- Forhan, D. D. S., who for 26 years Forhan's Ltd., Montreal. out the system, often loosening teeth specialized successfully in in their sockets until they fall out or the treatment of pyorrhea. extraction is necessary. It is unique in that it con- False teeth at best are only a substi- tains the benefits of an eth- FORHAN'S YOUR TEETH ARE ONLY AS HEALTHY AS YOUR GUMS tute for your own and so often they are ical preparation developed False teeth often follow pyorrhea, which comes only the penalty of thoughtlessness and by Dr. Forhan, which thou- to four people out of five past the age of 40 neglect. sands of dentists use in the treatment of pyorrhea. A dentist perfected Forhan's to fight pyorrhea Don't gamble with pyorrhea At the first sign of pyorrhea go right to your dentist for a careful oral It is really folly to take a . — Radio Digest SENSATIONAL VALUE/ SEND NO MONEY A daily sun bath—a few minutes in the morning or Invalids confined indoors missing the life-giving. Ultra-violet rays prevent rickets by supplying Vita evening—will keep you looking and feeling physically health-bringing power of natural sunlight, find the mln D to the System. fit. Health Ray Lamp a boon. Now the Amazing Benefits of ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS for ONLY A $100 Sun lamp can do no more Now, through the magic of the Health Ray Lamp, artificial sunlight, Innumerable Uses Found for Ultra containing all the rejuvenating and healthful properties of sunshine, is Violet Radiation available to all—at any time of the day or night—at any season of the ultra violet radiation . year. Now the great benefits of can be yours These rays are especially effective in destroying germ life and imparting through this new, full-strength, therapeutic, ultra-violet (and infra-red) vigor and vitality. They also stimulate glandular function. They are lamp at the lowest retail price in the world . $5.95! remarkably efficacious in some forms of skin diseases. Strongly "anti- Mass production and tremendous sales alone make this possible. septic, they destroy germs and clarify the skin. Pimples and temporary blemishes yield quickly to their purifying action. Children respond rap- Vitality Youthful Vigor and idly to the beneficent effects. In cases of listlessness and anemia, the A few minutes in the morning or evening will suffice for your daily sun rays are unusually effective. An invaluable aid in the treatment of rickets. bath . will keep you feeling and looking physically fit . your body Same Benefits as $100 Lamps stimulated with Vitamin D . your brain alert . colds, grippe . annoying little aches and pains will pass you by. The whole family The Health Ray Lamp is a remarkable bargain. Users receive the same will enjoy greater health. benefits as with the $100 and Slot) lamps. It is two lamps in one. It not only produces ultra violet— those rays that destroy g'-rm life, invig- Inexpensive Health Insurance orate physically and mentally and stimulate glandular function .but It costs only a few cents a day to enjoy the relaxing, healthful, vital- an especially designed generator produces at the Bame time the warm izing fays of the Health Ray Lamp. By subjecting your- infra-red rays which stimulate blood circulation, soothe, self to these rays, you are building up a reserve of health comfort and penetrate deeply into living body tissue . and strength to withstand disease. You will look and feel Brings These healing and preventing illness. vibrant, vigorous! fully alive. You are safeguarding Many Benefits 10 days Free Trial — Send No Money your health in a pleasant, inexpensive way. 1. Builds strength and vigor, The Health Ray Lamp, including goggles, carrions, instructions, resistance to sickness: In- Real glow of health) guarantee, etc , will be sent you for free ten days' trial in Sun Tan (the vigorates the entire 8] stem. own home. Try it at our risk. For ten days, experience its vital- 2. Byactlvatlngthecholesterol A genuine sun In the skin. Vitamin L> Is izing, health-building effects. Compare the results with higher priced Tan is quickly created which tlxcs the cal- equipment. Send no money Simply fill out coupon I cium and phosphorus In the and easily secured and the complete outfit will go forward immediately. When it blood, preventing rickets. arrives, deposit $5,96, plus a lew cents postage witii the - with a Health 3. Prevents cold.--, grippe, lum- man. After 10 days' trial, if you aren't amazed and delighted few bago, stops the annoying Ray Lamp. A with results, it little aches and pains of simply return and we will immediately refund minutes a day every day. your money. appearance spent bathing in 4. Improves the There is only one requirement —that you include on the cou- Imparting tbc natural the rays of this by pon the name of your local dealer from whom you would ordi- ruddy glow of vigorous narily lamp will give you health. Gives tho same purchase the Health Hay Lamp (for instance the name the same kind of kind of Tan you would pel i'f your druggist or department store.) from a month on the Florida Take Advantage of this special offer now! Fill oat the coupon 6«/oar an tan you get on a beaches J mail it today. Please print name and address plainly. Florida beach. .">. Frees the skin from pim- ples and temporary blem- < 1 ishes. I Specifications MAIL THIS COUPON NOW Operates on either Alternat- I Ho.tMi R.iv M.iiuif.ut tiring Company, Inc. 1 ing or Direct current l 423 H-irding Building onoe ooJJ Is of -the best Nickel I Sc.ition "O," New York. N. Y. chronic wire. Guaranteed for 1 Send me one Health Ray lultra violet and infra. red Ismr. cowr • 1 >«" I fonlra, cart>.m», instruction-, truaratitee. etc. «tt the at*** '*-' rx-nnte« pvwLaa-e. 95 • prfM, I'tH'ii anual I a\gm to i>aj [>oe< man $&.»» p!u* a few | It is understood that if after 10 days I am mil complete' v <aUaned. I may re- 5 HEALTH * turn the lamp and >«'U will Immediately refund my money Street Addrea* I RAY LAMP I Peatrr | Name of arum sbora you wwilu anUMU-lly bujM I ©C1B 1*79*" SEP 17 1931 THE NATIONAL BROADCAST AUTHORITY Harold P. Brown, Charles R. Tighe, Managing Editor Associate Editor Henry J. Wright, Nellie Revell, Advisory Editor Associate Editor Including RADIO REVUE and RADIO BROADCAST Raymond Bill, Editor September', 1931 CONTENTS COVER DESIGN—Radio Digest Television Girl, Miss Betty Ross, W2XCR R. Wilson Hammell COON-SANDERS—just a couple of Indians Phil 10 with their own kind of whoopee. Maxwell TELEVISION is here—how it looks from va- rious angles. Bill Schudt 12 11fJE LEN GILLI- MORTON DOWNEY—Rides- the Crest—Story C*0 N ST AN C E GAN of CBS of his Eventful career. Grenville Richards 16 BENNETT, eld- has had a life of est of Richard's three lucky Thirteen*. She WAVE GRAB—The fight begins. Defenders daughters, is one of Mart Taylor 19 was born April 13, oppose war to wreck American Plan. the delightful RKO there are 13 letters in entertainers you have HOLLYWOOD NEWSREEL — Cinema-sound her name, her first heard over the NBC and Radio produce a transcription. Mark Quest 23 audition was on Au- net. She has distin- gust 1 3th and there guished herself on BRADLEY KINCAID—Mountain Boy sings have been at least 13 the screen and stage and strums his way into hearts. Natalie Giddings 25 other lucky breaks. and delights all fans. TED LEWIS—A bad boy reforms. Phil Stong 27 TWISTS THE LION'S TALE— Carveth Wells laughs at stories of ferocity. Don Higgins 28 HOOFING HOWARDS—Story of the rise of famous stage and Radio "team. Leonard Smith 30 MARIA GEORGIEVSKAIA—Russian Gypsy Contralto in thrilling escape. Maybelle Austin 32 SHIP OF JOY— Captain Dobbsie brings happi- ness to Pacific listeners. Fred H. Fidler 49 AMBROSE WEEMS wants to know whether Radio is still in its infancy. Ray Knight 53 AUNT AND UNCLE MIKE—Little Listeners have their special Relatives. Evans E. Plummer 64 SOCONYLAND SKETCHES—Quaint New England folk tales make Radio hit. Carlton and Manley 70 ROMANCE OF JEWELS—Only certain jewels are suitable to certain persons. Ida Bailey Allen 74 Editorial Coming and Going {p. 8) (54) Radiographs (55) Marcella (57) Voice of the Listener (60) Station News (begins 66) Women's Section (begins 12) Hits, Quips and Slips (62) Chain Calendar Features (75) Stations Alphabetically Listed (81) Digest, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N.
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