Clinical Microbiology Reviews January 2007, Volume 20, Issue 1 , pp. 1-204 Instructions To Authors: CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS: 2007 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2007 20: 1-12. Reviews: Sean P. Elliott Rat Bite Fever and Streptobacillus moniliformis Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2007 20: 13-22. Anette Wohnsland, Wolf Peter Hofmann, and Christoph Sarrazin Viral Determinants of Resistance to Treatment in Patients with Hepatitis C Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2007 20: 23-38. G. Balakrish Nair, Thandavarayan Ramamurthy, Sujit K. Bhattacharya, Basabjit Dutta, Yoshifumi Takeda, and David A. Sack Global Dissemination of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Serotype O3:K6 and Its Serovariants Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2007 20: 39-48. Diane S. Leland and Christine C. Ginocchio Role of Cell Culture for Virus Detection in the Age of Technology Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2007 20: 49-78. Florence Depardieu, Isabelle Podglajen, Roland Leclercq, Ekkehard Collatz, and Patrice Courvalin Modes and Modulations of Antibiotic Resistance Gene Expression Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2007 20: 79-114. Carol A. Kauffman Histoplasmosis: a Clinical and Laboratory Update Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2007 20: 115-132. M. A. Pfaller and D. J. Diekema Epidemiology of Invasive Candidiasis: a Persistent Public Health Problem Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2007 20: 133-163. Vahab Ali and Tomoyoshi Nozaki Current Therapeutics, Their Problems, and Sulfur-Containing-Amino-Acid Metabolism as a Novel Target against Infections by "Amitochondriate" Protozoan Parasites Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2007 20: 164-187. David J. Conway Molecular Epidemiology of Malaria Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2007 20: 188-204. CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS, Jan. 2007, p. 1–12 Vol. 20, No. 1 0893-8512/07/$08.00ϩ0 doi:10.1128/CMR.00045–06 Copyright © 2007, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS 2007 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS* SCOPE tal principles expressed in the Code of Ethics of the Society and is abhorrent to ASM and its members. Clinical Microbiology Reviews (CMR) accepts reviews ASM recognizes that there are valid concerns regard- that are of primary interest to clinical microbiologists, ing the publication of information in scientific journals medical microbiologists and immunologists, public that could be put to inappropriate use as described in the health workers, infectious disease clinicians, and others CPC resolution mentioned above. Members of the ASM who are interested in the pathogenesis, laboratory diag- Publications Board will evaluate the rare manuscript nosis, epidemiology, and control of human and veteri- that might raise such issues during the review process. nary pathogens. The articles should present comprehen- However, as indicated elsewhere in these Instructions, sive, critical summaries of current knowledge in the field research articles must contain sufficient detail, and ma- and should not be limited to a discussion of the author’s terial/information must be made available, to permit the work. Sufficient historical or other background material work to be repeated by others. Supply of materials may be included for those readers who are not current should be in accordance with laws and regulations gov- with the latest advances in the particular field. If the erning the shipment, transfer, possession, and use of material covered is controversial, the author should at- biological materials and must be for legitimate, bona fide tempt to provide balanced coverage. Appropriate reviews research needs. Links to, and information regarding, would include those addressing pathogenic mechanisms, these laws and regulations can be found at http://www specific or groups of microbial pathogens, clinical and .asm.org/Policy/index.asp. laboratory aspects of newly recognized or reemerging infectious diseases, recently developed antimicrobial General Requirements agents and their application, and new diagnostic labora- tory technology. By submission of a manuscript to the journal, the The editors welcome any suggestions for topics and authors guarantee that the manuscript, or one with sub- authors from either prospective authors or others. Pro- stantially the same content, was not published previously spective authors are advised to discuss with the editor in and is not being considered or published elsewhere. chief the suitability of their proposed contribution. The All authors of a manuscript must have agreed to its preparation of an annotated topical outline is required, submission and are responsible for its content (initial since it often elicits constructive suggestions from edito- submission and any subsequent versions), including ap- rial consultants. In addition, a list of key references propriate citations and acknowledgments, and must also showing the author’s contributions to the field as well as have agreed that the corresponding author has the au- other investigators’ findings and a one- or two-paragraph thority to act on their behalf in all matters pertaining to statement detailing the aim, scope, and relevance of the publication of the manuscript. The corresponding au- review should be included with the outline. thor is responsible for obtaining such agreements and A review, whether invited or not, cannot be finally for informing the coauthors of the manuscript’s status accepted until the finished product has been reviewed throughout the submission, review, and publication pro- and found to be satisfactory. cesses. For Authors’ Corrections, signed letters of agree- ment from all of the authors must be submitted (see p. 8). EDITORIAL POLICY It is expected that the authors will provide written assurance that permission to cite unpublished data or personal communications has been granted. Use of Microbiological Information The Council Policy Committee (CPC) of the Ameri- Supplemental Material can Society for Microbiology affirms the long-standing position of the Society that microbiologists will work for Supplemental material intended for posting by ASM the proper and beneficent application of science and will may not include additional figures or tables that simply call to the attention of the public or the appropriate support the authors’ conclusions. It must be restricted to authorities misuses of microbiology or of information large or complex data sets or results that cannot be derived from microbiology. ASM members are obligated readily displayed in printed form because of space or to discourage any use of microbiology contrary to the technical limitations. Such material may include data welfare of humankind, including the use of microbes as from microarray, structural, biochemical, or video imag- biological weapons. Bioterrorism violates the fundamen- ing analyses. In such cases, the manuscript submitted for review should include a distillation of the results so that the principal conclusions are fully supported without * Shading indicates material that has been added or significantly referral to the supplemental material updated. Supplemental material intended for posting by ASM 1 2 2007 CMR INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS CLIN.MICROBIOL.REV. must be uploaded in Rapid Review and will be reviewed substance of a paper. along with the manuscript. The maximum size permitted Posting of a limited amount of original data on a for an individual file is 25 MB. If your file exceeds this personal/university/company website or websites of size, you must use a file compression utility (e.g., WIN- small collaborative groups working on a problem does ZIP or Stuffit) to reduce the size below 25 MB. The not preclude subsequent submission to, and publication decision to publish (i.e., post online only) the material by, an ASM journal. The posted data, however, may not with the article if it is accepted will be made by the editor constitute the substance of the submission. Specific in chief and conveyed to the corresponding author in the questions about this policy may be referred to the Pub- acceptance e-mail. Note, therefore, it is possible that a lications Board chairman on a case-by-case basis. manuscript will be accepted but that the supplemental Posting of theses and dissertations on a personal/uni- material will not be. versity-hosted website does not preclude subsequent If the software required for users to view/use the sup- submission to, and publication by, an ASM journal. Sim- plemental material is not embedded in the file, you are ilarly, posting and sale, on a commercial or similar web- urged to use shareware or generally available/easily ac- site, of an original, unmodified thesis or dissertation (i.e., cessible programs. as submitted to, and accepted by, the thesis/dissertation Unlike the manuscript, supplemental material will not committee) does not preclude subsequent submission to, be edited by the ASM Journals staff and proofs will not and publication by, an ASM journal. be made available. References related to supplemental Posting of unpublished sequence data on the Internet material only should not be listed in the References is usually not considered prior publication; however, the section of an article; instead, include them with the sup- address (URL) of the source of the sequence should be plemental material hosted by ASM or posted on a per- included in the text. sonal/institutional website. Preliminary disclosures of research findings webcast Supplemental material will always remain associated as meeting presentations or published in abstract form with its article and is not subject to any modifications as adjuncts to a meeting, e.g., part of a program, are not after publication. considered
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