THE JOURNAL OF THE COMMITTEE ON MONETARY AND ECONOMIC REFORM $3.95 Vol. 25, No. 6 • JUNE 2013 CONTENTS CHAPTER 17 OF A NEW BOOK BY ELLEN H. BROWN, 5 From Austerity to Prosperity THE PUBLIC BANK SOLUTION Through Proper Use of Our Publicly Owned Bank of Canada 6 Germany Fears Revolution If The Canadian Movement Europe Scraps Welfare Model 7 The Acropolis: Part II for Monetary Sovereignty: 9 On Hong Kong Shelves, Illicit Dirt on China’s Elite Rise and Fall 10 Hello, COMER “Once a nation parts with the control By the eve of the depression, interest on 13 Will Omnibus Bill Influence Bank of its currency and credit, it matters not Canada’s public debt had reached an alarm- of Canada’s Independence? who makes the nation’s laws. Usury, once ing one-third of government expenditures; Flaherty Should Explain. in control, will wreck any nation.” – Wil- and many officials believed that the govern- 14 Fantopian Update liam Lyon Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of ment needed a central bank to generate its 17 Letters from COMER Readers Canada, 1935 own money. In 1933, a Royal Commission 18 Certain Television Fare Can Help The government of Canada devised its in- was put together to look into creating such Ease Aggression in Young Children, Study Finds novative system of state-bank-created credit in a bank. A major debate then ensued over the 1930s, and drew freely from it for nearly whether it should be public or private. 19 The Illusion of Growth four decades of unusual prosperity, growth and William Lyon Mackenzie King, elected Publications Mail Agreement No. 41796016 development. Then in the 1970s, Canada prime minister in 1935, thought the bank joined the Basel Committee of G10 countries should be public. He admonished: at the BIS. A change in economic policy fol- “Until the control of the issue of cur- lowed that cut the government off from its rency and credit is restored to government own state bank funding, subjecting it instead and recognized as its most conspicuous and to the skyrocketing interest rates of private sacred responsibility, all talk of the sover- international credit markets. Canada is now eignty of Parliament and of democracy is struggling with debt and deficits along with idle and futile.”2 most of the rest of the Western world. How different times were then. Imagine While Australia’s innovative central bank a Canadian prime minister or US president was being reined in by the City of London saying that today! in the 1930s, Canada’s was just getting started. Before 1935, the Canadian govern- Continued on page 2 ment did not have a central bank. It had to borrow from private banks that issued their own banknotes, with the country’s largest COMER Email Update private bank, the Bank of Montreal, serv- ing as the government’s de facto banker.1 COMER is updating its confidential email But in the throes of the Great Depression, contact list to better inform members and this private system had failed. The money Economic Reform subscribers of relevant, supply had collapsed, forcing businesses to late-breaking news and local events. close and unemployment to soar. The banks Interested parties are encouraged to send were blamed for making conditions worse a message immediately to ”COMER by failing to extend loans; while for the gov- Email Update” [email protected] from ernment, a national debt to private banks their preferred email account. As ever, meant a mounting interest burden. all preferences will be respected. Sovereignty from page 1 It was all going well, says Bolton, until Gerald McGeer and the Model two local banks flooded Guernsey with their of Guernsey own notes to undermine the State Notes. Another zealous advocate for a public The Island responded by agreeing to limit central bank was a Canadian mayor and the issue of its own Notes. But with the out- FOUNDING EDITOR Member of Parliament named Gerald Grat- break of war in 1914, the State Notes were John Hotson 1930–1996 ton McGeer. In The Conquest of Poverty restarted; and they continued to circulate (1936), McGeer wrote: alongside British Pounds Sterling thereafter. PUBLISHER–EDITOR “Ever since the passage of the English Despite that influx of new money, writes William Krehm Bank Act of 1844, the creation, issuance, Bolton, “there has never been inflation, ([email protected]) and the regulation of the circulation of the and the prosperity of the island continues INFORMATION SECRETARY current medium of exchange, though being as it has since 1820, operating on minimal Herb Wiseman duties that constitute the most conspicuous taxation.” ([email protected]) and sacred responsibilities of government, What a Nationalized Central Bank Economic Reform (ER) have been in large measure delegated in (ISSN 1187–080X) is published monthly blind faith and absolute confidence to bank- Can Do by COMER Publications ers and financiers. The Bank of Canada opened in 1935 27 Sherbourne Street North, Suite 1 “The complete collapse of the econom- under private ownership; but in 1938, the Toronto, Ontario M4W 2T3 Canada ic structure under banker management… Bank Act was amended to make it a public- Tel: 416 ‑924‑3964, Fax: 416‑466‑5827 proves that the private control of credit is ly-owned institution. According to William Email: [email protected] fundamentally unsound…. Krehm in A Power Unto Itself: The Bank of Website: “Necessity now compels all to recog- Canada, the 1938 nationalization allowed nize that the creation and issuance of the the central bank to create the money to COMER Membership: Annual dues medium of exchange, the monetization of finance federal projects on a nearly interest- (includes ER on request plus 1 book of your choice): CDN$50 public credit, the circulation of the medium free basis. The bank could also lend to the of exchange, and the general supervision of provinces. The interest it collected went Economic Reform Subscription only: the monetary system must be restored to back to the federal treasury.4 One year, 12 monthly issues, in Canada government.” In creating the credit to finance fed- CDN$30, Foreign CDN$40 McGeer made lengthy presentations to eral, provincial, and municipal projects, the the Ottawa Common Banking Committee, Bank of Canada was doing what private Send request and payment to: clarifying for bankers, economists and leg- banks do every day; but it was doing this COMER Publications 27 Sherbourne Street North, Suite 1 islators how well a national currency issued in the public interest. In parliamentary Toronto, ON M4W 2T3 by a publicly-owned bank could work. For hearings in 1939, Graham Towers, the first a model, he cited the British Channel Island governor of the Bank of Canada, confirmed ER Back Issues: CDN/US$4, includes state of Guernsey, which had been issuing that banks routinely create credit with ac- postage; additional copies same its own currency to pay for public works counting entries. When asked by Gerald issue, $2; additional issue same order, since 1820. McGeer whether banks create the medium $3. Send requests for back issues to New Zealand researcher Kerry Bolton of exchange, Towers replied: Herb Wiseman, 69 Village Crescent, Peterborough ON K9J 0A9. summarized the Guernsey experience in an “That is right. That is what they are there August 2011 article like this: for…. That is the banking business, just in Copyright © 2013 “Guernsey’s banking system was prompt- the way that a steel plant makes steel. The COMER Publications ed by dire need, the island being in serious manufacturing process consists of making a All rights reserved financial trouble from the beginning of the pen-and-ink or typewriter entry on a card in 19th Century. Guernsey’s town was un- a book. That is all.”5 Permission to reproduce is granted developed, the roads were cart-tracks, and In another interesting exchange, McGeer if accompanied by: “Copyright © 2013 COMER Publications. there was no prospect for employment…. asked Towers: Reproduced by permission of “[I]t was the need to upgrade the Public “Q: Would you admit that anything COMER Publications” Market that prompted a committee to re- physically possible and desirable can be port back with a solution in 1816 to issue made financially possible? Postmaster, please send address £6000 worth of States Notes. The commit- “A: Certainly. corrections to: tee also recommended that the States Notes “Q: Will you tell me why the govern- COMER Publications be used not only for the new market, but ment with power to create money should 27 Sherbourne Street North, Suite 1 also for Torteval Church, road construction, give that power away to a private monopoly Toronto, Ontario M4W 2T3 and other State expenses. The notes’ issue and then borrow that which Parliament can PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION was started in 1820, and was followed by create itself, back at interest? Watt Solutions Inc., London other issues, until by 1837 £55,000 of the “A: Now, if Parliament wants to change Notes were in circulation, debt-free and the form of operating the bank system, then Printed in Canada on recycled paper. having created prosperity and development, certainly that is within the power of Parlia- which in turn stimulated visitors to the ment.”6 island.”3 For over three decades, the Bank of Can- 2 | Economic Reform June 2013 ada used its lucrative credit-creating tools cian services. In 1984, the Canada Health Friedman, the phenomenon was blamed for the benefit of the public. The Cana- Act ensured that no medically-necessary on governments either issuing money too dian government funded infrastructure and care would include private fees or a charge freely or borrowing too freely from their social programs simply by advancing the to citizens.9 own central banks.
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