A K r '■’7 ■/ -v.-“ m b mm J^ S mi Local PresbyterUna Condder Enlarge Methodist Preacher Says Church ing Chnrch Acccmmodation Must Get^^k To Ood Former Chairman Heada Trustees— Presbyterian Field Secretary Oa St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church Year's Committees The Rev. Edward Dishop, field sec­ Foreigners In Canada "held one of its most successful busi* retary for e\’angrlism and social ser­ Enteri»iise Of Soineiios Local Oives All Cow- 'Irustip- w. M. Dwyer was re-<’bci ness meetinRs on Wednesday last in Few more in-plring ,nddrv--es have vice in the three western provinces, ed cbairman of the Con-.didaled the Cowichan Women ’s Institute spoke on life service to a good at ­ iMian Farmers Golden Ojiporl unity. board at *hv (irsi nieetiug held been heard than that <Klivvrvd |>y Miss rooms. The Rev. A. F. Munro pre­ MacGregor, beld secretary of the tendance of members and friends of last hnday. The committees ap- sided and about sixty were present Duncan Epivorth League in their appointed were:— 'Women ’s Mis-;ouary society, in St. The financial rc(>orts from the vari ­ -Vndrew's I’resliyterian churcli. Dun­ rooms la!«t Tuesday evening, after the Intclhgence has always been a rc- ture* and denmnstrations by its best Finance —Trustees Dwyer and Wil­ ous branches were most encouraging, League supper. qui.site for successful farming. The itistriictors to any progressive district kin; can. oil ,'*unday ewiiing to a full all showing good increases over past average person little realizes the hurcb. livery young person should have t des ring them. The number of Cow- Siipi.lics anil rciiaiVs —Trustees Cla- ycar^ ^ The church revenue was aim in life, he said. They should pre­ knowledge which the capable farmer chan students who have gone to any gue and Wilson; Miss .MacGregor has travelled over $1,379.48. The Ladies* Guild contrib ­ pare to reach it by a good education. must po.ssess to make his work a suc­ the tlomiiiion fr<nn eoa-t ti» coast for cess. aix.icultural college can be counted on .School huildiiigs —Trustee* Had- uted $751.43. part of which cleared the K”otl MMU « spiritualspiniuai :*t!e hand. wen and F<»rd; many years and is excepli-inatly well mortgage from the manse. 'I^is leaves But. as in every other sphere of ;io..i(d on geiit-r. ’il conditions. ---- VhethcT their •,•••aim was IIIin busi-uusi- _ Last year flic V. F. B. C. local at Transportation —Trustees Dwyer and die church without any debt ncss. the professions, or the ministry, me. progression lias been going on in Smicnos arranged several lccturc^. on Clague. Dealing vvitl. the population ques­ The Women's Missionary society their ideal « farming during the past years, men tion *he pointed out that live million il should- be to serve rather .small fruits ami poultry, which proved All the new boatd were present ex- «ised $134.41. the largest sum on the thanidii toiu getKCi. have learnt much about the constitu- very successful. This year they have cept I rustee Hadwm. who has been were I'.nglish-speaking. nominally Fro- leslant. apd tl»ree million were non- island outside of the big Victoria Later. Mr. Bishop, addressing a gen ­ hon of nature, have overcome many of ••I'cn more ainhitious and have ar- unwell of late. churches, while the Sunday school eral meeting in the church, outlined her mysteries, and yet again have laid «r.ged for a four-day course, next ^ The board accepted resp/msibiliiy I*!ngli-li-s|>eaking and nini-Proicstant. added $18a68. Of the $1,333.50prom- bare difnciiltics and problems which One million of the latter came from the work of his department, after Tursday. Wednesday. Thursday, and 'V.;, * travelling library which Me- iwd for the Forward Movement $931 touching on the splendid organization only coming years will solve. hriday. beginning each day at 9.30 a.m. Oill University is sending for use at eastern and southern Europe and the Orient. It was loo soon to e.xpect have been paid, bringing the total cash of the Methodist church. He spoke 1 he whole proposition of farming I he subjects embrace • nearly all Duncan High school. rec to $3,384.60 for 1920. The of aims and achievements in child w*cl- has become a complex, scientific prob- features of farming except seed grow ­ any contribution towards morality or mem_., A further request from Miss Ather­ of the church has 4n- fare. education in hygiene and social ing. and this may be included later on. ton for increased salary* was not en religion from the Orient. creased She gave a vivid word picture of ---------- .w 100, but only represents welfare, moral reform and homes It was customary some years ago — The array of lecturers is most impos ­ tertamed. some thirty families. established in the cities for women and, indeed, one meets with it even ing. and they are all experts in their The board is visiting Chemainus Canada ’s immigrant- before they left today —to decry and to mock at expert their homes in Russia, and >aid they Votes1 uic» ofui thanksuidiiKs were passedpassea to thetne and children. , individual lines. Over 300 programmes today to enquire into several matters. ^-arious organizations for their efforts. While these were all important, the agricultural education. Fortunately have been mailed, so that every one It IS suggested that all Asiatics at that were *trong, alile. willing, economical, and intelligent. Their children, start ­ Instead of having a musical pro ­ evanf^hsm of the people was more these days are nearing their end. The should lie able to see what an excellent school should be formed in one divi- gramme. the pastor called upon each [o- The great Methodist movement advances m all branches of agricul- scries there is. .sion with a special teacher. ing with a foreign language, overtook rural sconce have been so great that the English-speaking children in member of the session ana each man ­ had been bom and reared in spiritual The most expert farmer has always ner to speak for a few ipinutes. Some revival. To some extent the church the farmer has been c'ompctled to go something to learn, and the more ex- scho<»l grades four and five Of the to the^ expert. fourleen honour graduates at Mani ­ mteresting viewa were expressed. It had lost this. It must first get back ptrt he IS the more anxious he is to was noted particularly that a feeling to God, the Source of all power. The -Alberta government has opened obtain the latest information available. CITY ^UNCIL toba L’niversity. eight were foreigners. With their public schools they were existed that the church should spread Thanks were accorded and a col ­ agricultural colleges throughout its It will not b, lost time to Uke in its work more and reach districts lection taken for the departmental province. Just the other day one read Reeeivcf Two Requeita for Exten- breaking the cru*t of the past in the •br«e meetinits but slinuld be a verit­ •ions of Electric Service which are untouched work of.the speaker. of the Saskatchewan farmers demand ­ able Kold mine to everyone interested lives of these people, but it wa* essen­ ing similar extensions from their gov ­ tial they sow righteou-ness to expect lAorance'of Bible n aunculture, from small fruits to Duncan City Council held their Dr. M; icbreferred seriously to the ernment. The boys and girls of these a higher moral ideal. Leaders amongst stock. first meeting on Thursday night. Uck. ^ Bible knowledge amongst prairie farms are going to have the The nuiveriity ^akera number no men were required. school t^st scientific knowledge possible, so Mayor Pjtt in congratulating the Foreigner Studiea :hool papns. (JLENOKA DOINGS ** fh»n nine. TneirTheir names are: — aldermen on their re-election, said The Rev. Dr.' George Wilson, con ­ t*|»l^thvy..... they may be able tolu nandlenangi suc- F. a ... In Winnipeg the educated foreigner Farmet* ’ Union Amnnt Bxedlcni . M. Clement, Professor of Horticul- that it showed that the public were vener of the Home Mission board in cessfully their coming problems‘ lems. tureire and________Dean_of the Faculty of Agri- did not sp«d jiis spare time in movies Eveninc Bmtrttlnintnt British Columbia has its owr quite satisfied to leave the affairs of and other forms of entertainment. He B. C., WM present and spoke on the lias IIS ownuwn agri-Bgri- culture;..ilture; P. A. Bering. Professor of the city in the hands for another opportunities the church was missinx cultural problems. To meet them it would be found in one of their many AfiI excellent concert and enteftain-enteflain- Agronomy: W. Sadler. .Associate Pro ­ year. in the province through the lack of ment has brought toother in its agricul ­ fessor of Dairying; H. M. King. Asso ­ clubs studying polit'cal economy, sci­ : held ^ the Glenora local -Mr. P. Campbell and Mr. L. Ashby ence. etc., but unfortunately there men. Certain classes were trouble U. F.. B. C. last Friday evening in the tural college at Point Grey a body of ciate Professor of Animal Husbandry;•y; appeared to request that the electric makers amongst the people, creating a experts wlio not only know their ■were English - speaking men going .schoolol MVM9V,house, when «uuuiabout imyfifty resiresi-­ A. F. Barss. Associate Professor of light system be extended into Som ­ spirit of unrest which may ultimately work, but arc enthusiasts as well. Horticulture: E. A. Lloyd. Associate amongst them talking sedition and dent! listened to a fine musical pro ­ enos.
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