The Baptism of the Lord, A Feast That Reminds Us of Our Mission BY MARECELLINO D’AMBROSIO he Jews were absolute- “The an epiphany. In fact, in Eastern ly unique in the ancient Catholic churches, the feast of Tworld. Not only did their Jews were the Baptism of the Lord and the religion forbid them to worship Epiphany (called “Theophany”) any gods other than the Lord, absolutely are the same. but their prophets actually taught that the gods of other nations unique in It is no accident that this reve- were mere figments of the imag- lation of the Trinity happened at ination. They did not exist at all. the ancient the moment of Christ’s baptism. Christian baptism, here instituted For devout Jews in the time of world.” by Christ, is essentially different Jesus, monotheism–the belief or than the baptism of John. doctrine that there is only one To this day, people from Da Vinci God–was their distinctive hall- Code fans to Jehovah’s Witness- John the Baptist preached cleans- mark and was ingrained in them es ridicule the doctrine of the ing from past sins and a change from cradle to grave. They recited Trinity, the belief of three divine of lifestyle. Christian baptism several times a day the verses persons in God, alleging it was certainly involves this but ac- of Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear, O invented by Constantine. complishes much more. It joins Israel! The Lord is our God, the us to Jesus, as savior and Lord, Lord alone!” But a close reading of the Scrip- and connects us with the power tures shows that the Trinity was of his death and resurrection. But So it should come as no surprise revealed when Jesus met his since in baptism we become one that the notion of Jesus as the cousin in the wilderness, at the with Jesus, members of his body, Son of God was a bit hard for River Jordan. While John baptiz- all that is his becomes ours. His them to take. The Gospel of es his superior, the voice of God Father now becomes Our Father, John tells us that this claim to resounds over the waters: “You and the Holy Spirit now takes up divine sonship was one of main are my beloved Son; with you I residence within us. reasons for Jesus’ crucifixion. am well pleased.” Hundreds of years later, Roman Baptism does not just wash away Emperor Constantine had to call At that very moment, the Holy sins so that we can escape the a church council to reaffirm that Spirit descends upon Jesus in the fires of hell. It establishes an inti- Jesus was God, equal in glory form of a dove. Here, for a brief mate relationship between us and and majesty to God the Father. moment, we glimpse the mystery the three persons of the Trinity. Yet another council had to be of one God in three persons: God God is no longer a stern mon- called a few generations later the Father, God the Son, and Holy arch, but a loving father, not just to definitively affirm the same Spirit. This momentary appear- Christ’s Father but Our Father. about the Holy Spirit. ance of Jesus as the Son of God, God the Son calls us no longer anointed with the Holy Spirit, is servants but friends. God in the 1 Holy Spirit becomes the power “anointed one” is “Christ.” And mission through the special within us to make us new people the Greek term for “confirmation” anointing of confirmation, one and brings us to the fullness of is “chrismation.” is not fully incorporated into the joy. church, which is a missionary Some wonder why we need the community. The fact that baptism takes place sacrament of confirmation. To through water is no accident ei- some it appears to be an after- So the feast of the Baptism of ther. Water cleanses, true. But it thought or anticlimactic. After the Lord is not only a revelation also is the symbol of birth. Are all, we receive the Holy Spirit of the Trinity and our initiation we not carried in water for nine in baptism and become children into a saving relationship with months in our mothers’ wombs? of God. So what else do we get the three divine persons. It is the In baptism, we emerge from the when we are confirmed? That’s empowering commission to bring waters of the church’s womb simple: We receive our mission others into the same life-trans- to take up a new kind of life, a and the power to carry it out. forming relationship. It is not only holy adventure that opens out Christ’s name day, but the name into eternity. Being a Christian is not just about day of all who glory in the name salvation. It’s about sharing in of being called a Christian. But there is another sacrament Christ’s anointing to transform besides baptism that is instituted the world. The mission is an es- D’Ambrosio writes from Texas. He at this blessed event. Notice that sential part of the package, not is co-founder of Crossroads Pro- Peter, speaking of Jesus’ baptism an option. That’s why we are ductions, an apostolate of Catholic in Acts 10:38, says Jesus was called “Christians” or anointed renewal and evangelization. “anointed.” The Greek word for ones. Without sharing in the Catholic This article was originally published as part of Catholic News Service’s Faith Alive! Current Copyright © 2015, Catholic News Service-United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Image: Wrought Iron Cross (Restored), Gordena Jackson, National Gallery of Art 2.
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