TllJRSOAY April 2, 1992 Vol. 76, No.2 UCIChancelIorRumoredtoBe NextUC President • Surprise candidate known for emphasizing cellor of UCI since 1984 . stands by the validity of the article. Officials at the Office of the UC and that he gave the university sev­ OPINION student input, supporting affmnative action President refused to confirm eral chances to confirm or deny the By Sheryl Wolcott choices. UCSD Chancellor Richard Peltason's nomination. saying only information, but officials would not Associate News Editor Atkinson and UCLA Chancellor that a nomination ceremony is comment. Unnamed source close to the Charle Young, 0 in tead cho e planned for Friday. Following an University of California Student UC presidential selection commit- Peltason as a "compromise:' official nomination announcement. As ociation (UCSA) Vice Presi­ tee have leaked infonnation that UC The unofficial announcement the Board of Regents will vote on dent John Edson suggested that IrvineChancellorJack Peltason will caused shock around the UC ys­ the nominee. Peltason was picked becau!.e ~o m e be nominated to succeed outgoing tern, both because Peltason has not Neither Peltason nor Atkinson members of the selection commit­ UC President David Gardner. been speculated to be top consider- would comment on the reported tee would not endorse Atkinson or According to an article in at ion fort he post, and because in for­ nomination. Young. yesterday' San DieRo Un;oll-Tri- mation about the nomination has Steven Schmidt. the Uniol/ -Tri­ " His !lame was never touted up Justice for All bUlle, the seven members of the been clo ely guarded by election Imlle reporter who broke the story, there as one of the top c h oice~. Itwasa~ing committee found themselves dead- committee members throughout the refused to reveal hi sources. but There was enough negative rc­ situarion this past monIb in locked between their two top process. Peltason.6 ,hasbeenchan- said yesterday that the newspaper See PRESIDENT, Page 3 San Diego rrwnicipal coon. The mythical wheels of justice continue to cum Supreme Court to slowly in me trial d Under Wraps Cleophus Prince, Jr. With largely circwnstantial Decide on Fee Use evidence apinIr Prince, it's far too early to feU whether • Berkeley students appeal state law to he's piIty or innocent. disallow use of fees for partisan organization Either Prince is die aIJe8ed ~KiUer."arbe By Francisco Devries is an inaocena man placed Staff Writer in a very pRCIrious University funding of political organizations and spe­ siIuaIion I P": 4 cial interest groups may become a thing of the past if the California State Supreme Court decides in favor of a HiATUS group of UC Berkeley alumni who oppose mandatory university fees supporting such groups. llle students' complaint challenging California state law centers on their opposition to their fees supporting tudent organizations which take a political or ocial stance that they do not want to suppon. If the coun rules in favor of the appellants, organizations such as UCSD's Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Association (LGBA) and campus-level groups such as Amnesty International could be in jeopardy of losing their university funding. See APPEAL, Page 8 Gardner Wams Cuts Could 'Destroy' UC By ErIc Schmidt Associate News Editor Following indications that the University of California's state funding will continue to dimini h, UC President David Gardner told state Director of Finance 11lomas Hayes Monday that the UC cannot withstand further budget reductions without seriously compromis­ ing quality. "I wish to make it as clear as the English language pennits that if left unchecked this reality will de troy California's world-renowned Master Plan for Higher Education," Gardner wrote a the letter to Hayes. In his letter, Gardner stated that 85 percent of the current state budget is dedicated to protected programs The Stuart Collection Sun God has been covered with plastiC and scaffolding since such as prisons, with the remaining 15 percent directed spring break. The artwork is being refurbished. See BUDGET, Page 8 A.S. Hopefuls File for Section, BeglnCampaigtlS By Joanne Donahoe increase in what students can do and Staff Writer have done. I hope you take the elec­ In a race that is expected to focu on tions seriously and be professional issues of change, unity and student as candidates," he told them. empowennent, the UCSD Associated The race for president offers both Students has announced the j 99 2 AS. new faces and experienced A.S. election candidates. members. 1lIe four candidates for At a meeting Monday, the candi­ the position include a fonner A.S. dates met with Elections Manager Jen­ Vice President Administrative and nifer Aaim and the election commit­ cUlTent Student Affinnative Action tee to review campaign rules and pro­ Committee Representative to the cedure . AS. Ruben Duran. Duran is run­ Candidates also were addre sed by ning on the Student Movement Ini­ AS. President Agust(n Orozco, who tiating Leadership and Empower­ Applicants for A.S. positions prepare for the year ahead as they listen was pleased at the turnout and enthusi­ ment (SMJLE) late. to the election committee's explanation of the election process. asm of the candidate . "I see a big See ELECTIONS, Page 3 Thursday, April 1, 1992 The UCSD Guardian NEWS 3 2 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Tbursday, April 2, 1992 WEDNESDAY 'S A.S. MEETING IN BRIEF president of the Associated Students of UCI. PRESIDENT Considering the other people who were up for In a decision handed dOwn last month, the U.S. Supreme Review and Dissefll magazine, He also serves as co-editor ContInued from pace 1 president, it would be a grent triumph for stu­ Coun ruled lhatstudent victims ofsexual harassment. abuse or of The American Prospect. a quarterly joumaI of politics ·Wlkol Reslcns From North Campus Plannl., Commllt~ : In 3 leller Vice· President sponse about Atkinson and Young to exclude dents." AdministJ'lllive Mike Holmes read to the A.S. CouncillilSt night. Paul Wilcox resigned from the assault in public schools are enlided to monetary compc:nq­ and policy. them," he said. Solorio noted that Peltason actively sup­ North Campus Planning Cornmiuee due to conflicts in SCheduling. Wi lco~ said tMtthe commiuee uc tion. In 8ddition to the public lecture. he will meet with Edson explained that he thought "it's guaran­ pons affimlative action programs and makes mel only twice and lhen only al connictingand inopponune times. Holmes said thatlhe imponance As a reo( the ruling. UC Davis SIUdenl Julie Graham may fa:ulty and students. and will give a talk to the UCSD ofundergradwUe represenl3ti ve 10 campu commiuetS is too gre3tl0 let administrators lea"e them teed that [Atkinson and Young) have built up student input a priority on the VCI campus. soon be coIIec;ting cash from the university. Graham filed a F..c:Clnomics Roundlable. out. some resentment from regents," due to theirwell­ Edson, former ASUCSD president .. aid that NEWS complaint with the univcnity after Student Band DUcctor known emphasi on research and rai ing money. Peltason is known for meeting with UCI stu­ Andy Austin allegedly harassed her after a baoiketbaJl game in .Propo5td Studrnl Survr)' To Determine Summer School Coursrs: Victor Nicblas. the UCSA Executive Director Lee Butterfield dent leaders once a month and encouraging a verbal assault that included the words "birch,.. "fucking Siudent Affirmative Action Commiltee representalive to the Registr.ltion Fee Committee. proposed echoed these sent iments. noting that "Young and other administmtors to be more accommodat­ a plan to inctude a survey question in the ASUCSD election ballots that woutd ask st udents what bitch." "chick." "cunt." "fucking cunt," "whore" and "slut." Atkinson would have brought with them a lot of ing to tudent concerns. 8eIkeIey Students RIot, Loot After AustindeniedmostofGntham'sallegations,acknowledging summer schoolctasses they would like tolllke. If the plan goes through. administrators would be able to see which courses are necessary and requested by the students. negative baggage. [Peltason) is not subject to the However, Peltason has recently come under BeIng Tumed Away from a Party only that he "jokingly called her acuoL" same level of criticism as Young or Atkinson. ,. fire from students protesting plans to build the BERKELEY -An angry mobofpany-goers turned to .. It was a conversation I would have with my mom," Atdtin OIhrr Old Busl_: Both Edson and Bunerfield expressed confi­ University House on the ne ting site of the looting in Berkeley last month. shattering SIOI'dront win­ said. • Allocation of $170 from General Unallocated 10 External Affairs Graphics and Reproduction dence that Peltason would easily gain approval gnatcatcher, which could threnten the existence dows, snatching merchandise and firing gunsbots in the Many Aggie band members attribute Graham's motives to line item. PIIssed. from the regents. of that species of bird, according to one envi­ tense night air on the edge of the UC Berkeley campus. malice, not justice. Marching Band GeneraJ Manager Steve • Allocation of $4.220 from General Unallocated to External Affairs Special Projects line item. Butterfield also theorized that the nomination ronmental report. Senllo committee. Dozens of people rampaged through the screets. and a Garcia acknowledged that Graham's complaint is valid, but was leaked to the Union-Tribllne because some He has also been criticized in the past for 'AllocationofS3 t 8.06 from the Studcnt Organizalion Graduation Budget 10 MEChA for annual crowd of more than 400 onIookcrs gadlered as Berkeley said she is "out to hun a lot of people." ~,_.28: Chicano/lalino Recognition Ceremony. Passed. committee members "didn 't get their way" when anti-gay comments he allegedly made after Graham suggested the band be suspended from campus police attempted to quell the riOl.
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