Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Spring 3-10-1961 The Parthenon, March 10, 1961 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, March 10, 1961" (1961). The Parthenon. 1597. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/1597 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. arthenon MARSHALL UNIVERSITY STUOENT NEWSPAPER Vol. 60 FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1961 HUNTINGTON, W. VA. No. 47 Vets Seek 'Second Campus' New Help Needs Final Vote Some 40 personal letters were written to President John F. Ken­ nedy Tuesday night by veterans Aged, Infirm Home May Se Ready enrolled at Marshall, accord;ng to Leon Weekley, vice-president After July J, President Smith Says of the Veterans Club and Lost If Senate action is favorable, the University's "second campua" Creek senior. The letters request­ on Norway Avenue should be available after July 1, President ed President Kennedy's support StewaI't H. Smith said. of Senate bill 349 and House bill The House of Delegates voted 96-2 Tuesday in favor of the 1966. These are duplicate bills bill which would transfer the buildings 'and land of the West which would provide a continua­ ~ Virginia Home for the Aged and Infirm to the University. The bill tion of G. I. benefits during peace- must now go before the Senate - time. If passed the bill would be­ for action, but no difficulty is 8 Jc $ , d come retroactive to Jan. 1, 1955, anticipated in the upper house. 00 · i · when the Korean conflict bene­ e ede fits bill ran out. The "second campus" wil-1 be s N Mr. Kennedy favored a similar used to provide needed housing - enators _am• for married students and, if pos- bill while a member of the Sen­ ate. The bill provides a maximum sible, for single students also. ro·ur To Posts of $160 per month for a period - President Smith said that the ,-, - I I not to exceed 36 months for on­ first step after the land is acquir­ "The Organization Man" wu the-job training or institutional ed will be to apply for loans from selected by the Student Senate u education. the Federal Housing and Home the Book-of-the-Semester. ;Finance Agency. The loans would This book was selected from lltx be used to renovate the buildings. recommended by a faculty com­ Art Fraternity President Smith said that in- mittee from about 200 sugges- tensive study and thorough plan- tions. The other books recom­ Eleds Officers ning is necessary before other mended were "Goals for Ameri­ uses for the property can be cans," "Modern Science and :Mod- Kappa Pi, nationel art frater­ determined. President Smith and .:rn Mail,'' "Khrushchev's Russia," nity, has announced its newly­ elected officers, for the coming Dr. Howard L. Mills, ass~iate ''The Ugly American,'' and "The year. They are: , professor of botany, hope to be Hidden Persuaders." President, A n n Kellermann, able to develop a scientific re- 11ie Senate accepted the reati­ Huntington junior; vice-president, search and study center on this nation of Janet Stee_le, Lotan Bob Scott, Huntington j u n i o r; campus. sophomore, as Senator. The fol- secretary, Lobeda Noe, Kenova junior; treasurer, Jane But 1 er, Getti~I IN,IJ To 111st Off? The possibility of additional lowing appointments were rati­ Huntington junior; publicity a th I et i c facilities, including a fied: Bob Herrema, Rochester, N. MOUNTAIN GIRL, Judy Mathison, Huntln&'ton freshman, often chairman, Diana Thompson, Char­ baseball field for practice and Y., sophomore, as co-ordinator of Earl Rine, Wheellnl' senior, "the pause that refreshes." The coupie lesto~ sophomore, and co-chair­ home games also has been Homecoming;_-~ us a, _n i.an,.taff, men of the spring exhibit, Rebec­ Is dressed and ready to attend Sil'Jlla Phi Epsilon's annual "Blue studied. A sketchy survey indi- Huntington senior, co-ordinator ca Hendri<:k, MiateWlln senior, Mountain Blast" tf>morrow nlrht. and Lefty Maj h er, Huntington cates there is ample room for a of the Student Handbook Co!Q­ senior. baseball diamond, plus a practice mission; Nancy Parsons, Ripley - Kappa Pi has also announced Spring CClrnival Date football field for the freshman junior, co-ordinator of Leadership plans to hold a bohemian-type team, tennis courts and possible Camp; and Jane Ann W i la on, party on Saturday, April 8, for other facilities. Chelyan junior, to the Student the p u r p o s. e of initiating new Slated For April 14-15 members and to complete plans The bil-l had to be amended be- Activities Board. for the fraternity's sidewalk sale By DOROTHY LOCKE cause when it was drawn up the A · letter of appreciation for on campus. and proposed recipient of the land university statua was sent to the ERNESTINE MONDAY The art fraternity is also plan­ Staff RePorters was Marshall College. The reci- president of the S e n a t e, the ning an exhibit in the new Cam­ On the weekend of April 14-15 a tradition from several years pient has now been amended to speaker of the House of, Delt­ pus Christia~ Center, which is ago will be revived. The tradition is that of a Spring Carniyal to read Marshall University. (See ~ates, and the Cabell and -Wayne to be held over the annual Par­ ent's Weekend, beginning Satur­ be held on the intramural field.----- ------- -- Four.) The carnival will run from Fri­ day, May 13. day noon to midnight, and Satur­ day noon to 6 p.m. Any organiza­ tion may participate by entering CCFSenate concession stands of various types, according to John Andrews, Clen­ Picks· Cabinet denin junior and co-ordinator of the carnival. Those interested The oabinet of the CampUS should · contact Rod Smith, Rou­ Christian Fellowship · has . ~en zervxille, Pia., junior and booths elected by the Campus Christian chairm n Tr h · ·11 b ··-'-· Se t h • h • a . o p 1 e s w1 e F e 11Ow:,i,lp na. e, ~ ic 15 com- awarded the best concession stand posed of denommation~l student of a men's organization and one mov~ment representatives a n d of a women's or.ganization:. presidents. On Saturday night there will The cabinet me m be rs are: be an all campus semi-formal chapel, Lily Naylor, ':lendenin dance. A "Spring Carnival Quee~• fr e s h m a n: stewartsh1p, Ruth will be crowned at the dance. Pryor, Wheeling junior; member- Each sorority fraternity dormi­ ship, Bill Hannon, Huntington tory and independent ~rganiza­ sophomore; the arts, Wande Plllul, tion may nominate a candidate Huntington sophomore; worship, for queen, she will in tum be Janice Fox, Sou th Charleston voted on at the dance by all junior; special s e r v i c es, Janet those attending. Those interested Steele, Stirrat sophomore; Chris- should contact Ruth Ann Teets tion education, Loretta Bennett, · Gassaway senior. ' Parkersburg sophomore; secre- Other committee .:hairmen are: tariat, Ruth Ellen Ott, Parkers- Ruth Ann Teets, Gassaway s~p• burg sophomore, a-nd c~or~inator, ior, queen, chairman; Mary· Ber­ Rule Johnson, Ironton Junior. nard, St. Albans sophomore, pub­ licity c h a i r m a n; and David APPLICA'l'IONS BEADY Daniels; Huntington junior, trophy Of Sec••' C1• p11'· All who wish to enroll in stu- and judge chairman. Tltis ••r •• ,,,, 'JI• dent teaching• for first semester The ·profits received from this SHOWN ABOVE IS ONE of the buildlnp on the lN.5 acres of . land which la now tbe West of next year may fill Qut appli- carnival will J!O to the . student Vlrpnia Home for the A&'ed and Infirm. The Bouse of Deleptes voted to traQsfer the property to cations in the office of the Dean !?Overnment and the various or- the university by a vote of 96 to Z Tuesday. The Senate may aet this week. The malD lnalldlq 1- of Teachers College. ganizations participating. sbown from Route IO. (See other pictures Pa&e t.) PAGE TWO FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1961 .- CJ Queen Even The Bold And Brave Lose Courage In 'Air Raid' Announced A _man who was brave It was apparent that he didn't enough to go into the Alpha understand what · was happen­ Xi Delta sorority house didn't ing or maybe he was too scared ~y Schulz appear · quite so brave after he to find out. Wednesday night was a happy man for a food company, h ad The pledges were ·just trying one for Diana Abruzzino, Hunt­ had been there for a while. to find a place to fall on the ington senior, when she was The man, who was a sales­ floor, because the "a,ir raid" crowned by Dean Harold Willey just sat down at the table with was a "joy week" stunt they as Marshall's first Miss Chief some pledges to eat his lunch. had to preform whenever an active said "air ra1.d". Justice. Shortly after, there came a Attendents to Miss Abruzzino loud voice from out of nowhere When everyone started -laugh­ ing because of the panic they are Carol Ann Wilkes and Marcia shouting "air raid." -The pledges Eddy, both Huntington sopho­ had created in the salesman, he quickly got up from the table i:nores.
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