£ x Libri-s e i g CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING CONTENTS fa culty CLASS E S JUNIOR HIGH ATHLETICS ORGANIZATIONS || I ' 1 LI TERARY HUNOR CAL E N PAR Franklin P. Geiger Superintendent Four DEDICATION To Stella Rutledge, instructor and adviser, who has, by her good fellowship and whole­ hearted attention to the many and various tasks with which she has been intrusted, brought herself the honor and respect of all, we, the Class of Nineteen Twenty-seven, do gratefully dedicate this volume of The Delphian. Five Delphian Staff Editor E d n a S c h n eid er , ’27 Assistant Editor R a ch el Larimore, ’28 Business Manager R obert R oyer, ’27 Ass’t Business Manager Law rence K obelt, ’28 Faculty Adviser M a r ia n S tockw ell Associate Editors Literary Editor A lice S c h ear , ’27 Ass’t Literary Editor Margaret D ic k m a n , ’27 Athletic Editor J o h n J o n e s, ’27 Ass’t Athletic Editor W esley Gardner, ’27 Art Editor Ma rth a Tryo n , ’27 Joke Editor - C harles Olm stead , ’28 Stenographers D on n a S neary, 27 Ca t h e r in e E v a n s , ’27 Seven Board of Education A l v in G r a f f A . A . S t e r m e r President Clerk Robert Dummermuth Vice President D . L . F is h e r Eight T h o m a s E . J e n k i n s FACULTY r - r r Nine W. G. FINDLEY, A. B. - *— Muskingum College MARIAN E. STOCKWELL, Ph. B. University of Pittsburgh Western Reserve University Principal Columbia University English SUE E. FELTON, Ph. B Wooster College Boetinger Studienhaus Physics JE S S IE A. ALBERSON, A. B. JAY B. RUDY, B. S. Wellesley College Wooster College History Mathematics J. A. BAKER, B. C. S. Goldey College L E IL A E. H ELM ICK , A. B. University of Illinois Wittenberg College Bookkeeping Chemistry, Biology STEL LA E. R U TLED G E, A. B. Ohio Wesleyan University Latin ED W IN M. K AY LO R, A. B., MAE BAKER, A. B., M. B .S., M. A. Otterbein College Ohio State University Columbia University American History, Economics Eleven English FLORENCE BEABER, Ph. B. ELMER W. HYKES Wooster University University of Denver French, Mathematics Bliss College Bookkeeping, Com. Arithmetic ANNA NUSSDORFER Bliss College Shorthand, Typewriting RU SSELL A. BENDER, A. B., B. S. in Ed., M. A. BEULAH MARIE BARTON, A. B. Wooster, Kent, O. S. University Western College for Women Vocational Civics, Plistory Twelve Physical Education MARY MARGARET JOHNS CALVIN N. PFEIFFER, B. S. Ohio Wesleyan University Wooster College Music Physical Education CECILE BELLE ADAM, B. A., M. a . Ohio Wesleyan University English R U T H B. LU M LEY , B. Sc. in Ed. Ohio State University Office Training School HARRY W. SCHENK Shorthand, Typewriting Dana Musical Institute Com. Arithmetic Thirteen Music |^,I[JT©<SMAFH- a ■§ a* Cg3[^C^Cg3Cg3Cg3(^3Cg)Cg3Cg3CgJCg3(g3(^)C^ICgDCg]Cg£(^)!g3Cg3(2£)<^)Cg3Cg3 Fourteen Fifteen Commencement Day Commencement Day! Four years ago it seemed so very far away We dreaded it for there were some who, With a sigh, would say, “Now you are young. Enjoy life while you may. Indeed, these are the happiest days of your life.” So how could we but help to dread Commencement Day? But only half believing them, through Philly High We’ve gone. There were parties, proms, and clubs With their various activities; and football, basketball, Baseball, and track; a debate team, too. “Were there no studies?” “What’s that you say?” “Oh, yes! Yes, surely, we Studied some. That’s what gives us our diploma on Commencement Day.” Now, before we leave this dear alma mater, My class of Twenty-seven, a vision I’ll Relate to you. While I was wondering what to do And what life really means, a beautiful figure Appeared to me. Though a heavy curtain separated Her radiance and her loveliness almost, blinded me. She answered my questions about Life and Commencement Day. Thus did Wisdom speak: “You who would truly live, obey The words of great Philosophers, To know thyself. To love thy neighbor as thyself. Then, armed with the shield of Truth And the sword of Love, go forth To find the best in life on Commencement Day.” Catherine Safford, ’27 Sixteen Twelfth Year President C h a r l e s S c h n e id e r Vice President R o b e r t R o y e r Secretary H e l e n B e n s o n Treasurer V ir g in ia C o o k e Faculty Advisers M is s H e l m ic k a n d M r . B e n d e r MISS HELMICK MR. BENDER Class Colors: Old Rose and Silver Class Motto: Semper Paratus Class Flower: Dark Red Rose Social Committee Madge Albaugh John Jones Calista Fishel Carol Romig Wesley Gardner Mildred Stewart Finance Committee Edith Bahmer, Chairman Elmer Stemple Margaret Dickman Margaret Stoller Carl Meiser Henry Yaggi Frederick Minor Seventeen CALISTA FISHEL " C is s y ” Mixed Chorus 2, 3; Girl Reserves 2, 3, 4; Scientific Club 3 ; Class Play Mgr. 3; Latin Club 4; Social Com. 4; Class Play 4. “Cissy" is not to be daunted by anyone, even Mr. Kay lor. She certainly believes in variety as the spice of life and she’s a jolly good joker. EDNA MAE ROBSON " E d d ie " Girl R eserves 2, 4. Edna Mae is one of these little girls who lets her smiles speak for her. The Southside has furnished us another good class member in Edna Mae. CHARLES KNISELY " C h u c k ” Hi-Y 3, 4; French Club 4; Track 3, 4; Latin Club 4; Orchestra 4. An orchestra without drums wouldn’t be an orchestra, and Charles is just as indispensable to the Senior Class as he is to the orchestra. AUDREY WALTERS " D u t c h ” Literary Society 3, 4; Girl Reserves 3, 4; Scientific Club 3; Finance Com. 3; Latin Club 4. Audrey is neither very big nor very noisy for she never does her own advertising, so we must do it for her. She is a jolly little pal. LEONARD ANGEL " A n g e l ” H i-Y 3, 4. Leonard never makes much of an uproar but he always seems to be on the job. He never shirks a duty for a social pleasure. CATHERINE EVANS " R e d ” Girl R eserves 1, 2, 3, 4. Catherine is a blue-eyed, red haired girl, small in stature but not in kindness and generosity. FREDERICK MINOR " B u d ” Social Com. 3; Finance Com. 4; Basketball 4. “Bud” works hard but sometimes has recourse to those familiar words, “I don’t know.” He believes in long sleep and the sunny side of life. PEARL ALLISON " A l l i e ” La^inerClubS4Ciety ’’ 2 ’ PfeS' ’’ 2 ’ Librarian 2; B- B- '■ 2- (Winfield High School); Glee Club 4; Who ever saw Pearl in an angry or impertinent mood? Always smiling and ready to work, ,she has been a real asset to our class. MILLICENT SEABROOIC “ M i l l i e " Girl Reserves 1, 2; Literary Society 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Mixed Chorus 1, 3; Office Stenog­ rapher, Junior High 4; Varsity 4. Millicent’s long walks in the morning always make her cheeks ruddy when she comes to school. Perhaps that is what makes her so peppy in basketball. J O H N NAGELY “N agely" John's school spirit is shown by his hard work with the Reserves. His struggles with Vergil also show he is doing his best for N. P. H. S. VIRGINIA KOONTZ “ K o o n t z " Class Sec'y 1, 2; Soc. Com. 1, .3; Chairman, Booster’s Club 1, 2, 3; Literary Society 2; Shakespe- rean Club 3; Basketball 1, 3; Glee Club 1, 2, 3; (Woodsfield High School) Girl Reserves 4; Glee Club 4; Latin Club 4. Virginia has been with us for only one year, but we are sure that Woodsfield’s loss has been our gain and we are glad to have had her with us, even for so short a time. KENNETH MATHIAS “ K e n n y " Social Com. 1, 2; Finance Com. 3; Basketball 3, 4; Football 3, 4. “Kenny" shines with equal brilliance on the gridiron and the basketball floor. He keeps his own counsel so we have nothing on him. WILLIAM KIMBALL “ B i l l " Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Pres. 4; Social Com. 1, 3, 4; Class Play 3. Bill is the tall blond boy in a bright red sweater who- is always to be seen presiding at Hi-Y meetings or rooting at the girls’ basketball games. STEPHEN THOMAS “ C o o k ie " Football 4; Baseball 3, 4. Steve is a tall boy given to blushing easily. It takes far more than a girl though to frighten him on the gridiron. ELEANOR MOSHER “ M o s h e r " Girl Reserves 1, 2, 3, 4; Sec’y 4; Mixed Chorus 3; Glee Club 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 4; Literary Society 4; Social Com. 3; G. R.-Hi-Y Play 3, 4; Class Play 3. Eleanor’s thoughts always seem to be wandering. We wonder why? But whenever there is any­ thing for Eleanor to do, she collects her “thoughtered scats" and gets busy.
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