No. 138 3117' THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 4 SEPTEMBER 1986 The Auckland Land Valuation Tribunal No.2 and their boundaries, and the number of members to be elected by Abolition Order 1986 the electors of each ward, in the case of every territorial authority whose district has a population of 70 000 or more: PAUL REEVES, Governor-General And whereas a triennial general election is to be held in the year ORDER IN COUNCIL 1986: At Wellington this 2nd day of September 1986 And whereas the Commission made a determination in respect Present: of Hamilton City on the 16th day of December 1985: THE RIGHT HaN. G. W. R. PALMER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL And whereas the Hamilton City Council appealed to the High Court against that determination: PURSUANT to section 19 of the Land Valuation Proceedings Act 1948 (as substituted ~ section 2 of the Land Valuation Proceedings And whereas, in a ~udgment given on the 18th day of July 1986, Amendment Act 1977), His Excellency the Governor-General, acting the Hi$h Court remItted the matter to the Commission for the by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby CommIssion to make a further determination: makes the following order. And whereas the Commission made a further determination in respect of Hamilton City on the 6th day of August 1986: ORDER And whereas that determination was not made before the date 1. Title and commencement-(I) This order may be cited as the required by section 56B of the Local Government Act 1974: Auckland Land Valuation Tribunal No.2 Abolition Order 1986. Now, therefore, pursuant to section 719 of the Local Government (2) This order shall come into force on the day after the date of Act 1974, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with its publication in the Gazette. the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby makes the 2. Tribunal abolished-The Land Valuation Tribunal that was following order. established under the name of the Auckland No.2 Land Valuation Committee by an Order in Council published in the Gazette of the 27th day of April 1950 at page 494 is hereby abolished. ORDER 3.Change of name-The Land Valuation Tribunal that was 1. Title and commencement-(l) This order may be cited as the established under the name ofthe Auckland No.1 Land Valuation Local Government Commission (Validation of Determination Re Committee by an Order in Council published in the Gazette of the Hamilton City) Order 1986. 27th day of April 1950 at page 494 shall be known, as from the (2) This order shall come into force on the day after the date of commencement of this order, as the Auckland Land Valuation its publication in the Gazette. Tribunal. 2. Validation-The determination by the Local Government P. G. MILLEN, Commission in respect of Hamilton City relating to the number of Oerk of the Executive Council. wards and their boundaries, and the number of members to be 2 elected by the electors of each ward, made on the 6th day of August 1986 is hereby declared to be and always to have been as valid as it would be if it had been made within the time required by section The Local Government Commission (Validation of Determination 56B of the Local Government Act 1974. Re Hamilton City) Order 1986 P. G. MILLEN, PAUL REEVES, Governor-General Clerk of the Executive Council. ORDER IN COUNCIL 6 At Wellington this 2nd day of September 1986 . Present: THE RIGHT HaN. G. W. R. PALMER PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL Appointments. Promotions. Extensions. Transfers. Resignations. WHEREAS the Local Government Commission is required by section and Retirements of Officers of the Royal New Zealand Navy 56B of the Local Government Act 1974 to determine, before the 1st day of January in the year in which a triennial general election PuRSUANT to section 35 of the Defence Act 1971, His Excellency of members oflocal authorities is to be held, the number of wards the Governor-General has approved the following appointments, 3718 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 138 promotions, extensions, transfers, resignations, and retirements of Lieutenant L. L. Buckingham, V.R.D., to be Lieutenant Commander officers of the New Zealand Naval Forces. with seniority and effect from 26 April 1985. Lieutenant J. G. Bradley to be temp. Lieutenant Commander with ROYAL NEW ZEALAND NAVY effect from 27 February 1986. Commander (temp. Captain) D. J. Collins, M.B.E., to be Captain Sub Lieutenant C. L. Caldwell, LL.B., to be Lieutenant with with seniority and effect from 30 July 1986. seniority and effect from 31 January 1986. Commander Robert John Martin, V.R.D., M.A., is placed on the The appointment of Ensign (on prob.) M. A. James to the Emergency List of Officers of the Naval Reserves until 25 August RNZNVR is confirmed. 1989, with effect from 28 June 1986. The appointment of Ensign Janice Eileen Hannah-Munster is The appointment of Commander D. D. J. Pomeroy is extended terminated with effect from 19 March 1986. until 19 January 1994. The appointments of the following Ensigns (on prob.) to the Lieutenant Commander W. A. McEwan, M.A.(HONS) to be acting RNZNVR are confirmed: Commander with effect from 9 January 1985. A. L. Jackson. Lieutenant Commander M. D. Lloyd, M.B.E., to be acting R. L. Patel, LL.B. Commander with effect from 11 August 1986 and temp. Commander with effect from 13 August 1986. EMERGENCY LIST OF OFFICERS OF THE NAVAL REsERVES Lieutenant Commander B. C. Petley: the notice published in the Gazette, 20 June 1985, No. 116, page 2602, is cancelled and the Commander Trevor Sevicke Jones is placed on the Retired List following substituted: "Lieutenant Commander Bryan Charles Petley of the RNZN in the rank of Captain, with effect from 2 June 1986. is placed on the Retired List of the RNZN with effect from 4 May The period of service of Lieutenant Commander Robert John 1985". Nelligan, B.E., (MECH.) on the Emergency List of Officers of the Naval The appointment of Lieutenant. Commander C. M. Pile is Reserves is terminated with effect from 30 June 1986. extended until 15 January 1990. Dated at Wellington this 20th day of August 1986. Lieutenant Commander B. J. Stevens: the notice published in the FRASER COLMAN, Gazette, 20 June 1985, No. 116, page 2602, is cancelled and the Acting Minister of Defence. following substituted: "The appointment of Lieutenant Commander Barry John Stevens is terminated with effect from 25 March 1985". 25 The appointment of Lieutenant Commander V. J. Dare, M.SC., DIP.TCHG, is extended until 9 Janury 1993. Appointment of Examiners Hugh Francis Wolfensohn, B.A., (RN Rid) is appointed to the RNZN in the rank of Lieutenant Commander, with seniority from 16 July 1984 and effect from 7 August 1986; terminating on 2 December PuRSUANT to section 19 of the Shipping and Seamen Act 1952, 1996. and pursuant to an instrument of delegation from the Secretary for Surgeon Lieutenant (on prob.) J. M. Monash, M.B., CH.B., DIP.OBST., Transport dated the 19th day of May 1986, I, Hubert David Maurice to be Surgeon Lieutenant Commander (on prob.) with seniority and Jones, director, Marine Division, do hereby appoint effect from 11 June 1986. Charles Philip Robins, Lieutenant (temp. Lieutenant Commander) A. L. Peppercorn to Gordon Robertson Henry, be Lieutenant Commander with seniority and effect from 18 July Robert James Field, 1986. The seniority of Lieutenant D. R. Murray, B.E. (MECH.) is post­ Kevin George O'Sullivan, dated to 17 August 1979. Lewis Gordon Robinson, Lieutenant (temp. Lieutenant Commander) W. R. S. Johnston, Edgar Gerald Boyack, B.E.(ELECT.J to be Lieutenant Commander with seniority and effect James Alexander McLean from 22 July 1986. as examiners, for the purpose of granting Certificates of Competency Lieutenant (temp. Lieutenant Commander) B. C. McLennan to be Lieutenant Commander with seniority and effect from 22 July as Boatmaster for a period of 5 years from the date hereunder. 1986. Signed at Wellington this 18th day of August 1986. Lieutenant L. A. Cocks to be temp. Lieutenant Commander with H. D. M. JONES, Director, MaJ<ine Division. effect from 11 August 1986. Lieutenant K. E. Hutton, N.Z.C.E.(CIV.) to be temp. Lieutenant 2 Commander with effect from 1 July 1986. Lieutenant G. M. Gardiner: the notice published in the Gazette, Appointment of Approved Persons and Organisations to Undertake 16 January 1986, No.4, page 92, is cancelled and the following Counselling Under the Adult Adoption Information Act 1985 substituted: "The appointment of Lieutenant Grant Michael Gardiner is terminated with effect from 28 December 1985". PuRSUANT to section 12 (1) of the Adult Adoption Information Act The appointment of Surgeon Lieutenant C. N. Strack, M.B., CH.B., 1985, the Minister of Social Welfare hereby approves the following is extended until 17 January 2004. persons and organisations to undertake counselling under the Act. Lieutenant Eric Hall, B.E.(ELECT.) is placed on the Emergency List Anna Coffey Marion Diplock of Officers of the Naval Reserves unul15 August 1990, with effect from 16 August 1986. Alison Oeland Colin Edwards Lieutenant J. C. Hayman, B.SC.: the notice published in the Gazette, Wendy Jemmett Ann Lithgow 20 June 1985, No. 116, page 2602, is cancelled and the following Cena Moulsan Corinne Young substituted: "The appointment of Lieutenant Janet Christine Hayman, B.SC., is terminated with effect from 26 _April 1985". Jennifer Rockel Noelene Gooder Sub Lieutenant (on prob.) G. Brownrigg: with reference to the Nigel Marsh Noela Pinney notice published in the Gazette, 22 Mav 1986, No.
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