Florida Directory of Radio Monticello Mount Dora Murdock Neptune

Florida Directory of Radio Monticello Mount Dora Murdock Neptune

Florida Directory of Radio Site: www.wsbz.com. Licensee: Carter Broadcasting Inc. (acq 9-10-99). 'WSOR(FM)- 1989: 90.9 mhz; 36 kw. Ant 902 ft. TL: N26 20 29 W81 New Smyrna Beach Format: Smooth jazz (new adult contemp). *Renee Carter, CFO; 42 38. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 5800 100th Way N. St, Saint Peterburgs Mark Carter, gen mgr. 33708. Phone: (727) 391 -9994. Fax: (727) 397 -6425. E -mail: wkes @raody.edu. Web Site: www.wkes.fm. Licensee: Moody Bible 'WJLU(FM) -Sept 7, 1989: 89.7 mhz; 5 kw. 328 ft. TL: N29 00 32 Institute. (acq 1996). Network: Salem Radio Network. Format: Christian W80 58 27. (CP: 10 kw). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.4295 Ridgewood Ave., teaching, talk, music. News staff: one. Target aud: 40 plus. *Mike Port Orange 32127. Phone: (386) 756-9094. Fax: (386) 760 -7107. Monticello Gleichman, opns mgr & mus dir; Pierre Chestang, gen mgr & progmg E -mail: thecomerstoneacornerstoneministry.org. Web Site: dir; John Stortz, chief of engrg. www.comerstoneministry.org. Licensee: Cornerstone Broadcasting Corp. Network: USA, Moody. Formal: Relg. News: 18 hrs wkly. Target aud: 1996: 105.7 mhz; 16 kw. Ant 410 ft. N30 WFRF -FM- December TL General; families. *William Powell, gen mgr & progmg dir; Sandra 23 08 W83 50 05. Hrs opn: 24. Box 181000, Tallahassee 32318.0009. 'WSRX(FM)- August 1988: 89.5 mhz; 20 kw. 223 ft. TL: N26 07 33 Leisner, pub affrs dir. Phone: (850) 201 -1070. Fax: (850) 201-1071. Web Site: m ..faithradio.us. W81 43 37. Hm opn: 24. 3805 The Lords Way 34114. Phone: (239) Licensee: Faith Radio Network Inc. (acq 1 -26 -2004; $800,000). 775 -8950. Fax: (239) 774 -5889. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Network: CBS. Format: Relg. Target aud: 12+. Scott Beigle, gen WSBB(AM)-1950: 1230 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N29 01 57 W80 55 03. Hrs Site: www.praisefm.com. Licensee: Shadowlawn Association Inc. (acq mgr. opn: 24. Box 130 32170. Phone: (386) 428 -9091. Fax: (386) 1 -95; $236,000; 2- 27 -95). Format: Christian. Target aud: 18-40. 428 -7835. E -mail: wsbb @c0.m.com. Web Site: www.wsbb.com. Licensee: Arnie Coones, gen mgr. Gore -Overgaard Broadcasting Inc. (acq 3 -21- 2006; $450,000). Format: TL: 40 'WKVH(FM)-March 2003: 91.9 mhz; 1.5 kw. Ant 1,322 ft. N30 Nostalgia. News: 120 hrs wkly. Target aud: 45 plus. Spec prog: Pol 13 W83 56 26. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 5700 West Oaks Blvd., Rocklin, one hr, relg 5 hrs wkly. Cordell J. Overgaard, pres; Brian Tolby, gen WTLT(FM) -Dec 1, 1971: 93.7 mhz; 21 kw. 328 ft. TL: N26 19 00 W81 CA 95765. Phone: (916) 251 -1600. Fax: (916) 251 -1650. E -mail: Palm Beach Blvd., Fort Myers mgr; Bob Knight, opus mgr. [email protected]. Web Site: www.kiove.com. Licensee: Educational 47 13. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 2824 33916. Phone: (239) 337 -2346. Fax: (239) 332-0767. E -mail: Media Foundation. Group owner: EMF Broadcasting. Network: K-Love. john.conrad @Iite937.00m. Web Site: www.lite973.com. Licensee: Meridian Law Firm: Shaw Pittman. Format: Contemp Christian. News staff: 3. Inc. 12 -96; grpsi). Nett rep: Target aud: 25-44; Judeo Christian, female. Richard Jenkins, pres; Broadcasting (group owner; acq -1 McGavren Guild. Law Firm: Leibowitz & Associates. Format: Adult Newberry Lloyd Parker, gen mgr; Ed Lenane, opns dir & news dir; Keith Whipple, contemp. News staff: 3; News: 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; women. dev dir; Eric Allen, natl sis mgr; Mike Novak, progmg VP & progmg dir; C. Schwartzel, CEO & gen mgr; Jim Schwartzel, sls dir; David Pierce, progmg mgr; Jon Rivers, mus dir; Sam Wallington, Joseph WHHZ(FM)-February 1999:100.5 mhz; 44 kw. Ant 469 ft. TL: N29 36 John DeHinie, progmg dir; Keith Stuhlmann, engrg dir; Randy Marsh, engrg dir. 29 W82 51 01. 100 N.W. 76th Dr., Suite 2, Gainesville 32607. Phone: progmg. (352) 313 -3130. Fax: (352) 313 -3166. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: www.1005thebuzz.com. Licensee: Jablamo License Holdings LLC. (group owner; (acq 7-6-2004; Mount Dora grpsq. Format: Modern rock. Benjamin Hill, gen mgr. Naples Park WMGF(FM)-1966: 107.7 mhz; 100 kw. 1,584 it. TL: N28 55 16 W81 19 09. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 2500 Maitland Ctr. Pkwy., Suite 401, WBTT(FM) -Oct 22, 1987: 105.5 mhz, 950 w. 584 ft. TL: N26 19 00 Maitland 32751. Phone: (407) 916-7800. Fax: (407) 916-0329. Web Niceville W81 4713. (CP: 6.3 kw, ant 649 ft.). Stereo. 13320 Metro Pkwy., Suite Site: www.magic107.com. Licensee: Clear Channel Radio Licenses 1, Fort Myers 33912. Phone: (239) 225-4300. Phone: (866) 843-2328. Inc. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 11- 21 -97; WRKN(FM) -May 1, 1993: 100.3 mhz; 3.5 kw. Ant 440 ft. TL: N30 29 Fax: (239) 225 -4329. Web Site: www.1055thebeat.com. Licensee: grpsl). Rgnl rep: Paul Rogers Law Firm: Wiley, Rein and Fielding. 20 W86 2516. Hm opn: 24.21 Miracle Strip Pkwy., Fort Walton Beach Clear Channel Radio Licenses Inc. Group owner: Clear Channel Format: Soft adult contemp. News staff: one; News: 2 hrs wkly. Target 32548. Phone: (850) 244-1400. Fax: (850) 243 -1471. Licensee: Star Communications Inc. (acq 1996; grpsl). Format: Rhythmic CHR. aud: 25-54; working women. Spec prog: Contemn Christian mus 20 Broadcasting Inc. owner: Cumulus Media Inc. (acq 3-23-2006; Target aud: 18-34. Jim Keating, gen mgr. Group hrs wkly. *Linda Byrd, gen mgr; Rochelle Rich, gen sis mgr, Chris swap for WNCV(FM) Evergreen, AL). Network: Jones Radio Networks. Kartpmeier, progmg dir, Ken Payne, progmg dir; Rick Everett, mktg. Format: Classic rock. Ron Hale Sr., gen mgr & stn mgr. Navarre Murdock Nocatee WGCX(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 95.7 mhz; 25 kw. 282 WBCG(FM) --Oct 22, 2001: 98.9 mhz; 5.5 kw. Mt 341 ft. TL: N27 00 ft. TL: N30 27 02 W86 51 59. Hrs opn: B -5; M -F. 2070 N. Palafax, WZSP(FM)-Aug 27, 1998: 105.3 mhz; 6 kw. 328 ft. TL: N27 11 01 09 W82 1054. Hrs opn: 24.24100 Tisei Blvd., Unit 10, Port Charlotte Pensacola 32501. Phone: (850) 434-1230. Fax: (850) 469 -9698. W81 56 57. Hrs opn: 24. Heartland Broadcasting Corp., 7891 U.S. 33980. Phone: (941) 639 -1112. Fax: (941) 206-9296. E -mail: E -mail: mglin @aol.com. Web Site: www.praise95.net. Licensee: 550 Highway 17 S., Zolfo Springs 33890. Phone: (863) 494.4111. Fax: wbcgbeachradioOcs.com. Licensee: Concord Media Group Inc. (acq AM Inc. Format: Christian. *Dam Glinter, exec VP & opns VP; (863) 494 -4443. E -mail: wzspédesoto.net. Web Site: www.lazeta.fm. 8- 28- 2001). Law Firm: Rosenman & Colin, L.L.P. Format: Adult Michael Glinter, pres, gen mgr & progmg VP Licensee: Heartland Broadcasting Corp. Network: CNN Radio. Rgnl contemp. News: 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: Adults 25+; core 35-54 female. rep: Rgnl Reps Law Firm: Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hays & Handler. Mack W. Jorgenson, gen mgr; Michael G. Keating, progmg dir. Format: Sp. Target aud: General; Spanish speaking audience, Charlotte, Desoto, Hardee, Sarasota & Highlands counties. Spec prog: Children. Neptune Beach Harold Kneller Jr., pres; Sherry Good, gen mgr & opns mgr; Carolyn Naples Kneller, prom dir & engrg dir. WFKS(FM)- August 1965: 97.9 mhz; 12.5 kw. Ant 991 ft. TL: N30 16 WARO(FM)-Listing follows WNOG(AM). 51 W81 34 12. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 11700 Central Parkway, Jacksonville 32224. Phone: (904) 636-0507. Fax: (904) 997 -7713. North Fort Myers Web Site: www.979kisshm.com. Licensee: Clear Channel Broadcasting 'WBGY(FM)- August 2004: 88.1 mhz; 110 w vert. Ant 59 ft. TL: N25 Licenses Inc. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 51 56 W81 23 09. 297 Fillmore St. 34104. Phone: (239) 404 -9849. WWCN(AM) -Dec 17, 1983: 770 khz; 10 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA -2. TL: 11- 21 -97; grpsl). Format: Top 40. News statt: one; News: one hr wkly. E -mail: [email protected]. Licensee: Everglades City Broadcasting N26 46 30 W81 50 51. Stereo. 20125 S. Tamiami Tr., Estero 33928. Target aud: 35 -54; general. Norm Feuer, stn mgr, Gail Austin, opns Co. Inc. (acq 3-30-2004; $25,000). Format: Country. *Robert Ladd, Phone: (239) 495 -2100. Fax: (239) 992 -8165. Web Site: www.am770.cam. mgr. pres. Licensee: Beasley Radio Co. Group owner: Beasley Broadcast Group (acq 12- 16 -87). Format: Talk, sports. George Beasley, pres; Bradley C. Beasley, gen mgr; John Ron, opns mgr. WNOG(AM)-Oct 14, 1954: 1270 khz; 5 kw -D, 1.9 kw -N, DA -2. TL: N26 15 26 W81 40 33. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WINK(AM) Fon New Port Richey Myers 100%. 2824 Palm Beach Blvd., Fort Myers 33916. Phone: (239) 337 -2346. Fax: (239) 332 -0767. Web Site: www.winkwnog.com. WDUV(FM)- Licensed to New Port Richey. See Tampa North Miami Licensee: Meridian Broadcasting Inc. (group owner; (acq 12 -1 -96; grpsq. Network: CBS. Nati rep: McGavren Guild. Law Firm: Leibowitz & Associates. Format: News/talk. Target aud: 35 plus. Joseph C. WKAT(AM)- November 1937: 1360 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw-N. TL: N25 44 -Apr 10, 1985: mhz; 22 kw. Ant 230 K. TL: N28 16 Schwantzel, pres; Paul Thomas, gen mgr; Wayne Simons, sis dir; Jim 'WLPJ(FM) 91.5 36 W80 09 14. 3191 Coral Way, Suite 1000, Miami 33145. Phone: 41 W82 43 06. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.6214 Springer Dr. 34668. Phone: Watkins, progmg dir; Keith Stulhmann, engrg dir.

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