THE FARIVlEB: MAY 28, 1913 2 IF? IT'S NEWS EDITED, BY FFrS HERE THE SPOT FOR SPORTS WAGNER HOPPE CLEANS UP LUTHER M'CARTY LEFT ESTATE AROUND THE CIRCUIT YAMADAWITH CUE WORTH 530,000 TO HIS WIDOW ZD Billiard Champion Title ': M'Gann-Jer- ry Retains , 7allacB Released by by Vanquishing Japanese Without Trouble Burns Connell Fined by Mason Canadian Authorities Will Try and Umpire Willie" Hoppe retained his title as the world's 18.2 balkline champion by Pelky for Manslaughter uereaicing Tila challenger, Koji Yama-d-a fBy Warner) ' Cann Is anxious to haul down the fast of Japan, last night in the Hotel Astor, 600 What Shakespeare is to literature, what Manager McCann- - released flying buch from the Elm City and New York, by a score of has Tuc- points to 33. was an impressive as Chicago, May 28 Luther McCarty, as we ftnow, McCarty did not leave a in-- , the Job will probably fall to Dick It ' Darwin is to science, what Edison is to elder Wallace. As soon as '.Steamer Snyder.. Hop- well as a one-aid- ed victory for the the heavyweight boxer killed in his will." ker or Chief Jensen or - s young fight Pelky, Flanagan got game and per will work-fo- r the visitors. Game American billiard playen. with Arthur at Calgary, vention, what Broadway is to gayety and As for the Japanese, the score tells on Saturday, left an estate worth $30,-00- 0, Calgary, May 28 Representatives of Khowed that lie Is In first class trim. called at 3:30. its own story, according to estimate, yester- the Crown, who have been conducting to respectability, Serges" are to ;lt was decided to "Wallace go. Wl-fta- cs for it was the record the Paris "Blue let Josh Devore may land- with a world's oontest in point of being the lowest day, of V. R. Xiovell, an attorney at the investigation into .the death of bit well when. he first joined the series team all. The Phillies are' score ever made in a, obaanfpioinshlp B'argo; N. D-- , who cams here in the. Luther McCarty, claimant to the white clothes. slumped recent after True fighter's widow. heavyweigh championship 'club bat badly In anxious to pet the former Giant from match. nearest approach to it is ' who died famei. Ho couldn't throw and oppos- - Cincinnati and Manager Tinker will the score of 500 to 76 by which Cal- Ths lawyer believes that McCarty in the prise ring at the Bums ajrena, They're classic and no maker or creator of ; ing players soon they could will give vin Demarest defeated George Sutton made 8100,000 from his fights on the Saturday, today are gathering a mass learned trade Devore If the Phillies evidence wbicht will Ids presented j an, extra on to hie ter j : several years ago. Pacific coast and in the east and his of styles can argue them down. take base hits him a pitcher, 18 In Another record one which sav stage appearances in the last when the cases of Arthur Pelky and t ritory. Brans Silser will remain and ' sub- McCar- Tommy, are called to ' youngster Is a wonder ae a Teddy Maloney will ors of Hoppe's skill In a more months. He understands" that Burns trial. , The Leach Cross and y, Tommy fielder and although his batting: has meet tonight in a ten rouno pout De-fo- re stantial manner was the fact thait he ty was under eontraces withi Billy That Burns, promoter of the 'been fair. Manager MoCann thinks it the St. Nicholas A. C., New York. finished hia string In twelve innings, his manager; ;who received in fight in which McCarty met his death Jcould be improved. - He is coaching the The vest makers will root for Cross. wth an. average of 41 8--12. That es- the neighborhood ; of a third' of the and Pelky, who delivered the blow in jboy to take a looser swing so that he tablishes a new championship match fighter's earnings. ; the first round,' will have to face trial Serges will set snore power Into his lunges at Harry Lumley, the former Brooklyn average record. Harry CUne pre- "McCarty spent considerable travel- -' on a charge of manslaughter, was the jthe ball. Wallace has signed with manager, has been released by Troy viously held the record wMftn his 23 6, ing and living and I don't think there principal development that followed ' Ho! yoke. .' league - He ex- which he established against Albert is much more than $30,000 left," said the of Pelky, yesterday, of the New York Stats ' years '. - $12.50, $15, $18, $20, $25 , G. Cutler in St. Louis "three lawyer. "This belongs to the the coroner's Jury had failed to There was some fear that Flanagan pects to catch . on with Scranton. - the after agent ago. widow and the fatherless, daughter she make any charges against him. Mean- was not a free but the local ' . McCarney management wired to Secretary Far-re- ll The World's auto record for 12 There was grace and speed' about has been caring for in Fargo for the while and Referee Eddie the blue is dyed so Brook-land- s, the cueing of the young champion as two years. Mrs. McCarty still Smith are out on $500 ball to appear as and received word that the veteran hours was broken yesterday at last AND ' eligible to play. His difficulty with Eingland, by Scott and Hora-ste- d he put together dazzling high runs, of works in a restaurant, there. So far witnesses when..the cases ar tried. in them they is 115, - on that adjusted. 640 which his best was counted r the National board has been who drove 14 miles, yards. pooh-poo- ' Manager MoCaain Trill etand pat when This was rate, of 76.20 jnfles an bis second turn at the .table; 91 an even h the Gun at the 'bit . maneuvering with Pitcher Rapp reports. He has been hour. t unfinished of bombarding the Binghamton officials which he closed his performance, and which, on a hot days GOLIC 67. - run 'of WEEK g! send non-sto- p a RUNS MADE THIS pooh-poohin- with 'telegrams telling them to The reliability automobile Yamada, ' the pitcher but (has received 'no sat- run from Chicago to Boston, scheduled In comparison the runs of - beggarly 15, 10 4, all too. elo- isfaction yet. to start Jane 25, was postponed at a a and com-mit- ee quently tell of difference between meeting yesterday of the contest ths an Commencing With Monday's Games. - President O'Rourke of the Eastern of the Chicago Automobile club the Occident and the Orient. As with the smart- been notified by Um- Indication of how rapidly Hoppe man- STYLED association has Assurances that the American Auto r - - EASTERN. all my garments pire that Manager Jerry Con- ipulated the ivory globes for hia couivk. ,r AMERICAN'. Mason mobile association is preparing to for . was . .v. Holyoke . V. .-- . nell the New Hawn club was fined car-- , routes, caused the his closing session at the table Philadelphia . .. 21 . .. "8 cf mulate stock illuminating as worked through . - . lO 5 and tailored quite the equal J 5 for disputing a decision , too vio- club officials" to let the run go over he Washington . - Pittsfield ...... game Sav- ' nearly hundred in the 1 . , ... - "to-orde- r" lently in last Monday's at until October. , ; j the run of a St. Louis ...... ...... Hartford ..... ...... 5 of the best suits Rock. With the bases filled, the space of twelve minutes. Altogether Detroit ... t . 5 Springfield , , . 5 in exactly ' ...... 4 player on third started to the contest held the table for Boston . ... m:- . .( m . .j ; 3 New Haven ........... S at twice price. New Haven Daniel McLeod. light heavyweight forty-fiv-e their steal home as the Hartford pitcher champion wrestler, successfully de- one hour and minutes. New York . ... ... .: 1 New London . ... , S wound up. The-battie- r walked all over Tony ChiCagO .' . .1. mt.m m O Bridgeport . .. 2 ' fended his title against AJax at the home plate In order to bother the Los Angeles Athletic club last Cleveland . - . .'. ; Waterbury 1 V; : Be'sergedinBlueJ' Catcher Philbin of Hartford so the McLeod "won straight falls, ACCUSES CAMIIITZ In- night. in - umpire called ths runner out for SB 26 seconds, NATIONAL.". - rSTERNATIONALi Jerry exploded and the first In minutes, and terference. Then the second in IS minutes, 25 second, New York . Newarlc ...... w. ... v 11 hfe language was) so scrambled that It both with, crotch and half Nelso&e. OF II1TTIHG MEH Philadelphia - . Providence .- - . cost him IS. The toe hold was barred. Boston ......... ......... Baltimore . Brooklyn .. ... r-- Montreal . -..--,;.-.'.-. n . m'm i 6 Jack Egan, the local boy, who was Chicago ' ;. - Jersey City 3 ' Amer-- The standardization of international Johnny Says Pitcher r M by Washington I Evers Pirate -- . ... ... taken south the athletics will be the object of the In- St. Louis . m' .'. Buffalo . H. 3 leans this spring, has landed a Job ... Toronto- - . - ... if '.. ... .1 . 2 ' New York ternational Athletic Congress at Ber Deliberately Beaned Archer Plttsburgn . Go. with Albany! of the State August, . ... -- - . Rochester . 2 f - lin. m and. it is beieved that Cincinnati i league. He will net as second catch- recommendations Congress er Egan was sent to Newport News the of the Chicago, May 28 Manager Johnny will have great weight with the In ing io poling out four-bas-e , Virginia league by Washington of Chicago Nationals yes- tickets in the Olympic committee which Evers ths Che ; ; team lost so many games that ternational Howard Gam-ni- ts drives with bases filled.
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