A N E W S B U L L E T I N p u b l i s h e d q u a r t e r l y b y t h e NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY r ^*"'- ! G ■ i % HEY! YOU DON'T BELONG HERE! A straying Adelie penguin chick gets little sympathy —Photo F. O'Leary, Dominion Musoum DECEMBER, 1965 Winter and Summerbises. Scott S u m m e r b a s e o n l y . t H a l l e f r NEW ZEALAND Transferred base Wilkes U S tvAust Temporarily non-operational *Syowa TASMANIA , C»mphill I. (N.l) Mitquarie I. _Ma"e* (i/.ij Fj'iitt ia$«rC INU-'jIS N/A-.mH«.n-Sc0lt(t/.5.; A A N TV A R fe\ \ »0a.vlO~A frrttf A , *f * M i wA i t f h \ ■■ (i!rlnd \ # • / ^^a .Marion I. (JMJ DRAWN »Y DEPARTMENT OF LANDS 1 Sl"*VE' WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, MAR.I»b+- 1-." EDITION ee £ (Successor to "Antarctic News Bulletin") Vol. 4, No. 4 DECEMBER, 1965 Editor: L. B. Quarter-main, M.A., 1 Ariki Road, Wellington, E.2, New Zealand. Assistant Editor: Mrs. R. H. Wheeler. Business Communications, Subscriptions, etc., to: Secretary, New Zealand Antarctic Society, P.O. Box 2110, Wellington, N.Z. CONTENTS EXPEDITIONS New Zealand Spring Journey to Cape Crozier: D. R. Lowe N.Z. Aircraft Makes First Flight to Antarctica France Japan Australia U.S.S.R Belgium-Netherlands South Africa United Kingdom Argentina Chile U.S.A Sub-Antarctic Islands Men from Three Nations at Lake Vanda Antarctic Stations: 4 — Mirny Whaling Antarctic Awaits the Hovercraft Another Value of Antarctica: Adrian Hayter Antarctic Bookshelf The Veterans 50 Years Ago ujoquou oqi uo 'pjig odL'3 iv "ajoqo -a\oh uo|33.i A3|[BA A.ip oqi ojui Suio SI AllSJOAIUfl BUOJOIA. °M1 OJOLU 30UO luoj, puB A^sut-M pojj Aq ino pdM -JE0 Supq MOU OJB SOLULUEjSojd |BDlSO[ UJiiqAy poy puB Suiioa. uoa 3J^ sls!3 -oiq joqjo puB oluij uoqs b luods sBq ppy -0|03S 3l|X "1U3luAb>i Auojl si iubjsissb - u b j 3 u q o f 3 J 3 H • l u n a s n j A j u o i u r u o q p p y s q j p u B A q q i g u b i v s i Ay B d s q i sqi Aq opBLU Supq oje SOipnjS ||iiS BIU|S jo JopB3"i Sui|iiEq-uBiu sjb Aoqi puB puB uinSuod '1PUBH 3dKD l,; '3SCH HOOJg MB3A a\3u sqj oi Ajjbo ppy oqi jo ino oq jo qjiou oqi 01 sqim pojpunq jiioj osjb him Aped sjqx suouipodxo s.noos •AqjBQ uqof puB SSOU puB s.TJOjapPBqs qjoq uo sjsijaaps ->jjbh OBJ Aq uosbss siqi popmuq Supq Aq pojJodoj syssoj joj 3ui>jooi si AlJBd 3.ib B3.IB punos OpJllJApiAI &$ u! SIR3S [B3lSO{033 UBLU-JHOJ J3l|10UB 'ojoiupjBog 'VFH q°H PUR 's'l'3A JoSsjq Aq pajsjssB oqi jo pBoq oqj jb 'osBq jo qjnos Supq si 3H -Sjaqjoyodg BBJ Aq p3||OJi •bibjjs >poj -UO0 3iipq si pofojd oqi a\ou puB uos OiqdjOLUBlOLU puB AjBJUOUIipOS U33A\pq -B3S oqi'jo u'sd Ajjbo sqi isnf joj spAoy 3UOZ pbiuoo o[qissod B joj jjooi OJ '.IBOA jB sbav osnoqouois 'JO "spAoy odEO ib mou A|jbo oqi yiun 's>joom xis jnoqB Apnis jo jboA jsbj .ipqi uo sjb osnoq ppy sqi ui sq him puw suESSoqoj joioui -suois H ja i° QOJJDSJtp oqi jopun Sujsn si Ai'.iBd sjqx -Asubabo jjoiy puB iuB3i Aiisjoaiuq Ajnq'jsiuBO v P-MH uoslubpv usqoy OJB sisiSojooS oqi puB odBO pus 'iPIPH 3dv3 "spAoy 3dv.j jb sojBg Jo3oy si lUBjsissB ppy oqi "XjJBd suop Supq uibSb si >|.ioa\ pioiSojoig p?0lSO|O03 B '3uipB0J SI 'J0AO-p3J01UIA\ [•pa—•«ii"* 3u!°p» jsn'f SBq oqA\ 'omoi 8ABCI '3SGcT J1°3S J° sc pa^odDJ si oh "SjpsAv oai» jnoqE joj qubu oqi o; 'jopBjo ipqduiBO oqi uo Hudson ipjnip»suqo oq» ui aq oj papad •3ui|nBq-uBiu -xo' si puB juappaB aqj jo sjnoq z\ OjqjfAi si .loqio oqi puB suB3Soqoi joioui Suisn pUBJBaZ M3{sl O) JIB Aq p3)BI13EA3 SBA\ si sopjBd Suiaolu s_uosbos siqi jo ouo 3H 'pajnpBJJ 3J3M UUB JJ3J J3MO| piIB • p o f o J t i j p q s M I qiiiuqj S.HJH •IIISlUBipaill 3l[| OJUI UAiBJp opjniApjAj 3M1 Suunp jpqs oo; oqi jnoqB SBAV PUB j|Up 3l[) OJ 3ZOJI pUBq pBAOlS sAouanof uoqs joj posn oq yiM sSop siq OZ JaquiaAOfsj jo uooujbjjb aqj uo ouios 'joaomoh 'pospjoxo Apodojd s3op 3SBg U03S jo qjnos sa[iiu oa\j >|joa\ jb oqj doo>( oi >jjoa\ luoioyjnsu! si ojoqi 3|iq;\v •suojjBjado rfuqiup jo sjbsA Aiibui osiiBooq soiiJBd qons joj ojqBjins jou oje ui" juappaB jsjij siq pajsjjns seq U!H sSoa "sdiuBO osBq jpqi uiojj jbj Suiaoiu AJjSIlf JEI|J ppi! OJ 3lIIABl| J3J33J 3av] lou puB sbojb uosoqo UI SupjJOM OJB SOI} •uBuiippnjAi uBug puB |UH Anstif -.iEd ppy poiO|diuoo uobq SBq eoiiojbiuv s.i3||up puB *>isiy oSjooq ispisAqdooS jo A3o|oo3 ]ejouo5 sqi jo isoiu lBqi mom si unq qjjAV •('Hl'S'a 'Aoajiis |Bois/iqd ■jouituns siqi ssijJBd ppy JofEiu sqi jo -boo") upjsqooH 'IAI Ja i° uoipojip oqi Aub Aq posn Supq oje sluboi Sop on jopun o'uop Supq si siqi puB soipnis pib •osBq jo quou sojiiu 0Sc s! ^'J''d -isAqdoo3 joj j'pqs s^i opjnjApj\ 3i|l jo |Bdpuud joqio oqi puB OSBQ noog jo Sui||i.ip oqi si jboA siqi pofojd a\3u v qin'os so|iui q^ si AjJBd ujoqinos oqx •U3I1JBCJ J3So>] pUB LUIS iao sai-LHVd aiau Asojpuy 'PAon qipM Aq pOJSISSB Supq si oq puB siuoiusAoiu j|oqs ooj opjniAjoiAj •pojOAoo Suioq soouops redpuud oqi oje oqi uo >(joa\ jb uibSb si supn pioujy A3oioiob|3 puB 'soisAqdooS 'A3o|Oiq 'A: •qj;ius ubi puB -poo -Aouopuodorj ssoy oqi ui 3ui^joa\ a\ou oje sopjBd ppy •cl-yV'Z'N usaos 'xooubh lusqBJO 'uosjopuoH qog we luiq qiiA\ puB 'luoqo 'Q '3 "Ja s! dno.iS [■AqdjnjAT uqof Jooyjo suoiiBpy oi[ oqi SuipBS-j -AlJBd S.UOSB3S JSB| UBqi -qnj uiojj 3uiiiiEj3ojd jouiuins s4poBp33Z .io|[BUis qonui si usiu jnoj qi|A\ puB A|uo A\3fsJ JO UOllBllllS J3qiU3AO[\I 3qi JO 3UI[ 3UO pjOlSojOSS B SI AjJBd S..IB3A Siqi 'J3A3 -ino Suia\o||oj sqi poApooj OAEq o^] A0N3QN3d3a SSOH 3H1 NI A¥M mam hhom emu nsrans S96I 'Jo^sodQ December, 1965 MEN SOUTH In addition to the main summer party THE BIOLOGISTS working at Scott Base during the 1965- 66 summer, listed in our September issue, UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY other New Zealanders will be in the The University of Canterbury biologi Antarctic on short-term projects. cal unit will this summer complete a E. J. Drunimond and F. N. Blaekwell five-year phase of the University's re from the Ministry of Works will be in search in the Antarctic. vestigating electrical and mechanical ser The party to go south in November vices, especially the problems associated was Dr. Bernard Stonehouse. leader: with the installation next summer of new Ian Spellerberg. who will observe Mc- generators at the Base. Brian P. Sand- Cormick skuas for the third season: Gre- ford and G. A. M. King, both veterans gor Yeates, who will spend his second of earlier New Zealand expeditions, will season on behaviour studies of Adelic be checking the Scott Base Auroral and penguins: Ian Harkess of the Canterbury Ionospheric equipment respectively. branch of the New Zealand Antarctic- As guests of the Antarctic Division the Society, and John Darby, a university following spent about a week in the Ross photographic technician, who will mark Dependency in early November: Mr. seal pups (I-Iarkness for the second sea R. W. Wiliett (Director, Geological Sur son); Ian Stirling, who will arrive from vey, and deputy Chairman Ross Depen Canada in December to take up a teach dency Research Committee), Mr. A. H. ing fellowship in zoology and study Wed Newton (for many years treasurer of the dell seals in the Antarctic: and Robert N.Z. Antarctic Society), Mr. J. A. D. Kirk, who will run the weather station Nash (scientific adviser to the Assistant at Cape Royds. and investigate micro Director-General D.S.I.R.), Mr. V. A. Lc climates and the temperatures of fresh Page (senior administrative officer, water lakes. D.S.I.R.), Mr. L. White (External Affairs Department, who signed the Antarctic NOW—THE SNARES Treaty for New Zealand), Mr. C. Green Applications arc now being made for (in charge of technical aspects, Meteoro finance to make future studies in the sub- logical Service), and Mr. M. S. Nestor Antarctic islands, centred in the Snares (scientific adviser, National Party). group, where the university zoology de Commenting upon New Zealand's re partment established a small research la cord in publishing the results of her boratory in 1961. Antarctic reseearch projects, Mr. Wiliett A five-year programme based on the says, "One third of the Antarctic Con Snares was planned to train students on tinent's exposed rock is in the Ross De the Sub-Antarctic and also to make a pendency, which gives New Zealand an complete ecological survey of this un obligation to do the best work possible touched and unspoiled area, study the in the area. It is difficult to predict . New Zealand fur seal, the brown skua, and the second a fault in the radar, put the southern population of the red-billed sub-title.
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