List of Plants Collected by C. S. Sheldon and M. A. Carleton in Indian Territory in 1891

List of Plants Collected by C. S. Sheldon and M. A. Carleton in Indian Territory in 1891

LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED BY C. S. SHELDON AND M. A. CARLETON IN INDIAN TERRITORY IN 1891. By .1. M. HnLZIXflER. This papey is a report 0111 W() ('o11edicHis of plant:;;;, ('11ieflyfrom Indian 'l'erritory, the fir8t made by Mr. C. S. Sheldon, the other by l\lr. M. A. Carletoll, whose paper on the Hative pl:mts of Oklalloma Territory and adjaccllt distriets a}lpeal'~ IIPl'('wit.ll. JUr. Sheldon collected durillg' JUllC, .July, and August ill the southern half of the territory. :lIr. Carletoll '"'' in the field from the middle of April to the last of' Spptemher, l'ovel'ing the north half of Indian Terri· tory aIHI the adjacellt parts of Kansa~, "Xcw Mexico, and Texas. Valuable belp 31Hl sngg'('stic)JlS \\'('rt'. r('ceived in the determillations from Dr. George Vasey, who also ddcI'lIlilled the grasHcs. The Cal'ices were refel'red 1'01' verificatioll to Prof. L. H. Ea,iley. Mr. Sheldon's route lay through Colbert, Caddo, Atoka, the Sans Bois :MountainB, Stonewall, McAlester, grin Sprillgs, Fort Sill, Cnsl1 Creek, Anadarko, the Wa.llita River, Mount Scott, tlte Sltawnee Hills, and Hartshorn. MENISPERMACElE. Cocculu8 CarolillU8 DC. Quite variahle. Freqnent throughout southern Indian Territory. Augnst. No. 258. CRUCIFER.IE. Ifasturtium ofHcinale H. Hr. AhlllHlant at Cress C1'oek, but llot seen elsewhere in the Territory. All~\lst. 1'1'0.264. CAPPARIDE..'E. CleomeUa angustifolia Torr. On wd grollwlilcar streams. Fort Sill. July. No. 244. Polanisia uniglandulos8 lJC. Qllllllah's ranch. July. No. 213. CISTINElE. Lechea major !Ix. Stonewal1, Chickasaw Nation. Infre<1ucnt. July. No, 124. Lechea te,lluifolia Mx. Quauah'~ ranch. GraH~lly soil. Common, but 10c:1l. July. No. 205. 189 190 POLY GALEE. Polygala alb3 Nutt. Gravdly hills, west of Panl's Yalley. Xot seen elsewhere . .July. No. li:i2. Polygala incarnata L. Col1wrt. Ahnll41ant iurich pl':1.iri('s I'a:.;tt'rly. .TIIIlC. Xo.31. Polygala sangLlinea L. Atoka. Low g"1'011ll!1. .'nllf'. X(l. j~l. ,LiOIl~ L·'ort ,JlIly . Polygala verticillata L. Pm.iries Cash Cl'l'ek, near :-;ill. • l\o.161. Polygala ambigua Nlltt.. ~all" Buis ~lolilltail\s. l:ol'k,Y riil.~I's. .J 111,\'. Ko.92 . Krameria secundiflora DC. Colbert; Wkhita :\[olllLt.aills, Hich WOOl!:!. Atl,~ust. No.3. CARYOPHYLLEE. Arenaria Michauxii Hook. ~tonnwall. (;ran~l1,Y stOBu hills. .Tnly. No. 138. PORTULACEE. Portulaca pilosa L. (~nanah's rallc,h. Low grullnd .•JlIly. Ko,20,'l., Talillum parviflorum Nil tt. Sans BoiH MOlllltai IlS. FrcIlllcll t: 011 rocky II i lis tll l'ollg'h· out the Territory. MAL V ACEE. Callirrhoe dtgitata Nutt. SallS llois )'Iollutaiu8. l~ieh open pil10 wool18. July. No. 102. LINEE. Linum rigidum Pursh. C.uldo. Dry 1i1lll'f;tono hill~ .•Juno. No. 43. Lillumsulcatum Hillliell. C(tlilill. I'rairies. C'OIUIlL()ll thrll!lghollt. ,Jnne. No.;;6. Lilll1m Virgilliallum L. .sans Bois )'lol\lItains. Hid! upen womb. Flowers slUail, of a light straw colur. July. No. 10;;. GERANIACEE. Oxalis violacea L. Hoeky pl:wes on a mountain near Qnauah',.; r:llIe1l. Ah1l1ulallt on .Moll n t Scot t Ulal pro ha III y t hrollgllOll t \\" k Iii t a J\l 011111 a ill,.;. .J Illy. No. :!:!8. This plant has the st'aly hullJ of t.he speeies to whieh it is hcrt~ rd·erred. Tho t\oweri'J are, howC\'cr, rather iargPl', anll uo plants conltl Ill' f()Hnl} wit,1t II'aYes. The luclians familiar with it. 1·I:tillll·:l t.hat it. IW\'('r hatll'·!lw,"l. But thi.', i,,,- proh. a.hi.\' an error. In ,Ir,}' Sl~almns plallt.'i in bloOll1 alHl havil\~ • no le:t\·ps are foullt} in :Millllcsot.a. RUTACEE. Ptelea trifoliata L., var. 1I1oilis TOIT. ,MIll Gl';IY. Kignal MOllllf:lin. \\"c ... tward. Hocky hills .•July. :-;roo :!17. ILICINEE. !lex decidua \Valt. MeAlesr.t.H·. AJ,)ll~ crl'oks. East.. Ang'usL No. ;.>£lG. RHAMNEE. Rhamnus Caroliniana Walt.. ~J,..\l,'.~(.t·t'. .\loH:,(" t'l'('('k:-l. ..\n~·lht. Xu. :!!l,-), Ceanothus Americanus L. Coil"'l't. :-';Olt Slwn in the Wl'st'Cl'11 part. ot' the Terri· tory. J]]III'. j\').7. , AMPELIDACElE. Vitia cordifolia ,M",. Chiekasaw Crtwk, !lellr ~t.I'i!lgtown. .fllllll. 1'\0. U. Vitia l'llpestria Sdwoio. Quanah's rowe II. !I:L1l ks of ;-;:l! Illy Cn)t)];:. COllllllO!I west- ward. Jnly. No.2W. Ampelopsis qninqnefolia ).[x. (~urmah's ranch. .Tnl,Y. Xo. :!lO. Cissus Ampelopsis PorfJ. i\lOl!ut ~(~ott. CI'eel< hallk~. ..\ngllst. 1\0.2.i3. CissllsincisR J)cfJlUonl. (luallah's mnd... Ulim 1Js O\'Cl' :;ylU l'horicarpos, J uui perOlls, dc. July. No. 189. 1!ll ANACARDIACE..E. RhusCanadellsis :'IIari'h, val'. trilobata Grny. Quanah Monntnin.1 Rocky slopes .lui,'" :'\n. :Jill), Rhus copallina L. )le.\lestel'. I/Ills a1l41 prairi, ' ~' Ah1\!ulant eastward. July "~'o. I _~.'}') LEGUMINOS..E. Baptisia sphrerocarpa Xttlt. C()l hc- rt. ~all'ly soil. Jl\IH ~ . No. 17. CrotaJaria ovalis PIII'.Sob. <':olh,·rt., ~ al .. ly hanks . .Julie. Xu. 1I5. Hosackia Purshialla H. 'llIh, '!IHl.lIa h's !'all l' h. July. Xo.21-1. Peoralea euspidata l'nr:o:h . Calhlo. HO \'ky hills. ~ot lIotca l1l sewhcro. JUll O. :\0. :10. Psora lea simplex Xu!t. Atoka. Low ground. Not nncommon throughout. Juno. XO. fiO, D <t lea aurea Xlltt. Fi\'c 1I 1i lt,'4 west· of Stonewall. Prairie.... Very abIllH.lnllt. .July. Xo.133. Dalea laxiflora Pllnsh. ral\l'~ Ynll( ~ y. Prairics antI hills ..July. No. 148. Petalostemoll caudidlls ~I x . C IJl bcrt alld Stonewall. Upland prairie~ . AbuH ,. I " .).. .. II ~H I t . J nll(\ J 11 I y. 'o~ . _ .. _uc. Petalostemoll multiflorlls XIIIL Wkhita Mountains. Alnllulnllt west of tho Chit'k;lsaw Xatioll on prairip~ :lUll l'o el.:,r s]ope!J. August.. No. 259. P e talostemoll violaceus ~Ix . C,,)hcrl ;IIHI Stoncwa1l. Gravelly pra.irie. JUnt·, .Tnly. Nos. 13,.81. Indigofera leptosepala ;.Jlltt. Erin ~Pl'illgR. Frcql1 ell t westwarl1 to Green COllnty. In salhly !'nil, :llong stl·l·am. ... .Jul y. Xu. If15. T oJ phrosia onobrychoides Xnft.. Atu},a. Sa nity prairies. Juno. No. 67. T ephrosia Virginiana Pen. Co\ll\' rt. Uplanl1 prairies. Abundant a~ far west as the Sallta Fe H:lill"';IoL Jlllle. X(I. II. Sesbania macroc arpa )[llh l. :\k.\liJ:,tcr. !:::\· introdnced. AII;.!lIst. No. 320. Ar;tragalUis Canadensis L. :"-alls Boi~ ;\folllltains. Creck hanks. JlIly. No. Ion. Stylosantbes elaUor S w;t\·tz. Culbert. Dry, snlldy prairiea. COlllIllon in tllO cash·rn part.. ' tl lIl' . \'0. :"0. Desmodium acmuinatulll lle. Erin 8.prin~s. Open thickets. July. No. 176. DesDlodium Dillenii Dad . ."ans nois :\Iolllltains. Not common. Angnst. No. 31.·). Desmodium Illinoellse Gr:IY. Fort :o:'i11. Frequent in saudy BOil in low grvund. Augllijt. Xo. 260. Desmodium paniculatulll DC'. Along Cl'ess Crcok, 12 miles north of Fort Sill. AIIJ!II;;t. XII. ~o l. DOslllodium sessilifolinlll TlII'I'. :tnt! Gray . SallS !lois "fountains. Rich wood". FrC{l lll; ut. ,' illy . Xo . 10 1. Vicia exigua ~1Itt. Qn:ll lah .\1 ,lII llf:, iIl S. Common. July. No. 187. Clitoria Mariana r. ;-;:'11)0 I\oi" '\lOIlIl(;lill~ . ]{oe\<y pinc Wf)llI]~. COUlmon throngh. Ollt ill ~ i!Jlilar ~it ll:tli uws. ,lilly. Xu. :)1. Galactia mollis :\I x. cllI ;\ lIa h':, 1·:lIl(' h. Ine il ... oil, ill In\\' j:!l'oliud • .Jul.Y. Nn. !!1O. Phaseolus helvolus L. (~lLall:th'::I ,':lIll'h :llId Fort ::.iiIl. .JUl y. Nos. :!:!O, :!.16. Rhynchoftia latifolia Xlltt. l'olh~'l't. i{i"h pl'ai\'il·~ . iuJ're'pwut ~\:l!st. ward . JUlie. X.,. 1l:!. Cassia Chamcecriata IJ. C:; olhl'rt . Ahundant. t.hl·Otlg' holit . .Juno. 1\'0. 19. Cassia llictitans L. Sall ~ Bllh :'I["lIl1tnill;!. Urrwclly hili;!. Allgust. :\u. 332. Ca.ssia Tora I.. ~; \l18 Hoi ", :\[uli lltaiu.s . Hich soil alollt: C\·ceks. Fl'fjjlllClIl·, c!:Ipccially eastward. Augus t. ~ o. :!~:!. Proeopis juliflora DC . FlJl't· sill. Pl'ail · i\ ~ :-I. Tho " llI{''''Jllit'' of the Spauiards aud Int\ian.'! . .July. :-In. :!-13. I {!nnnah :-.fOllntain i.~ 0110 "I' \ 11 0 "'idlita :'IrollHtains. }or r. ~h"1 11 nll /.:i ve!l it thl!; n(lUI(, l ){'(',.a u~e It lil'8 back of tlllllilah l':U'k"r's 1':111,·11. (~II "lIall !':tl'k,)I' i" lH~: Hl "j,i"fuf tlJ e Comandlcs. Tllf') 'Vichita :'11011 u lain!.' aN ilU n :- ry 1',10.: k Y. I\' it II enla {'" ",c~ H icrc,1 u n :l' Lh~' w , lU2 Neptunia lutea nenth. Colh"rt" A 111\ 1\ Ita II t t 11 rnllg'lwn t·. .J 11110 . Xo. 30. Desmanthu8 braohylob115 B(~ntll. Calli In. COllllH,)j\ tlll'ullgliOnt. Jlllle. Ku.38. Acacia filicina Willtl. ColLcrt. ,Junc. S us. 5, 10'J. MIlLASTOMACIllE. Rhexia Muian!l L. Sa H ~ Bois ~1t)llntain g. Wd •. IIII(' 1I g "OU lltl. All g n,; t.. :Xo. 311. L YTHRARIIl.:E. Lythrum aiatum I'nl'.-; II . Ato l \f~ . Fn!IJlI " Ht i ll low g- rmllltl east" .111ll O. X'l.C,-:: . ON AGRARIIllE. Ludwigia cylindric a Ell. )IcAlest.lJt·. ~lu'ld,\' c r"pl;: banks . .Jl\!H'. ,• .1 1. "\ • al'l:>thera MlS9~tlrie1l5is Siut;. qU,llIah's l';l1H:h. G t'a \'elly ,1 1111 .lllly. ~" . ~j7. CEnothera serrulata ~lItt. Colhert. Jli~h, dr,\' , .. all (l~· p}';li\' il'~ . .THIH '. XI). l ~. CEllotbera speciosa Xn tt. Calltlo. GI':I\",'JI,Y, IIl'y _,,;,Iil. JmH'. :'\0. ·L'). Gaura blenuis JJ. Gaillll." Cn'o : ~. P n liriu.:i. Aug ust.

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