/OLUME 46. No 39 South Am boy, N. J., Friday, December 31, 1926\ Price Four Cents. INDUSTRIAL DEVEL- COZZENS NOW MAYOR HOFFMAN VETOES FORGOTSON OPMENT DISCUSSED PROFITS INSTEAD OF DEFICIT IN APPOINTMENT AS POLICE JUSTICE Woi. A. Mil!* of Barberton, Ohio, JOMMANDER ANNUAL REPORT OF WORKS BOARD Talks to Kotariant. of Luke A. Lovely Post—Other Offi- cers Elected Last Night. Claims All City Appointments Must Begin On First Of Members of the South Amboy Ro- John JCozaeois was unanimously Discussion At Special Meeting Last Night Indicates First tary Club at its meeting Tuesday ©leaueki commander of Luke A. Love- . Year; Also If Forgotson Was Really Wanted Demo- 'heard a discussion on industrial de- ly iPoat for .ththee cominog g yyear at an en- Annual Report To (Council Tomorrow Will Show velopment. William A. Mills, a Ro- meeting of .the Post held crats Could Have Overridden Veto Before Nov. Election tarian of Barberton, Ohio, was th« at the Lteg-km fooone last evening. ficit Completely Wiped Out And Prospects For Profits speaker. Tihe n&wly elected ioammander un a In developing his subject he point- . The ordinance appointing Reuben Bboit speech roughly outlined his That South Amfboy citizens wouldi ed out tihe fact that industrial devel- program, of activities for tihe year Fwrgoitsom Police Justice for a period opment is but one phase otf city build- be ipresemited wiith a very vectipi$l of two years has !been vetoed bj which will tinclud© some novel Uiea- New Year's gift 'by ithe Boaird of ^ 5 NEW COUNCIL TO niig. "In any prosperous city", he tuu'ies.iqievesr Ibefonei introduiced ith the WATCH NIGHT Mayor Hoffman and has been return said, "there .must be two movements: ISc Works became a certadTity ,'at a ; ed to 'the City Gourncil accompanied growing retail establishments and ex- sp|eiciai meeting of the fioamd (held last by thla (following letter: MEETJOMORROW panding industry. Cities like indivi- The foillo-wiiig otlfitoens were elect- SERVICES HERE night. The gift & ito be eonbodied December 80, 1926. duals do not stand still. They either ed for the ensruimg year: First M. E. Church Making Special in a report coveiring-Wve activitieo of; Mayor's Massage, Appointments and Cwnmamder, John Cozzena. To the Coimimion Council, Works Board Report to Come Up. go ahead or slip behind. Nothing is Arrangements. th« Board for .tine past year. Speci- ,City of South Amboy, N. J. static, radio not withstanding." •_ Krat vdce-corranander, John J. Jla- The ^Fiirtrt -Metfuodkt Epdacopal fically the gift will be a small profit An oxrganiaatiton meeting of ftihe I Continuing the speaker said: "In ft Church is making • special arrange- on the year's ojpeoratons instead of I ton ireturning, without my appro I city such as South Amboy the retail vioe^comimander, John An- (nuemto for Watch Night Services, De- the usual dteificit of «3>o<ut nineteen "'val the ordinance appoinitimg a Police williestablishments are "" (i or less an drejewski cember 31st. It has 'been planned to thousand dollars, whddi on Mwie oc- JusiS.ce for the City of South Amboy, "pT.j lindex of the city's iprogoress. These •Finance Officer, Mike Nagle. have th© services start at 9 P. M. with casio„ n reached the Uvug- e sunn of $28,. .-, 000 Th •adopted by your body on December ity.oaxi- merc\wnita today are facing stronger Sorviee Oifficetr, iHarold Hotfl^nan. an entertainment by the ypung folks,! - « report & t<) j,e wmpleited, competition than e*er before. Be- Exdcutivo Coanmittoe, M. L. undler thle, allspices of the Epworth!ond pireeented to the city governing Tlbe law distinctly Bays: "The terms of tihe water board, and the reading causa they are facing this competi- StiuJits, Wan. '1/yoma, Lootis Rosenberg. league. The • en-tertairnnemt will con-:holdy «* *^« meetiinKs tomuoauiow aftfea: of offices j»f ail olfifkers hetteafter .of the Mayor's mtessagje. tion and because the'future industrial SA J. MMurray. tinnie unti-------l 10 P. -M . ^j^g following : the discussion of members tost night appointed by the mayor of any city, The -new ckwncil will bo made up development of the city is more or Formal inatollaition of tihe newly hour,, or until 11 ^ "" b"e giveg n and ilt is expected to meet with wide- of Raymond Malltoy «s conincilman- loss dependent upon the new wealth d oifficca-a will (be held «vt the spread interest and very heairty ap- cxr- appointed or chosen, by tihe com- 1 over to a period of. social servicei , mon council or other governing body at-larg|ei; RicHaird 'Neiltopp, council- created, every' resident owes an ob- ^ imeeting ne>xt Thursday, when during ovihioh time the youing«v pe>o- provia]. of any city shall coannience on the man, first ward; Marshal Magee, ligation to Ibuy here, all other things county co'mimiamder Clartcnco • A. piliei will be griyen an opportunity to The prelimintury ftgurtes to be inclu- first day of January of "the year in councilman, second wiard; John Con- being equalq . No local merchant hua Slugg and J'os. A. Kdgtair, senior vice- engage in suitable games, the older ded in tihe report w-ere discussed at whlich i&bey 'aire appoinjOed and coh- niosw, councilman, third wwrd; and anyy neasotn t o expecp t pjv^jt g jusj jt comimaind'er of ilh-e stlalte department people will drove a chaiuce to' chat, and sonre length .by the mtlmlb-esrs of the Walter Inman, councilman, fourth / timio for .-fchla tre'speetive terms olf bbecaus e hihi s stort e hhapponB to 'be locatt- will take cTinrge. • all will 'be served with refreshments. Boanxl oifi Public \Vorks last night years now fixed 'by law." (P.L.1901, ward. ed here. However, if the locul re- Afibor ibhe weeting M. iDeie Stults The last hour of the service, between Wihon the iiccomplishmenis of the p.42). Terms iof two nvenrbens -of €he tailers merchandise efficiently, goods anid tote colleagues served refresh- 11 and 12 P. M. will be of a devo imonths were set down before As I .undeirstainid ij; yi>ur Council Board of Pulblic Works expire alt this should be bought just as chenp here mtonita. tional character in charge of the Pas-tlhom tihey appeared so aimixzing that ootuW 'have, any time d'U'ring the past timie, and lit is (expected that Mayor as anywhere else. If that i« true it tor, Rev. D. E. Clair, who has arrang- Board m-emberis theimselves appeared Amldrew Kvist will make these 'ap- is good business to ibuy here. It in- ed a very appipopriate, period of wor- to dovibt tJhem ao-mewhat. It isgien- year have appointed a Police Justice, creases real estate values, increases but Ms term of office would have, potrntmneinte toimorrow. There ds aliso SUNDAY SCHOOL HAS s'hip and prepared a dpcciailly inter- eraUy conoeeded that thte achieve- a vacancy on the 'boiaird through the bank clearings thus adding to tihu eatJaig sermion in keeping with the and dhooiild have, camimemced from city's wealth and aids In developing meaits of tihe paslt year are Sax be- •tihe first <ai January, 1926. Thfere is resignation of Gewge R. Dolaney CHRISTMAS PARTY occasion. Nothing ils being left un- yond even the imost sanguine expec- some months ago.. tha <city industrially." done to make the entire period of ssr- no authority to comrcmence the term Bad Weather Fails to Keep Presby- taitlions of tihe most «nthufsiastic sup- Continuing along this line he call- vilce interesting, enjoyaible and help- porters of .the oniginal id|eA of Mayor of any «ity «fficial tfirom Dec. 21st, ed attention to the folly dt advertis- terians at Horn*. fu'l, and dt ia 'hoped and -expected the or any otiher iperiod during the year, ing for industry and then expecting Hoffman tihro-ugh wthose efforts ths efforts of the Pastor arid others of Board came iwto toeing. synkl <ito my mind itibe oxdintance is. FIREMEN MAY GO TO industry to came of itseVf. Mr. MiHs The Ohrlitmas Party given to the congregaton will be rewarded by clearly illegal. I therefore return it] said further, "Citiea are now spend- members of the First 'Presbyterian The report to tihe Council is ejrpec-;' for your rjewonslideirBltkm and .correc- ing1 thousands of dollars a year in re- Chiuo-oh Sabbath School on Tuesday a good attendance. ted to ahow that'ono otfi the greatest tidn. Protection Lad* to bs Guilt of N. V.search. Eviery type of industry can- alfteimoon in the lecture room of the savings <o£ the Board ihaa coone from State Firameh. not exist in every community. Loca- dhuirch waa aplon<llidly succeeeful its aotiian om 'tihle. coal supply for the, Vleny truly yours, Though the weaith«ir was most dis- CAR HIT W mt» 1 m nrmr! pum|ping atatiom. By dhanering from HAROLD G. HOFFMAN. If the present plans 'of the North tion in respect to raw materials and .11 :£ , Mayor. markets, transportation, labor supply, agreeaJble, a targe company of people a low 0 5 coial bet r Mayor Hoffman imafctalns that the public utilities, taxes, schools, recrea- wane present and tihe children es- TRAIN HERE P * *^ ^ o™ °^ ^* tion facilities—all these have.a defi- pecially, who constituted .this larger o-~ .grade .that cost , more, a. having of , present Demoicratic .majority is mot port o'f tihe company, had a happy nite .relationship to a successful in- TwSto . InjureCrossingd in. Accident on Augutta oveOf ritfiii etifeilia imoxit tiiouaande than si doMarx •tiheyusane resultedd wy.8. sincere in its wish ito have Forgortson r". the dustry.
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