No. 24 491 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON : THURSDAY, 11 MARCH 1976 Declaring Land in Wellington Land District, Vested in the SCHEDULE Wanganui Edllcation Board as a Site for a School, to be HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT Vested in Her Majesty the Queen ALL that piece of land containing 38 square metres, situated in Block IV, Heretaunga Survey District, City df Napier, and DENIS BLUNDSI.;L, GovernorcGeneral being part Lot 9A, D.P. 8164; as shown on plan S.O. 6847 A PROCLAMATION lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Napier and thereon marked "A". PURSUANT to subseCtion (6) of sectiron 5 of the Educati'on Lands Act 1949, I, Sir Edward Denis Blundell, the Governor­ P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Oouncil. General 'of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that ('P.w. 24/263'5/,10; Na. D.'O. AD12/28/40511) the land described in the Schedule hereto, being an area vested in the Wanganui Bducatron Board as a site for a sch'ool, shaU be vested in Her Majesty the Queen, freed and Approving the Amendment of the Bylaws of the Australasian discharged from eve'ry education trust effecting 'the same, but Institute of Mining and Metallurgy subject to aN 'leases, encumbrances, liens, or easements affect­ ing the same at the date her~of. DENIS BLUNDELL, Governor-General SCHEDULE ORDER IN OOUNCIL WELLINGTON LAND DISTRlcr-KIWlTEA COUNTY At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 1st day of March 1976 SECrION 17, Block VI, Apiti Survey District: area, 1.6187 hectares, more Of less .. All certificate of title 5'15/84 (S.O. Present: P~an17784) . THE RIGHT HON. R. D. MULDOON PRESIDING IN COUNCIL Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ WHEREAS by Letters Patent of Her Majesty The Queen dated General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, the 16th day of September '195'5 the Australasian Institute this 25th day of February 1976. of Mining and MetaHurgy (hereinafter called the Institute) [L.s.] VENN YOUNG, Minister of Lands. was, lby Charter passed udder the Great Seal, established, created, and incorporated into a 'body corporate and public: GOD SAVE TIlE QUEEN! And whereas by dause 15 of the said Charter it is provided (L. and S. H.O. 6/6/358; D.O. 8/1/283) that the majority of the corporate members present in person or by proxy and voting at a general meeting of the Institute specially caned for the purpose of which due notice has been given shall have power from time :to time to make such bylaws as shaH seem requisite and convenient for the Directing the Sale of Land in the City of Napier regulation, government, and advantage of the Institute its members and property and for the furtherance of its objects DENIS BLUNDELL, Governor-General and purposes, and from 'time to time to revoke, alter, or amend any bylaw or bylaws previous'ly ma'de but so that the ORDER IN COUNCIL same be not repugnant to the Charter or to the laws and At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 1st day of Statutes of Australia and the Dominion of New Zealand March 1976 or any State or Territory thereof: And whereas it is further Present: provided by c1ause15 of the said Charter that no such bylaws, revocation, alteration, or amendment shall take effect until THE RIOlO' HON. R. D. MULDOON PRESIDING IN COUNCIL approv~d by the Governors-General-in-OounciI of Australia PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, His ExceHency the and the Dominion of New Zealand: And whereas certain Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent bylaws were made in accordance with the provisions of the 'of the Executive Council, hereby directs the sale of the land said Charter on the 30th day of November 1956 and were described in the Schedule hereto, such land 'being no longer approved, as required by the Charter, on the 25th day of required for the purpose for which it was acquired. September 1957: And whereas the said byl1:aws subsequently 4912 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE No. 24 have been amended from time to time in accordance with Huia Gray Gilpin, the provisions of the saild Charter and the amendments Norman David Hardie, approved, as required by the Charter: And whereas the said John OampbeU Montgomery, and bylaws as so amended were furtheramenlded inacoordance 'Dennis Victor Pfahlert with the provisions of the said Charter by resolution of a to be members of the Arthur's Pass National Park Board, general meeting ·Of the 'Institute specially called for the pur­ having control and management of the Arthur's Pass National pose of which due notice had been given and held on the Park, the members Of such Board to hold office for a term 18th day of August 1975-: of 3 years from the date hereof. Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consen,t 'Dated 'at Wellington this 27th day of February 1976. of the Executive Council, hereby approves the said further YBNN YOUNG, Minister of Lands. amendments of the Ibylaws Of the Institute set out in the '(L. and S. H.O. N.P. 3/1; D.O. 8/6/2) Schedule hereto. SCHEDULE Appointment of Chairman of the Board of Examiners Con­ lBylaw 30 is deleted and the following new byl:aw inserted stituted Under the Boilers, Lifts and Cranes Act 1950 in lieu thereof: "30. Entrance fees and annua'l subscriptions shall be payable PURSUANT to section 40 of the Boilers, 'Lifts, and Cranes as follows: Act 1950, the Mini~ter of Transport hereby appoints Jack Entrance Fee Critchley, Chief Engineer Surveyor, of the Marine Division of the Ministry of Transport to be Chairman of the Board Original Transfer from Annnal of Examiners constituted under the Boilers, Lifts, and Cranes Grade of Membenhtp AdmissiOID lower grade Subscription Act 1950. Honorary Member ...... lOated at Wellington this 24th day of February 1976 .. Member ..... $'10.00 $5.00 $35.00 Associate Member ..... $10.00 $5.00 $30.00 C. C. A. McLACHLAN, Minister of Transport. Company Member .... .. $105.00 (TT. 57/3/4) minimum Affiliate $10.00 $5.00 $30.00 Junior~ Appointment of Stipendl'ary Magistrate to Exercise the (a) over 31 years Domestic Jurisdiction of the Magistrate's Court 'Of age $30.00 I(b) under 31 years PURSUANT to section 7 of the Domestic Proceedings Act of age ...... $18.00 '1968, His Excellency ,the Governor-General bas been pleased Student $9.00 to appoint Visiting Member ...... " Barry James McKenzie Kerr, Esquire P. G. MILLEN, Clerk 'of the Executive Council. Stipendiary Magistrate, to exercise the Domestic Jurisdiction of the Magistrate's Court. AppOl'ntment of Members to the Tongariro Notional Park Dated at Wellington this 26th day of February '1976. Boord D. S. THOMSON, Minister of Justice. --+- PuRSUANT to section 16 of the National 'Parks Act 1952, the (IAdm. 3'1/1'1/1 (6)) Minister of Lands hereby appoints David Bruce Barkman, IAlfred Richard Be'llamy, Officers Authorised co Take and Receive Statutory Declarations David Gladstone Downey, John Nich'olas Jennings, PURSUANT to section 9 of the Oaths and Declarations Act -Brian Hauauru Jones, 195'7, as amended by the Oaths and 'Declarations Amend­ ·Peter Samuel Lewis, and ment Act 1972, I have appointed the holder for the time Kenneth Henley Miers being of the office in the service of the Crown specified in the Schedule 'below to take and receive statutory declarations to be members of the Tongariro National Plark Board, such under the said Act. Board to hord office 'for a term of 3 years as from the date hereof. SCHEDULE Dated at Wellington ,this 27th day of February '1976. PRIME MINISTER'S DEPARTMENT VE'N'N YOUNG, Minister 'Of Lands. Clerk of the Executive Council, Wellington. (L and S. H.O. N.P. 3/4; D.O. TNP 9) lOated at Wellington this 118th day of February 1976. '0. S. THOMSON, Minister of Justice. Appointment of a Member of the Timber Preservation (Adm. 3/28/10 (10)) Authority PURSUANT to section 3 of the Timber Preservation Regulations Adviser to County Pest Destruction Board Appointed (No. 1373 1955, the Minister of Forests hereby reappoints on the nomina­ Ag. 6/13 /2/6A) tion of the New Zealand Master Builders' Federation Rodney Lloyd Jones PURSUANT to section 3>1 of the Agricultural Pests Destruction to be a member of the Timber Preservation Authority with Act 1967, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries hereby effect from the 15th day of February 1976. appoints Dated at Wellington this 26th day of February '1976. Graham Thomas Quin being an Inspector appointed under Part III of the said Act VENN YOUNG, Minister of Forests. to be an adviser to the Waiheke County 'Pest 'Destruction '(F.'S. 4/57) Board, vice 'N. J. F. Mee. This notice replaces notice No. 10, page 196, gazetted on 29 January 1976. 'Dated at Wellington this 'lst day of March 1976. Appointment of Members to Arthur's Pass National Park Board 10. MACIINTYRE, Minis·ter 'Of Agriculture and Fisheries. PuRSUANT to section 18 of the National Parks Act 1952, the Minister of Lands hereby appoints Reappointment Notice of Members of the Dairy Factory The Commissioner .Of Crown Lands for .the Canterbury Land Managers' Registration Board (No. 1372 Ag. 50194) District, 'Bevan George Begg, PuRSUANT to regulation 3 (2) of the Dairy Factory Managers' Colin James Burrows, Registration Regulations 19411, I hereby reappoint Robert William Cawley, Norman Ed-genton Briggs and Margaret Gwenifer Olark, Thomas Langley Hall 11 MARUI THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 493 (as government representatives) to <be members of the Dairy Milk Act 1967, His ExceUency the Governor-General has Factory Managers' 'Registration Board for terms of 2 years been pleased to reappoint from 7 March '1976, and '1 February 1976 respectively.
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