ART Exhibi TI ons Spring Term 1935 Murals AND Photo-Murals BY New York ARTISTS••• •••••• • ••• March 31., 1935 Loaned by Mural Painters Society and Museum of Modern Art Contributors: Louis Ferstadt H.V. Poor- Stefan Hirsch George Biddle Ben Shahn Lucia Wiley Henry Billings Stuart Davis Jane Berlandina Jacob Burck Thomas Benton Berneco Abbott Duryea Locher and William Ri ttase Water COLORS•• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••May 12 1935 r Loaned by Little Studio Eastern Point Glouoester, Mass ART EXHIBITI ONS Fall Term 1935 •. \ WORKS OF ALBERS. DREWES. Drier Kelpe Howald Howald COLLECTION •••••••••••••••••Fall Matisse....Landscape ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Nov. 29 Une DE Seine Interi OR WI th FLOWERS Loaned by Pierre Matisse Fuller Building, N.Y.C. also....Interior WITH Figure HEAD Head Loaned by Mr. Catesby Jones Matisse.....Three PAI NTINGS•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Nov.-Deo. Loaned by T. CatesbyJones 94 John Stroot, N.Y.c. ART Exhibitions Fall Term 193 7 Prehistoric ROCK PI Ctures •••• • •••• • • •·•. • •• • ••••••••••• • September 20-30 Loaned by Mu seum of Modern Art ARCHI Tec Tural DESIGNS AND MA TERIALS FOR THE New• •.• ••••• October 16 MU SIC BUI LDI NG AND THEATRE AT BENNI NGTON Mr . Lauterer •••••••••ST AGE DESI GNS••••••••••••••••••••••October 16-25 OLD MASTERS FROM JU AN PONS TO DELACROI X•••••••••••••••••Ootober 22- November 3 Juan Pons • • ••••••••••ADORATION OF the MAGI• •••••••••••••October 22~ Loaned by Berkshire Mu seum, Pittsfield, Mass. November 8 One-Picture Exhibiti on DESIGNS• CONS TRUCTI ON S, AN D Drawings •• ••••••••••••••••••October 2.5- Loaned by Design Laboratory NYC November 8 Benozzo Gozzolli •••••S T. STEPHEN• •••••••• • ••••••••••••••November 8-19 Loaned by Dr. Hays Schaeffer Schoeffer Galleries, 61- 63 East 57th Street, N.Y.C . One- Picture Exhibition PITTSBURGH GLASS Institute COMPETITION • •• ••••••••••••• ••N ove1uber 9-15 Loaned by Pittsburgh Glass Inst i tute. Pittsburgh. Penn. A demonst r ation of t he use of glass in modern archi­ tecture and decoration. The exhibition consisted of photo­ graphs of buildings and objects i n which all types of struc­ tural or ornamental glass had been used. DR~WINGS• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••November 19- Loaned by Fogg Mu s eum December l Iucas Cranack •••••••• Judgment OF PARIS•• ••••••••••••••••N ovember 19 Loaned by Metropolitan Museum of Art December l One-Picture Exhibiti on PHOTOGRAPHS : VERMONT•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••Deoember 1-8 Mr. Hirsch•••••••••••OLD AND New WORKS••••••••••••••••••December 9-20 Eugene Dolaoroix •••••Massacre OF SCI o•••••••••• •. •. • •••• Deoember 10-20 Loaned by Smith College Mus eum One-Picture Exhibition ART EXHIBITIONS Spring Term 1938 Juan Gris•• •••• • • • •••••ABSTRACTION • •• ••••••• •••••••••••March 18-25 Loaned by Rhode Island School of Design One-Picture Exhibition Orozco •••••• • •• • • •••••• PROPHECY OF QUETZACOATL •••••••••Ma.rch 25-30 Loaned by Delphic Studio• N.Y . C. PAINTINGS FROM THE AMERICAN ARTISTS CONGRESS • •• •• • • •• ••April 7-16 Loaned by Mr H. Glintenkaup. 100 w. 13th St •• N.Y.C. A group of 19 works of art. chosen from an exhi bi­ tion or the American Artists Congress in New York. The Title of the exhibition was 111n Defense of World Democracy". It showed one particular t r end in American art t oday: the increasing attention given by artists to the extr a- aesthetic problems of world affairs . The significant fact i s that ar­ tists of widely divergent political. philosophical> and ar­ tistic faiths a r e absorbed by the events of today's world Most of the works in this exhibition were about Spain. Spain. however. is but one of the subjects whi ch appear on exhibition lists of .American painting. China i s another. The work shown was by competent. seasoned artists of wide experience i n their media and techniques whose art is of recognized and dis t i nguished quality. whatever i ts sub­ ject matter. GRAPHIC ARTS Techniques • •• • ••• •••• •• • •••••••••• • • • •• ••April 25-May6 Resettlement PHOTOGRAPHS• •• • •• • • •• ••• ••• • ••• • • • • •. • •• April 26-May 6 Loaned by u.s. Department or Agriculture. Wash •• D.c. Alvar Aalto€€€€€€€€€€€DesignsAND Chairs.....May 9- 21 Loaned by Museum or Modern Art, 14 W. 49th st •• N .Y .c • .Al.u:RICAN FOLK SCU LPTURE •••• ·••••••••• • • • • ••••••••• • ••••Ma y 23- 28 Loaned by Downtown Gallery. 113 W. 13th St •• N.Y.C. ART EXHIBITIONS Fall Term 1938 .. Carol ine Crossett ••••••• • CROSSETT PHOTOGRAPHS ••••••••••••• Sapternbar Loaned by c . Cr osset t, Lynwood, Wianno, Mass . SPANISH GOVE RNMENT POSTERS •• •••••••• •• ••••• ••••••••••••••• September Loaned by Museum of Modern Art, NYC SPANISH CHILDREN' S DRA1flNGS •••••••••••• • •• ••••••••••••••••October Rented from Mrs . Cl aire Demarest, 9 E. 46th St., N.Y.C. FEKE PAI NTING ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ••••••••••• •October Loaned by Dr. H.W. Foote. 112 Cli fton St •• Belmont. Mass . Vanderlyn.......Vanderlyn P.A.I NTI NG• ••••••••••••• • October Loaned by Down t own Gallery, 113 W. 13th St., N.Y.c. Kollowitz • • • • •••• • •••••••KO LLOWITZ PRINTS• ••••••••••••••• •November Loaned by Hudson Walker Ga l lery. 38 E. 57th St., N.Y.C. Eakins•••••••••••••••••••EAKINS PAI NTI NG•• ••••••••••••••••November Loaned by Addison Gall ery of Ame rican Ar t . Andover, Mass. Fergus on••• • •• ••••••• ••••FERGUSON SCULPTU RE • •••• ••••••••••Deoember Loaned by Duncan Ferguson, Whi tney Mu seum of American Art, Bodoin College, Brunswick, Maine ART EXHIBITIONS Spring Term 1939 Picasso€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€PICASSOExhibition •••••••••••••••••March 13-27 Loaned by Wildenstein and Co., 19 E. 64th St.1 N.Y.c. and Marie Harriman Gallery, 61-63 E. 57th st.1 N.Y.c. LATIN AME RIC AN EXHIBITION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• .April l0-19 Loaned by Mrs. Edith Sweeney, Grace Line, Hanover Square, N.Y.c. and Mrs . Blanche Bonestell, 6 E. 57th st., NYC and ~ilir . and Mrs. Hirsch, Bennington College, Bennington, Vt. STUDENT RENDERINGS••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• •••MaY 1-13 Loaned by N.Y. Sohool of Fine and Applied Art, 2239 Broadway and Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, R.I. Low Cost HOUSING Exhibition ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ••••May 1-13 Loaned by Alley Dwelling Authority, Washington., D.c. Bureau of Agricultural Engineering, Wash., D.c . National Bureau of Standards, Wash., D.c. Federal Housing Administration, Wash., D.C• DANCE Photographs •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••May 7-13 Loaned by Marian Knighton Bryan, 19 Perry St., N .Y .c. Contemporary American SCULPTURE• •••••••••• • ••••• • •• • ••• • .May 15-29 Loaned by Jose de Creeft, 6 Minetta St., N.Y.C. and Robert Laurent, United States New York World's Fair Commis sion, U .s. Building, N.Y • World' s Fair Building Flushing, New York and Oronzio Madlerelli, 54 w. 74th St •., . N.Y. C. and William Zorach, 276 Hicks St., N.Y.c. ART EXliI BI TI ONS Fall Term 1939 Lembruck.....Sculpture BY Lehubruck •••••••••••••• Oct ober 9•18 Loaned by Walter P. Chrysler, Jr.~ Chrysler Building, N.Y.C. and Carl Zigrosser, East Weyhe. 794 Lexington Averrue, N.Y.c. WORK OF GRADUATE SYLTDENTS OF HARVARD ARCHI tectural SCHOOL •• October 23- November l Loaned by Harvard University• Cambridge. Mass • ART Exhibi TI ONS Spring Term 1940 Purves• ••••••••••••WORK BY AUSTIN PURVES. JR••••••••••••••••!Jarch 4-17 Loaned by Austin Purves. Jr., Litchfield, Connecticut S1UDENT WORK FROM PRATT INSTITUTE•••••••••••••••••••••••••••March 25- Loaned by Mr. J • Patterson, Supervisor of Exhibi ts April 4 Pratt Insti.tue, Brooklyn, New York Beckmann.• .••••·• ••• PAI NTI NGS BY Beckmann • ••••••••••••• •.•••.April 8-18 Loaned by Buchholz Gallery. 32 E. 57th St.~· N.Y.C. Lurcat€€€€€€€€€€€€€PAINTINGSAN D GOUAC HES •••••••••••••••••••May 6-16 Loaned by Bignon Gallery, 32 E. 57th St •• N.Y.C. Bauhaus.....Bauhaus Exhibition •••••••••••••••••••••••May 19- Loaned by Museum of Modern Art June 9 Edmonson.•.• •••• •• .SCULPTURE BY WI LLI AM EDMONSON•.•• •••••• • . May 20-30 Loaned by Miss Hazel Kingshury, Louise Dahl-Wolfe, 68 W. 57th St., N.Y .c. Harrison•••••• •••••MAPS BY RICHARD EDES HARRI SON••••••••••••June 3-8 Loaned by R.E. Harrison, 22 w. 48th st •• N.Y.C. PORTRAITS BY CONTEMPORARY AMERI CAN ARTISTS•••••••••••• ••••••June 3-15. Loaned by Miss Alice Sharkey. Whitney Museum of American Art. 10 w• . 8th St., N.Y .c. ART EXHIBITIONS 1940-1941 Exhibitions Loaned by Data Design in Landscape c/o Miss Frances Bankson April 22-May 6 Sacre Art Division Wesleyan Universi t y Middletown. Conn. ART EXHIBITION$ 1941-1942 Exhibit tion Loaned by Date Mr. Ozenfant W.s . Budvtorth & Sons Sept. 17-0ct.l 424 West 52nd st •• N.Y.c . Ossip Zadkine April 13-25 Silk Screen Prints Mr• Edward Landon Apr. 25-llay 9 - .. Tho Silk Scre0n Group 326 Bleeker St •• N.Y.C. Paul Klee Nierendorf Gallery 'May 15-29 18 East 57th St •• N.Y.C. Student Exhibitions Bennington College June 4-July 4 Feeley Smith. Park Bennington College August 4 ART EXHIBITIONS Spring Term 1944 Carol BLANCHARD • •••• •• • .•• • ••••• ••· •• •• •••••••• •• •••Ma y 14..June l Loaned by Bennington College SCULPTU RE PHOTOGRAPHS ••••••• • • • ••••••••• •• •• • ••••••June 1- 2~ Loaned by Bennington College JOSEPHI NE SWIFT• •••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••July 15- 22. Loaned by Bennington College ART Exhibitions Fall Term 1944 Mr. and Mrs . Moselsio ••••••• Photographs ••••••••••••••••Sep tember 1- 15 Loaned by Bennington College Xoeron•••••••• ••••·•••••••••MR • Jean Xceron....October€€€€€·€€€€€€October 1-14 Loaned by Jean Xceron 54 West 74 St., N.Y.c. Phillips••••••••••••••••••••PAINTINGS
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