ABSTRACTS & FULL PAPERS AAbbssttrraaccttss aanndd FFuullll PPaappeerrss ATTI Cover photographs: • Oxford, July 2007 – Courtesy of Environment Agency (United Kingdom) • Lyon, November 2008 – Courtesy of Cemagref (France) • Vibo Valentia, July 2006 – Courtesy of Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente della Calabria, Centro Funzionale (Italy) • Dresden, August 2002 – Courtesy of Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) • Vibo Valentia, July 2006 – Courtesy of Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente della Calabria, Centro Funzionale (Italy) Legal information The Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale) and the personnel who act on behalf of the Institute can in no way be held responsible for the use that can be made of the information contained herein. ISPRA has been established by Decree no. 112 of 25 June 2008, converted into Law no. 133 (with amendments) on 21 August 2008. ISPRA performs, with the inherent financial resources, equipment and personnel, the duties of ex-APAT, Italian Environment Protection and Technical Services Agency, ex-INFS, National Institute for Wildlife and ex- ICRAM, Central Institute for Scientific and Technological Research applied to the Sea (Decree no. 496, article 1-bis, December 4, 1993, converted into Law no. 61, Article 1, January 21, 1994, with amendments). The Institute acts under the vigilance and policy guidance of the Italian Ministry for the Environment and the Protection of Land and Sea (Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare). ISPRA – Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale Via Vitaliano Brancati 48 00144 Rome, Italy http://www.isprambiente.gov.it/ © ISPRA 2011 ISBN 978-88-448-0511-1 Permission to use brief excerpts of this publication is hereby granted provided that the source is acknowledged. Reproduction of the contents is permissible and encouraged. Graphic design by: Stefano Mariani, Barbara Lastoria and Elena Porrazzo, ISPRA May 2011 This publication is to be cited as follows: Mariani S. and Lastoria B. (Eds.), 2011: Working Group F Thematic Workshop on FLASH FLOODS AND PLUVIAL FLOODING – Abstracts and Full Papers. Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Rome, Italy, 182 pp. INDEX Preface ........................................................................... 1 PLENARY SESSION: Setting the scene M. Borga CHARACTERISATION OF FLASH FLOODS IN EUROPE: IMPLICATIONS FOR FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT .................................................................................. 5 R. Falconer PLUVIAL FLOODING IN EUROPE ................................................................ 7 THEME 1: Events characterization, analysis and approaches to hazard assessment D. N. Porter DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLUVIAL FLOOD MAP FOR NORTHERN IRELAND ................. 11 B. Mazzorana, F. Comiti, and C. Scherer DETERMINING FLOOD HAZARD PATTERNS THROUGH A COMBINED STOCHASTIC- DETERMINISTIC APPROACH .................................................................. 19 C. García Montañés and A. Jiménez Álvarez EXAMPLE OF FLASH FLOODS IN SPAIN: PALANCIA RIVER ................................. 26 THEME 2: High intensity storms and flood: monitoring, nowcasting and forecasting D. Sempere-Torres and C. Wittwer IMPRINTS: A JOINT EC EFFORT TO PROVIDE ADVANCED TOOLS FOR FLASH FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT .......................................................................... 29 A. M. Rossa, F. Laudanna Del Guerra, M. Borga, T. Settin and D. Leuenberger RADAR-DRIVEN HIGH-RESOLUTION HYDRO-METEOROLOGICAL FORECASTS OF THE 26 SEPTEMBER 2007 VENICE FLASH FLOOD ............................................ 31 L. Alfieri, J. Thielen and A. de Roo FLASH FLOOD EARLY WARNING USING ENSEMBLE WEATHER FORECASTS .............. 33 S. Pecora and P. P. Alberoni THE RADAR RAINFALL ESTIMATES IN A FLOOD FORECASTING SYSTEM FOR THE PO RIVER IN ITALY ................................................................................ 34 J. Daňhelka STORM RAINFALL DETECTION AND FORECASTING - THE CZECH EXPERIENCE ............ 35 L. G. Lanza and E. Vuerich THE ACCURACY OF RAIN INTENSITY MEASUREMENTS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON EXTREME EVENTS STATISTICS ............................................................... 40 i THEME 3: Structural and non structural measures: planning and prioritization M. L. V. Martina FLASH FLOOD GUIDANCE BASED ON RAINFALL THRESHOLDS: AN EXAMPLE OF A PROBABILISTIC DECISION APPROACH FOR EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS .................. 49 C. Wittwer, A. Escudier and A. Marchandise FLOOD WARNING PROCEDURE IN FRANCE: CURRENT STATUS AND EVOLUTION TO IMPROVE FLASH FLOOD FORECASTING ...................................................... 55 F. Comiti, P. Macconi, L. Marchi, M. Arattano, M. Borga, F. Brardinoni, M. Cavalli, V. D’Agostino, S. Hellweger, S. Trevisani and M. Vischi DEBRIS FLOW MONITORING AND WARNING SYSTEMS: A NEW STUDY SITE IN THE ALPS .......................................................................................... 56 J. Daňhelka FLASH FLOOD EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS AND LEGISLATION ASPECTS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC ............................................................................. 63 M. Kováč LOCAL WATER PLANNING – INTEGRATED APPROACH TOWARDS FLOOD RISKS REDUCTION ................................................................................... 64 THEME 4: Socio-economic aspects B. De Marchi INTRODUCTION TO THEME 4: “SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECTS” .............................. 73 W. Vanneuville CRUE ERA-NET: INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH FLASH FLOOD RESULTS .................... 74 B. Falkenhagen FLASH FLOOD AND PLUVIAL FLOODING FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY ....................................................................... 75 A. C. Taramasso and G. Roth FLOOD MAPS INFORMATION CONTENT FOR INSURANCE AND RE-INSURANCE INDUSTRIES ................................................................................... 82 D. J. Parker and S. J. Priest EXPLORING THE POTENTIAL FOR PLUVIAL FLOOD WARNINGS WITH PROFESSIONAL RESPONDERS AND THE PUBLIC IN ENGLAND AND WALES ............................... 89 POSTER SESSION J. Daňhelka, K. Drbal and P. Štěpánková FLASH FLOODS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC – EVENT OF 2009 & METHOD OF FLASH FLOD RISK EVALUATION ...................................................................... 99 A. Néron, F. Martini and O. Payrastre PRELIMINARY FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT OF FLASH FLOOD AND PLUVIAL FLOODING IN FRANCE .................................................................................. 102 ii G. Braca, E. Esposito, G. Monacelli, S. Porfido, G. Tranfaglia and C. Violante FLASH FLOOD EVENTS ON SALERNO COAST (SOUTHERN THYREHNIAN SEA) .......... 106 M. Brugioni, B. Mazzanti and S. Franceschini HOW MEANINGFUL IS FLASH FLOOD RISK MAPPING? .................................. 107 Basin Authority of the Liri-Garigliano and Volturno Rivers DETAILED STUDY FOR THE ZONING OF THE HIGHEST HYDROGEOLOGICAL RISK AREAS IN MOUNTAIN BASINS ..................................................................... 110 C. Leeb and M. Moser PLUVIAL FLOODS – CRITERIA FOR THE PRELIMINARY FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT IN THE SOUTH OF GERMANY ................................................................. 111 Q. A. Cossu, A. Bodini and M. L. V. Martina VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT OF SARDINIA (ITALY) TO EXTREME RAINFALL EVENTS . 115 M. Casaioli, S. Mariani, B. Lastoria, M. Bussettini and G. Monacelli NUMERICAL HYDRO-METEO-MARINE MODELLING AT ISPRA IN THE CONTEXT OF THE FLASH-FLOOD EVENT MONITORING, FORECASTING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ACTIVITIES ................................................................................... 119 F. Ponziani, M. Stelluti, N. Berni, A. Viterbo, C. Pandolfo and L. Brocca THE REAL TIME USE OF SOIL MOISTURE SENSORS TO IMPROVE THE ACCURACY OF FLOOD FORECASTING MODELS AND FOR THE DETECTION OF THE LANDSLIDES TRIGGER IN UMBRIAN CATCHMENTS IN THE TERRITORY OF COMPETENCE OF THE TIBER RIVER BASIN AUTHORITY ........................................................... 124 R. Hornich PROGRAM GRAZ STREAMS: FLOOD MANAGEMENT IN URBAN AREAS ................. 128 B. C. Braskerud DETENTION OF HEAVY RAIN ON AN EXTENSIVE NORWEGIAN SEDUM ROOF ........... 129 B. Lastoria, M. Casaioli, S. Mariani and M. Bussettini HYDROLOGICAL EXTREMES OR SENSATIONALISM? ...................................... 132 G. T. Aronica and G. Brigandì CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXTREME RAINFALL EVENT AND CONSEQUENT FLASH FLOODS IN NORTH-EAST PART OF SICILY, ITALY IN OCTOBER 2009 .................. 136 List of authors ............................................................. 137 iii PREFACE This booklet collects abstracts and full papers of the oral and poster contributions to the Thematic Workshop on “Flash Floods and Pluvial Flooding”, held in Cagliari (Italy) on 26–28 May 2010. The workshop is part of a series sponsored by Working Group F on Floods of the EC Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC looking at the implementation of Directive 2007/60/EC on the assessment and management of flood risks (Floods Directive). The main objective of the Floods Directive is the reduction of the destructive effects of floods through the assessment and management of flood risk, respecting fixed deadlines. Member States must indeed analyze which areas are at serious risk by 2011 and produce flood risk management maps by 2013 and flood risk management plans by the end of 2015. In elaborating their risk management plans, Member States shall consider the entire
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