BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1935 MV 27 ±j ( { Lotti Lehmann Sings hi Tosco," at ike N j^ropoliia^i V V eviews MR. HARRISONS SUCCESSOR McLACLES 'Peg of Old Drury' Goes 1 » II Before British Cameras l Music of the Day III fcj <J? \.j I V? t? I I With a cast headed by Cedric I Hardwlcke and Anna Neagle, "Peg By MARTIN DICKSTtlN- :By B. H. HAGGIN : of Old Drury," British and Domin­ ions production for release through Metropolitan Gives 'Tosca" with Lehmann Shirley Temple Scores Again in "The Little United Artists, goes before the cam­ . Colonel" at the Music Hall—Albee eras today under the direction ot and Tibbett—Janssen Returns to Phil­ Herbert Wilcox. Offers "The Great Hotel Murder" In the role of Peg Wofllngton, harmonic—"Walkuere" Given eighteenth century London stage fa- j vorlte, Miss Neagle is provided with i v In place of the "Fidello" with Lotte Lehmann that had been prom­ And now it Is "The Little Colonel" which serves as a starring film {her-rugst ambitious historical chaf- acterlzatlbri ' for the screen. Sir ised, the Metropolitan, at a special performance yesterday afternoon, pre- for Shirley Temple—the jstory of the curly-headed little tomboy who so endeared herself to her grumpy old Southern grandpa that he was ! Cedric, whose latest assignment wu . i »ent«d Mme. Lehmann In "Tosca." Lawrence Tibbett took the occasion ; a feature role In "Les Miserables" to present himself as Scarpla; and Richard Crooks would have appeared forced to forgive her mother for marrying a Yankee. for 20th Centurv Pictures, appear* as CavAXAdo&si If be had not been stricken with appendicitis. His role As a screen play, the Annie Fellows Johnston 'novel (a best seller in as David Garrick. Among the char­ the '90s) does not, perhaps, measure up to "Little Miss Marker" and acters of the period who are :o fig­ Was taken by Giovanni Martinelll. ure prominently In the film are the some of the other pictures In which the diminutive sUr has appeared. I had not heard "Tosca" since 1922, when, thanks to Maria jerltza, elder Pitt, Samuel Johnson, Pope, But what the new film at the Music Hall lacks in the way of fresh story I had laughed in the wrong places. I renewed my acquaintance with Boswell, Sir Joshua Reynolds and material Is undoubtedly compensated for by what Ls probably the neat­ Oliver Goldsmith. tbe now tottering first-act set, the Cavaradossl of Mr. Martinelll, the est performance Shirley has turned in during her brief but remarkable "Peg of Old Drury" tms been buflooneryq of Pompilio Malatesta's Sacristan, and later the- sniveling dramatized for the screen by Miles career. , Spoletta of Angelo Bada. But I* • Malleson, well-known British scena- In "The Little Colonel" the six- riolst. The supporting cast include* Was there, of course, to see how lezza conducted, and a capacity au­ The Little Colonel' year-old actress, adorably costumed Robert Atkins, Margaretta Scott, Mme. Lehmann would acclimatize dience applauded rapturously. A Fox picture based on the story In tbe flounces and high-buttoned by Annie Fellows Johnston: directed Jack Hawkins, Hay Petrie, Marie H herself to Jhe artistically less rare- shoes of the post-Civil War period, by D»vld Butler and presented »t O'Neill, Dorothy Robinson, Arthur fled atmosphere of performances PhiUwrmonic-Symphony reviews a regiment which has made •he Music Hall. Sinclair and Leslie French. of Puccini. And I regret to have her an honorary colonel, plays sol­ THS CA8T Owing to the pressure of mid- Lloyd Sherman. Bhtrley Temple - dier with Grandpa Lionel Barry- to report that the acclimatization season concerts this reviewer's first Colonel Lloyd.. .Lionel B»rrymore Kay Alexander Cast was only too complete. It would more, dreses up In hoopsklrts and Xlliabeth . Xvelyn Venable opportunity to witness the con­ lace pantaloons to sing "Love's Jack Shermin.... .. .. .John Lodge An Important role in Bette Davis' have been a pleasure to hear musi­ Swaiey . .Sidney Blaekmer ducting of Werner Janssen was de­ Young Dream." When Bill Robin­ Alden Chute With Edmund Lowe in "The newest starring vehicle, "Men on cal taste applied to the long-suf­ Hull layed until last night's concert by son, in the role of Barrymore's Dr. Scott .. .William Burrees Great Hotel Murder," at the Her Mind," now in production at fering, phrases, but she distorted the Philharmonic in Carnegie Hall. Nebler . '. Pr»nk D*rien the Warner Bros, studios, has been faithful colored butler, does his fa­ Mom Beck. .HattU McDanlel Albee. M them with the best of the Italians. This preamble is necessary since his mous tap dance on the stairs of the Maria Oener* Williams assigned to Katherlne Alexander, opinions of Mr. Janssen's abilities May Lily Avonne J»ck»on who has made her mark on the And after her first exit with Martl- ancestral mansion, little 8hlrley, not Henry City Nyania Potts as displayed on this occasion are Walker BUI Robinson screen in such films as "Death nelli In the first act she returned to be outdone, offers a very fair Three More Join Cast H with him to acknowledge the ap­ greatly at variance with those Imitation of that intricate routine, Takes a Holiday," "Operator 13, Of 'Legion of Valor' "The Barretts of Wimpole Street" plause—something I cannot Imagine which seem to be held by the ma­ tops it off with a nimble tap exhi­ jority of New York's writers of bition with Robinson as her part­ who apparently had reasons for Edward Small, production execu­ land "The Painted Veil." her doing In "Fidello," and some­ wishing Banker Blake put out of music criticism. It may be that ner. And when the "bad men" In­ tive of Reliance Pictures, announces j "Men on Her Mind" is being di- thing I have never seen any one do the way. However, it doesn't take Mr. Janssen was at his worst, al­ vade her sick father's cottage bent | rected by Alfred E. Green. Ian even In 'Tosca." Be It said to her Charles Winter Wood is "De Lated" these days in "Green Pastures," Sherlock Lowe very long to pick up the addition of three featured play­ Hunter, Colin Clive and John Eld- though the reviewer Is Informed on robbing him of the deed to his credit that she did not destroy at the 44lh St. Theater. the killer's trail, and to the amaze­ ers to the cast of "The Legion of I redge are in the cast supporting from reliable sources that "this was land, it is Shirley who brings old I Illusion In this way after "Vissl ment of the bungling McLaglen, he Valor," the story of the Federal ! Miss Davis. in all ways a typical Janssen eve­ proceeds to solve "The Great Hotel d'arte," though the applause was ning. The printed program was an Gunnel Barrymore, horse pistol in force* of law now before the cam­ > band, galloping to the rescue. Murder" mystery with the greatest thunderous and prolonged. Be It Interesting one, containing a first eras. They are Ian Maclaren, Bar­ Mrs. Johnston's story of the tot of ease. Sign With M-G-M •aid, also, that this applause was bara Pepper and Arthur Hoyt. performance by tbe society of who reconciles the feuding factions The Messrs. Lowe and McLaglen, Elizabeth Allan, Stuart Erwln excessive; for though she sang News of the Staqe Handel's Overture to "The Oc­ of a Southern family has grown a aided by a cast Including Rosemary Miss Pepper, who will be remem­ and William Henry all have signed with ease and splendor of tone In casional Oratorio," and American i bit mildewed with age, but since Ames, Henry O'Neill, C. Henry Gor­ bered for her performance in "Our new extended - term Metro - Gold- the first act, the vocal and dramatic premiere of Schoenberg's recent Jimmy Savo—he of the baggy for Fall production Hugh -Stance's the producers of "The Little Colo­ don and Mary Carlisle, do what they Dally Bread," King Vidor's screen wyn-Mayer contracts. Miss Allan can to Inject Interest and suspense was last seen as Freddie Bartholo­ rough-and-tumble of tbe second Concerto for String Quartet and trousers and rolling eyes--has been latest play,. "Mother Slngi." This nel''. have wisely adjusted the plot drama of last season, was formerly into the proceedings. But "The mew's mother in "David Copper- left hex in no condition for the con­ Orchestra with Messrs. Piastro, signed by the Theater Guild as the is the second Stange play that Mr, to the measurements of Its star, a Ziegfeld protege prominent in the Great Hotel Murder" manages to be field." Erwin appears In the cur­ cluding high notes of the aria. Lichsteln, Vleland and Dinger as Forbes will produce, having pre­ there is no reason to doubt that principal comedian a- their coming an only moderately baffling, mildly late producer's final version of "The rent film, "After Office Hours," and sololsta, and Beethoven's Second sented hU "Tin Pan Alley" a few Shirley Temple fans will find the Which brings me to Mme. Leh- production of "Parade." Negotia­ exciting affair of Its kind. Follies." Both Maclaren and Hoyt Henry is at work now in "China mann's impersonation of the char­ Symphony. tions had been going on for some seasons ago, with Claudette Colbert new film at the Muslo Hall a con­ are veterans of the speaking stage. Frank Parker, Jack Benny's radio Seas." acter. The first-act Tosca—a pas­ time between Mr.
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