0afition has goal of ttei working-senate @~~©c!b~r~iY b J()811De E. 'lledemauu There are 26 positions in fhis is tpe firs.t time student senate and ideally VOLUMEFARGO,NORTHDAKOTA 91, 1SSUE23 ething like this has . there should be 26 coalition FRIDAY, DECEMBER 101978SPECTRUM pened at SU. It's so members to coincide with these gressive it adds an in­ positions. "It's kind of like a . ' sting facet to the first-com&first-serve basis, but · " said John Strand, not really. If more than one ~~ organi7.ers of the person wants to file for olie Student Coalition. particuJar position through the e Coalition was formed Coalition we may let them," use strand and Jim John­ Strand said. The Coalition the other founder of t.he wants experienced people that 'tion. did not want to see are willi]lg to give of their time, ther student ~on go by are concerned about policies the student apathy that and student welfare and are . been evident in the past. vocal about their concerns. e want to get people to vote An advantage of the coali- - ther they're with us or not. ti9n is that members y,ill want them to run, whether campaign for each other, gain run with us or not," exposure and cut the cost of nsaid campaigning. A~rding to the Coalition is a group of rules of student government, ents who ar,e working anyone filing for office may ard a common goal of spend $35 of their own money er student government t.oward their campaign. If in re the elections. "If we the Coalition. candidates may k together before we're save money and at the same ted ,then we may work time gain exposure with the rafter we're eJect.ec:l," said nam&of an organization behind d Although they do not them. ider themselves a party, Although Strand and John­ are a definite organi7.8tion son are the key organizers of membership that will the coalition. they say they are a platf9rm and work nof the leaders. '' After the Photo by Don earson ther to promote each coalition gets together, leader­ . The first open meeting ship will evolve and Jim and I · e Coalition was held on will just sit bacli and be BUrgum, Harms want to work yDec.9. members," Strand said d and Johnson hope to The philosophies and by Shirley Rebel students of SU. "Bob is an independent e the coalition a strong ideologies of the group at times Student President Doug "If you've got a problem, leader," said Burgum. "He's for the students at SU. may not coincide, but they ~ Burgum is running for re­ come to us," said Harms. "Let got ideas, has been in the er than having conflict determined to work together election with Bob Harms as it out and see if we can help senate and is a proven leader." he senate with senators and give the coalition a try. candidate for the vice you." . Harms feels the diversity against each other, Strand said, when asked if he presidency. Both Burgum and Harms and experience of Burgum and 'tion members want to honestly t.aought this new idea They would like to stress the are concerned with working himself is their best advantage. unified force in student would work, "I don't know." fact that student government tiard and directing their energy They represent a broad range nt. is a service organization to the toward getting things done. of students and organizations oncampus. Burgumlooksatthestudent presidency more realistically ulkerin, Shatz wilJ listen after a year in office. "It was easy last year to go by Shirley Rebel out and say this is what I'ni gela Mulkerin anc:l Ken going to do. The office has its tz are campaigning for the limitations. Its been both ent presidency and vice rewarding and frustrating." idency under the slogan "Within the next few 'II listen'' months, I expect the results of ou've got to go to the what John and I have begun. ents,'' Mulkerin said. We are right in the thick of it. 've got problems on We've got people fired up us. People aren't going to about getting things done.'' resident or the sena*e to A major goal of Burgum and s their views.'' Vice President John Strand e will listen," said Schatz. this past year was to open 'd like to hold rap sessions communication lines and to dining cent.em. revitalize interest in student believe this would give government. chance to hear ideas and The senate ballot was only ons to know what they partially filled last year and "Schatz said they felt a full ballot on this ince a student president year's election would measure · anticipate problems,'' whether or not they had Mulkerin, "I want stu­ achieved interest in student to know how I would · government. 'J:here is a full . ch a problem.· ballot this year. ll'St I listen. Then I go to Burgum feels it has been a ple and see if they agree productive year and his record me and see if that's the . is good. Budgeting went hey want it done. "We would like to _staft an been deprived of their parking I want to get into office to do relatively smooth and the . nd I get a power base. article in ·the Spectrum," for too long. them," Mulkerin said major traffic problems with on- 18 some force that best Mulkerin said "The executive As soon as we fill these posi­ Mulkerin is a junior with a campus parking and 12th the situation such· as office does things the $tudents tions, we can-work on these double major in chemistry and Avenue have been resolved or ty members, good pub­ would be interested in and· from the inside," Mulkerin political science: She is vice- are being resolved. , administrative or le.gal should know about." said chairman of the student They worked to make Spring One of-)fulkerin's priorities Schatz would like to see senate, president of College Blast and Homecoming more d I carry it through and is to appoint someone to the IRHC (Inter-residence Hall ltepublicans, president of enjoyable and to get students, one." Fargo City Traffic Board and Council) realize its full Lincoln Debate, active in Chem involved in them. ·e has a lot of goals the City Planning-Commission. pot.ential. Club, and a member o( Mortar - The escort system is going ideas,,, said Schatz. "I think it's important that Hefeelsithasnotbeenres­ Board well and there has been more ~th be working bard. we do this soon,'-' Mulkerin ponsible enough in its duties Schatz is a sophomore lighting put on campus. Vlce president, I would said.- towards solving the problems majoring in agriculture. He is Last spring they initiated a Y best in the senate and "People are annoyed with · of hall residents. president of Reed-Johnson and one credit seminar to help , keep committees uni­ the stop signs in front of "There are certain things is secretary of the Flying Club. student leaders learn the Schatz said. Morrill and the TKEs have that 'I want to get done and - topqel8 . .. .. .. ' ' . ...... ' 2 Business counes offered Circle K meets Three business-related Circle K meets every courses will be offered evenings day nudtt at 6 D.m. in ~ winter quarter at SU. Hall of the Union. For 'Real Estate Appraisal," f9f'm&tion call 237-7002. Business 496, will be offered from 6:30 to 9:20 p.m. Mon- Alpha Lambda Delta ini · days beginning Dec. 6 in Room members _ 224 of Minard Hall The SU chapter of A second course, "Manag& Lambda Delta initiat.ed · ment Approach .to Ac- new members oo its or counting," Business 101, will zation Sunday aftern be offered from 6:30 to 9:20 ·- Initiated were Brian p.m. Wednesdays beginning Gregg Jacobs, Kay Kra The Bison Hotel, home of the NOl1hwes1em Stage 8ompany. P11o1o"' SMt T......_ ~ S in Room 209 of Minard ~ :e~:~n~~ve Bison Hotel too cold for comfort ·- n!t~=: ~ ~h~~~:1:·i . zational Communication," national honor organiza · by Irene Matthees dinner theater at SU in the but every penny from the P~ Communication 483, will be open to -freshman men It was a grim meeting fof spring. Rehearsal space an<ta oeeds of the last show,"Uncle offered from 5 to 6:30 p.m. women who have inain · ·Dick Rousseau and Bob Alger performance stage would just · Vanya," had to be shoveled ' Mondays and Tuesdays begin- 3.5 grade point average of the Northwest Stage Com- have to be found elsewhere., into the furnace in the form ning Dec. 6. above. pany Friday night, Dec. 3, because there was simply not offueloil . For information regarding when the Board of Directors a cent left for fuel.. Tbtf show bad to go on. and registration and fees, cont.act Profe&80l'8 appointed to inet to discuss the future of the Rousseau had talked per- the building had to be kept, the SU Registrar's Office. 237- mitt.ee company- and more particular- sonally t.Q _each of the boanl warm, although audiences 7981. ~ · ' Two SU professors ly- the future of the Bison members earlier about the shivered in the chill of nee.es- been appointed to the Hotel. greener pastures of Bismarck, sary frugality. Biochemistry~ planned of Faculties of the · The meeting was held in the · N.D., where grants to the arts Finally the group reached a Research into cell wall .
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