r ,. !! I,, It is, too; when you figure in time \, \t's cheaper with a sweeper · and energy and 'general wear-and­ tear I As a matter of fact, one cent's ~ worth of electricity will clean a large -f£-_ / rug and 5 others like it in less time than it takes to drag them down to the yard for beating! Electricity does dol­ lar duty for penny prices, not only for rug-beating, but for countless other household tasks. It costs much more to deliver today but the average fam­ ily still gets twice as much electric service for its money as it got 20 years ago. KRnSRS CITY POWER & LIGHT COffiPRnY The TIGER HOTEL r~~o Columbia's oc:P - Newest l~~t\ Hotel g Good beds, appetizing 8 Be in the center 0 0 food, soft chairs, and of things at the Ti­ o other home-style com- 8 ger . easily ac­ 8 forts are W'iiting for you 0§ cessible to all Uni­ at the Pickwick- Kansas 8 City's friendly hotel, versity and college g w here nothing is old- 8 functions. E n j o y our air-conditioned 0 fashioned except the o o helpful se rvice. 8 coffee s h o p. 150 0 500 R<>OmS and Su;w w11h bath O Rooms . modern 8 REASONABLE RATES 0 . fireproof your stay at The Tiger will be com­ fortable and pleas­ ~ Net ~ ant. Write, wire or phone PlCKUJlC- for reservations. 10th ind McGu 0 i R. L. Dudley 000 KANSAS CITY, MO. r.f°o Resident Manager 'b0o 00 ooeooooooOo Make THE TIGER your headquarters in Columbia. Missouri lHH~ Alumnus rn rnf g-~d~ . ~rn~rn~ The ALUMNI ASSOCIAT ION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI Anoth r n w m mber of o ur w ri t­ ing staff is F rank A bt, junior in ]. scho I. Na ti ve of Pitt burgh h s~ nt thre a rs in th e AAF b c­ f ore ent ring M . U. in Sept. '46. H 1s marri d and has a 17- News .............................. .. Pages 2-9 monrh - old son. Aft r gradua ti n, h wa nts to get M. U. Memories ... ..................... Page 2 i n t o n wspaper By CHARLES H. WHIT AKER, '14-'17 work, preferabl y ABT in Ari z. Tiger Tales ...... .... ................ Pages 10-11 Homecoming Announcement Deaths ... ... .. ........... .. ..... ..... Pag·e 11 Votes for ominghom Que n ar oming in as fa st as ita tion. Wedding Bells : ........... ... ........... Page 12 And odd ly nough an verwh !m­ ing numb r ar for on alumna. On Campus ...................... .... Pages 13-14 B au e of thi s, alumni offi cers and staff memb -rs have d cicl d n ot t hold Sports . ............................. Pages 15-16 another elec ti n (at first thi one was to ha e b n <L primary) sin e it is apparently unnecessar . We rea li ze that a s udden and large number of votes fo r another alumna JULY, 1948 could ch ange the pi ture. And becm1se we wa nt our rea ders to get in on th 11 VOL. xxxvr NUMBER fin al decision, we 're k eping the poll open till July 20. All let ter must be pos tm ark cl by midni ght o f that date. THE COVER-Singer Helen Traube! receives honorary degree of Doctor of Announ ment of the nam of th Music from M. U . Pres. Middlebush, For article and pies on graduation, see page 5. Qu een, togeth r with plans for H ome­ ( l'hoto by N. Vitn :Pelt) co ming celebration will appear in th Octob er i s ue. T he Septemb r iss ue w ill be a pre­ Editor THE MI880UB1 ALUM.NUl!I II pub· view of activi ie at M. U. for the ll1hed monthl:r ex cept In A us111t bJ chola tic year 1948-49. HERBERT BUNKER the UnlYerolt:r of M:IHourl Ahuna! Ao­ Director, Alumni Activities •nell\tlo•, 110 Jene Hall, Columbll\, Don't fo rg t t o o rd er your H ome­ Mo. Entered a1 oeeond cla11 matter Managing Editors under the Actl of lll,.rch S, 11179. Besn­ coming foo tball tickets, and keep th a t MARYL. AND lar aub1orlptlon price •s.oo a ;orel\r; life date o pen. JACK R. McCARTHY 1ub1crlptlon, '50. Happy vaca ti on- no August issue, • Business Manager Member1 of the .Publication• CemJBlt look for us in September! THELMA 0. WOODS tff-Bobert E. Lee (Bob) Hill, ebur­ lttAn; .Jame• A. Taylor, 1'an1aa City; Preaident, Alumni Association Ben F . Seward, Kant•• Clt;y; Fn>nlc Sincerely, Birch, New York CltTI Jlarr:r D. Gw:r, Tm; EoIToRs DON McVAY Dallu, Tex. 1 HarrT Freeh, llt. Lewie. ' ) THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS '98 GRAD HEADS ffiEffiORIES Of LIFE RT ffilZZOU BIG M.U. FAMILY Otis W. J oslyn, 111 mb er of th ' class of '98 who ;i me back to Co ­ RS IT tuns TWO WARS AGO lumbia J;ist 111 nth For hi s class' 50th anniv rsa ry, is h ad of on of th By CHARLES H. WHITAKER, '14-'17 bigg s t M. U. fami li s o n r cord. Two sons fou r daughters, and three T h rejuv nation of the large group of alumni of t he University grand chil lren of Mr. Joslyn have at­ tend d th niversiry. They are: Oti s Missouri in Clinton and Henry county brings to mind many happy m m­ ories of the old n da s at Id Mizzou, b leidosco pic fl as hes of bright in ci ­ W. Jos i n, Jr., ' 14-'17; L 'is D. Jos­ dents of sheer d light in th e days when yo uth was rampant and the wo rld lyn, A.B., LL.B . '34; Mrs. lyde Shep­ was its oyst r. ard ' 18; Mrs. F loy Sparlin g an I Mrs. H ope R gc rs, '2 1, and Mrs. Emil J. With every former stud nt the mem­ ha de t ok away all the Bohemi an at­ Russe ll , 26, hi s c hildren. ori s wi ll vary gr atly. The writer at­ mosp here of its ea rly greiltnes . One grand hild , • vel n Shepard tended th e niv rsity in th e days pre­ In th o e ea rl y days a long hor e­ Ro , was gradu ated in '43, and two ceding World Wa r I when the White shoe ·o unter ex tend ed the full I ngth grandchildren, E ug ne M. parling and ampu s wa just I ginning to shap of th bui lding a nd th ere was a chat­ raid D. Sparlin g, attend the TJ ni v r­ up . There were no new bui lding in ter of co n ver a ti on an cl a clatter oF s1ty now. the wet campus, only th e old red di shes as customers fil ed in and out bri k structure. Rank d b y "Academi c and consum ed enormous qu antities of Hall ' on the south. Thi building is fo d. There was nothing fancy about SMITH LEAVES HONOLULU now known as "Je s Ha ll. " th food; it was we ll coo ked and in ex­ The library had just been bui lt with p nsive, and th ere was never a reco rd­ TO VISIT IN MISSOURI blank wa ll s for n ~ wi ngs to be add d ed case of ptomain e poisoning among Prof. Rob rt Milton Sm ith, A.B. later. its countless th ousa nd of customers. '12, .M . '20, form r ch mi str:.r o ial li fe in th e vicinity o f the we t A custom r would wait until a seat prof sor wh found him self "push­ ca mpu s wa ;it th e Missouri Store and wa s va ant and slid e in as a mammoth ed into' th ch mi ca ! bu sin es in the Palm , res taurants and soda foun ­ waiter stuck out hi lower lip and in­ Honolulu by loca l bu sin ss men, re­ tains, with the form er busin e s house quired in a mu co us voice what the turned to edali a, M ., r ce ntly for carrying sporting goods and sc hool "blank" he wanted. A plain stea k w as a v isit. supplie . In this place wa a round timidly o r lered and the waiter bowl cl H e tra s his business ca ree r b ac k oaken tab! , with names of famou s out, "Plain er" in a bull-like vo ic e. At to a spe c h h e mad e wh n h e wa a footb all pla yers of Missouri carv d in th e sa me instant th e o re! r was banged chemi ·try teacher in 11 nolulu. He the dark surface. This was held in rev­ down on th e counter, and sid e di h s decl ar d that many things Honoluli1 eren e by m mbcrs of th e fr shman fo ll owed in in srn nt success ion. A cup imported oulcl be made ri ght there. cl;iss. of coffee pl a hed out as it completed After the sp ech, Prof. Smith was There were none of the miniature ham­ the mea l.
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