S9368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 12, 2006 suffered child abuse or neglect, and the re- scored, Cheryl Ford, who led the game in re- (6) Josh Lester, who played 2nd base and ports of abuse or neglect were substantiated bounds, recovering 10 rebounds in addition to shortstop; for approximately 872,000 of the children; scoring 10 points, and Katie Smith, who (7) Brady Hamilton, who played 1st base, Whereas in 2004, 1,490 children died trag- scored 17 points; outfield, and pitched for the team; ically as a result of abuse; Whereas each member of the Detroit Shock (8) Cody Walker, who caught for the team; Whereas research from the United States organization made meaningful contributions (9) Kyle Carter, who pitched for the team; Children’s Bureau of the Department of to the team’s success, including players Jac- (10) J.T. Phillips, who played shortstop and Health and Human Services shows that a queline Batteast, Kara Braxton, Swin Cash, pitched for the team; and greater amount of caseworker contact with Cheryl Ford, Kedra Holland-Corn, Deanna (11) Kyle Rovig, who played left field and children and parents results in better out- Nolan, Plenette Pierson, Elaine Powell, Ruth pitched for the team; comes for families; Riley, Katie Smith, and Angelina Williams, Whereas the Columbus Northern Little Whereas child protective service agencies Head Coach Bill Laimbeer, Assistant Coach- League team was managed by Randy Morris throughout the country have set goals in es Cheryl Reeve and Rick Mahorn, Athletic and coached by Richard Carter, each of order to improve service quality, including Trainer Mike Perkins, and the owner of the whom demonstrated leadership, profes- the agencies in New York, whose goal is to Detroit Shock, Bill Davidson; sionalism, and respect for the players who maintain caseloads at an average of 12 cases Whereas Detroit Shock Head Coach Bill they led and the game of baseball; per caseworker, with a maximum of 5 new Laimbeer has won 4 professional basketball Whereas the fans of the Columbus North- cases per caseworker each month; titles, including 2 as the coach of the Detroit ern Little League team showed enthusiasm, Whereas research on child welfare service Shock and 2 as a player for the Detroit Pis- support, and courtesy for the game of base- staff suggests the need for staff that have tons; ball and all of the players and coaches; formal social work education, especially edu- Whereas Detroit Shock owner Bill Whereas the performance of the Columbus cation obtained through specialized child Davidson’s 2 Detroit basketball teams have Northern Little League team demonstrated welfare programs; and won 5 championship titles; and to parents and communities throughout the Whereas research on child welfare service Whereas the Detroit Shock demonstrated United States that athletic participation staff has shown a link between a supportive superior strength, skill, and perseverance builds character and leadership in children; and flexible organizational environment and during the 2006 season and have made the and reduced staff turnover: Now, therefore, be it City of Detroit and the entire State of Michi- Whereas the Columbus Northern Little Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate gan proud: Now, therefore, be it League team brought pride and honor to the that— Resolved, That the Senate— State of Georgia and the United States: Now, (1) Congress should increase funding to (1) congratulates the Detroit Shock on therefore, be it provide for additional child welfare service winning the 2006 Women’s National Basket- Resolved, That the Senate— caseworkers and associated administrative ball Association Championship and recog- (1) congratulates and honors the Columbus costs; nizes all the players, coaches, staff, fans, and Northern Little League team and the loyal (2) Congress should encourage States to set others who were instrumental in this great fans who supported the team on winning the goals for decreasing caseloads of child wel- achievement; and 60th annual Little League Baseball World Se- fare service caseworkers, in order to ensure (2) directs the Secretary of the Senate to ries; quality service for the most vulnerable chil- transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution (2) recognizes and commends the hard dren; and to the Detroit Shock for appropriate display. work, dedication, determination, and com- (3) Congress should encourage States to mitment to excellence of the members, par- f implement policies with increased edu- ents, coaches, and managers of the Columbus cational and professional development expec- SENATE RESOLUTION 568—CON- Northern Little League team; tations for caseworkers in child welfare serv- GRATULATING THE COLUMBUS (3) recognizes and commends the people of ice agencies. NORTHERN LITTLE LEAGUE Columbus, Georgia, for the outstanding loy- f TEAM OF COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, alty and support that they displayed for the Columbus Northern Little League team SENATE RESOLUTION 567—HON- FOR WINNING THE CHAMPION- throughout the season; ORING THE DETROIT SHOCK ON SHIP GAME OF THE LITTLE (4) commends Little League Baseball for WINNING THE 2006 WOMEN’S NA- LEAGUE WORLD SERIES continuing the tradition of encouraging the TIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIA- Mr. CHAMBLISS (for himself and Mr. development of sportsmanship and con- fidence in youth by sponsoring world-class TION CHAMPIONSHIP ISAKSON) submitted the following reso- baseball; and Ms. STABENOW (for herself and Mr. lution; which was considered and (5) respectfully requests that— LEVIN) submitted the following resolu- agreed to: (A) the American people recognize the tion; which was considered and agreed S. RES. 568 achievements of the Columbus Northern Lit- to: Whereas, on August 28, 2006, the Columbus tle League team; and S. RES. 567 Northern Little League team defeated the (B) the Secretary of the Senate transmit Whereas, on Saturday, September 9, 2006, Kawaguchi Little League team of Kawaguchi an enrolled copy of this resolution to— the Detroit Shock won the 2006 Women’s Na- City, Japan, by 2 runs to 1 run to win the (i) the City of Columbus; and tional Basketball Association (WNBA) 60th annual Little League Baseball World Se- (ii) each player, manager, and coach of the Championship by defeating the defending ries; Columbus Northern Little League Baseball champion Sacramento Monarchs by a score Whereas the Columbus Northern Little team. of 80 to 75; League team is only the 2nd team from the f Whereas the Detroit Shock triumphed in 5 State of Georgia to win the Little League highly competitive championship games, Baseball World Series in the 60-year history AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED & going into the final championship game with of that tournament; PROPOSED 1 win and 1 loss in Michigan and 1 win and 1 Whereas the Columbus Northern Little SA 4929. Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Mr. loss in California; League team had an impressive record of 20 INOUYE, Mrs. CLINTON, and Ms. COLLINS) pro- Whereas the Detroit Shock were able to wins and only 1 loss; posed an amendment to the bill H.R. 4954, to celebrate the tenth year of the WNBA and Whereas, although no other pitcher in the improve maritime and cargo security the eighth year of the Detroit Shock with an history of the Little League Baseball World through enhanced layered defenses, and for inspiring victory in the fifth championship Series had ever won more than 3 games dur- other purposes. game that secured their second WNBA cham- ing the tournament, Kyle Carter made his- SA 4930. Mr. SCHUMER (for himself, Mrs. pionship in 4 years; tory by striking out 11 batters in the cham- BOXER, and Mrs. CLINTON) submitted an Whereas the attendance at the final cham- pionship game to earn his 4th win of the Lit- amendment intended to be proposed by him pionship game at the Joe Louis Arena in De- tle League Baseball World Series; to the bill H.R. 4954, supra. troit, Michigan, of over 19,600 people and the Whereas the success of the Columbus SA 4931. Mrs. HUTCHISON (for herself, Mr. enthusiasm shown by the people of Michigan Northern Little League team depended on KYL, and Mr. DEWINE) submitted an amend- clearly demonstrate Michigan’s strong sup- the tremendous dedication and sportsman- ment intended to be proposed by her to the port for the Detroit Shock organization and ship of the team, including— bill H.R. 4954, supra. the determined effort of all the team’s play- (1) Matthew Hollis, who played 2nd base SA 4932. Mr. DOMENICI (for himself, Mr. ers; and centerfield; WARNER, and Mr. BINGAMAN) submitted an Whereas the Detroit Shock completed an (2) Ryan Lang, who played right field; amendment intended to be proposed by him incredible season, capped by spectacular per- (3) Mason Meyers, who played right field to the bill H.R. 4954, supra; which was or- formances in the final championship game and 3rd base; dered to lie on the table. by the Most Valuable Player of the 2006 (4) Matthew Kuhlenberg, who played left SA 4933. Mr. DOMENICI (for himself and WNBA Finals, Deanna Nolan, who, with a field; Mr. WARNER) submitted an amendment in- total of 24 points, led the game in points (5) Patrick Stallings, who played 3rd base; tended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:09 Sep 13, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12SE6.055 S12SEPT1 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with SENATE.
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