Vol. 103, No. 55 University of Delaware, Newark, DE Friday, May 9. 1980 Beach and Ewers Free week upheld win top positions by Faculty Senate; in preliminary vote in effect for finals By DAVE PAlOMBI By DAN HORGAN The Open Campus Party swept all five positions A motion"" to repeal "free week" was defeated by in this weeks Delaware Undergraduate Student the Faculty Senate Monday. Free Week, which bars Congress (DUSC) elections, with Ken Beach professors from giving any exams that count more elected president and John Ewers vice president in than one third of a student's grade during the week Wednesday night's preliminary returns. before finals, is now in effect for the upcoming At the halfway point of the election (voting con­ finals exams period. cluded yesterday) Beach had collected 957 votes The motion to repeal free week was introduced by compared to independent presidential candidate Senator Steven Woodward after a Delaware Jed Lazzeri's 227 and Ma..JiK party candidate Sean Undergraduate Student Congress (DUSC) poll of Murphy's 179. other student government groups showed students As of Wednesday, 10.7 percent of the student body were opposed to a free week, reported Woodward at had voted, an indication that this year's final total the meeting. will be roughly equal to last year's when 20 percent DUSC member Cindy Wells also argued against of the students voted. free week, saying that over three hundred The results of the election mwit be approved at students she had talked to over the past year were Tuesday's DUSC meeting before becoming official. opposed to the move. If approved, the new officers will assume their posi­ tions at that meeting. Trabant asks Faculty Senate to consider In the vice presidential race, Ewers outdistanced MaJiK candidate Tom Jones, 933 to 373, after ban on x-rated films. See page 8. Wednesday's vote. However, several members of the Faculty Senate In the other major DUSC races, Open Campus argued in favor of keeping the free week provision Party treasurer candidate Cindy Wells led MaJiK so that professors would have the maximum candidate Jeff Klavens by a wide margin, 1022 to amount of lecturing time in a semester. 268, and the Open Campus Party's candidates for One senator said that "we shouldn't start chipp­ DUSC secretary and student faculty senator, Dan ing away at the 14 week semester." Katzeff and Mike Cochran respectively, won unop­ Whether or not the majority of students at the posed victories. university actually oppose a free week was brought Beach, who was "pretty damn pleased" with the into question by several senators, who mentioned results, said, "to be honest, the results were pretty inconsistent polls by the DUSC and The Review. much what I expected." In other business, President E. A. Trabant an­ "I had hoped that 30 percent of the students would nounced at the meeting that tuition will rise an ad­ vote," he said, "but maybe I was being a little naive ditional $30 for in-state students and $25 for out-of­ there." state students unless the General Assembly grants Beach added that he believed the sweep by the the university the $1.2 million dollar budget request Open Campus Party will help the DUSC in the com­ it submitted in March. If the full request is not ing year. granted the university, Trabant said, in-state tui­ "I'm a firm believer in the party concept," he tion will cost $995, $55 more than this year. Out-of­ said. "Two years ago, when each officer was from a state tuition will be $2575, a total increase of $225 different party, there was no communication, no over this year's rate. executive meetings. I believe that with a party we A resolution attempting to raise the number of have leadership that can work together with no per­ foreign students enrolled &t the university was also sonality clashes.'' passed at the meeting. The resolution was introduc­ Beach said that for the remainder of the semester ed in response to "an unwritten (admissions) policy he would like to carry on the concerns of the current restricting !he number of new non-immigrant administration, including writing to the Faculty Review photo by Neal Williamson students (students planning to return to their native Senate concerning its decision Monday to retain countries) enrolled each semester" according to free week, contacting Samuel Lehner, chairman of the resolution. the Board of Trustees, concerning the cuts in the A silent 'Taps' The resolution, introduced by the Committee on DUSC budget, and talking to incoming Resident FLAG at the Aetna Hose, Hook and International affairs, charged the admissions office Student Association President Pat Mattera about ilding on East Main Street flies at half mast with arbitrarily setting an enrollment limit of 25 the severe housing problems on campus. he eight U.S. service'!'en who died in the aborted new non-immigrant foreign students for the fall Beach said that he intends to meet with his new ostage rescue attempt in Iran. semester and approximately half that number for officers later this week to discuss future plans. · (Continued to page 8) on the Senate decision boggles DUSC Classes rescheduled .. inside By MElANIE SCOTT and GARY CAHAll the motion,had actually passed. Katzeff said Classes on May 13, Honors An incorrect announcement regarding the Martin "doesn't · know what she's talking Day, will be rescheduled to Faculty Senate's actions on "free week" pro­ abQut." allow students to attend their mpted undue celebration at the Delaware Similar missteps were made in the meeting awards ceremonies. Classes Adelicate drama Undergraduate Student Congress (DUSC) regarding the proposed Student Government from 11 a.m. to 4:30p.m. will meeting Tuesday. The Delaware Theatre Handbook and a proposal to bill the meet an hour later. The The announcement came from Dan Katzeff, Philadelphia Eagles for damages at a benefit Honors Day programs will be Company's "Gloss academic affairs committee chairman: basketball game. held in the following loca­ Menagerie" ........... 15 ' "What we've been working on for all year Agriculture College Council President Cin­ tions: Arts and Science­ came to an end; free week has been dy Wells ,reintroduced her motion from the Mitchell Hall; Business and defeated," he :sa.d, one day after the senate previous meeting that the DUSC charge the Economics-115 Purnell Hall; Up and away 1 rejected a propOsal to repeal free week, Eagles for any extra fees paid due to the Education-007 Willard Hallr Men's baseball wins ECC despite lobbying by DUSC members. team's late appearance at last month's chari­ Agricultural Sciences--140 When Informed that Faculty Senate ......... 24 ty basketball game. DUSC Treasurer Sean (Continued 7) chompionshi~ Secretary Bar'bara Martin had said the drive O'Nen, however, reported that Glasgow High to-· failed, several DUSC members reiterated that (Continued to-· •l Page 2 • THE REVIEW • May 9 . 1980 - TRIPLE-DECKER. SALE - DAZE ·. ' . (. \ ,..,. .. ~ IECOIDS • • • • ••••• • IIANDIII • : ... f :, ' .. .... .. .. • _ TAPES :• .·'• t • "", r ~ , .. ._:, (' "' • ~ ~ "" .. • : ·; J •• ·-- : : ,. ""( ... \ •• • 7 .. .... • ~ • . r ,.. .. ... .. r "" '"' • ... ·" .... ~ r') ! .;.r·~... .rr~ ... ·'·' ' .-;...,: ·:~· ..:.;... :~....... ~.. ~· "' '"" " .. x:r. ':~,..,..- .:-:: ·' ~ . \ .. • ...: ~ .. ~ • .. .,. 4 • .... ,.. $1.11·SI.II - ._ / .. .. StJ···fE-CH BOOR SALE : _ ;; ·: st~oo- $5.98 • 1 ... • • • • •• ... .... • • 1 • f . -· : .JII ·Arlillti.l Ml,"l(ttl ltir1r1it1 111tsttr1 _ \ • • • • -· •• ... 1o • I ... 1. ~ .. I., •: " fl!Hl 0. t:t I . • . • • . • " * • II ~ I! e- il 1l .II lt <i • t ft ,· lt ll • ~ I! ~.k. it ll I< ll , I a S r • ll 1 f May 9 , 1980 • THE REVIEW • Page 3 Owner of the Stone Balloon Bill even giving a hard time to people stan­ local liquor fee levied. on the bars in"" Stevenson said this week that he will ding in line to get into the Balloon Friday Newark to provide extra police needed meet with Newark Police Chief William night. They have to draw the line to enforce alcohol regulation. Brierly to offer his cooperation in a somewhere." Stevenson says he currently pays an crackdown on alcohol-related offenses in Brierly has assigned 20 of his 36 men to off-duty policeman $15,000 a year to City officials ·· upcoming weeks. overtime duty Friday and Saturday patrol outside of-the Balloon, but a liquor Brierly has also been meeting wiht Ci­ nights for strict patrols downtown. He­ fee would force other bar owners to help ty Manager Peter Marshall to discsss said police were only arresting people clear the drunks out of the downtown mull solutions the alcohol problem in Newark, and a Ci­ who wer e "stumbling, sh outing area. ty Council spokeman said that some ac­ obscenities or who otherwise called at­ Both Brierly and Stevenson explained tion may be taken at Monday's council tention to the fact that they were drunk.'' that a majority of the drinking violations to downtown meeting. Newark City Councilman Olan on Main Street are not committed by Stevenson added, however, that he did . Thomas called the police crackdown on university students but by underage not support ''mass arrests,'' referring to drinking violations "only the beginn­ drinkers who buy alcohol in nearby disturbances the approximately 100 arrests made on ing." Taking away the liquor licenses of Maryland, come back to Newark and Main Street and at Paper Mill apart­ half of the 33 drinking establishments in have nowhere to go. By JANINE JAQUET ments last weekend. Over 30 university . Newark, closing bars at an earlier hour, Commenting on the arrests made at a students were arrested during the and taxing places that sell alcohol to pay party in Paper Mill apartments last Fri­ crackdown which lasted from last the salaries of extra police for weekend day night at which two officers were Thursday to early Sunday morning.
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