Platinean History Border, Immigration and Patrimony Maria Medianeira Padoin Organizadora Platinean History Border, Immigration and Patrimony E-book OI OS EDITORA São Leopoldo 2021 © Dos autores – 2021 Editoração: Oikos Capa: Juliana Nascimento Tradução e revisão: Marie Ann Wangen Krahn e Natasha Maria Wangen Krahn Diagramação e arte-final: Jair de Oliveira Carlos Conselho Editorial (Editora Oikos) Avelino da Rosa Oliveira (UFPEL) Danilo Streck (Unisinos) Elcio Cecchetti (UNOCHAPECÓ e GPEAD/FURB) Eunice S. Nodari (UFSC) Haroldo Reimer (UEG) Ivoni R. Reimer (PUC Goiás) João Biehl (Princeton University) Luiz Inácio Gaiger (Unisinos) Marluza M. Harres (Unisinos) Martin N. Dreher (IHSL) Oneide Bobsin (Faculdades EST) Raúl Fornet-Betancourt (Aachen/Alemanha) Rosileny A. dos Santos Schwantes (Uninove) Vitor Izecksohn (UFRJ) Editora Oikos Ltda. Rua Paraná, 240 – B. Scharlau 93120-020 São Leopoldo/RS Tel.: (51) 3568.2848 [email protected] www.oikoseditora.com.br P716 Platinean history: border, immigration and patrimony [e-book]. / Or- ganizadora: Maria Medianeira Padoin – São Leopoldo: Oikos, 2021. 303 p.; 16 x 23 cm. ISBN 978-65-86578-91-1 1. History – Brazil. 2. Platinean history. 3. Immigration. 4. Patri- mony. I. Padoin, Maria Medianeira. CDU 981 Catalogação na Publicação: Bibliotecária Eliete Mari Doncato Brasil – CRB 10/1184 Summary Presentation ......................................................................................... 7 Arthur Engster Verreira João Vitor Sausen Maria Medianeira Padoin Elements for understanding the formation process of the political parties in Brazil during the 19th century .............................................. 11 Alessandro de Almeida Pereira The republic in the Platinean border region: the exile of Gaspar Silveira Martins in Europe .................................... 27 Monica Rossato The province of Corrientes and the federalist revolution in Rio Grande do Sul (1893-1895): economical bonds and political support ........................................................................... 52 Gustavo Figueira Andrade Maria Medianeira Padoin Valentina Ayrolo Immigration, naturalization and political participation in the Brazilian empire ....................................................................... 74 Carlos Eduardo Piassini The construction of family memories in the fourth imperial colony of Italian immigration of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil: a case study ....... 96 Liriana Zanon Stefanello The dispute between catholic and non-catholic educational representatives for the Rio Grande do Sul educational field in the Republic of Brazil ................................................................... 113 Marta Rosa Borin Funerary patrimony and Italian ethnicity: religiosity in the cemiterial space ....................................................... 130 Fernanda Kieling Pedrazzi “Seditious movement”: an analysis of the depositions of the witnesses in the investigation of the police headquarters of Rio Grande do Sul about the 1924 lieutenant uprising in the state ................................... 148 Amilcar Guidolim Vitor Júlio Ricardo Quevedo dos Santos The Association of Japanese Immigrants of Santa Maria / RS – from ascension to stability .............................................................. 169 Alexandra Begueristain da Silva André Luis Ramos Soares The war outside and the war inside: the Brazilian participation in World War II ................................................................................ 190 Cyro Porto Martins João Vitor Sausen Nationalism beyond “nationality”: a historical explanation for a political practice used during the period of the Estado Novo [new state] in Brazil (1937-1945) ....................................................... 207 Bruna Lima Reflections on patrimony and its relations with memory and identity: case analysis in the city of Santa Cruz do Sul, RS .............................. 222 Guilherme Dias André Luis Ramos Soares The memory of university education in Santa Maria – RS, Brazil, and the contribution of the institutions managed by the Franciscan Sisters of Penance and Christian Charity .................... 238 Luciana Souza de Brito A Japanese in Santa Maria, RS: a brief essay of an unknown character .. 259 André Luis Ramos Soares Tomoko Kimura Gaudioso In Search of the Platinean Region ..................................................... 277 Cláudio Kuczkowski Maria Medianeira Padoin 6 Platinean History: Border, Immigration and Patrimony Presentation This book brings together articles authored by Brazilian and foreign researchers who have been working on various themes and study objects within the CNPq/UFSM/Brazil Research Group: Platinean History: Society, Power and Institutions and emerges as a direct product of the research experiences developed within the space of interaction and exchange of knowledge which this group has propitiated. The Group was officially institutionalized in 2007, arising as a result of the work of several professors and respective advisors, who already met periodically to debate and work together on their study topics and who also worked with the Committee of History Regions and Borders of the Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group (AUGM). Thus, based on this experience and the intersections of the investigated themes, this initial group decided to join efforts and share methodologies and study objects to organize a Research Group, which was then approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research from the Federal University of Santa Maria (PRPGP / UFSM) and registered with CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development of Brazil). The construction of the research lines that make up the Group, therefore, were built from the concerns of its members and are in a process of continuous expansion and integration. Currently, the development of works that dialogue with research related to themes such as “Federalism”, “Borders, Politics and Society”, “History of International Relations and Societies”, “Immigration, Borders and History” and “Patrimony, Culture and Society” are encouraged. The researchers, students and collaborators linked to the Group also come from the most diverse academic backgrounds and include historians, patrimonialists, tourism specialists, archivists, architects, linguists, museologists, archaeologists and internationalists from not only Brazil, but also Argentina and Uruguay, in order to guarantee a constant exchange of ideals in an environment of inter / multidisciplinary and interinstitutional construction which actively works for the process of internationalization of research in the Human and Social Sciences. We also highlight the Group’s efforts to promote a process of integration and continuous interaction of research at different levels of education, thus allowing dialogue between university professors, researchers linked to institutions and Memory and Patrimonial bodies, graduate students and undergraduate students linked to scientific initiation”. 7 Presentation Within the principle of inseparability of research from teaching and extension within the higher education and research institutions that house these researchers, we also highlight the Group’s performance in extension initiatives, such as the Historical Patrimony, Memory, Education and Preservation Program that has the purpose of collaborating for the effective preservation of patrimony and memory within the communities in which it operates. It is also noteworthy here that these communities were demarcated from the result of actions and projects already carried out and that encompass the region of the Fourth Colony, with emphasis on the municipalities that today integrate the Consortium for Sustainable Development (Condesus - Fourth Colony), the city of Santa Maria and the region of the southwestern border of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (in cities in the border zone that are also directly related to the im / migration processes). In addition, the Group also brings together participants linked to the UNESCO Chair of Humanities, Borders and Migrations, headquartered at UFSM. Finally, given this brief presentation of the Group, we set out to address the research dealt with in the articles that make up this work, which cover a wide variety of study objects, propositions, settings and periods that, despite this, are based on complementary approaches which allow the possibility of intersection of these productions at different points. The challenge of finding an ideal order for these works, therefore, was solved through the organization of a structure that relates temporal, spatial and thematic aspects at different levels, so that we now begin to introduce the authors of this volume and the respective central themes to which they are related. In the first chapter, Alessandro de Almeida Pereira seeks to review the historiography related to the formation of the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary powers at the local / municipal level, promoting a questioning, and giving consequent historical foundation, regarding the process of conception and organization of what will be political parties in the 19th century in Brazil. In the sequence, we have the works of Monica Rossato, Gustavo Figueira Andrade, Maria Medianeira Padoin and Valentina Ayrollo that prioritize the theme of the Federalist Revolution, dealing with it as a political movement that comes to question the model of Republic that was being implemented in Brazil, especially regarding political representation.
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