E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1995 No. 35 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. REPUBLICAN CONTRACT WITH would make those who bring ethics f AMERICA charges against him or any Member (Mr. HOKE asked and was given per- pay his lawyer's fees and the Ethics PRAYER mission to address the House for 1 Committee's costs when no discipli- Rev. Harold Bradley, assistant to the minute.) nary action results. president, Georgetown University, Mr. HOKE. Mr. Speaker, our Con- The Speaker claims this rule would Washington, DC, offered the following tract With America states the follow- not intimidate citizens interested in prayer: ing: cleaning up Government. I disagree. It O loving and gracious God, we offer On the first day of Congress, a Re- would definitely tend to intimidate. No our thanks to You for Your gifts that publican House will require Congress to citizen, and certainly no Member of brighten our days and give meaning to live under the same laws as everyone this House, should be intimidated when our lives. We pray for sound minds so else; cut committee staffs by one-third; the issue is ethics in Government and that we can contemplate and appre- and cut the congressional budget. putting that in first place. ciate the marvels of Your creation, and We kept our promise. As a former justice of the Texas Su- we pray for good hearts that allow us It continues that in the first 100 days, preme Court, as a chair of its ethics to do those good works that honor You we will vote on the following items: A task force, I know some with valid eth- and serve people whatever their need. balanced budget amendmentÐwe kept ics complaints would be discouraged, May Your spirit, O God, that is with us our promise; unfunded mandates legis- would think twice before blowing the whatever our circumstance, protect, lationÐwe kept our promise; line-item whistle on anyone under the threat of sustain, and bless us so we will live as vetoÐwe kept our promise; a new having to pay a Member's lawyer fees You would have us live and be faithful crime package to stop violent crimi- with that hanging over their head. in deeds of justice and mercy. May nalsÐwe kept our promise; national se- Many will not blow the whistle at all, Your grace be with us this day and curity restoration to protect our free- making the American people the real every day, we pray. Amen. domsÐwe kept our promise; Govern- loser. f ment regulatory reformÐwe are doing Mr. Speaker, this is not living under this now; welfare reform to encourage the same laws as everyone else. It is THE JOURNAL work, not dependence; family rein- just plain wrong. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- forcement to crack down on deadbeat f ined the Journal of the last day's pro- dads and protect our children; tax cuts ceedings and announces to the House for middle-income families; Senior WE CANNOT MORTGAGE OUR his approval thereof. Citizens' Equity Act to allow our sen- CHILDREN'S FUTURES Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- iors to work without Government pen- (Mr. CHABOT asked and was given nal stands approved. alty; commonsense legal reform to end permission to address the House for 1 f frivolous lawsuits; and congressional minute.) term limits to make Congress a citizen Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, the bal- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE legislature. anced budget amendment is the most The SPEAKER. The gentleman from This is our Contract With America. important piece of legislation passed Arkansas [Mr. DICKEY] will lead the f by Congress in a long, long time. House in the Pledge of Allegiance. By passing this amendment we Mr. DICKEY led the Pledge of Alle- THIS IS NOT LIVING UNDER THE proved that we are serious about bal- giance as follows: SAME LAWS AS EVERYONE ELSE ancing the Federal budget, finally. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the (Mr. DOGGETT asked and was given We proved we are willing to do what United States of America, and to the Repub- permission to address the House for 1 millions of Americans do every day, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, minute.) live within their means. We said to the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, with children of America: You will not have f the ink barely dry on the one bill that to pay off our debts. We will not mort- we passed making Members live under gage your future. However, we cannot ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER the same laws as everyone else, the act alone. The SPEAKER. The Chair announces Speaker yesterday continued to pro- If the children of America are to there will be 1-minutes on each side. mote a bill creating a special rule that grow up without the burden of our b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 2179 H 2180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 24, 1995 FOREIGN AID: SUICIDE FOR Harlem, it might be in rural Appa- must be approved by the other body. AMERICA lachia, it might be in the suburbs of a How can anyone look into the eyes of a (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was town that experiences high unemploy- child and say, ``I don't care about your given permission to address the House ment. future, as long as I can keep things the for 1 minute and to revise and extend But those pictures will be no more. way they are.'' his remarks.) Who would have ever believed that Mr. Speaker, I ask those opposed to a Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, the the Contract for America meant elimi- balanced budget amendment to remem- No. 1 terrorist nation in the world is nating the School Lunch Program? The ber who will pay the price if this budg- Iran, and Iran's No. 1 hated enemy is balanced budget amendment sounds et is not balanced. America, and Iran has been trying to good, but when Americans learn it The time for rhetoric has passed. build a nuclear weapon for years. means eliminating school lunches, Now is a time for action. Now, America's newest friend is Rus- making student loans very expensive, f sia, and America gives Russia $12 bil- crippling Medicare, they are going to lion. And that buys an awful lot of scratch their heads in wonder. SHORTCHANGING KIDS vodka for old Boris, you know. But evi- The priorities of the Gingrichite con- (Mr. OBEY asked and was given per- dently Russia is going to take some of tract are out of whack. We cut school mission to address the House for 1 that $12 billion and build four nuclear lunches, but increase spending for some minute.) reactors in Iran, but Russia says, ``It's new-fangled plane, the F±22, made in Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, speaking of for peaceful purposes.'' Peaceful? Tell Georgia. children, in a press conference yester- me, is a nuclear attack on Jerusalem a The American people are beginning day, Republicans asserted that their peaceful purpose? to learn that this contract is not about proposal to end the school lunch pro- Ladies and gentlemen of Congress, if cutting out waste. It is about cutting gram by block-granting it would not Iran can kill 240 Marines with a car the very programs that made America shortchange kids, because Congress bomb, what will they do with a nuclear move forward from the New Deal to could always pass a supplemental if we bomb? this day, and when they learn about it, ran into trouble. That is absolutely Beam me up. I think if we are going they are going to have real doubts preposterous. to cut the budget, let us cut that $12 about the Gingrichite contract. Anybody who has watched Congress billion. This is not foreign aid. This is f the last 2 years knows that foreign suicide for America and Ameri- supplementals are virtually a thing of ca's friends. PASS THE REGULATORY TRANSITION ACT the past. Right now the Congress has f bottled up at least two major (Mr. BAKER of California asked and supplementals, and you can expect to GETTING GOVERNMENT OFF THE was given permission to address the see more of that. BACK OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE House for 1 minute and to revise and Make no mistake about it, under this (Mr. TATE asked and was given per- extend his remarks.) plan States will be left holding a very mission to address the House for 1 Mr. BAKER of California. Mr. Speak- empty lunch bag. This plan is vicious, minute and to revise and extend his re- er, get a load of this story in the L.A. this plan is mean. It ought to be marks.) Times of last year. stopped. Mr. TATE. Mr. Speaker, did you The Consumer Product Safety Commission f know that a farmer cannot drain a is planning to issue regulations to require pond on his property without first get- manufacturers of industrial five-gallon plas- THE NEED FOR REGULATION ting Government permission, even if he tic buckets to redesign their products. Con- REFORM created it? cerned that infants could climb inside them and drown, the CPSC studied the issue for (Mr.
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