DELEGATES' LIST 251 NAMES OF DELEGATES *§Carson, Saul, Federation of Jewish Charities, Brook- Ehrenfeld, Daniel, Jewish Community Center, Buf' lyn, N. Y. falo, N. Y. SChenetz, Rose, Jewish Home for the Friendless, *§Einhorn, Frieda, Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Brooklyn, THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF JEWISH SOCIAL SERVICE Scranton, Pa. N. Y. •Chipkin, Israel S., Jewish Education Association, Eiser, T. Henry, Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Elken, Harry, National Council for Jewish Education, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Chomsky, William, Gratz College, Philadelphia, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Clyne, Charlotte M., N.Y.S. Reconstruction Home, {Elkowitz, Sylvia, Hebrew Orphan Asylum, New W. Haverstraw, N. Y. York, N. Y. MAY 30—JUNE 2, 1936 *Codor, Ben V., Jewish Federation, Wilmington, Del. §Ellman, B. H., Jewish Home Finding Society, Chic­ §Cohen, Abraham, Council Educational Alliance, Cleve­ ago, III. land, Ohio. Emanuel, Alice, New York, N. Y. §Cohen, Anna, Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society, •Ephraim, Miriam R., Y.M.-Y.W.H.A., Pittsburgh, Pleasantville, N. Y. Pa. §Cohen, Anna, Maternal Aid Association, New York, {Epstein, Hannah, Jewish Tuberculosis Service, Chic­ { AGENCY IS ORGANIZATION MEMBER Philanthropies, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. y, ago, III. * INDIVIDUAL MEMBER {Bernstein, Philip, Jewish Welfare Federation, Cleve­ Cohen, Anna, North Eastern Hebrew Orphans Home, {Erlen, Alexander W., Jewish Big Brother Association, land, Ohio. Philadelphia, Pa. Cleveland, Ohio. •Abrams, Israel A., Hebrew Institute, Pittsburgh, {Beser, Mrs. Nicholas, Jewish Children's Society, Cohen, Florence, Wayne University, Detroit, Mich. *§Faber, Aaron D., Pauline Sterne Wolff Memorial Pa. Baltimore, Md. §Cohen, Frank J., Lavanburg-Comer House, New Home, Houston, Texas. •Abrams, Jacob, Jewish Home for Aged, New Haven, •{Bilder, Mrs. Rosamond P., Beth Moses Hospital, York, N. Y. *§ Feinblatt, Sigmund, Hebrew Home for Aged and Conn. Brooklyn, N. Y. Cohen, Isabel J., Jewish Community House, Toronto, Infirm, at Levindale, Baltimore, Md. Abrams, Max A., Hebrew Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. {Birkin, Mollie K., Jewish Children's Society, Balti­ Ont., Canada. Feinsilver, Jacob, New York, N. Y. Adler, _ Joseph, Lavanburg Homes, New York, N. Y. more, Md. Cohen, J. I., Jewish Community Center, Providence, {Feinstein, Isaac E., Jewish Home for the Aged of Affachiner, Rebecca G., Palestine Society for Crip­ {Bisgyer, Gustave, Jewish Educational Alliance, Balti­ R. I. Rhode Island, Providence, R. I. pled Children, Jerusalem, Palestine. more, Md. §Cohen, Leo, Jeivish Social Service Association, New •Feldman, George, Jewish Community Center, Allen- •Albert, Harry S., Y.M.-Y.W.H.A., Paterson, N. J. •Bisgyer, Maurice, Jewish Community Center, Wash­ York, N. Y. town, Pa. Allen, Aaron, Jewish Community Center, Plainfield, ington, D. C. Cohen, Nathan E., Y.M.H.A., Boston, Mass. Feller, Charles M., Jewish Community Center, Phila­ N.J. {Black, Samuel, Jewish Welfare Society, Philadelphia, *§Cohen, Rose, Jewish Children's Clearing Bureau, delphia, Pa. Alofsin, Herman, Y.M.H.A. Community Center, Pa. New York, N. Y. Fiance, Claire, Hebrew National Orphan Home, New Lynn, Mass. •Blanchard, Myron B., Edenwald School for Boys, Cohen, Rabbi Samuel, United Synagogue of America, York, N. Y. Alt, Herschel, Children's Aid Society, St. Louis, Mo. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. §Fichman, Dr. David, Jewish Charitable and Educa* SAltkrug, Beatrice, Jewish Welfare Society, Philadel­ Blatt, Cecilia M., College of the City of New York, {Cohen, William, National Home for Jewish Children, tional Federation, New Orleans, La. phia, Pa. New York. Denver. Colo. Fichman, Meyer E., Stamford Jewish Center, Stam­ Arbetter, Esther, Medical Social Worker, Jewish Sana­ {Blatt, Meyer, Jewish Community Center, Detroit, •Cohen, William, Y.M.-Y.W.H.A. of Boro Park, ford, Conn. torium, St. Louis, Mo. Mich. Brooklyn, N. Y. {Fine, Freda, Jewish Social Service Association, New Baker, Eve R., Jane Elkus Camp, New York, N. Y. •{Bloom, Allan, Jewish Community Center Association, ICobn, Martin M., Federation of Jewish Philanthro­ York, N. Y. {Bank, Jules, Lavanburg-Corner House, New York, Indianapolis, Ind. pies, Toronto, Ont., Canada. §Fink, Mrs. Rebecca G., Jewish Welfare Society, N. Y. Bluhm, Solomon, Hunter College, New York, N. Y. •{Cooper, Charles I., Federation for Jewish Service, Philadelphia, Pa. Barasch, Beatrice, United Jewish Aid, Freeport, N. Y. Blumberg, Max, Pride of Judea Children's Home, Minneapolis, Minn. Finkel, Samuel B., Hebrew University, New York, Barishnikoff, Louis, Hebrew Teachers Association, Brooklyn, N. Y. {Copelan, Mrs. Ethel, Juvenile Aid Society, Philadel­ N. Y. New York, N. Y. Blume, Lillian, Y.M.-Y.W.H.A., Scranton, Pa. phia, Pa. §Fishman, Alexander, Hebrew Sheltering Guardian •{Barron, Harry I., Graduate School for Jewish Social Blumenfield, Samuel M., College of Jewish Studies, {Coplon, D, H-, Rosa Coplon Jewish Old Folks Home, Society, Pleasantville, N. Y. Work, New York, N. Y. Chicago, III. Buffalo, N. Y. Folkoff, Joseph, New York State Parole Board, New Baruchman, Pearl, Lebanon Hospital, New York, •{Blumenthal, William R., National Home for Jewish {Crovitz, Sarah, Jewish Social Service Association, York, N. Y. N. Y. Children at Denver, New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. {Forman, Dorothy, Jewish Community Center Associa* {Bauling, Henry, Jewish Charities, Chicago, III. {Bohn, Frieda, United Jewish Social Agencies, Cin­ Dansky, Grace, Omaha, Nebraska. tion, Indianapolis, Ind. {Bean, Nathan, Jewish Community Center, Detroit, cinnati, Ohio. {Dansky, Pearl, Orthodox Jewish Orphan Home, Forman, Fannie, Community Health Center, PhilO' Mich. Bokser, Rabbi Ben Zion, Forest Hills Jewish Center, Cleveland, Ohio. delphia, Pa. •{Beck, Joseph E., Jewish Welfare Society, Philadel­ Forest Hills, N. Y. {Davidson, Mrs. Betty H., Jewish Social Service •Fox, Benjamin, Jewish Community House of Benson- phia, Pa. Bonder, Rabbi David, Congregation Sons of Israel, Bureau, Baltimore, Md. hurst, Brooklyn, N. Y. •{Beckelman, M. W., Bronx House, New York, N. Y. Palisades Park, N. J. Davidson, Florence, Jewish Community Center, Buf- {Fox, Flora, Jewish Social Service Association, New {Becker, L. M., Jewish Community Center, Detroit, {Borden, Betty, Graduate School for Jewish Social falo, AA Y. York, N. Y. Mich. Work, New York, N. Y. {Davis, Mrs. Bess Romansky, Federation Settlement, §Frank, Mrs. Samuel H., Jewish Federation, Scran­ •Beierfeld, Isidore, Jewish Community Center, Yon- Borenstein, Emanuel, Massachusetts Boys' Parole New York, N. Y. ton, Pa. kers, N. Y. Branch, Allston, Mass. {Davis, Bess W., Hebrew Orphan Asylum, New York, {Frank, Virginia C, Jewish Social Service Bureau, Beisser, Paul T., Henry Watson's Children's Aid •{Boretz, Mary E., Home Bureau, Hebrew Sheltering N. Y. Chicago, III. Society, Baltimore, Md. Guardian Society, New York, N. Y. {Davis, Mrs. Gertrude R. Davis, United Jewish Aid {Frankenstein, Crete, Jewish Board of Guardians, Beker, Harold, Y.M.-Y.W.H.A., Philadelphia, Pa. Borg, Mrs. Sidney C, New York, N. Y. Societies, Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Bender, Loretta, Bellevue Hospital, New York, N. Y. Bragman, Mrs. L., Jewish Community Center, Bing­ {Deutelbaum, Arnold, /. M. Gusky Hebrew Orphan- {Franklin, Sylvia, United Jewish Aid Societies, Benderly, Dr. Samson, Bureau of Jewish Education, hamton, N. Y. age and Home, Pittsburgh, Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Brandes, Mrs. Sarah F., Tranquillity House, New Dinin, Dr. Samuel, Jewish Theological Seminary, *§Freeman, Bernard H., Home for Jewish Orphans, •Berdansky, Augusta F., Edenwald School for Girls, York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Chicago, III. New York, N. Y. Brauman, William H., Daughters of Israel Home *§Doblin, Joseph, Jewish Social Service Bureau, Chic­ •Freund, Michael, Council of Jewish Federations and Berenson, Anna, Committee Children's Aid, Hartford, for the Aged, Newark, N. J. ago, III. Welfare Funds, New York, N. Y. Conn. {Brenner, Dora, Hebrew Home and Hospital for the {DocknTan, Norman B., Bureau for Jewish Children, •Friedland, A. H., Bureau of Jewish Education, Berger, Graenum, Jewish Community Center, Staten Aged, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pittsburgh, Pa. Cleveland, Ohio. Island, N. Y. {Bressler, Lee, Jewish Social Service Bureau, Balti­ {Domnitz, Ziva, Jewish Children's Society, Baltimore, {Friedman, Malvina, Mount Sinai Hospital, Cleve* Berger, Theodore X., Y.M.H.A., Brooklyn, N. Y. more, Md. Md. land, Ohio. Bergoffen, Lily, Old Age Security Division, New •Brickner, Rabbi Barnett R., Euclid Avenue Temple, Dopkin, Lee L., Maryland Board of State Aid and Frigond, Anna, Hebrew Day Nursery, Philadelphia, York, N. Y. Cleveland, Ohio. Charities, Baltimore, Md. Pa. •{Berkowitz, Belle, Jewish Children's Clearing Bureau, Brilliant, Nathan, Euclid Avenue Temple, Cleveland, Draisen, Hy, Hecht Neighborhood House, Dorchester, Fryer, Mrs. Julius, Cuyahoga County Child Wel­ New York, N. Y. Ohio. Mass. fare Board, Cleveland, Ohio. Berkson, Dr. Isaac B., New York, N. Y. Broadwin, Dr. I. T., New York, N. Y. Dresner, Mrs. Judah J., Yonkers, N. Y. Furmansky, Moshe, Hashomer Hatzair, Palestine. {Berlatsky, Emanuel, Council Educational Alliance, {Brodsky, Beatrice, Jewish Social Service, Newark, •{Drucker, Maud H., Hebrew Orphan Asylum, New •{Gainsburg, Mrs. Leela L., Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Cleveland, Ohio. N. J. York, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Gallin, Mrs. Meyer, Jewish Education Association, {Berman, Rae, Jewish Family Welfare Association, •{Bronstein, Nathaniel, Jewish Board of Guardians, { Duker, Abraham G., Graduate School for Jewish Minneapolis, Minn. Social
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