OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 30,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CVII PPASSAIC,ASSAIC, NN.J.,.J., MMARCHARCH 114,4, 22018018 NUMBER 5112 Jesus is Risen as He said 2018 Fraternalist of the Year Program by Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic, Happy Easter from celebrates volunteerism and outreach Supreme Chaplain our Protector Life insurance benefi ts may be of Sokol fraternalism and outreach. Happy Easter! There is breaking fi fty days until Pentecost. It was fi rst LENT/EASTER 2018 purchased from either a commercial Such individuals often do so quietly news! Jesus has risen from the dead! lit last night during the Easter Vigil REFLECTION insurance company or a fraternal and without much acclaim. Well, We hear all sorts of news every day symbolizing Jesus’ resurrection. benefi t society. Both provide fi nan- now is the opportunity for an As- but there is one news item more im- During every Mass until Pentecost cial security, however a fraternal sembly, Wreath or individual mem- portant than we will read a portion of the Acts of What does Lent mean for you? benefi t organization provides much ber to take the time to nominate an all others – the Apostles which shows us the ef- There are as many responses as there more than fi nancial protection. individual member who in their Jesus’ resur- fects of Jesus’ resurrection spreading are people. Sin, sacrifi ce, fasting, Founded after the American Civil estimation serves as a role model rection - and out as the Church grows and grows more prayer, ab- War, fraternals in the United States and mentor for others and who is yet we do not and spreads and spreads. When you stinence, meat- offered an important extra not found worthy of such recognition. There hear much throw a stone into a pond, the ripples less Fridays, in commercial suppliers - a vision are many such individuals out there about Jesus’ from the impact spread out and out, works of charity, and history of service and outreach and they should be recognized. So resurrection and during the next seven weeks we dieting, confes- to the community. The presence of at your next lodge or Group meet- in the news will see the impact of Jesus’ resur- sion, contrition, fraternalists in churches, educational ing, discussion of the Fraternalist of bulletins. We rection spreading out more and repairing a bro- institutions and outreach projects en- the Year program should be on the have studied history and there are more as we listen to excerpts of the ken relationship, hance the quality and effectiveness meeting agenda and an individual various different interpretations of Acts of the Apostles every day. service to those of these groups which help to make should be nominated. history but like news bulletins most Since no one else has risen, Jesus’ in need, alms- a difference in the lives of countless This year’s honoree will be pre- of them miss the most important words are the most important words giving, ashes, individuals and communities. Often sented with an appropriate plaque event of history, Jesus’ resurrection. of all time in the whole world. So Jesus carrying the Cross, suffering, fraternalists are movers and shakers along with a gift of $200 as a small But Jesus’ resurrection is the break- anyone looking for answers to ques- crucifi xion, death. who champion particular and noble token of our gratitude for his or her ing news. tions about life and the meaning of All these various aspects of Lent causes. They are able witnesses of efforts in promoting Slovak Catho- When there is big news you hear life and what to do with one’s life help us to re-think, re-focus, and the high ideals of fraternalism and lic Sokol volunteerism and outreach. about it for a few days or more. But ought to look to Jesus’ words for re-discover the meaning of Lent are pleased to serve the needs of oth- The presentation of the Fraternalist because Jesus’ resurrection is such the answer. The entire Bible is the which includes the strengthening ers. of the Year plaque will tale place at big news, we celebrate it in a par- word of God, but the four Gospels our relationship with God as well as Over the years, our organization a dinner hosted by our organization ticular way for the next fi fty days contain the words of Jesus which is with others. By going through the has been blessed with individu- for the honoree’s family and friends. during the entire Easter Season. We why we give the Gospels special im- discipline of Lent, whatever that is als who have championed a spirit A special nomination form is spend the next seven weeks unravel- portance. There are no other words for you, we discard all the extra bag- of caring and sharing among our available from the home offi ce. ing the meaning of Jesus’ resurrec- in the world like these words of the gage in our lives which has accumu- members and within the communi- Contact Daniel F. Tanzone who co- tion for our lives and the Church. Gospels. I once heard someone say lated over the years, that baggage of ties in which we reside. Since 1985, ordinates the program at 800 886- We see Jesus’ resurrection symbol- he would love to know what God worldly things which turn our gaze we have taken the initiative to honor 7656. A recent photo of the nominee ized by the Paschal Candle lit during thinks. There is a way to fi nd out and focus away from Christ. With such members with our Fraternalist should be included along with the every Mass throughout these next what God thinks. Read the words each step, as we walk with Christ of the Year designation. Each year completed nomination form. Dead- of Jesus. The words of Jesus come through His crucifi xion, Christ leads we ask the membership to recom- line for receipt of the completed from his heavenly Father. The words us out of the darkness of our world mend an individual member who in nomination form at the home offi ce of Jesus are the words of God. If you (Continued on page 10) their mind refl ects the vibrant spirit is Friday, July 6, 2018. want to know what God thinks, you have no further to look than the Bi- ble and especially the words of Jesus in the four Gospels. Not only is Jesus’ resurrection the biggest breaking news of all time, news that we continue to celebrate specially for the next seven weeks of Easter, news that shows us we have to listen to Jesus for the truth if we are looking for answers to questions about life, but Jesus’ resurrection is only the beginning. Before his death, he was in Galilee but since his resur- rection he is with us everywhere and in every time. The empty tomb tells us the body of Jesus was not there. A Joyous and Holy Easter Season Where was he? He appeared many to All Our Members and Friends times to his apostles and disciples during the next days. One of the things Jesus taught after his resurrec- Radostné a požehnané vel’konočné sviatky tion is that the place to look for him všetkým našim členom a priatel’om! is at Mass. On the road to Emmaus (Continued on page 10) PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, MARCH 14, 2018 Pittsburgh Agreement From the Supreme Phusical Fitness Board Message from our Supreme President Centennial Celebration A Healthier You! on April 15 in New York by Michael J. Horvath With the summer fast approach- your overall sugar and carbohydrate The Slovak League of America, a ing, I am sure everyone is looking intake. When you are shopping for civic and cultural federation of orga- attain that perfect beach body. I am food make a conscious effort to read to increase membership participa- Valentine’s Day 2018 was to be nized Americans of Slovak ancestry, sure that many people committed the labels and see how many grams tion. This brought a level of excite- a day to express our love, appreci- will host a special celebration mark- to a New Year’s resolution to lose of sugar are in the item. For exam- ment and was support by those at ate, honor and begin our 40 days of ing the 100th anniversary of the weight or ple, Greek yogurt is a great source the meeting. I believe this is a good lent, instead it signing of the Pittsburgh Agreement have a health- of protein and probiotics. However, start for the Assembly and hope turn out to be a on Sunday, April 15 in New York ier diet. As some companies pack it with sugar other Assemblies will do the same. day of tragedy. City. It was the Slovak League of we move into - up to 18grams! Try and fi nd that As you are reading this article Future Val- America along with the Czech Na- March, may- Greek yogurt or whatever food you your Board of Directors is holding entine’s Days tional Alliance, the representatives be the burden like that has less sugar, preferably its 1st quarterly meeting of 2018, will now re- of organized American Slovaks and of our every- 9-14 grams, because this in turn will March 16-18, 2018. The Board member Val- Czechs, which called and hosted day lives have help you keep the fat off.
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