Partly cloudy High: 79 | Low: 58 | Details, page 2 DAILY GLOBE yourdailyglobe.com Thursday, June 15, 2017 75 cents Gogebic County O H D E E R Board agrees to job analysis By RALPH ANSAMI elected position. [email protected] Commissioners said it’s possi- BESSEMER — The Gogebic ble they may find some depart- County Board of Commissioners ments are overstaffed, while oth- on Wednesday approved an ers don’t have enough employees. employees’ pay and classification County administrator Juliane study on a 5-1 vote. Giackino said the study should The study will be done by the allow the county board to create MGT Consulting Group at a cost new job descriptions. of up to $26,715. The study is expected to last The study will attempt to for about three weeks. determine department employee Commissioner Tom Laabs, of salary structures, including rec- Ironwood, suggested any cost ommendations for raises. savings measures, such as video- The board’s personnel and conferencing, should be used to negotiating committee voted hold down the cost. He said the May 31 to begin the study. county has been considering Jeff Wasley, of Ironwood, who such a study for a long time. cast the lone no vote Wednesday, Commissioner Dan Siirila, of said, “I’m not sure this study will Ironwood, was absent. help, especially at that cost.” The county board also But commissioner Jim Oliver, approved another personnel com- of Ironwood, said the study will mittee recommendation that “tell us how many people we effective Oct. 1, all county should have for each office.” retirees should be switched over During the discussion at the to the base health plan currently committee level, it was pointed offered to county employees. out there are inequities in pay The future group of retirees scales. Some deputies, for exam- entitled to health insurance ple, are making more money than the sheriff, who is in an ANALYSIS — page 5 Jason Juno/Daily Globe A RECENTLY born deer and its mother were spotted in Jessieville earlier this week. Hurley project scope pondered By RALPH ANSAMI ed Tuesday’s council meeting. [email protected] Construction on the utility Erwin board updates fee schedule HURLEY — A special Hurley protect is expected to begin in City Council meeting will be July and continue through By RICHARD JENKINS for a color copy of the zoning ordinance, setting a rate of $25 for a scheduled on projects to be added September. [email protected] zoning permit and stating that the building inspector has a sepa- to the summer’s utility improve- MSA originally said the pro- ERWIN TOWNSHIP — The Erwin Township Board of Trustees rate fee schedule that is largely based on a project’s square ment project. ject would include replacement updated the township fee schedule Wednesday. footage. Ross Peterson Construction’s of the sanitary sewer interceptor The board addressed several fees, including introducing a scale The board also reviewed its policy regarding Freedom of Infor- bid of $1,134,153 was the lowest near the main lift station, water- for the cost of a special use permit. mation Act requests. It was decided to largely keep the current of five received for the base pro- main work along U.S. 51, and Whereas permits were previously $600, they will now cost FOIA policy, and a fee of a $1 a page for requests was set, to be ject and three additional pro- reconstruction of Copper Street, between $250 and $600 depending on the costs the township has for charged on a case by case basis. jects. from Second Avenue to Fourth notifying neighbors and holding a hearing as required by the per- In other action: The city council must now Avenue, including water and mits. —The board approved donating up to $100 for the Erwin Town- decide which combination of sewer work. Township Supervisor Larry Grimsby said the goal of the fee ship annual picnic, which will be held Sunday, July 2. The board alternative projects it would like Also, the water tank will be should be to cover township costs, while not imposing a hardship on also authorized an open house be held at the township hall the day to complete this summer, accord- refurbished and a mixer will be those seeking a permit. before the picnic. ing to MSA Professional Ser- added. “Zoning shouldn’t be punitive, you should be doing it for the peo- —The board passed the Michigan Township Association’s Princi- vices, of Rhinelander, the city’s The city is responsible for 10 ple,” Grimsby said. “Do what’s best for your township and the peo- ples of Good Governance. engineering company. percent of the costs, with the rest ple, that’s my opinion.” —The board decided not to continue with a plan to repave the Scott Martin, of MSA, attend- covered by federal grants. Other changes to the fee schedule include setting a rate of $50 parking lot at the township hall, due to a lack of funds. 98 YEARS AND COUNTING Bessemer Women’s Club holds Flag Day fundraiser By IAN MINIELLY for consuming with one’s coffee. have to be a resident of Bessemer [email protected] Karpus said any left over snacks to be a member, they just have to BESSEMER — The Bessemer would be taken to the sheriff’s want to help the community of Women’s Club hosted a “Benefit department. Mayor Kathy Whit- Bessemer. Karpus said they have Coffee Social” in the auditorium burn, holding court near the one member of the Women’s Club of the city hall in Bessemer entrance of the auditorium, said that lives in Wakefield, but who Wednesday afternoon. The club she and the Daily Globe could faithfully works with the club on has been in existence for 98 attest to the quality of the bak- Bessemer events. years, spending that time raising ing, which is true. Karpus said the Washington money for scholarships, the The Flag Day fundraiser is School was also opened in 1919 library, books, and other dona- key to raising funds for the char- and is 98 years old. The Women’s tions for local causes, said Sue itable events the club sponsors, Club wants to plan a large joint Abelman. The “Flag Day” social said Karpus. Besides the more event, if possible with the school, itself has been going on for 25 general events helped by dona- to celebrate each of their centen- years, said Barbara Karpus, tions from the club, the club nials. The current idea is to have chairperson. sponsors the Fourth of July Chil- a vintage fashion show and tea Abelman said they had about dren’s Parade and when neces- party, similar to one they spon- 100 people visit the social as a sary and asked, helps out in sored before when the Smithso- steady stream of folks came and other areas of the community. nian Museum representatives went during the 3.5 hours the The club also consistently hosts a were in town, according to Kar- Ian Minielly/Daily Globe event was open. Senior Tea for Bessemer gradu- pus. Karpus intimated the vin- AFTER THREE hours the table was still full of baked goods Wednesday at the Benefit Coffee Social in Besse- A table covered in baked ates. tage fashion show was a real hit mer. The Bessemer Women’s Club has hosted the event on Flag Day for the last 25 years to raise money for goods, baked by the members of Karpus, a member for 56 and she expected it would be the different causes they support, like the library and scholarships. the Women’s Club, was available years, said a person does not again. C O N T A C T U S WEATHER INSIDE INDEX TODAY BASKETBALL Celebrations . .6 Daily Globe Inc. Wednesday Today’s records High 79 High 91 (1988) ACADEMY Classifieds . .12-14 Vol. 98, No. 175 118 E. McLeod Ave. Partly cloudy P.O. Box 548 Low 66 Low 32 (1989) Comics . .11 —Details, page 2 Laettner helps coaches get Ironwood, MI 49938 Community . .3 Year ago today Precipitation game. Obituaries . .8 High 71 To 7 a.m. yourdailyglobe.com Low 53 Wednesday 0.35 in. — Sports Opinion . .4 906-932-2211 page 9 Sports . .9-10 Among America’s best care. Aspirus Ironwood Hospital leads the nation three years running. 2 l THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2017 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAYFIVE-DAAY FORECASTT FOR IRONWOODIRONWOOOD POLITICIANS ATTACKED TODAY FRIDAYF SATURDAYSATURDDAY SUNDAY MONDAY ScatteredScattereed Partly Cloudy PartlyPaartly Cloudy Showers Likely Few Showers T-stormsT-stormms 79° 58° 79°799° 58° 72° 55°5 63° 50° 60° 50° Winds: PSK6:PSK 6: Winds:Windss: PSK:6:PSK :6: Winds: PSK6:PSK 6: Winds: PSK:PSK : Winds: PSK:PSK : Ontonagon LOCAL OUTLOOK 68/55 Today we will see partlyp cloudy skies, high of 79°, humidity of 42%.42%%. Southwest wind 5 to 15 Bergland mph. The record highhigh for today is 91° set in 80/58 1988. Expect partlypartly cloudy skies tonight, Wakefield overnight low of 58°.. Ironwood Saxon 80/58 79/58 Marenisco 81/58 SUN ANDAND MOON Bessemer 81/57 Watersmeet Upson Hurley 80/58 79/58 81/56 80/57 Sunrise . .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................5:06 a.m. Mercer Sunset . ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................8:55 p.m. Moonrise . ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................12:19 a.m. 80/56 Moonset . ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................10:56 a.m. Manitowish 82/57 Associated Press Minocqua NATIONALAL WEATHER U.S. REP. Jack Bergman, R-Watersmeet, talks on the phone while walking past a car with a broken window 82/57 TodayFri. Chicago 90/71 sh 87/72 t near the baseball field in Alexandria, Va., Wednesday, where a gunman fired on Republican members of Dallas 96/79 s 98/84 pc Congress practicing for a game.
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